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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18952636 No.18952636 [Reply] [Original]

favorite school lunch?

>> No.18952642


>> No.18952643
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>> No.18952646

It was either the spaghetti or the vegetable soup with a grilled cheese sandwich on the side for me

>> No.18952650

the semi-warm hamburgers that you put so much ketchup and mustard on that most of it splattered out onto the tray.

>> No.18952652
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>> No.18952660

Going out of school to get lunch wherever friends and I wanted to go to. Sorry bitch, I didn't grow up in some totalitarian place. We even smoked joints, OMG pull in the black helicopters.

>> No.18952662

Put the corn on the pizza, fold, eat pizza corn taco

>> No.18952661

Knuckle sandwich

>> No.18952664


>> No.18952670

There was this chicken joint across an avenue that friends and I would go to, "Rego's Roost" fuck all that was fun.

>> No.18952674
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>> No.18952676

I liked the hamburger or turkey gravy over mashed potatoes. The dinner rolls were good, too.

"Pork shapes" were the worst.

>> No.18952678

Can you at least make fun with the land-o-lakes titties girl?

>> No.18952682
File: 27 KB, 500x375, SchoolLunch6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18952685

You can never make her have titties again.. they found out she was a racist so they had to remove her from the packaging. Good riddance.

>> No.18952696

A tray of just fries with an Ocean Spray from the vending machine

>> No.18952699

Chicken fried steak

>> No.18952703

bacon egg and cheese in the morning

>> No.18952709
File: 59 KB, 900x900, A0F807F8-0A2E-42B5-B3CF-F4674B69DDD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My high school had an actual catering company do the lunches one year, it was amazing. Then they decided it was too expensive and returned to the standard prison slop.

>> No.18952727

Now I want this.

If I pan seared a chicken breast, deglazed the pan with some chicken stock and then thickened with some cornstarch before adding the cooked chicken back in.. I'd probably be pretty close, eh?

>> No.18952730

Seeing this no wonder people shoot up schools you fuckin weirdos

>> No.18952734

For me, it's country fried steak dinner

>> No.18952737

I went to a small countryside school in Finland so it was mostly pretty decent homecooked style meals as far as I remember. Casseroles, meat, potatos, soups and so forth. Shit was good. Can't remember any real favorites.

>> No.18952759

Ooooo I remember those. Mixed all together with corn. Good eatin

>> No.18952808

you can buy large cartons of powdered chicken gravy mix like the cafeterias use.

>> No.18953095

My elementary school made some pretty damn chilli that i cant seem to find anywhere else

>> No.18953242

Picrel had the texture of wallpaper paste and no real flavor but it sat in your stomach like a lump of hot coal, just warmed you up physically and mentally

>> No.18953248
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Shit forgot pic

>> No.18953515

My mom would pack it, two sandwiches, me and my buddy would eat them in the bathroom during lunch period while smoking weed.

>> No.18954167
File: 71 KB, 960x720, chicken school lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Friday was chicken bowl day back in high school and it was great.
Just like pic related except ask for no corn since it was 25% corn water that would just dilute your gravy.

>> No.18954170


>> No.18954194

anyone going to the piccadilly in roanoke? it's an away game so we got plenty of time

>> No.18954197

this looks exactly like the slop I feed my dog

>> No.18954201
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i remember how rubbery the school hamburgers always smelt

>> No.18954232
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I never ate school lunch, my mom just packed me a water bottle and an apple and maybe some baby carrots

>> No.18954234

>frozen chicken sandwich
>tater tots
>put tater tots on the sandwich with a bunch of ketchup
>milk on the side
>warm cookie
fuck yea, id eat that shit right now

>> No.18954238

I must have been the only kid on the planet that liked school lunch hamburgers. Those weird, steam-oven cooked pre-fab patties... was my go-to every time.

>> No.18954271

I wish I didn't know how fattening mayonnaise was because looking back I put an insane amount on those tuna sandwiches

>> No.18954380

Spicy chicken sandwich with fancy sauce amd curly fries

>> No.18954391
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crispito with cheese sauce

>> No.18954406

Lunch: Spicy chicken sandwich was king. Also chicken nuggets that came with mashed potatoes and gravy sometimes.

Breakfast: bacon egg and cheese sandwiches or french toast sticks.

>> No.18954931

Unironically the turkey tetrazzini. It was a nice change of pace from the food we ate at home.

t. asianfag in the american south
>inb4 "change of pace from all the dog meat amirite?"

>> No.18955526

Literal child abuse

>> No.18955638

lucky dog, and the bread must really tighten up his stools. 4stars up

>> No.18955641

Holy based

>> No.18955702
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i think we got french toast sticks and sausage for lunch sometimes. pretty good

>> No.18955722

lol Boice dairy. NY bro detected!

>> No.18956228
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>> No.18956446

finnish school food>all other school food

>> No.18956791

This is perfect. Eat it fast and go back to learning because that's what you're there for. Food is fuel not entertainment.

>> No.18956804

>It's grilled cheese and tomato soup day

>> No.18956859

My high school had like 6 lines and each had different food. Hamburgers, Pizza Hut Pizza, tacos, etc. It was a big school tho the lunches started to suck when Michelle Obama's food program went into effect. No more sweet n sour chicken for lunch (replaced with school pizza) and the vending machines were locked all day. I just stuck to the tacos and pizza line, but i was still pissed about the machines.

>> No.18956927
File: 670 KB, 1200x630, school-lunches-around-the-world-fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had brazilian school lunch when I was a kid..

>> No.18957016

What's on the upper right? Roasted fruit?

>> No.18957017

looks like plantains

>> No.18957020

Fried plantains

>> No.18957022

They had the McRib patty thing sometimes at my school and I loved it. Then I ate a McRib years later and didn't like it.

>> No.18957044

Kids in Japan are getting real food for lunch. Same in Korea and Singapore.

If you let your kids eat slop at school you must fucking hate them.

>> No.18957211

BBQ rib sandwiches or spaghetti. Canned green beans served with spaghetti is a nostalgia blast for me and every time I eat one I think of the other.

>> No.18957780
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Mexican pizza

>> No.18957785

All my school lunches were great. Luckily I went to school before Michelle Obama ruined the lunch program.

>> No.18957798

Couldn't tell you the best it's been like 30 years. But the worst was this shit they called UFOs. It was a piece of bologna with a scoop of mash potatoes on it, topped with a slice of cheese

>> No.18957811
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Breakfast but this and any variation on this went fuckin dumb

>> No.18957819
File: 48 KB, 600x598, 8c128a3f0a08f8b9536edae1e41ff72f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch lady pizza.

>> No.18957841

>only country that's the "world superpower" can't even give their kids anything better than paper plates
It's truly over.

>> No.18957849

>elementary school
>every day I got a salad
>thinking back, I may have been known as "the salad kid" since I never switched it up
>middle school, 99% of the time I packed a lunch
>high school
>they had burgers and chicken sandwiches available every day, meh
>also a sort of deli line akin to subway
>highlights were "chicken poppers" aka popcorn chicken, nacho day, and any time they brought in food from an outside vendor (mainly pizza)
At one point one of our teachers allowed a student to publish a slam piece about the lunch room food in the school paper. This prompted the food service vendor to send a suit to the school who would parade around the cafeteria with graphs and statistics about how much better their food was than its competitors. Almost a "well if we didn't provide your food it would be a lot worse" type of rant.
The teacher who was overseeing the paper that prompted all of this confronted the food service woman one day. She said something to the effect of "showing kids pie charts isn't going to make your food any less horrible." A hearty kek was had across the cafeteria.

>> No.18957902

Retard activist high schoolers need to have sense beaten into them with a baseball bat.

>> No.18957912

This doesn't look accurate, it seems like it was made by someone with an agenda.

>> No.18957934

How is a first world country gives its students slop while a 3rd world shithole gives its students fucking gourmet lunches. USA bros whats wrong with us?

>> No.18957935

In their defense, it was pretty bad at the time. This was during the era when schools were encouraged to replace "unhealthy" options from vending machines (if they had them) or completely pull them. Ours got rid of Doritos and replaced them with Sun Chips. Replaced all of the sodas with equally as sugar-y juice drinks.
Then came the actual food. Nearly everything was pre-made, bland, and portioned to meet the standard. At one point we were forced to take a milk and a fruit at the "checkout." Even if you weren't going to eat/drink it, you had to take one so the food service could show the numbers to the school. This illusion of improving the health aspect completely backfired when the kids went on the warpath. Shortly after, they put pizza back on the menu every day, vending machines went back to normal, etc...

>> No.18958087

They should have just made her white. If you've seen Last Tango in Paris, butter and white women go well together.

>> No.18958099

Ramen in a cup with hot water from a coffee dispenser

>> No.18958169
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Mexican pizza day.

>> No.18958173

How old were you when you learned they hide boogers under the cheese..?

>> No.18958337

So Germany gets fancy fruit cocktails, and Russia dines at a Michelin star restaurant?

>> No.18958363

France looks pretty sad

>> No.18958507
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i want to cuddle with you

>> No.18958527

i'm at one rn and its p much the same still, 300 students and most russos or ukrainis...

>> No.18958540
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>> No.18958543

Seniors were allowed to go off campus for lunch so McDonalds

>> No.18958648

Weird of you to call that out when some random suit is shoving graphs in student's faces.

>> No.18958685
File: 56 KB, 598x480, 2439494F-C369-4299-9F9D-D039382D63C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the teriyaki beef nugs and rice bros slop recipe bros. Looked a lot better and saucier in my day.

>> No.18958703
File: 613 KB, 750x555, C3296703-5446-4326-879C-B3C658143682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not not knocking American school cuisine - it’s garbage. The system also punishes poor kids whose parents work and rewards people whose parents don’t work at all.

But the Korean food is a meme. It’s easy to feed a bunch of kids when you’re feeding them dogs and cats and sea cucumbers and shit.

Their schoolslop literally looks AI-generated. There’s nothing that’s even identifiable in picrel.

>> No.18958705

>Textured animal feed

>> No.18958708

Ground beef, powdered onion and garlic, salt, bread crumbs, egg and corn starch, teriyaki sauce

Mix, make nugs


Cover in teriyaki sauce

>> No.18958714

Food was never a thought in American schools. It was always an afterthought, shoved in because interest groups wanted to some agenda shit in the school. It has been constantly mucked with, and no one has the kids interests at heart really. It's all corporate and political agenda pushing. I remember we also had fast food showing up to shill stuff too at my HS.

How fucking hard it is to just install a normal as fuck cafeteria like a business has? Where it has salads, wraps, sandwiches, maybe a pizza oven and some hot bar shit? Corps can get that shit done right, why the fuck can't school districts do it? Oh, right, politics and special interest groups.

>> No.18958717

If you think Brazilian lunches actually look like that I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.18958724

Fuck off, that United States photo is WAY too good for what shit we got served. Pizza with a crust? Hell no, it was sheet pan pizza. I can't recall ever seeing lettuce in the school my whole childhood. The foam tray and choco milk is spot on for some days though. I do remember jello being a thing, but that is a LARGE serving for the chinsy bastards. Maybe some meal a upscale private school would give a kid. But sure as fuck not a public school kid.

This is real American public school slop.

>> No.18958727

A god amongst men. Thanks anon!

>> No.18958732

School lunches were never intended to be the main source of nutrition for kids, it just got inserted and twisted into weird ass shit because all the various special interest groups involved pushing product or politics.

We should be able to run a normal fucking cafeteria in the schools, but no one wants to sort that shit out and fix it. And privatization just results in mall court fast food shit. It's not like we don't know how: corporations manage to have cafeterias with good quality food. We should fucking copy paste that shit into the schools.

>> No.18958735
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OP here, fuck a lunch this was the GOAT snack

>> No.18958741

Kimchi and the other spicy variation next to it who's name escapes me.
Miso soup (with tofu block)
Salad w/ lettuce, egg (softboil?), Probably the gochugang chili sauce on it, Cheese, Cucumber?, maybe some dried mushrooms
Probably fried chicken, or something fried at least.
And some weird fruit/dumpling I can't identify
Plus a shot of something (milk? IDK)

Not exactly a lunch I would like, but I could eat some of it.

>> No.18958802

As about as accurate as r/mapporn

>> No.18958917

>There’s nothing that’s even identifiable in picrel.
You're retarded.

>> No.18959119

>fat free milk
Dylan, get the TEC 9

>> No.18959127
File: 14 KB, 220x314, 220px-Yakult_drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh what the fuck, korean kids get a yakult with their school lunch?
It's a probiotic yoghurt drink, it tastes very sweet and greatly helps digestive health. I had terrible diarrhea and an upset stomach after eating pretty much anything for over a year, a few months ago I started having a yakult every morning and night, the results were immediate and drastic. I can now eat even mexican and squeeze out perfectly smooth logs the next day with no discomfort at all, I no longer dread going to the bathroom.
Thank you for reading my story about what yakult is and how it helped my tummy

>> No.18959141

A hamburger, fries, and orange juice. Usually drowned in sriracha.

>> No.18959191

Bruh that's bibimbap, there is rice underneath. It's not a salad.

The "dumplings" are rice cakes.

Those are carrots not cheese.

There's also beansprouts.

The drink is a probiotic yogurt.

You know any probiotic yogurt or supplement would help you, but glad you got your gut sorted out

>> No.18959223
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when i was in middle school rice was unironically the best thing on offer, it cost a dollar and you could jazz it up with some oil, salt, and pepper

>> No.18959237

is that chicken and gravy?

>> No.18959242


it's turkeys gravy dawg

>> No.18959561

sounds like abuse if that's all you got. Not even a sandwich?

>> No.18959605

>Philippines has the entire fruit/veggie section removed from the tray
What did they mean by this?

>> No.18959642
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The blood pancakes with lingonberry jam were my absolute favourite.

>> No.18959671
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When did the chinese start eating so many beans

>> No.18959701

This is probably a best-case scenario but Choina looks great here.
Imagine getting a whole fucking roasted fish for lunch.

>> No.18960394

Based cafeteria burger enjoyer. My high school served them every day. You could get their daily rotating meal, salad bar which nobody ate or get burgers and fries which is what I chose 90% of the time. Despite that, I was still skinny as fuck and I have no idea how.

>> No.18960398

do people really eat lunch at a school cafeteria every day??? when I was growing up everyone walked home for lunch, and if you were eating at school you'd bring your own lunch

>> No.18960430
File: 498 KB, 714x800, 4A01969C-C515-44EE-9BBF-D78F6DD403B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not from Baxley, GA are you? My friends don’t believe me when I talk about how my middle school had a ketchup pump like pic related filled with popcorn oil at my middle school. It was just like you said except we never had popcorn, just the pump and we enjoyed the hell out of it.

>> No.18960444

I WISH usa school lunches were this good, but they are way way worse.

>> No.18960446

what the fuck, that's not half bad, I wish it was this good when I was in school

>> No.18960450

This guy knows what's up. Pizza and corn day was fucking solid. What's weird is I make fun of other countries for putting corn on pizza, when every time I had lunch money on pizza day I would do the exact same thing. (Yes, free lunch wasn't a thing back then)

>> No.18960456

what in the demon hell fuck

>> No.18960465


This is great, but some of these are lying, USA school lunch was NEVER that good.

>> No.18960466

>have to routinely pay to purchase and dispose of paper products
>having permanent 1 time cost supply of plastic trays that get sprayed off by a machine at the end of the day
Which one do you think is the lazy wealthy option?

>> No.18960474

Don't bother. These zoomzooms who spend their days indulging in pseudo-politics on the internet can't grasp any idea that isn't shoved down their throat and to them, any challenge of the status-quo is some kind of "libtard commie cuck activism" that they immediately need to side against no matter what the base issue is.

>> No.18960510

must be a staged photo rather than a kid sneaking a pic

>> No.18960682

First one is the lazy option. Second one is the wealthy option. Paper plates are unironically cheap as fuck compared to water, electricity, machine, detergent, actual reusable plates and cutlery and having to pay multiple people to work with those machines.

>> No.18961352

im telling on you!!!!

>> No.18961397

these were so fucking good

>> No.18961556
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O say can you see by the dawn's early light!

>> No.18962556
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>> No.18962561

School not prison

>> No.18962678
File: 139 KB, 1013x760, Panerad-fisk-med-potatis-och-kall-dillsås.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checked my old school menu
>Hundreds of lucky children get to eat this tomorrow.
The sauce was so fucking good.
I miss eating it but I hate cooking fish myself.

>> No.18962707

I want to make fun of you but I have a friend who is just as developmentally challenged as you and I would feel bad about it.

>> No.18962719

Thanks for the pic.
Know I know what to make this weekend.
Also, that looks like remuladsås with dill.

>> No.18962729

School lunches are such a bizarre concept to me. Did you people not have food at home?

>> No.18962734

Yeah, but you get to eat food at school too

>> No.18962737

It's "filsås", not remoulade

>> No.18962744

That's what packed lunches are for. The only thing I ever see people say about school lunches is how terrible they were, so why did they keep eating it day after day?

>> No.18962756

>Why do people eat food?
I'll leave the thinking on that one for you bud.
Very varied between schools. I had awful food in grades 7-9. But I genuinely preferred eating at school 10-12. It was truly great food.
I'd say packed lunches are worse in general than school lunches anyway. It's a good social service which fits well together with having to go to school.

>> No.18962757

Because shitty parents is a timeless constant. Shitty parents thinks it's the schools job to raise and feed their kids, as well as educate them.

>> No.18962868

anon, its a fish

>> No.18962878

That but with cheese instead of fish.