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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18974182 No.18974182 [Reply] [Original]

ITT BASED videos

>> No.18974195

do we like Billy Parisi? his recipes seem good

I also started watching that dude can cook. he has good advice but tbqh I think his catchphrases are cringe

this is why I'm a james makinson fan. no yelling or sex jokes. just comfy sophisticated cooking advice and reviews

>> No.18974375
File: 44 KB, 620x670, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full Hogwart's Legacy commercial at the beginning of the video
The tranny seethe over this makes it the most entertaining thing Babish has ever done. Guarantee he does a groveling apology in the next video and agrees to donate all the profits from the English breakfast episode to some child sex change center

>> No.18974406
File: 385 KB, 526x299, 1655118159314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top comments mostly about the food.
>New comments brimming with tranny seethe

>> No.18974408

And yet you stated with a video from a guy with painted nails.

>> No.18974420

Babish is a faggot though

>> No.18974439


>> No.18974571

He's extremely reddit but that just makes it even funnier when those types accidentally run afoul of their woke fanbase and have to beg for forgiveness. Guarantee he didn't even know there was a boycott of the Harry Potter game because he's too busy shilling his cookbook and his crappy kitchen tools to be aware of some extremely online faggotry

>> No.18974806
File: 2.35 MB, 200x200, 1671492213566016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those eggs
>no beans

>> No.18974825

Does he have massive hands or is all that food tiny?

>> No.18974968

>I also started watching that dude can cook
he's very legit as a chef, and I actually find his schtick pretty funny.
I started watching his videos a few months ago and he has quickly become one of my favorite channels.
I recently discovered Billy Parisi, he seems ok.

>> No.18974975

Those are beans you blind cunt. Looks nothing like corn.

>> No.18974984

That looks shit, No fried egg, the black pudding looks drowned in fat , Tinned plum tomatos not this fucking noncey on the vine shyte.
Dry fy black pudding, it tastes 1000x better. Thats why a lot of people hate it when they try as its been killed in fat

>> No.18974987

Anemic beans then, looks terrible. A plate of badness

>> No.18975411
File: 135 KB, 660x495, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


babish is literally a transitioned fatty women that rapes little asian kids

>> No.18975420

Kek, youre an actual bonafide retard. Hows life going champ?

>> No.18975482

numaling with numale