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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18961292 No.18961292 [Reply] [Original]

the heat from the rice cooks the egg

>> No.18961400

the heat from my intestine cooks the poop

>> No.18962176

More like your to lazy to fry the egg and just through a raw egg on some rice you lazy fat fuck

>> No.18962185

It is objectively impossible for this to occur, just like with carbonara. You are eating raw egg, just admit it

>> No.18962211

so you eat a raw egg
whats the big deal?

>> No.18962225

i too do this.

>> No.18962258

It's icky unless it's disguised as cookie dough

>> No.18962333

the heat from freshly cooked rice can cause a raw egg to cook slightly, it may not fully cook the egg to ensure it is safe to eat.
It may create a slightly runnier texture but a raw egg on rice is still a raw egg. Don't yolk around with a foodborne illness OP

>> No.18962347

>this is the type of advice that gets posted on this board

>> No.18962349

The cool of the egg cools the rice

>> No.18962352

WTF is that how that works?

>> No.18962354
File: 114 KB, 541x491, Screenshot_20230221-022322_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he need egg advice

>> No.18962375

Enjoy your 7-day diarrhea

>> No.18962381

In November I downed a bowl of egg nog that had 5 raw eggs on it. It was super tasty. Felt nothing. And I even have Crohn's.

You got a sissy tummy lmao

>> No.18962396

You uncultured swine, "7-day diarrhea" is reference to salmonella.

>> No.18962442 [DELETED] 
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>filtered by Ella the salmon

>> No.18962503

yes, thats why turds come out steaming

>> No.18962514

Must suck living in a third-world shithole that actually has salmonella. Watch out for ebola too.

>> No.18962923
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You forgot to add this delicious shit on top.

>> No.18963990
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>> No.18964026

you can pasteurize eggs.. also they never contain salmonella in good countries

>> No.18964057

more based than gross eggs

>> No.18964090

Dude I get food poisoning and it doesn't even last the day. You're bitch made.

>> No.18964097
File: 131 KB, 1000x667, ganache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heat of the cream/butter melts the chocolate

>> No.18964100
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (8) (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heat of the sugar cooks the egg whites

>> No.18964104

>Turn off stove
>Drop raw egg on top
>Cover with a lid

>> No.18964115

I have never seen a salmonella in my life

>> No.18964235

> In Japan, Salmonella-related foodborne diseases have decreased during 2000-2010; however, it still ranks as one of the top three bacterial agents causing foodborne disease. Salmonella Enteritidis has been the most frequently isolated serotype over the past 10 years and the foodborne disease outbreaks caused by S. Enteritidis in Japan have been mainly attributed to the consumption of foods associated with contaminated eggs

>> No.18964734

I bet you are the kind of person that uses the same spoon for tasting food and stirring it or not washing the lid of canned foods before opening them.

Globalism exists, that's how the 2008 salmonellosis US outbreak happened with Mexican jalapenos. Also statistics about infections per country blinds you from the fact that in civilized nations people regularly cooked their meals. People also seem to forget that salmonella affects birds in general so it's easy for the disease to travel.

>> No.18964858

>it may not fully cook the egg to ensure it is safe to eat
Eggs are safe to eat raw.
Except in the USA, where Big Egg wants to make a few cents more per box of eggs and so leaves the contaminated ones in there. Because America is the Land of the Cucked

>> No.18964902

Are you seriously that paranoid? Have you never experienced poverty? It makes you realize how overly hygienic people are with food at home. It's as simple as wash your hands after handling raw meat and rinse your produce. That's all you need to do and I guarantee you won't get sick.

>> No.18964904

Yes, and?

>> No.18965282

Don't even need to rinse your produce honestly. When I do it's only to get literal dirt off of potatoes/root vegetables.

Salmonella rates are lower in the US than in EU.

>> No.18965329

the raw from the egg uncooks the rice

>> No.18965335


>> No.18965412

In Europe, not the EU retard.

>> No.18965441

Same thing. You're all cucks

>> No.18965643

JFC, this thread is filled with manlets, fags, and freaks. Just enjoy warm rice and egg, fuck, it's simple, its easy, it tastes good when it's all fluffy and salty from the soysauce. God I hate all of you.

>> No.18966132

eggy rice is so good

>> No.18966144

>manlets, fags, and freaks.
Accurately describes the people eating this dish

>> No.18966164

>go to make some rice
>dump my washed rice directly in the rice cooker before I realize there is leftover flecks of rice still inside it from last time

>> No.18966241
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This. There's heat in the rice, and that heat doesn't just evaporate. It is absorbed by the egg, which slowly cooks the egg. Remember that both time and heat are important to making food safe for consumption; given that when you cook an egg, it quickly reaches that safe temperature and then gets put on a cold plate, it's only at that peak temperature for a brief moment. When you put a raw yolk on warm rice, it's likely going to be there for a while, meaning that it will be safe to eat. The only way this wouldn't be the case is if you're European, where the health standards are poor and the eggs have shit on the outside. Japan and America have eggs that are safe to eat raw, and salmonella is exceedingly rare in both regions because of this.

TL;DR the eggs are safe to eat raw if you're from a good country (Japan or USA/Canada), but Europeans overcook their eggs to hide the taste and fear of the literal feces contaminating them.

>> No.18966743

Eh it doesn't matter along those flecks became dry and not moldy.

>> No.18966748

the heat from my arousal cooks my sperm

thas why it always comes out chunkey

>> No.18966766


>> No.18966911

That's unhealthy anon, your balls are hanging free for a reason.

>> No.18967242

Yeah it was fine in the end I just cooked it anyway and didn't have any problems