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18962532 No.18962532 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: everything about deviled eggs

I went to a deli and ordered a Reuben with a side of deviled eggs and I can't stop thinking about them. Do you like deviled eggs? Have you made them before? What are your tips and tricks?

Serious replies only.

>> No.18962543

>based deviled eggs enjoyer
I like the old fashioned way the best: simple mayo, vinegar, yellow mustard (the turmeric is important), salt and pepper. paprika to garnish. except, I like to use mirin (rice vinegar) instead of normal vinegar. it adds a little sweetness and depth that enhances it; some recipes that use exclusively white vinegar might call for a pinch of sugar for that reason. you can use white vinegar like normal and cut it with mirin if you prefer. some people recommend substituting some of the vinegar for pickle juice, or just putting some in on top of the normal vinegar amount. I prefer not to if I'm using mirin -- it gets weird -- but I've had pickled eggs with dill that were good.

for the piping part, when you prepare the actual eggs, you want the filling to be as cold as is reasonable. you can only get the filling to look nice and remain tight while it's fridge cold.

I usually don't do fancy toppings (just paprika), but I've had good deviled eggs with chives, or green onions slice very thinly on a bias (the green part, not the white), and bacon bits + green onion which was pretty good.

I love deviled eggs. such a simple and unpretentious food but so fucking good. it's a recipe for 1950's housewives that's impossible to fuck up unless you get too fancy.

>> No.18962560

>based deviled eggs serious replier
My mom spoons the filling in using two spoons, but I'm trying to get her to upgrade to using a piping bag with a tip.

Do you ever add sweet and/or dill relish to your yolks? I like the crunch.

>> No.18962577

>a piping bag with a tip.
that's what I do when I'm making it for other people, so it has the nice piped channels on the side or whatever they're called. when I make it for me, I just plop it in with spoons, too. but I'm a lazy degen and my gf hates this shit, so if I'm making it just for me, I'm more liable to just make egg salad to eat on soft white bread.

>Do you ever add sweet and/or dill relish to your yolks?
no but I definitely will sometime. I've added diced dill pickle chips to egg salad for a sandwich but it was kind of lame. your idea sounds better.

>> No.18962578

Never knew people put vinegar in them. Everyone where I grew up just did mayo, mustard, paprika on top.

>> No.18962589

I, too, make egg salad that tastes like deviled eggs. I guess it just makes sense to take that direction. Cutting the crust off makes it bougie, as the young kids say. Cut it into small squares and you've got some great clubhouse finger food.

Most recipes I've seen call for 1 teaspoon of some kind of acid whether it be lemon juice, white white vinegar, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and even pickle juice. I think that's 1 teaspoon per half dozen egg yolks.

>> No.18962594

white wine vinegar*

>> No.18962599

That's how my Mom does them, and they're not nearly as good as the ones that have vinegar.

>> No.18962609 [DELETED] 
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ITT: Fart mongers

>> No.18962613

>Serious replies only.
stop posting, sweaty

>> No.18962618

good post

i like them with mayonaise, vinegar, mustard and with some vadouvan mixed through it.

or classic (mayonaise, vinegar, mustard) and some crumbled bacon sprinkled on them.

they are based and fun snack

>> No.18962653 [DELETED] 

>can't stop thinking about deviled eggs
imagine the smell

>> No.18962661

You're being judgmental and it's really unattractive.

>> No.18962672

people using regular paprika instead of smoked paprika are stuck in 1950

>> No.18962673 [DELETED] 

I promise you it's not as unattractive as you and ye mum after a dozen or so devilled eggs

>> No.18962676

I don't want to actually taste it, though.

>> No.18962778

>Do you like deviled eggs?
Have you made them before?
What are your tips and tricks?

>> No.18963406

Thanks again anons who explained how to pronounce deviled eggs a few weeks ago :)

>> No.18963447

>Do you like deviled eggs?
>Have you made them before?
>What are your tips and tricks?
Boil eggs, cool them, peel them, split them top-to-bottom, remove the yolks, mash the yolks with ingredients of choice (mayonnaise with vinegar and prepared mustard are the most typical) and refill the albumens. Any eggs not pretty enough to serve deviled, be it because they were damaged during peeling or what have you, should be pressed through a fine sieve to finely break the albumens and added to the yolk and dressing mixture. At least that's why my family do.

>Do you ever add sweet and/or dill relish to your yolks? I like the crunch.
My dad is American and he does that, but adds no herbs. My mother is Swiss by way of Italy. She adds chopped young sauerkraut or sour green tomato with sweet parsley. Occasionally, she'll stuff them with tuna, onion and fresh dill. Both of them top the egg-halves with paprika.
I pickle the eggs in a vinegar-and-beetroot-juice brine before splitting and stuffing. Gives the albumens an unexpectedly pink colour and I do my mother's tuna-and-onion filling. I also add onion chive to the top and use turmeric powder instead of paprika. Besides the earthiness playing with the vinegar, I like the orange/yellow colour against the pink eggs.
I've had eggs with the yolks mixed with roe. Not bad.

>> No.18963461

Protip: put your egg mix into a ziplock bag, cut the corner in a star shape and bam you got yourself a piping bag that shits out pretty egg.

>> No.18963469

Meh. Doesn't work as well as a proper piping bag with a nice tip, IMO.

>> No.18963475

100%. But a person that just discovered deviled eggs might not have a piping bag and tips laying around and a ziplock will do in a pinch.

>> No.18963485

itt: we add mustard, vinegar and eggs to a sauce made of mustard vinegar and eggs

>> No.18963509

you forgot the mayonnaise

>> No.18963510

Am I the only one using Worcester? I mix the yolks with mayo, mustard and Worcester in a kitchen aid to save time.

Side story. I was drunk and thought I wanted to make them spicier so I garnished one with cayenne instead of paprika. It made me sneeze and I blew egg all over the kitchen

>> No.18963514

Fair enough. Don't places like Poundland, Euromania and Dollar Tree sell cheap, plastic piping bags with cheap, plastic tips, tho?

>> No.18963558

>Am I the only one using Worcester?
As it comes with anything, if the question is "Am I the only one who adds Worcester?" the answer is probably not.

>> No.18963562

My aunt (non-blood related thank the Lord Jesus Christ savor of all mankind) makes banging deviled eggs every Thanksgiving (bless the Indians of this land) but I have no clue what she does to make them so good.
Judging by her diet, I assume lots of mayo. LOTS of mayo, she is a very large woman.

>> No.18963915

mirin is rice wine not vinegar

>> No.18963931

Cold eggs are nasty :/

>> No.18964405

I love deviled eggs and make them every holiday. I like mine very simple. I use Duke's mayo, mix with the yolks until it's as creamy as I want and has the right taste, fill each egg half, then sprinkle the tops with seasoned salt and paprika. Sometimes I add cracked black pepper and a kalamata olive on top. You'd probably like egg salad. That's smushed up deviled eggs pretty much. Just smash up the eggs, add mayo until it's as creamy as you would like, then add seasoned salt, paprika, and pepper to taste. Last time I made egg salad, I added mustard because I saw people on here say they put mustard in their deviled eggs and that was pretty good.

>> No.18964663

>Serious replies only.
Finely diced pickled jalapenos and 1 tablespoon of the juice

>> No.18964899 [DELETED] 

ITT: Egg farts

>> No.18965237

I like them but they give me the most disgusting sulphurous farts.

>> No.18965422

I could eat an entire plate of deviled eggs. I'd never eat that many eggs in any other form, but when they're deviled I lose my mind.

>> No.18965471

So how do you hard boil eggs and get them to peel worth a shit?

>> No.18965479

one time for thanksgiving, my mom had made a platter of deviled eggs, the platter was like 100 years old and glass and like specially made for cradling like at least 30 eggs, and no one was eating them that year for some reason, and it was about to start getting dark (time to leave), and I didn't want my mom to feel bad and I love deviled eggs, so I ate like a total of nine and a half eggs in ten minutes with a grand total of 13 for the day, and the next day, my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die and I sharted my shorts in my parents bed so bad it got all over the middle of the bed

>> No.18965517

>for the piping part, when you prepare the actual eggs, you want the filling to be as cold as is reasonable. you can only get the filling to look nice and remain tight while it's fridge cold.
One of the reasons I like Chef John's recipe for Deviled Eggs (outside of the pepper rings he tops them with) is that he adds a couple tablespoons of cream cheese. It means the yolk mix firms up really nicely in the fridge.

>> No.18965586

I bet that shart was spicy too

>> No.18965627
File: 45 KB, 440x660, deviled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the fat guy that stands next to these until I eat most of them....much shame but I can not resist, so good

>> No.18966425

I like the piping tip they used.

>> No.18966605

>ITT: everything about deviled eggs
they need green olives and bacon

>> No.18966609


>> No.18966611

>ITT: everything about deviled eggs
imagine the smell...

>> No.18966613

green olives sounds interesting af

>> No.18966616


>> No.18966617
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>> No.18966621
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they're not for everybody but i like them

>> No.18966627
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>> No.18967050

Pipe my tip UwU

>> No.18967057

I crammed at least four dozen devilled eggs up ye mums ass, it really didn't do much other than improve the smell.

Maybe the two of you could gobble them up earlier, eh? You and ye mum, lovely partners together, chowing down on deviled ass eggs. Magnificent!

>> No.18967061
File: 25 KB, 250x272, 1354317775617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to use mirin (rice vinegar)

>> No.18967073

For a little extra I like to dust them with Old Bay instead of paprika, it's mostly paprika anyway

>> No.18967080

Mirin isnt rice vinegar you fkin retard

>> No.18967109

I don't believe that you did this, which makes you a liar. Why are you lying?

>> No.18967430

I went to this local burger shop restaurant that had them on the menu, except they had bacon, chives and some jalapeno.
Pretty damn good.

>> No.18967438

post fedora

>> No.18967446

And celery seed.

>> No.18967491

Went with a friend since I was visiting him.
Not everything was good, infact everything was pretty mediocre except the eggs.
Eggs and bacon is pretty classic though, and deviled eggs and bacon is worth a try.

>> No.18969174

some dill sprinkled on top is nice and refreshing

>> No.18969668
File: 46 KB, 500x500, olive loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love green olives eat them with all kinds of cheeses
Also loaf, gotta love the loaf

>> No.18969681

Only olive loaf I've ever seen were some vac-packed slices at some discount supermarket or other. Save-A-Lot, I think. Outside of that, I get olive cachir sliced for me from the North African store, but that's not quite olive loaf.
Do supermarket deli counters even sell it? I think I'd like it and wanna try some.

>> No.18969684

I've made deviled eggs a few ways, but the filling I've settled on most of the time is mayo, a spicy yellow mustard, cider vinegar, little bit of salt and pepper, and a light sprinkle on top with some korean style chili flakes.

>> No.18969725

I once saw DE's identified as "Eggs from hell" on a restaurant menu.

>> No.18970043

i feel like i must have that fucked up cilantro gene, but for green olives. i try them at least twice a year, and it's always the same result. they are so inedible to me that i have to take them out of my mouth immediately upon the base of my tongue touching its surface. all i ever taste is the pure salt rim from the cocktail of the ocean's asshole seepage

>> No.18970669

you have a way with words

>> No.18970710

Thank you op, will be making deviled eggs Ina couple days (would rn, but i refuse to eat until Saturday)

>> No.18970801

I mmake deviled eggs but instead of filling the eggs I use it as a spread on toast with the eggwhites chopped up on top. Rice vinegar because it is not as harsh. Not to heavy on the paprika and mustard etc. I never liked eggs with oveepowering flavours masking the eggs, looking at you bacon.

>> No.18970853
File: 2.61 MB, 2136x3200, Classic-Egg-Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so egg salad sandwich?