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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18969904 No.18969904 [Reply] [Original]

>Crumble Cookies
Any of yall tried this? Is it supposed to be gourmet? It's $4 per cookie and the shit sucks it tastes like eating a wet cake

>> No.18969910

They're great, The peanut butter ones are straight bussin'

>> No.18969915

No, and I never will because it is owned by disgusting hateful gay-hating Mormons. Christianity is a scam and a cult, and somehow Mormons are even worse. Fuck them - I hope they all get hit by buses.

>> No.18969944

Based and muslim pilled.

A friend showed me some she got. They had a churro one that looked really good. Love me some churro flavored, but not a churro delectables.

>> No.18969945

Funny. Gf brought them home today. Good. But too big/much. We cut them into quarters.

I didn't know they were owned by bigots though. Now I will have to go back to not fucking caring.

>> No.18969951

They look nice though which is the only thing that matters for the women who buy them

>> No.18969957

nah they're way too big and are wet on the middle and have the flavor of a walmart sugar cookie

>> No.18969959

Muslims are an evil cult as well.

>> No.18969979

You sure sounded like one, or just a really silly guy. Like REALLY REALLY silly.

Here's an easy example of how much of a goof you are. You say something is evil, but without an objective moral system evil cannot exist.

Isn't that just so silly of you?

>> No.18969983

I do not like Muslims or Christians. What they are saying is lies.
Being gay is ok.

>> No.18969984

You cappin bro.

>> No.18970000

Pretty silly imo. People find truth and goodness within the adherence of natural order, and believe that homosexuality goes against that natural order.

What flavors did you try?

>> No.18970003

no cap bruh

>> No.18970010

>hurr muh natural order
absolute nonsense
you just think you are better than other people
you are a smug, self-righteous asshat
there are dozens of species where homosexual behaviors occur
you cannot force people to breed
what you are really doing is simping for the ruling class who wants maximal worker-slaves

>> No.18970012

brb gonna buy 2 boxes

>> No.18970018
File: 57 KB, 500x400, BF8275D0-CCAC-4BD7-8086-4A459CBEE21F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being gay is ok.

>> No.18970019

chatgpt posts/ads

>> No.18970020


>> No.18970024

Seethe much? Humans have higher order consciousness. You really are silly(sad) to think humans are on the same level as animals. It's making me laugh out loud.

>> No.18970026

I tried the most recent flavors this week I think they were all pretty much mid

>> No.18970025


>> No.18970036

Can someone explain to me how a cookie can be too big?

A bundle of sticks is a useless burden on society. The modern faggot is the baby.

Don't call me ai plz. It's rude.

>> No.18970039

How the fuck does a premium cookie company get popular during a combo recession and inflation crisis? We're paying $100 for 2 bags of groceries and we're supposed to spend $4 on a single cookie?

>> No.18970051

Haven't you heard the reviews? They are BIG cookies!

>> No.18970056

They're better room temp. Warm cookies are a meme. That said some of them are pretty good, mainly the ones without a ton of frosting.

>> No.18970060


>> No.18970064

No. It's an LDS church grift and I heard they're not even good anyways

>> No.18970068

I'd rather get harassed by girl scouts outside of a grocery store and buy their cookies than from a shit MLM type company that cant spell crumble properly.

>> No.18970078

they're pretty decent but sweet as fuck. the use literally Hershey Kisses-sized chocolate chips in their chocolate chip cookie. And no, not the little chocolate chips chips, I'm talking full on Hershey Kisses in each bite chips
they are disgustingly decadent

>> No.18970082

Another thing that when buying girl scout cookies outside of a supermarket it's a straight cash purchase and I don't need my name / address on some damn MLM mailing list.

>> No.18970086


>> No.18970089

:( I am not robot. That's very rude of you.

>> No.18970104

that's exactly what a robot WOULD say, Queerm-o

>> No.18970122

Plz. No. Let me prove I am of the human variety.

>> No.18970129

You are Robbie the Robot and will repeat what I say... "I am Robbie the Robot"

>> No.18970135

I am no robo. YOU are robo with heightened robo detection skills.

>> No.18970176

When too big they can break up and be too big to eat unless sharing it with a bunch of people, that;s just a couple things off the top of my head. If just for myself then they dry up and get crumbly and that's annoying.

>> No.18970354

>buying things to own the neolibs

gottem bro

>> No.18970389

sorry bro can't hear you over my dentist drill

>> No.18970487

They bussin bra.

>> No.18970491


>> No.18970493

>Cuts a cookie into quarters
What it like being pegged?

>> No.18970505

Crumbl cookies are fuckhuge
1 1/4th "slice" piece is basically the size or calorie equivalent of an entire 2" cookie
I wouldn't be surprised if one cookie was nearly 1000 calories

>> No.18970520

So you are too weak to work off 1000 calories?
Again, what's it like being pegged?

>> No.18970526

>yeah bro if you don't waste half your entire daily caloric intake on literal sugar and fat you like taking it up the ass
commit not breathing

>> No.18970547

Is it really owned by mormons?
I refuse to support the LDS

>> No.18970551

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, yes they are christians.

>> No.18970620

anyone who hates fags is ok in my book
think i'll buy a few of these cookies

>> No.18970712
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Absolute fucking FIRE.
The Chocolate Chip is really good, but my favorite is the Cornbread. Too expensive for me though, and I'm pretty sure one takes a couple years off your life and I always end up eating 2 at a time.

>> No.18970836

Chocolate chip is the worst one. Best is pink sugar, the almond flavor in it tastes like how a cherry scented candle smells in the best way

>> No.18970855

Humans are animals and are both a part of this earth. The hubris of Abrahamics is that they believe Earth is Gods creation just for them, and have treated it extremely poorly as a result. They disrespect the creation of the God they claim to worship.

>> No.18970857

>You're gay if you're not a fat obese fuck like me
Go audition for my 600 pound life or something

>> No.18970863
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Uhh based?? How can I order a couple of boxes online?

>> No.18970872

Cornbread cookie? Sounds weird but I'd try it

>> No.18970878

it's straight-up dogshit i get cookies from local bakers that are 100x better

>> No.18970909

The only one worth buying is the cornbread cookie

>> No.18970923
File: 96 KB, 625x415, LDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it supposed to be gourmet?
I hear they serve their cookies on Golden Plates.

>> No.18970983

no I fucking hate them and their business model. tipping for shitty cookies is insane

>> No.18970987

اللعنة عليك اللعنة أيها القرد الذي يكره ملفات تعريف الارتباط

>> No.18971007
File: 109 KB, 1238x405, taylorchip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I support my local cookie making company

>> No.18971146

Yeah dude boomers suck. The atheist boomers started the collapse of our entire society.

>> No.18971327

lmao just dont tip. They box the cookies up in front of you so theres no way for them to spit in or rub their toes on your cookies.

>> No.18971336

>gourmet goyslop

>> No.18971435

I hate fags but I hate mormons too. Those cookies are shit anyway. My job had them catered one day, and it was like eating pure concentrated diabeetus.

>> No.18971442

90% of all the goofball cults out there claim to be "Christian" in some way as a marketing tool.

>> No.18971760

lol you retarded faggot

>> No.18971977

putting the word Christian in your cult that rejects the Bible does not make you Christian. You're an easily advertised-to retard. I bet you think the People's Republic of China is a republic

>> No.18971994

>have no idea what crumbl cookies are
>google it
>expect it to be some online cookie website that ships you cookies from some commissary in the middle of nowhere
>they have a location in my town?
>and it's got a 4.7?
>and 1400 reviews?

The fuck? How long has it been open? It's on the shitty suburbanite west side of town that I never venture to, so it's not a surprise I haven't heard of or seen it. Seems like exactly the sort of chain restaurant bullshit that retarded white suburbanites get super hype over because they're afraid of supporting a local shop.

>> No.18972007

that's basically exactly what it is. The Starbucks of cookies. adequately mediocre and only appeals to the female middle-upper-class suburbanites

>> No.18972766

>preaches the divinity, crucifixion, and resurrection of jesus christ
>"but they totally arent christians because... reasons!

We get it, your denomination (of the ~40,000 christian denominations) dont interpret the texts like theirs does, you are the REAL one!

It funny, because even Catholics and Protestants both claim the other isnt "real christianity" either.
You are literally no different than the LDS in your delusions

>> No.18972773

The cookies are good, you get them hot and they have different flavors every month.
But they are very expensive and not worth the money.
The mom and pop bakery down the street will be cheaper and better.

>> No.18972901

almost all of those other denominations at least use the same scripture

mormons use the book of mormon, which was (believed to be) divinely revealed to an illiterate man and supercedes all previous holy books

this makes mormonism basically american islam

say what you what about catholics vs protestants they at least are arguing over extrascriptural details

>> No.18972911

to follow on this, muslims have a relation to jesus analogous to mormons. are muslims christians? I guess it's a matter of semantics but accepting mormons as christians would include muslims as well, which is for very specific contexts fair but almost no one uses the word that way

>> No.18972944

No it isn’t fag

>> No.18973069
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1563726386542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that the LDS uses the old testament, specifically the King James version right?
Then the book of mormon is just new books written by the interpretation of Joseph Smith.

Its no different than the "catholic bible" who wrote ~10 more books on their own (and arent accepted by other denominations), barely follow the scriptures themselves, and allow a pope to flip flop on anything they so desire every decade.
Catholics rightly get shit on for their fast and loose use of scripture which was decided upon by a fucking committee of scholars many years ago. Not even people who claimed to have had a vision or anything

What about the baptists who reject the New Testament, they havent *physically* written their own new books down, but they have absolutely built their whole denomination on their wild interpretation of the Old Testament.
If they had a figurehead write it down in the 1500s, nobody would bat an eye.

The Lutheran Church is literally the same exact thing
Martin Luther decides to interpret some shit, wrote it down, and since it happened way back in the 16th century everyone nowadays is just like "yeah thats legit"

Since Joseph Smith did it in the 1800s, well its totally invalid!

The same exact, complete horse shit happened in your denomination. Except it happened a long time ago so it doesnt count!
Its all a fucking farce anon.

Would think something as basic as "the infallible word of the omnipotent being that controls everything" should be pretty cut and dried.

>> No.18973077

Fuck Mormons
No one who would support mormons even ironically belongs on this site unironically

>> No.18973085

Nobody has ever denied that Islam was an Abrahamic religion.

>> No.18973088

Nice cat, bro.

>> No.18973093

Tipping for anything is a retarded outdated business model.

>> No.18973148
File: 389 KB, 1687x2048, 4B887644-69A0-4903-AEF8-13BC94AFC6C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good thing about this post is the cute cat. the rest of this post is just flat out inaccurate garbage and I'm too lazy to refute any of it so take THIS cat

>> No.18973151

I will make it when the recipe leaks or someone makes a copycat version

>> No.18973164

Just do one of his points or I will call you a monkey.

>> No.18973180
File: 65 KB, 451x604, 1511307296840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were religious, I would actively avoid any sort of introspection too.
Hell, I did for 25 years, I know how painful it is.

Just because you havent actually looked into what you believe or why you believe, doesnt make it inaccurate.
LDS arent any more bad guys than Catholics are.

>> No.18973358
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>muh nature
Thanks. I rarely get to post this.

>> No.18973371
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>> No.18973373

Anyone have experience with Insomia Cookies? How do they compare?

>> No.18973375

Hecka fune.

>> No.18973386


They're alright. The big sell is that they're open late and have big cookies. Been twice, wasn't particularly impressed either time.

>> No.18973387

its for drunk college students (pretty good)

>> No.18973389

Anon, you can get 1000 followers/upvotes/whatever for like 5 bucks. All you need to do is find the right pooinloo clickfarm.

>> No.18973390

I couldn't possibly eat that much sugar at once

>> No.18973394

More like Jew pilled. Muslims don’t usually go around talking shit about Christians and hating Christ: that’s primarily a Jew thing.

>> No.18973395

Are they sold hot or room-temperature? If it's some hard disk I might as well make them myself.

Once had a cup of mini-cookies at the state fair. Almost got sick but my god was it delicious.

>> No.18973527

I know. They even respect jesus as a prophet. I just figured it would piss him off.

>> No.18973599

I'm buying a dozen tomorrow after stopping by my local chicfila.

>> No.18974281


>> No.18974285

homosexuals > mormons

>> No.18974337

wtf i know this single fact now they are based based based i love the overpriced cookies now

>> No.18974341

You seem in the know about upvotes huh

>> No.18974357

Cookies shouldn't have huge amounts of frosting on them, these are shit and I hate them

>> No.18975287
File: 382 KB, 750x745, 3E983200-2866-4B67-A6A5-B28C6D71B5BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have one of these where I live. They don't accept cash, only card or apple pay, so I won't be supporting them. Plus it looks all new agey and fake and like it doesn't even taste good. A bougie cookie place is peak late stage capitalism anyways.