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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 400x207, 400px-British_Pork_Cuts.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18932326 No.18932326 [Reply] [Original]

>is the GOAT meat
>half of the world doesnt eat
i dont get it

>> No.18932329

that's a pig not a goat

>> No.18932336

we did it, reddit!

>> No.18932350


>> No.18932355

not everything should be universal.

>> No.18932359

fpbp, OP is a faggot and probably this mad fag >>18932336 judging by the IP count

>> No.18932381

Inferior to beef in every way

>> No.18932387
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, vietnamese roast pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so good, so tasty

>> No.18932433

THIS. So much this.

>> No.18932441

both based

>> No.18932459

I'm jewish and there are huge reasons why we don't eat shit like pork. we believe it's evil and unclean. Even in the new testament jesus chases out a legion of demonic parasites out of a man, which they escape into pigs. the pigs the commit un-alive by drowning themselves in water.

also look at what pigs eat, and then realize you are what you eat. you eat pig, you become what the pig ate, and you become pig.

demons too

>> No.18932469
File: 104 KB, 675x900, pig roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good, so tasty

>> No.18932470

You know you can cook meat, right?
I don't want to sound antisemitic, but it seems bizarre that the Jewish community has still not discovered the fact that you can cook meat to render it safe to eat.

>> No.18932507

>jesus chases demons out of a man
>demons try to inhabit pigs
>pigs sacrifice themselves so as to not let the demons thrive
clearly pigs are based, and should be the animal mascot for christ instead of the lamb

>> No.18932542

How I wish you can preach to your Ashkenazi brotherine to stop nibbling on foreskin and coins, and mass suppressing the social immune system such as moral and norms of the people they parasite in.

>> No.18932591

Everyone knows you have to cook pork all the way through, even 1st-world quality farmed pork, so it's not surprising that many groups in the Bronze Age would ban eating that and other classes of food altogether based on whatever experiences they may have had with their own cooking traditions. But since the time of Rome onwards the eating of pork was more "ritually unclean" than it was physically "unclean" (at least relative to all food at the time), and certainly nowadays there's only the religious aspect, while claiming any practicality in any place in the world where Judaism/Islam/many other religions have a significant presence is just silly. It's a religious tradition and dogma -- that's it, that's fine, that's part of the deal with religion.

That said, there *are* reasons in the modern world to *not* eat pork, even relative to most other meats. The main arguments are more generalized (feed inefficiency is dwarfed by cows, and general benefits of vegetarianism of course requires a share with a whole range of meats), but specific to pigs is that they've long been known to be very intelligent -- more so than dogs and cats, and kept as pets and work animals in many parts of the world as well -- and we are learning more about their cognitive capabilities every year, most recently the complexity in which they structure their pig society, working together, etc. Yes, scientists are discovering that cows, fish, and chickens are smarter than previously thought as well, but they never started anywhere near the level of pigs, and the new discoveries of intelligence have not been at all as major.

>> No.18932598
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Jewish
stopped reading there

>> No.18932601
File: 1.19 MB, 3865x2174, suckling pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil piggy is good

>> No.18932702

>cant see why people wouldnt wanna eat an animal that rolls around in its filth all day

Only americans can be that stupid

>> No.18932712
File: 288 KB, 1600x1238, smoked-ham-bacon-sausages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18932716

>you eat pig, you become what the pig ate, and you become pig.
what happens when you eat baby foreskin?

>> No.18932783

Pork is god-tier meat. You can eat it by itself or use it as topping and it fits perfectly.

>> No.18932788
File: 3.08 MB, 480x270, miku typing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18932792

beef > chicken > pork
lamb fits somewhere in there
don't @ me

>> No.18932793

Any new friend I meet that has a suspiciously long nose I instantly invite them to a pork bbq. If they refuse I cut all contact with them.

>> No.18933175

i thought jews were supposed to be intelligent?

>> No.18933352

All religious dietary rules have sanitary and health motives, all made obsolete today

>> No.18933354

1st world high quality pork can be eaten raw, see mett

>> No.18933496


I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon

you should try it too

>> No.18933576

You don't get the concept of religion? Are you retarded?

>> No.18933636

how do i cook pork such that the flavour and texture are not obliterated by the next day

>> No.18933638

which pork? hams are fine next day. so is butt and shoulder, typically. so are ribs.

wtf are you even talking about?