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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 345x345, OIP (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18962943 No.18962943 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to drink this whole thing today, how bad is it? What am I in for

>> No.18962949

It’s pretty much exactly the same as drinking an equivalent amount of soda.

>> No.18962957

But it's much better for you and full of nutrients

>> No.18962965

>full of nutrients

>> No.18962970
File: 583 KB, 1641x1200, georgi-w-orange_pedialyte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for this pedia stuff instead, it's got electrolytes that plants crave

>> No.18962976

It really isn’t lol
If you want vitamin C you can just take a multivitamin instead of dosing yourself with several days worth of sugar

>> No.18962982

Can anyone confirm pdiaylyte as a good healthy tasty drink?

I'm sick of water all the time, Gatorade zero doesn't do it for me

>> No.18962984

>dosing yourself with several days worth of sugar

But it's natural sugar not like that shit they but in candies and coke

>> No.18962999

I don't know that its healty, it is what is is.
I read up on a comparitive of the pedia vs. gatorate, the off brand ones from say dollar general or grocery stores are more tasty and like half the price. I don't have the link handy but there's an extensive dissertation(?) on the two.
Just search "compare pedialyte gatorade"

>> No.18963063

>What am I in for

>> No.18963437

diarrhoea, i learned that the hard way when i used to drink a lot of vodka OJ's

>> No.18963467


>> No.18964071

If drinking an entire container of orange juice gives you this much anxiety then you may as well just kill yourself now. Nothing will happen. You will simply feel full.

>> No.18964339



>> No.18965528

We all agree it's better for you than soda right?

>> No.18965543

Actually good for you, but you will piss like a racehorse after. Good source of vitamin C and Potassium.

>> No.18965549


>> No.18965555

nothing special, if you like orange juice you'll probably be fine drinking the whole jug.
you'll have a lot of sugars so i'd recommend staying low on sugars for the next few days after drinking the jug.

>> No.18965608


>> No.18965762

Medfag here. Gatorade and other traditional sports drinks are essentially just sugar water with a few electrolytes. The taste and electrolytes do make it better than plain water if you're actually sweating but there are basically no health benefits otherwise. Pedialyte is better because it has more electrolytes and is better for replacing fluid lost through sweat (or vomiting/diarrhea), but it also tastes saltier. Neither have enough actual nutrients to be of much value unless you need fluid and electrolyte replacement. Personally I drink 0 cal Gatorade or cheaper brand equivalents when I work out because it's easier to drink than water.

>> No.18965768

Way too much sugar, and the only nutrients you're getting are vitamin c and maybe d or others if its fortified. Not worth the calories

>> No.18966008

Op here
Looks like I'm going to have to give up oj just fucking great!

>> No.18966210

You will feel vitalized. Orange juice is one of the most wholesome and salutary drinks ever.

Sugar is a superfood as long as your organs aren't fucked up from accumulated PUFA and are able to metabolize it properly.

>> No.18966222

Why are you drinking it in the first place? Are you a child?

>> No.18966230

Heh, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BLQAawh6RE
Depeche Mode Bilbao BBK Live 2013

>> No.18966231

hi :3

I think you r OK

>> No.18966239

you’re gonna shit so hard your butthole will fall out of its butthole socket. you will literally need surgery and it will be fucking extreme

>> No.18966240

sometimes I have to be careful to not run my head into a wall

>> No.18966243

you are kinda overreacting bro...

most young folks won't blow an O-ring just from a half gally of OJ...

>> No.18966245

For me, its lifting weights until my body falls apart...

>> No.18966253

now that the jews ruined florida natural what orange juice can I drink that doesn't come in a plastic bottle and isn't from concentrate? tropicana has individual serving cartons but that's less convenient to store in my fridge.

>> No.18966258

have you tried buying oranges and squeezing the juices from their tiny squishy bodies?

>> No.18966261

Gotta look around and don't take some bullshit from a supermarket as super

>> No.18966266
File: 46 KB, 370x370, 65988-done_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18966267

Why are you destroyed that you think that "jews" destroyed Florida?
You're so pathetic that you think everyone has destroyed you?
I was born in Miami and am not Jewish or Israeli, I dont feel that others have harmed me, why do you?

>> No.18966269
File: 152 KB, 800x800, R (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Ment this.

>> No.18966285

That's some gay looking shit and you should get the noose, it's like shit from west coast like california with the fags wearing sketchers and vans.

>> No.18966324

Just listen this at 40:00

You post it in my thread the other day and I dance all night and lift weights :D


>> No.18966336

What horrific language is that? Dutch?

>> No.18966344

>born in Miami
>not jewish
>seething at op at the mere mention of the chosen ones

Gotta be a little more subtle next time, Herschel.

>> No.18966351
File: 221 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20230222_184508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indo. Dutch drink it by the gallon.

>> No.18966409

Get help you neurotic faggot.

>> No.18966411

all sweetened drinks are bad for you
either accept this fact that you are giving yourself type 2 slowly, or switch to water/diet. I haven't had a sugared soda in months and I water down my fruit juices.

>> No.18966422
File: 269 KB, 1228x1150, UuEvp-CxIs-bFNnEYZzqwk3TGIOb2nz6DP4cdZ8g4Og.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo you can't eat sugar ahhh you're gonna die

>> No.18966426

oj is pretty good for you besides the massive amounts of sugar you're drinking. and the poor people ones like walmart great value are typically fortified with calcium. if you're an athlete it could even be beneficial, basically carb loading with juice. but you're probably not an athlete on a sports diet so you're just going to spike your blood sugar for no reason

>> No.18966469

nobody said anything about eating you faggot, we're talking about juice. one of the dinky juice boxes you give to kids is equivalent to half a chocolate bar in sugar content, and even then chocolate bars tend to have protein and shit in them, unlike juice which is basically flavoured sugar water and vitamin c (which is piss easy to get from virtually any vegetable, you can get your daily supply from 1 small potato). doesn't even quality as food, let alone healthy. you'd get a more balanced breakfast having a damn snickers.

>> No.18966487

juice is terrible for athletes anon, it's just an instant sugar spike that'll fuck them up. athlete shit is spaghetti and gatorade.

>> No.18967327

you WILL get fat you WILL get diabeetus and you WILL DIE. it's literal cancer and so bad for you AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!

>> No.18967329

what's the best juicer? those little cone shaped ones are a pain in the ass. do they sell those reloading press looking ones like they have at carnival lemonade stands?

>> No.18967335

I think you'll find the "natural" sugar is just as bad for you.

>> No.18967344

>hey guys why are you being racist for no reason?
yeah about what was expected from the geniuses on here

>> No.18967359

If anything, fructose is worse for you than plain old glucose.

>> No.18967360

my mom would tell you that too much juice is bad 4 ur helth

>> No.18967383
File: 45 KB, 576x720, diabeetus-5mh2g0xwb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18967387

Super Diabetes

>> No.18967433

shit stops being "natural sugar" and starts being straight cane sugar equivalent once the fruit is turned into juice.

>> No.18967450
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x720, 1631137297800.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll be happy

>> No.18968913

And I'll like it!

>> No.18968920

Whats worse for you OJ or Cider?

>> No.18970292

Is making your own ok healthy? Or still to much sugar?

>> No.18970340
File: 47 KB, 694x815, oj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what's in a half gallon of orange juice, retards.

Also >>18962984 is 100% correct, fruit sugars are not the same as cane sugar or corn syrup. OP, don't bother talking about this stuff on /ck/; there are a ton of obese keto shills here who aren't capable of understanding dietary advice more nuanced than "this macro good, that macro bad".

>> No.18970506

Damn that looks healthy af I'm going back to drinking on everyday fuck the calories

>> No.18972272

I drank all my oj now I'm out please help! And I hate going to the store

>> No.18972280

>half a gallon

if you remove the fiber the sugar isn't going to act differently from refined sugar. it's the fiber that makes sugar from fruit different