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18956532 No.18956532 [Reply] [Original]

How is this OK? Don't give me your "don't order there if you don't like it bullshit." How is it OK for a restaurant to charge you extra for non-service? You're picking it up yourself, obviously they have to put it in some kind of container so it's not a "service" as they're trying to twist it to seem. In case you're wondering, no I will never order from this restaurant again, but it seems that they now seem justified in doing this. So how is it OK?

>> No.18956544

Calm down, you hysterical bitch.
Get a fucking life

>> No.18956575

>So how is it OK?
we let tipping culture come to life. and the employees themselves will defend it because they make way more money under this nationwide shaming campaign than with an actual wage

>> No.18956577 [DELETED] 

AFAIK some places require restaurant owners to pay waiters up to a minimum Salary if they don't make enough through tips. So short answer is the Manager/Owner is a Kike.

>> No.18956580

it's not ok. don't order from there if you don't want to pay it.

>> No.18956590

I'm an incel. I am a NEET. I have no friends. I have never had a romantic relationship. I have never had sex. I am prospectless. All I have is the validation I get from other anti-social and resentment-fueled losers online when I post nigger and woman hate threads. Society failed me. I should've had a fulfilling career, friends, sexual conquests, romantic love,and valuable social experiences yet I was given nothing.

Why should I tip a society that owes me so much? When I see a waitress or employed people I am brought close to tears. They are probably sexually active. They probably have friends. They are employable. They don't spend most of their waking hours blaming others for their misfortune. What do I have in common with them? I start shaking with anger.
They might as well be aliens. I tell myself they are robots, NPCs, devoid of an internal monologue, devoid of depth, devoid of a rich inner life. That makes me feel better momentarily, even if I know it's a lie. What do I owe them?

I will never tip. Not until society gives me what I am entitled to.

>> No.18956593

I could understand some sort of surcharge for waitresses to have to interrupt their waitressing to handle a takeout order, but 15% is way tf too high. Them taking care of you might have cost them timely service for a sit-in customer. Takeout notwithstanding, every restaurant is sit-in first.

>> No.18956607

Perhaps they really don't want to deal with takeout and are actively trying to disincentivize it while boosting their tip pool for staff.
As an aside I could get away with not interacting with door dash/uber eats I would, but unfortunately I can't so I just set the menu prices higher to recoup some of the losses from the cut uber takes and the occasional remakes when delivery drivers just take food.

>> No.18956614

"everyday" is an adjective; they mean "every day".

>> No.18956675

Why? The price charged is the price you pay for something you buy. A tip is a bonus a customer decides to give for a job well done. Calling it gratuity doesn't change the essence of a tip.

I sometimes tip my butcher, fishmonger or fruit and veg guy at the farmer's market. I never tip someone working in a pub because pub owners earn more than enough to pay proper wages and they blatantly exploit their staff. That's my prerogative alone. Pub owners can fuck right off.

>> No.18956683

In this case takeout prices are 15% higher it says it right there

>> No.18956712

based and saving this pasta

>> No.18956714

Again, a restaurant is for sit-in dining; takeout is an added convenience. 15% is certainly too high, but it's not unfair to charge something for pulling someone from table waiting to hand you a bag.

>> No.18956720

>it's totally justified having to pay more for less
>And that's a good thing!
Let me off the fucking ride already, this world is doomed

>> No.18956725

What food do they serve tho?

>> No.18956727

It's a burger place, so burgers, fries and onion rings. I think that's literally it.

>> No.18956752

They're taking the time to bag the food as well, then intertupting their routine to give immediate service to someone that walks in the door, so you're not really getting that much less. You could always fill out a waitress application and lend a hand.

>> No.18956784

It literally takes seconds to put an object in a box and then in a bag. Stop being technical you fucking faggot it's not extra work at all. Oh yeah it's also their fucking job.

>> No.18956811

>it's also their fucking job.
For which you pay them. Problem?

>> No.18956828

There is a restaurant by me that doesn't like carry out. The owner says it costs the bar money.

>> No.18956844

OP I'm sorry but I just can't empathize with you. Eating out, but don't have the clams to shell out? You can't do that. Eating out is meant to be a display of doing well financially. If you're so broke, learn to cook.

>> No.18956857

eating out is basically a scam at this point
half these nu-male burger joints will be out within a year

>> No.18956869

>Don't give me your "don't order there if you don't like it bullshit."
Why not fag?

>> No.18956886

Everyone in this thread that is pro tipping or shitting on OP is a shill or someone who works at or owns one of these fucked up restaurants. There is no reason to eat out. They got greedy and tried to get extra unfair money so now they will get no money because people will stop eating there because it's a bad deal.

>> No.18956894

How fat are you that withholding your patronage will put them out of business?

>> No.18956942

He's not eating out though you fucking retard he's picking up the food himself and taking it home. It's literally less work for the restaurant and they're charging more for it

>> No.18956952

Because if I run into you in real life I'm going to punch through your faggoty little esophagus, drop you like a ton of bricks and curb stomp what's left into the sidewalk.

>> No.18956956

If you're poor, you shouldn't be ordering from restaurants. You need to learn to cook.

>> No.18956987

Why are you defending this shitty practice? What kind of life do you live where you thing scumbag restaurant owners (who bullshitted everyone through the pandemic, got bailed out by others and still acts like a complete piece of shit) are the good guys here? You're a sad little man

>> No.18957012

What's annoying is posters like you making up shit yet not being specific such as what restaurant that was so fellow anons can avoid it. Your either lying or downright pathetic.

>> No.18957019

Nobody made anything up you fucking schizo

>> No.18957023

So don't order there

>> No.18957030

I'm the schizo? I didn't make the post and not specify the place. Seems like you have something to hide. If I took the time to make a post like that I would at least specify the place, to prove out my point.

>> No.18957048

Goddamn how 4chan has changed. The old 4chan would have figured out what restaurant this was and fucked with them hard. Now all thats left is a bunch of soydrinking faggot redditors who defend spineless business owners like this and clap when the pilot lands the big planey

>> No.18957073

That's a deflection and you still didn't specify the place you cocksucking faggot.

>> No.18957076

Not your personal army.

>> No.18957079

>what I am entitled to.
...which is? Shame and contempt?

>> No.18957088

Didn't ask for anyone to do jack shit faggot just said that would have happened back in the day.
>he literally doesn't know how to google for an exact phrase

>> No.18957099

Alright queer. Enjoy the auto-gratuity on your $30 enchiladas.

>> No.18957102

I think what rubs be wrong way here is calling non-optional 15% price hike "gratuity" and then "thanking" for it - because it sounds entitled and like they are mocking you.

If they called it "packing services fee" or something, it would still be high, but less grating.

>> No.18957105

>actual boomer
Just don't order from there.

>> No.18957108

The fact of the matter is, if you're almost breaking the bank because you're ordering food from expensive burger restaurants, you shouldn't be ordering food period.

Learning to cook hamburgers is fairly cheap, and very easy. Ordering such food from a restaurant is something intended for people who have the money to throw around, that's what restaurants are, paying extra money for convenience and servitude because you can.

>> No.18957133

Not giving a dime to any place that charges auto gratuity on carry out orders.

>> No.18957137

But you have a problem with people advocating the very same?

>> No.18957186

Its not about "breaking the bank" as you say it's about not being ripped off. There's a difference which you might learn in time.

>> No.18957210

Anon, restaurants are all overpriced. If you get something as simple as bacon and eggs at a restaurant, you're overpaying for it. As I've repeated, restaurants are only for people who have the money to spend flippantly in the first place. If you want to be frugal, restaurants are not for you, cooking is.

>> No.18957212

I suspect that these fucks with big ol tip jars put money in them to guilt people into putting more into it, the fucking suckers on both sides.

>> No.18957224

Yeah but what you're not undertanding is that everyone is not right by their home or kitchen so sometimes one has to go out to buy some stuff, and sometimes it's not about being "frugal" it's not about about that every second of the day.
Deal with it.

>> No.18957233

Charlie dont surf

>> No.18957239

Anon, if you can't afford your restaurant hamburgers, you'll just have to make your own or go to Burger King.

>> No.18957245

is this the new meme line?

>> No.18957251

Yeah its new
The Clash - Charlie Don't Surf

>> No.18957255

He's a massive faggot defending kikes don't engage him

>> No.18957266 [DELETED] 


>> No.18957382

It's not to guilt people. But they fear an empty tip jar shows ppl that "well, noone's tipping; place must suck;" so they prime it with a few bucks. You can tell it's an obvious plant if you're the first customer of the day or it's packed with 5s and 10s.