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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18971095 No.18971095 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a friendly neighborhood cafe?

>> No.18971106

The idea of being somewhere with sex-havers disgusts me. They let liberals in too, you just know it. Glad to not live in the city with all the degenerates and drug addict and homeless ‘people’ and sex-havers

>> No.18971107

yes my grandmother has been taking me there since i was a baby, i was still meeting her there when i went to the town centre a few weeks ago
its shut down now :'(

>> No.18971121

not anymore, theyre all poncy coffee shops. Give me a good old fashioned greasy spoon any day of the week

>> No.18971141
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I live in the middle of bumfuck with no car. The closest gas station is a about 2 miles away. Same with liquor store. The coffee shops I have are either dunkin or whatever picrel is

>> No.18971173

yes, Starbucks

>> No.18971216
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I have

>> No.18971224

is that keemstar

>> No.18971262

I have a neighbourhood cafe but I have no idea if it's friendly because I've never been inside.

>> No.18971384

Does McDonald's count?

>> No.18971439
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No, because its literally white genocide if you can walk anywhere. Neighborhoods should only have buildings or businesses, not both.

>> No.18971490

Why do you even bother whining about pol?

>> No.18971947

There are a few but they're generally only friendly to the groups they were designed for. The albo cafe at my corner is only nice to albos. The ME/NA cafe down the street is only nice to ME/NA people. The hipster cafè is nice to no one. The townie cafe is only nice to townies. The Indonesian bakery cafe is nice to everyone but i don't want a fucking samosa with banana, chocolate and cheese in it so i don't go there much.

>> No.18971954

All i got from your schizoshit is that businesses don't belong in buildings.

>> No.18971955

Have a local chain a 20 minute walk away, good stuff

>> No.18972063

I'm a nerd, I go to a biker pub, never been on a motorcycle. Hell's Angels satellite with some heavy dudes. Some 80 yo folks come there too, people on their bicycles stop by on a sunny day. Nobody gives a fuck, as it should be.

>> No.18972197

The guy who works behind the counter in my main cafe here is kind of...too friendly. He's just very...friendly. The gruff middle eastern who cooks there is much more on my level. He'll sit outside smoking, then if you want something to eat he'll just look at you, nod, and come over. If you want something that's not on the menu but which uses similar ingredients he'll do the gruff nod thing and cook it for you. That's what I want. I don't want a dude being super friendly with me.

>> No.18972200

Every day I thank God I was born middle class.

>> No.18972207

thats cus ur in north america and what city are u in? whites usually arent openly racist, its the lower IQ races that will openly discriminate u and call u racist too. also, ur a nerd, gfy

>> No.18972209

It went out of business at the beginning of the year.

>> No.18972213

its all about race you idiots.the lower the race, the more racist they are to those not of the same race.

>> No.18972216

>Hell's Angels satellite with some heavy dude
how heavy? can i fuck their women?

>> No.18972222

>Hell's Angels satellite with some heavy dudes
show me their gfs/wives and il show u how alpha they are.

>> No.18972237

>Hell's Angels satellite with some heavy dudes.
met some of those dudes, very disapointing, simps. but not surprising, as they are whites.

>> No.18972245

There are like 8 on my side of town and only one of them are good. my city is full of coffee grifters and cafe romanticizers.

>> No.18972252

I would do, but there are no biker pubs around here or even bikers except the bull-dyke prepper down the street with all the guns. She's awesome, so maybe she'd know a place.

>> No.18972261

Used to but covid killed them, fucking chink shit.

>> No.18973297

Wtf? I remember this place being called Laurel's

>> No.18973332

i have a cafe in my kitchen

>> No.18973588

this is honestly the level of service I enjoy too, I hate fake nice people so much

>> No.18973780

You're racistly accusing some other race of being more racist cause of race?

Guys. What if everyone is kinda racist sometimes.

>> No.18973798
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Nectar of the gods!

>> No.18973811

It’s like this, if ur not a third worlder, third worlders are allowed to be racist towards u and it’s fine. But if a first worlder, who is never racist, doesn’t want to be with third worlders, that’s considered racism.

>> No.18973813

yanni's btfo

>> No.18975029

Idk but they’re really good. Hop on the 1 sometime and give em a try

>> No.18975071
File: 183 KB, 1600x1067, 28523DC8-D7AD-484D-9D05-50C44E6CE9BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kike, I’m just gonna keep driving is all

>> No.18975078

Yeah, anything you want, from 24/7 shawarma cafe to haut cuisine restaurant in under 2 quarter range, cos I live near huge walking zone.

>> No.18975220

Im middle class but fuck starbucks,costa and that bullshit. Its fucking hipster coffee.
That and theyre massive corporation outlets. The small cafes are far more friendlier and cosy

>> No.18975416

Middle class people go to independent coffee shops, not costa. Starbucks isn't even hipster anon, it's just fast food coffee. This is like calling McDonalds hipster just because £10 burger joints are usually hipster.
Anyway, you seem to agree with me, and disagree with greasy spoon anon.
I don't think he's even fake. I agree that I hate fake friendliness, but I think he's genuinely just that friendly. It unnerves me.

>> No.18975531
