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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1200x1800, Pan-Seared-Steak-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18952990 No.18952990 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there an obsession with steak among a certain crowd of people?
The idea that our ancestors were eating steaks all the time before the existence of factory meat is dumb.
And I don't see how steak is "manly" when it's something 8 year olds eat because it's plain.
Furthermore, it is reminiscent of the cringe early 2010s bacon obsession.

>> No.18952993

I'm not even against steak, I just don't see how it's some based and epic sort of thing

>> No.18953004

>The idea that our ancestors were eating steaks all the time before the existence of factory meat is dumb.
no shit! it was a treat that was rare to have and since nothing was wasted most of what people ate offal and other shit cuts so when prime rib day came around it was a big deal

>> No.18953011

steak is tasty. im not sure what the issue is

>> No.18953016

>Why is there an obsession with steak
taste good simple as.

>> No.18953021

I don't eat steak because it is "manly" I never saw steak as "manly" it taste good.

I rate the following on the same level
good steak
good mexican food
good indian food
good pork
I eat a food. it taste good to extremely good. I continue to eat that food.

food taste bad. I do not eat it.

maybe it's you that has a fixation.

>> No.18953034

steak is high t

soy enjoyers wont understand

>> No.18953035

Steak is good but there is a certain kind of person who valorizes it above all other foods. IME it's mainly guys who won't learn to cook because they think it's for women but still want to feel like they have taste so they never shut up about grilling steaks. If you told them you put herbs and shit on your steak like in the OP they'd call you a faggot

>> No.18953045

you're not suppose to put anything on a steak except some salt and pepper

>> No.18953057
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>IME it's mainly guys who won't learn to cook because they think it's for women but still want to feel like they have taste so they never shut up about grilling steaks.

>> No.18953062

This is a meme. Steak is much better with either lots of butter or some kind of sauce like bernaise

>> No.18953080
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Steak is good, steak is real, steak is great
everyone should eat steak

>> No.18953083

Thyme on steak with salt, pepper and butter just tastes good, I dunno why this is hard to understand. It tastes good

>> No.18953084

if one is eating steak for the taste of a good steak, one does not want those flavors muddied by anything more than salt or pepper.

when I was young and my parents over cooked steak I put ketchup, or worcestershire sauce on it. as I got older I tried A1, and heinz 57, even HP sauce.

nothing compares to a good properly made steak with just salt and pepper.

>> No.18953092
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I agree although wrapped in a pastry is good also

>> No.18953096

Unless you're talking about a really high end steak, I don't think the flavor is good enough on its own that it has to go naked.

>> No.18953101
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>guys who won't learn to cook because they think it's for women
why do women think that guys think like this?

>> No.18953105

Steak is alright, but I’d rather have meatloaf

>> No.18953109

I tend to prefer a good burger over steak

>> No.18953110

butter is acceptable after that salt and black pepper
nothing else needed

>> No.18953113

its a status symbol

>> No.18953115

Kind of

>> No.18953122

>Why is there an obsession with steak among a certain crowd of people?
I think its because steak has one of the best ratios of cooking difficulty to quality of any food. You can slap a random cut onto some coals and get a good result. Take that up to the home cook who can rush a steak through on a hot pan with butter and garlic and compare his results to some celebrity chef and you've got the perfect cross section for crowd popularity.

>> No.18953131

Or maybe people like it

>> No.18953136

its more about the cut not the quality
a NY strip is still a NY strip even if it came from a mongoloid cow
now a eye of round needs something to spruce it up

>> No.18953138

shut the fuck up

>> No.18953143

Like that will ever happen

>> No.18953154
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>> No.18953162

Of course people like it, moron. The other anon was explaining WHY steak is so loved

>> No.18953164

>why do people like certain things, music, food, sports, etc? Its like people have their own preferences, personalities, opportunities and goals!
found the vegan retard

>> No.18953169

OP never said they were vegan

>> No.18953180

O.K. strange way of saying that, sounded a lil autistic and weird but alright.

>> No.18953181

in fewer words he did

>> No.18953186
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I like the lil cows

>> No.18953201

I saw your post in the other thread about seafood being less plain and I thought it was dumb lol

Unseasoned seafood has less flavor than unseasoned steak

Also I wouldn't eat steak as a kid because the chunks of fat grossed me out.

>> No.18953218

Idk, personally I always liked steak while I wouldn't eat much seafood until I was at least 16

>> No.18953222


>> No.18953234

I understand where you're coming from but it's genuinely good so the obsession is somewhat justified.

>> No.18953239

I'm not from a steak eating culture and I've always much preferred pork to beef. I've tried steak since and it hasn't been anything special to me. Especially the autistic fixation with eating it half raw because flavor or something, would much rather have thoroughly crispy oven baked pork chops with potatoes.

>> No.18953276
File: 37 KB, 933x707, yrugae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes overcooked pork chops
>can't taste the difference between rare and well-done steaks
well fucking duh

>> No.18953392
File: 135 KB, 1400x933, M0qd3u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by making this thread he essentially announced he will never be a real woman and is vegan

>> No.18953408

uh oh, OP saw one too many comments on discord about how steak should only be cooked rare and now he hates steak

>> No.18953646

I am not a vegan or even a pescatarian. I eat all kinds of meat but think the "muh manly steaks" is unintentionally reddit tier.

>> No.18953677

>Why is there an obsession with steak among a certain crowd of people?
Similar to obession with wine, cheese, champagne, caviar, exotic spices or chocolate among certain people.
These were used to be a luxury therefore they have some sort of fancy vibe to it. But in modern times it is easy to get, so it is just in vain. This is similar to book-collecting, it was important thing in past because paper was expensive but nowadays it is just a hobby nobody knows why still exists.

>> No.18953687

well most of the time I eat ribeye, sometimes t-bone, and when I can get it snake river farms wagyu style beef (not A5) this stuff is excellent.

fry's sells these small prime ribeyes which are great for a quick meal.

the only time I ever put sauce on a steak is if it is over cooked or really low quality.

>> No.18953699
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tl;dr, it was a luxury in past that was not common therefore it still is fancy and alluring.

>> No.18953799

With my discount I get $5 steaks with a salad and potato every day at work. Still not sick of it. steaks goddamn rule

>> No.18953802

Ribeyes are one of the most flavorful cuts though
Something like a flat iron steak absolutely benefits from a nice herb butter or truffle butter

>> No.18953831

Depends on the culture and time really. Beef was plentiful in many places and times.

In the Iliad, in the most simple ways Homer talks about how based steak is. Literally the oldest written story from Europe had love for beef. Meanwhile OP is a fag.

>> No.18953844

They use it to justify their inability to cook as some kind of feminist rebellion. I knew girls in college who would literally brag about not knowing how to cook.

>> No.18953908
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>"muh manly steaks"
that is reddits delusional perception of why a person would like a steak
just like they think sports cars are a analog for our dicks when in reality driving fast is fun and its simple as that, no Freudian secret meaning

>> No.18953923

i entirely agree with most of the "it's not compensation" routine with big or fast cars, or big or loud or any guns, there's a genuine hobby in these things.
but when I'm sitting in traffic behind a six wheeled utility pick-up from 2016, all shiny and never used bed, just fuck you. that's the guy who parks next to me when i'm in the store so i can't see around to back out safely, that's the guy who leaves his blinker on while in the fast lane but never does anything. why the fuck does he need that elevated work truck to never touch lumber?

>> No.18953930

He gets suckered into helping his friends and family move. I'll never own a pickup truck for this reason.

>> No.18953962

you ever been up close to a firetruck? they are spotless like museum quality even though most of them are 30+ years old and have been heavily used .
guys take pride in taking care of their possessions. while most hyundai drivers don't even wash their cars truck owners wash and hand wax their truck once a month so you wouldn't really know that they're actually using it on weekends to haul firewood or tow a boat

>> No.18953969
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>> No.18954017

If I cut that chain, would he die?

>> No.18954026

It would be very painful.

>> No.18954084

Steak is relatively cheap, easy to eat, fragrant, not that difficult to cook, and is visually interesting with the grill marks, shine of the juice, distinct red middle, and pleasing loaf shape. It's probably the most appealing food for an omnivore. There isn't so much of an obsession with it as there are people who are just enthusiastic about it tasting good like that Brazilian guy on YouTube.

>> No.18954106

Why does momma who married a working man take it to the dollar tree and target?
I never see them with anything work related, ever. They're always just going to the longhorn steakhouse or the mall. If it's got utility, as in you use it for work, I've NEVER seen it, but I do live in Florida. It's always the normal beat up 4 wheeled pick-up trucks that have tools or items or a hitch on the back to pull a dozer or mower.

>> No.18954111

use a regular car for regular shit. use your work shit when you're working shit. it's attempted dick waving that i'm annoyed by. just put a picture of your cock on your bumper

>> No.18954171

Lmfao jacob’s creek is DOGSHIT wine

>> No.18954240
File: 1.33 MB, 2048x1365, 201409_ALASKA-slide-HRFP-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or its just owning one vehicle because paying insurance on a second car is out of the budget and the truck makes them money so it makes sense

Like fuck man people still need to do normal human shit like eat
actually it kinda goes in line wit this thread
> "why steak"
because people that actually do psychical labor want a dense meal that won't burn off 1 hour later leaving them hungry with 11 hours more work left in the day " i can't fuck around with avocado toast when im burning enough calories to sweat when its -2f out, give real food ffs"

>> No.18954263

I find it hard to believe there's a pristine work truck driven by a lady to pick up a get-well-card.
well, not hard to believe, just actually fucking annoying. you could afford that truck, you can afford the terrible gas mileage, you can afford something simple with all that money you're making.

>> No.18954280

Steak is healthy and yummy. We do a lot different from our ancestors, they used to fuck 9 year old girls, do you want to do that because muh ancestors?

>> No.18954294

>truck owners wash and hand wax their truck once a month
Pulled out of your ass. Most trucks, just like most cars, are treated like dogshit. Maybe that guy with the sweet lifted cummins diesel does this, but your average joe driving a rusted out ranger absolutely does not give a shit.

>> No.18954299


>because people that actually do psychical labor want a dense meal that won't burn off 1 hour later

lol stop larping as a laborer

>> No.18954304

peak brainrot

>> No.18954313

second. just want something to eat

>> No.18954323

idk where you live but around here you don't get the bid if you show up in pos. it shows lack of competence

>> No.18954435

Never seen anyone eat steak on a job site.
How would that even work? Cold steak is shit. Microwave steak is shit. You grill it over burning pallets or something?

I usually just ate a sandwich from home and beefaroni or ravioli cold from the can. Meat = protein = muscle repair, you're supposed to do that at the end of the day to patch your shit up. Earlier it's all about carbs to keep you moving. Just get a fucking sub, Ron Swanson, you aren't impressing anybody.

>> No.18954441

I love steak and I'm antisemitic. I don't think it's a coincidence. Hope that helps!

>> No.18954442

>Cold steak is shit
woah there. maybe you're overcooking it. i take mine rare and put it in the fridge for a while. that pure solid white fat, the mix of seasoned skin but raw meat, i can't get enough

>> No.18954483
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>I'll take what is a "rib sticking meal" for 200 Alex
i went from 160lb to 138lb while eatin +5,000 cal a day
there is nothing that can prepare you for the fringed winter
my entire pay check went out the window on food

>> No.18954558
File: 3.58 MB, 4000x3000, 20230216_192139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive oil, salt, and pepper rubbed onto the steak, slapped on the cast iron with a few sprigs of thyme and a pad of butter for a couple minutes per side, spooning up and drizzling the butter over the up side of the steak, then rested on the plate while i cooked up the onions, peppers, and asparagus in the pan.

Literally one if the best meals one could ask for, but i only do this like once a month if that cuz i don't want my heart to give out anytime soon

>> No.18954662

Three reasons

1. Steak is one of the easiest, fastest, simplest things to cook. It's very easy for even the dumbest retard to pull off.

2. Manchildren associate steak with manliness, cavemen, etc. It's just a very easy way for dweebs to build up their nonexistent sense of masculinity.

Most importantly, 3. 1. 15-20 years ago there was an explosion of millennials and young Gen Xers "discovering" streak. Their boomer parents would overcook steak every time so they hated it, but then they found out on the internet that steak can actually be good. They immediately went online and created the steak culture that rebels against their parents. This is very similar and parallel to how the internet atheist was born around the same time.

>> No.18954670

this thread is retarded
imagine thinking steak is some internet fad

>> No.18954759

My dad was obsessed with steak becuase he grew up poor.

>> No.18954777

I like steak because it tastes really fucking good, and because beef contains very high quality protein.

Here's the real question... what makes ridiculous 20-somethings think that things people like are some kind of new fad just because they personally have discovered them recently? I got a medium rare ribeye at The Sizzler for my birthday over 40 years ago.

>> No.18954783
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>The idea that our ancestors were eating steaks all the time before the existence of factory meat is dumb.
Not sure who believes or is perpetuating this. First I have heard of the claim. There was a this beast called an auroch which our ancestors did hunt and eat.
>And I don't see how steak is "manly" when it's something 8 year olds eat because it's plain.
let me guess, you prefer yours well done with ranch dipping sauce?
>Furthermore, it is reminiscent of the cringe early 2010s bacon obsession

>> No.18954791


>Why is there an obsession with steak among a certain crowd of people?
Most people like steak. It fucking tastes good. If you had plans to make some meal tonight, and a friend offered to take you out to eat steak tonight, are you telling me you wouldn't put off tonight's meal plans for tomorrow to enjoy delicious steak? Because whatever you're eating, it's not as good.

>The idea that our ancestors were eating steaks all the time before the existence of factory meat is dumb.
How far back are we going with our ancestors? If we're going back a thousand or two thousand years, we'll probably find ancestors that ate very little meat because it was fucking expensive and nobody had the balls to hunt on their lord's hunting grounds. If we go back maybe ten or twenty thousand years, we'll hit hunter gatherers. I wouldn't say they ate "steak" per se, but meat in general. Along with whatever else they could get their hands on.

>And I don't see how steak is "manly" when it's something 8 year olds eat because it's plain.
It's not so much that it's manly, but it supports certain things men care about, like muscle growth, since it's really fucking high in protein. Also, *everyone* eats steaks because they're inherently flavorful. They need little else, but at the same time, there's so many ways to enhance the flavor if you feel like it.

>Furthermore, it is reminiscent of the cringe early 2010s bacon obsession
Bacon didn't stop being tasty, bud.

>> No.18954802
File: 404 KB, 2560x1459, Cheesesteak-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how on earth do you make a prime rib and think
>ya know, this would be good with some cheez wiz

>> No.18954808


>> No.18954863

it is thanks to andrew tate

>> No.18954892

It is for the NRx crowd

>> No.18954894


>> No.18954899

>muh heckin steakerino
Fuck off redditfag>>18953831

>> No.18954901

>but then they found out on the internet that steak can actually be good. They immediately went online and created the steak culture that rebels against their parents
absolute horseshit. I don't know what backwater shithole you grew up in but I've been eating medium rare steaks long before the internet went mainstream.

>> No.18954918

steak is just the best if it's not some ethnic place
I am still butthurt about every time I tried some retarded stuffed fish or whatever instead of just getting a good steak
steak frites is very popular in Chadrope btw

>> No.18954921

It is good food. I'll probably have a steak once a week or spread it out over a few meals.

>> No.18956240

for me, it's steak

>> No.18956257

It's ideological. Nobody thinks steak really tastes better than pork or chicken, it's just about killing the biggest thing you can find. In the garden of Eden, all we ate were fruit and nuts.

>> No.18956300

Steak is racist. Americans had to invent the hamburger to make nonwhites even begin to care about steak.

>> No.18956314

Well, I have to say that I disagree with the idea that there is an "obsession" with steak among a certain crowd of people. While it's true that some people really enjoy a good steak, I don't think it's fair to say that this is a widespread obsession. That being said, I can understand why some people might really love a nice, juicy steak.

Firstly, I don't think anyone is claiming that our ancestors were eating steaks all the time before the existence of factory meat. However, it's worth noting that humans have been eating meat for thousands of years, and steak is just one form of meat that happens to be very popular in many cultures.

As for the idea that steak is "manly," I think this is just a stereotype that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. People of all genders and ages enjoy steak, and there's nothing inherently gendered about the food itself. It's true that some people might use steak as a way to signal their masculinity, but that's their own personal hang-up and doesn't reflect the food itself.

Regarding the comment that steak is something 8 year olds eat because it's plain, I have to say that I strongly disagree. A well-cooked steak can be incredibly flavorful and nuanced, with different cuts and cooking methods bringing out different flavors and textures. It's also worth noting that many adults have very sophisticated palates and enjoy complex, rich flavors.

Lastly, I don't think it's fair to compare the current popularity of steak to the early 2010s bacon obsession. While bacon was certainly popular at the time, it was often used in a very gimmicky way (i.e. bacon-wrapped everything), whereas steak is a timeless and versatile food that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

In conclusion, while I don't think there's necessarily an Obsession with steak, I do think it's a popular and delicious food that many people enjoy for a variety of reasons. Whether you're a meat-lover or a vegetarian, it's hard to deny the appeal of a perfectly cooked steak.

>> No.18956315

Steak is my favorite food, but there are a bunch of retards who think it's some kind of panacea.. its not very logical, especially when the people claiming steak will turn you into an alpha male claim hamburgers turn you into a umami nino

>> No.18956323

philly cheese steak is so good unless they leave the steak as thick strips, then it's absolutely disgusting

>> No.18956331

why ruin it with olive oil and burnt peppe

>> No.18956348

White people (all members of all herding cultures, really) are vampires and like the taste of raw flesh. It is the same thing with the egg obssesion, they are reptilian controlled so they eat eggs like their snake masters.

>> No.18956370

Fresh off ChatGPT

>> No.18956379

100%, I've been enjoying the automated shitposting. That was exactly 2000/2000 characters btw.