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18934237 No.18934237 [Reply] [Original]

Has else started cooking with lard? Other than with pastries, that is. I'm tempted to make an omelette with it.

>> No.18934247

nope. nobody has ever done that before. please don't you may break the economy.

>> No.18934253

people who cook with lard are generally low-IQ because they were gullible enough to be scared into using it. little bitches are afraid of butter and olive oil kek.

>> No.18934268

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.18934282
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I use beef tallow for cooking high temp and butter or mid to low. Wont change. Dont care about your feelings. Take care

>> No.18934289

its just grease, anything will have the usual result with lard

>> No.18934296

beef tallow is quite expensive in my country and I can only find small jars from the artisanal stuff

>> No.18934321

don't be loud about lard. it's insanely cheap because nobody else uses it but me and cheap latin americans. most others are too smallbrain to use lard to its maximum

>> No.18934336

Been cooking with rendered animal fats for years, though I fried a bullseye egg in beef tallow for the first time a few weeks ago. Did it because I didn't feel like using any of the butter. Surprisingly nice.

>> No.18934347

... make it yourself? That's what I (>>18934336) do, though I don't make white tallow. It's brown. Fatty beef mince is super fucking cheap where I live so I crumble cook it, drain the tallow off for use and use the crumbles in whatever I was going to use them for.

>> No.18934407

Ever wonder where the term "lardass" came from? It comes from the fact that fat people eat lard.
I don't take advice from fat people, sorry lardass.

>> No.18934429

I got some from my bacon. I cut and slow-fry my bacon in rather thick slices and give them at least 40 minutes in total.
I have dabbled a bit lately with pork, and pork really takes time to taste well, and I far from eat it every week, yet I still save up the lard for perhaps some beef casseroles, like one with chili, beans, celery, onion and and green pepper. Chili casseroles with well-sizzled bacon is okay, but honestly, beef is better.The lard is well spent, however, with some tomato sauce, cumin, garlic and crushed black pepper.
So far it goes well with eggs, too, but mostly I use coconut, olive, sesame or butter for different stuff. I guess if I could keep the amount of lard down under one tenth in total I wouldn't mind it at all.

I had a feeling I would stick with bacon in regards to pork in general but lately I had to try the classics just to be sure I could make them.
Italian sausages with pork are tastty, but I can't really vibe that much with the usual nordic pork products besides perhaps the annual oktoberfest würst or another annual rib sandwich. It's so damn hard to digest, really.
Just a tiny bit lard in some recipes is delicious I think, but it's one fat I'd rather not overuse, just like sesame or cheap sunflower/rapeseed oil.

>> No.18934437

Anon discovered bacon grease

>> No.18934963

I've seen my fair share of bad takes in my day... but wow lad.

>> No.18934970

Its probably the most tasty fat, and fine if you limit your intake of fried food, which you should anyway.

>> No.18934972

Nah, I just like that everything tastes better with lard. It's cheaper than cooking oils too.

>> No.18934973
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>> No.18935049
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>> No.18935070

what does lard taste/smell like? is it subtle? meaty?

>> No.18935086

what the fuck, this post really stinks

>> No.18935220

Leave her alone. She's obviously... what's the PC phrase we're supposed to use for them now... persons living with intellectual disabilities?
Well, fuck PC for now and just call it like it is: she's retarded and proud that she "discovered" something new. Let her have this. You wouldn't want to make her angry, with her retard strength and all.

>> No.18935233

Depends on the lard and how its made (and further processed, if at all). Some will taste and smell strongly porky. Others will be more muted/subtle. Yet others will barely have any taste of their own. Some will be deodourised and be completely neutral, but those tend to be hydrogenated as well.

>> No.18936080


>> No.18936090
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lard makes a good pie crust

>> No.18936866

I believe most people were scared out of using it
>high cholesterol
keep using sneed oils

>> No.18936966

Clarify the butter and you can even deep try in it.

>> No.18937168

Worst thing about lard is when heated it's very runny and my frying pan is shit and bows up in the middle so the lard all runs to the outside maybe I just need a new frying pan hahaha

>> No.18937171

If you were afraid of butter why would you use lard, which is basically giga-condensed butter in terms of composition?

>> No.18937299

10/10 bait, here's a (you).

>> No.18937302

No it's because fat people literally have asses full of lard. Retard.

>> No.18937317

Enjoy your first heart problems at forties

>> No.18937348

I almost bought some lard the other day when I noticed, walking past it at the grocery store, it was only $3 a pound. I'm already well-stocked with coconut oil, but that is currently costing me $5 a pound. Thinking about making a switch.

>> No.18937359

I can't buy lard in Finland
I can't buy offal or any 'waste' product either
>you WILL eat the expensive stuff only
I suffer here

>> No.18937445

do people not eat pastry in finland?

>> No.18937570

Wrong lardasd

>> No.18937632

Don't you have pork belly? Render down the fat yourself.

>> No.18937823

I use lard and duck fat 9/10 times. Fry an egg in some duck fat and get back to me.
I don't ever use seed oils or synthetic garbage. I do use grass fed butter sometimes.

>> No.18937844

Too much seed oil interfering with your brain function, retard?

>> No.18937848
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Yes you can you dummy. You just have to venture beyond the microwave meal section of your favorite store to find them. You can even get cooking lard in a fucking tube at most hardware stores.

>> No.18937945

Yeah, I use it when I have it. I have tallow and butter right now. Though lard is more mellow a flavor than tallow.

>> No.18937963

You definitely can. Find a good butcher. There's few of them but more and more are starting. Call the nearest abattoir's customer's service. That's no guarantee at all though. I've been writing about exclusive food for the past 2 decades and only last year I found a company that specializes in offal. Via a random butcher on my home town's weekly market.

>> No.18938017

Pastry dough is usually made with butter in non-Bong Europe.

>> No.18938019
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>has else

>> No.18938050

I buy chicken
I take skin away
I fry skin on lowest until all fat is reduced
I store the fat and I cut the fried skin into pieces to have as a snack later

>> No.18938233
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>> No.18938238
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fried potatoes tiem tomorrow

>> No.18938248

>hardware stores

What the fugggggggg? Why is there lard at the hardware store?

>> No.18938250

You're a moron, if you eat bacon you basically get free lard unless you throw it away. You don't have to use lard exclusively and only a retarded faggot would think so. Lard also makes the flakiest pie crusts, more so than butter.

>> No.18938253

Great for biscuits as well.

>> No.18938358


Used for greasing pans, in case you are a finnfag, muurikka has tubes of them. K-rauta, Tokmanni etc sell them. And just make your own, literally buy fatty pork belly and render it down

>> No.18938511

I tried making pie crust with lard. It be didn't work out that well.

>> No.18939115

This. Every so often I'll make bacon, and the grease goes into a jar. Next time I'm making eggs (or frying/sauteing anything) I pour some out. Adds an extra "breakfasty" flavor to the eggs. I've had no problems with rancidity or other spoilage.

>> No.18939118

>lardasd gets asdmad for being called out
Newfag lardass, go eat another tub fatboi

>> No.18939819

Apparently lard is good for making refried beans

>> No.18939936

Have you tried hitting with a mallet? It can work in a pinch. A meat tenderizer will also do
Source: done this to shitty pans at work

>> No.18940497

i use plain pork lard from the chain grocery store for conditioning my leather boots and goat leather work gloves. For cooking I use beef tallow.

>> No.18940599

I bought some lard. Not sure WHEN to use. Like, what meats do you cook it with over olive oil. Should I use lard instead of butter for eggs?

>> No.18940604

I use lard to make a dark roux for gumbo

Really beats what people normally use which is vegetable oil

>> No.18940620

If I'm cooking beef or burgers I only use lard

I still use sunflower oil for most other things like chicken though

>> No.18940641

That seed oil in tubes is usually mixed with canola oil so it kind of defeats it's purpose

>> No.18940647


>> No.18940657


If you AREN'T using lard to cook pretty much everything you are an idiot, especially with all we now know about fats and effect on our bodies.

I smell a disgusting cuckboi who doesn't know anything about anything.

>> No.18940665


As someone replied to you, some do have taste, some don't. Mostly it depends if the male pig was neutered or not.

Also, lard with pork rinds in it is insanely good.

>> No.18940677



Keep on using seed and vegetable oils, we need people like you to die before leeching on pension funds.

>> No.18940678


This is either a lie, or you have no idea what lard is.

>> No.18940679

Fucking idiot you make an ommelte with eggs

>> No.18940685

Bacon grease ain't lard. Morekme a smoked lard with pan fond. You wouldn't want to make pastry with it. I keep both on hand.

You can actually just throw fat trimmings from the pork you buy in a Ziploc in the freezer and render it into lard in a saucepan over low heat for "free" lard, though.