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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18939541 No.18939541 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been to a restaurant or had a food related situation that sent you into a rage?

>be me about 8 years ago
>go to taco bell on my lunch break
>Canada so it is all poos working there
>go because they have a steak quesadilla and it is the only reason I would ever consider taco bell
>order food and wait
>pajeet hands me tray of food clearly not what I ordered and I point it out
>pajeet starts yelling saying thats what I ordered Dibble dabble poo noises
>already pissed because I had worked 7 hours already with 5 more in front me due to an insane week
>flip tray and tell the pajeet to clean it up
>flip him off and leave with him behind the counter raging while fellow poo manager is grabbing him to calm him down

Not sure if I got banned or not but don't care, taco bell is shit anyway.

>> No.18939548

So you paid for the food, autistically screamed at the wagie, and left without the food you paid for? Real impressive.

>> No.18939554

If you had reading comprehension you would have seen the only one screaming was the poo. And not all of us are poor who need to give a fuck about $8.

>> No.18939557

One time I ordered xtra mayo and didnt get it. I left those fuckers a one star review.

>> No.18939562

Yeah I'm sure he was the only one screaming, kek, you sound very emotionally mature

>> No.18939575
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>Yeah I'm sure he was the only one screaming, kek, you sound very emotionally mature

>> No.18939602

Yep, went to a place, sat down, and waited 30 min for service. Got none, got pissed and left. Never went back.

>> No.18939617

One time I got a raw burger from A&W. I pointed it out to the dumbfuck cashier and she tried to bullshit me until I started getting madder. I demanded a refund, despite there being a no-refunds policy, and got it. I would have beaten the living shit out of her if she refused.
This was at metrotown before they renovated a lot of it.

>> No.18939627

What's "metrotown?" some kind of videogame?

>> No.18939632

>no refund policy
Must've been owned by an immigrant. My experience when I worked in fast food was they would hand out refunds unless the customer was blatantly full of shit/trying to get free food.

>> No.18939645

you wouldn't have done shit and you know it

>> No.18939652

I've never had a job where I worked less than 12 hours a day

>> No.18939715

>big graduate school event, afterwards at a formal dinner with professors, classmates, and some guest speakers, like 25-30 people total
>school books a private dining room in a big fancy restaurant
>the manager himself comes to schmooze and take our orders
>i'm seated towards the middle of our big table so he starts with me
>15 minutes pass
>food starts coming out
>guy to the left of me gets served
>guy to the right
>guy across
>guy at the end of the table
>people are starting to notice that i still don't have my food despite being the first to order and are cracking jokes, i'm doing my best to roll with the punches but seething inside
>finally literally everyone has their food except me
>manager comes out to check how things are going, sees me sitting there with nothing
>says something like "oh, I didn't know we had a vegetarian with us tonight!" everyone laughs
>it's taking my all to not rip into this smug gook in front of everyone but i do my best to explain the situation
>he acts like it was my fault, suggests that I should've flagged down a waiter or something when I "noticed that there was an issue"
>get my food like 20 minutes after everyone else has finished eating

-Unfortunately I'd already pre-paid the school for the dinner so I couldn't stiff him but I didn't leave a tip and wrote a bad review.

>> No.18939770

that's fucked up. post name of restaurant

>> No.18939866

Obviously the mistake was made somewhere between the waiter bringing the ticket to kitchen and the kitchen making whatever was on the tickets -- maybe one of the lines on the tickets was missed because it was such a big party, I dunno -- it's a major fuckup on their part.

But the fuckup happened, nobody realized it, not even you or the table until all the plates were served, which happened at a staggered manner. Once you noticed, I guess the responsibility was on someone, anyone, at the table to get someone's attention as soon as possible to replace your order -- if that didn't happen until the manager came back out much later, then that's a collective error on your table's part (nobody had the balls to do the responsible thing). The manager making a joke about it may not have felt good to you, but it lightened the mood for at least a few people -- he already knew, based on how long it takes to cook a dish, that you were in for a fucked time and tried something.

It obviously didn't work, but I'm just saying that there was a single point of failure in communication on the restaurant's fault that led to all of this, and it seems all the manager was doing was trying, and obviously failing for you, to lighten a shit situation. When you leave an objective review, it should reflect that.

>> No.18939868
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A celebrity chef restaurant always gets a certain bit of leeway.

>> No.18939880

One time I went to a Chinese place by myself and was completely ignored and got shitty food, but it was after I went to the same place with some family members and got great service. Left a penny for the check.

>> No.18939899

Shut the fuck up piss ass kiss ass. A true professional doesn't try to "lighten up" the mood with any stupid fucking jokes, nor pins the responsibility on the customer. The restaurant is at full responsibility for this. He should have apologized profusely, say he would fix it right away, and throw in something extra. Except since he's a fucking gook who manages a high end restaurant, he's got his head in the clouds thinking he's hot shit. The bad review was justified.

>> No.18939913

>>What's "metrotown?" some kind of videogame?

Absolute retard.

You think all of A&W Canada is owned by an immigrant? The fuck?


Fucking dipshit

>> No.18940090

ok ill bite... mine isnt really a rage story so much as it was me trying to make a pass at the waitress
>go to local italian place alone
>waitress comes to serve me
>tells me she likes my shirt
>make a pathetic autistic attempt to return the compliment
>tell her her that hair reminds me of a cute loli I saw once
>she asks me what a loli is
>i giggle a bit, nervous to answer, tell her what that is and that it is completely legal, etc etc
>after that she looks at me like shes seen a ghost
>grabs her manager, they ask me to leave the restaurant immediately
>walk out in shame and sweating and on the verge of tears after the first verbal transaction ive had with a real woman since grade school
why am i like this bros

>> No.18940102

Stuck sone wagies hand in hot oil, he forgot the cheese!

>> No.18940107

Based principled nigga, who cares about money its root of all evil after all

>> No.18940109

Youre gay and retarded and probably fat, in other words a mutt

>> No.18940111


>> No.18940112

Real shit

>> No.18940114
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>tell her what that is and that it is completely legal, etc etc

>> No.18940225

I threw up on my own cock in 2009.

>> No.18940251

I'm 43, my girlfriend is 19, and it's legal because there's no law against it because there's no sensible reason to make a law against it.

>> No.18940253


>> No.18940254

anime is so fucked up holy shit. This dude could have met the future wife of his children, instead he will no doubt emotionally retract into an isolated existence of sexual degenerate fantasy.

>> No.18940263

>He should have apologized profusely,
Would him groveling have made you feel so much better and more self-assured than, say, simply saying "sorry"?
>say he would fix it right away,
How do you fix "right away" the issue of having not prepared your order? He could push you to order a substitute that is made quickly (which may be perceived as presumptive and pushy), or let you choose what you like, even though you'll have to wait for it to be cooked no matter what. There is no "right away".
>and throw in something extra.
Sure, that's fair.
>The bad review was justified.
My point was you should be able to articulate the specific point of failure, express your opinion on that issue, and then separately talk about your problem with the server/manager's behavior. Otherwise your review will look like yet another useless rant from trailer trash.

>> No.18940308

First off, not even the guy who suffered this gook's incompetence.
>Would him groveling have made you feel so much better and more self-assured than, say, simply saying "sorry"?
Since you're a faggot who takes exaggeration literally, then yes. The little cunt should have been sucking his dick right then and there.
>How do you fix "right away" the issue of having not prepared your order? He could push you to order a substitute that is made quickly (which may be perceived as presumptive and pushy), or let you choose what you like, even though you'll have to wait for it to be cooked no matter what. There is no "right away".
Again, since you're fucking stupid and have an IQ below the room temperature of Anchorage, you should know "right away" is not literal. The point is it will not instantly show a plate of food, but rather it is reassured to the customer the issue will not be delayed and be solved swiftly. No "oh well you should have done something" bull shit.
>Sure, that's fair.
Wow. A time you aren't a retarded faggot. Surprising. Glad you agree.
>My point was you should be able to articulate the specific point of failure, express your opinion on that issue, and then separately talk about your problem with the server/manager's behavior. Otherwise your review will look like yet another useless rant from trailer trash.
You don't even know his fucking review retard. All he said was "I left a bad review" and you take it as if he didn't point out his problems? Do you think he just said "bad food"? I didn't think you could be dumber, but here we are. Jesus how can you be such a cocksucker for this place? You've never been there. Let me guess, you worked for a restaurant and had a moment where you guys fucked up and now have PTSD because of it? Well suck it up buttercup. Fuck up happens. Instead of acting like a bitching going "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w--well it's not my fault ;-;", own up to it and make sure it doesn't happen again.