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18967698 No.18967698 [Reply] [Original]

>1 red onion
>1 jalapeño
>3 tomatoes
Broiled until half blackened
Pounded everything in a molcajete (couldn’t pound the onion so I just diced it)
Added chopped cilantro, lime, salt and sugar
Didn’t have much flavor, couldn’t tell it was roasted other than the onions tasting caramelized, needed like a cup of salt for any flavor and didn’t taste very bright despite the amount of lime I used. Where did I go wrong?

>> No.18967757
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Not enough jalapeno
Probably undersalted based on your attitude
You dont add salt by the notion of " hey that seems like a lot of salt"
There is no flavor without salt and you likely undersalt everything you make
It the number one home cook mistake
You were worried that people would judge you for adding too much salt even though no one knows but you

>> No.18967761

Also looks like you left in all the seeds like a rookie
I am also guessing you dont know how to roast properly

>> No.18967764

I made it for me and I added enough salt until it tasted salty and it still lacked flavor

>> No.18967787

It's February. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere/(sub)tropics you're going to get tasteless tomatoes, jalapeños and coriander.

>> No.18967794

What oil did you add? any vinegar? Any black pepper?

The peppers get roasted differently than the other bits
Ideally over open flame until black and charred then put in an airtight container to steam until soft and then peeled
One jalapeno for one onion is not the correct ratio at all
So many mistakes and omissions
What recipe did you base this off of?

>> No.18967797


>> No.18967804

Well, now you have a tasty flavor base. Use it to make pulled chicken or something.

>> No.18967815

Switch the red onion to a purple onion

Add another Jalapeño or a Serrano pepper for more spice/flavor
(Especially since you have 3 tomatoes)

Talking about tomatoes, what kind did you use? Some tomatoes have a lot of water content, thus diluting your other ingredients. I personally prefer using Roma tomatoes.

Change the broiling to roasting on a comal (or just a pan if you don't have a comal). Ensure that all your ingredients are evenly roasted (take your time).

What kind of salt are you using? A lot of salt isn't necessarily bad if you're using Kosher salt (Kosher salt has less sodium per volume compared to something like table salt). Whenever I make salsa or guac, I typically add around 3-4 large pinches of kosher salt.

Also, add 2-3 garlic cloves to your ingredients.

Don't listen to this idiot >>18967761
Seeds are fine.

>> No.18967822

One more thing I totally forgot to mention - I have never seen sugar used in any kind of salsa recipe. Maybe that's my ignorance, but I would never add sugar.

>> No.18967825

I'm fucking stupid - don't switch the red onion to a purple onion; switch it to a WHITE onion.

>> No.18967826

When I started cooking, I was surprised at the amount of salt needed to make food taste like actual food, rather than a jumble of smushed together veggies (or veggies and meat).

>> No.18967837

>3 tomatoes
>It's February
This is why your salsa tastes bland, it's mostly tomato and you probably don't have good tomatoes.

>> No.18967846
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I am literally a low T male according to my last handful of blood tests and I'm not like what that pic implies.

>Tfw pretty sure fwb ghosted me because I couldn't get it up last time we met
>Tfw have to choose between the ability to potentially have children (which I kind of want in the future) or get t injections (which will probably ruin my chances to have kids forever)

>> No.18967895

You are pretending to be me
I added over 8 large pinches of kosher salt, still wasn’t salty enough
Roma tomatoes, will definitely add more jalapeño and use white onion, maybe more lime. I think the sugar fucked it up but some chef said that’s what chefs do to balance acidity and help the vegetables char faster

>> No.18967901

>Seeds are fine.

>> No.18967902

Maybe it needs to sit for a while. To me fresh salsa always just tastes like tomatoes even if it's well seasoned it needs time to sink in

>> No.18967913

The salt should integrate while it sits a while
Dont ever judge salt by anything but taste.
Do not fear over salting , no one does this

>> No.18967938

Throw some roasted garlic in there

>> No.18967952

The only good salsa comes from New York City.

>> No.18968103
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>no one does this

>> No.18968108
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>> No.18968137

get an rope

>> No.18968187

should be 2 onions, 2 jalapenos and 1 tomato (a couple garlic cloves would be nice too)
roast until everything is blacked

>> No.18968196

your pic reeks of insecurity, who hurt you?

>> No.18968260

only thing i can think of is
>using red onion instead of white
>onions shouldnt be caramelized, quick high temp not low and slow
>missing garlic

>> No.18968264


>> No.18968289

more peppers, use a white onion and add some garlic also more salt

>> No.18968699


i make green salsa a lot. i just add things til it tastes right i dont measure anything. i do tomatillos, jalapenos both blistered, onion, garlic, cilantro, lime, mayo or yoghurt depending on what i have around.

>> No.18968703


o yea i forgot salt and pepper. i add habanero too if im only cooking for myself.

>> No.18968707

You didn't put cilantro in it? Wtf

>> No.18968711

LOOKS THE SAME GOING IN! AS IT DOES COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18969182

Why is the salsa served in what seems to be a crude facsimilie of the Hogwarts sorting hat modelled in human shit?

>> No.18970343

>red onion
There’s your problem. Use yellow or white. Red is only for salads and to be pickled

>> No.18970659

Nobody uses red. Weird. Sugar is insane.

>> No.18970668


You're an idiot. Always way more tomato or tomatillo than other stuff.

I was with yah until mayo. Might try. Sounds nasty but.. may try.
OP, why you making this so complicated? Every Mexican half assed lazy house wife and likely men can make salsa. Not hard. Go youtube a recipe or google.. They're all pretty much the same. You can just roast/broil all that shit in one pan in the oven, no need for a grill, comal, flame, w.e. just get everything soft and a lil char if thats what you want. Dont do goofy shit like add sugar. Hell, some salsas don't roast fuck all and just boil everything n blend. They're all the same base ingredients, heat, blend. They all turn out relatively similar. Everyone just has their dumbshit family secrets, like adding chicken powder or Maggi or w.e weird shit.

>> No.18970674

The tomatoes are crucial. Make sure you choose ones that are perfectly ripe, deep red, and never refrigerate them. If you can’t find decent ones, then use cherry tomatoes.

>> No.18970699

That pic was undoubtedly written by some autistic /pol/tard trying to construct their own MGTOW/eugenics justified online lifestyle in some attempt to delude themselves into believing it's everyone else, not them IRL.

>> No.18971071


>> No.18971843

But anon, it is everyone else...

>> No.18971868

Bot reply

>> No.18972292

not nearly enough jalapeno for the amount of tomato. im doing at minimum 3:1 jalep to tomato. MINIMUM.

>> No.18972294

discarding the seeds is ackshully the rookie maneuver.

>> No.18972301


no no.. red is perfectly fine. roast everything but the red onion. dice it fairly small, maybe centimeter pieces. add it in after everything else is crushed.

>> No.18972324

Nigga you just made a gazpatcho. You gotta add some chili powder, cumin, and garlic. Also make sure you clean and season your molcajete or you can get off flavours from all the dirt and particles.

>> No.18972363

cumin? garlic powder? chili powder? in a salsa molcajete?
stand behind me Satan.

>> No.18972369

OP that looks worse than like pigeon poop

>> No.18972379

probably shitty produce

>> No.18972393

red onion ruins anything it is in or on

>> No.18972399
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, Taqueria Goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 jalapeño
>caramelized onion taste
>left in all the seeds like a rookie
>You gotta add some chili powder, cumin

Let a spic speak and spell this out for you gavachos.
>add more peppers. I suggest serrano, habaño, and/or piquin.
>don't add sugar wtf you doing
>don't sweat or caramelize your onions. Use them raw.
>more seeds or "spice organs" = spicier salsa
>Instead of store bought chili powder use some actual dried chilis instead. Simply broil (tatema) the peppers, reconstitute with hot water, and add to your sauce. Cumin is retarded to add period.
>if you love garlic add two raw cloves
Lastly, only grandmas that love their grandchildren or cultural larpers use a molcajete in [CURRENT YEAR]. Most of us use a hand blender unless you're trying to impress your retarded extended family you talk to once every 5 years.
Spic or Marinera Monkey detected. Based nonetheless.

>> No.18972431

Scott Conant, begone!

>> No.18972678
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>You dont add salt by the notion of " hey that seems like a lot of salt"
>There is no flavor without salt and you likely undersalt everything you make

>> No.18972692
File: 19 KB, 474x316, OIP (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18972696

Is putting a little cumin and chilli powder a no with salsa? I usually add them

>> No.18972738

your pic is so wrong it hurts. "sheep" syndrome is largely genetic and has nothing to do with the shit listed.

>> No.18972767

>cooks all the standout flavor out of the ingredients
>grinds it all into a homogeneous mush
>complains that the end product is bland

>> No.18972788
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>What kind of salt are you using? A lot of salt isn't necessarily bad if you're using Kosher salt (Kosher salt has less sodium per volume compared to something like table salt). Whenever I make salsa or guac, I typically add around 3-4 large pinches of kosher salt.

>> No.18972800

Depends what kind of salsa you're making. If you prefer them, go for it. They definitely don't add to any freshness or brightness of flavor - actually the opposite. You're better off with coriander powder or zest from your limes and maybe some actual chili powder (powdered chilies, not the spice blend. Smoked milder chilies for a smokey flavor) - fresh cilantro (leaves) are better as a late addition than coriander (powder), but either way, it's a bright hit of citrus.

It's just sauce mate, don't overthink it, just taste it and try to see if it needs anything. OP needs fresh onion and some garlic.