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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.54 MB, 4624x3468, 20230212_133306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18930201 No.18930201 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not going down without a fight. Wasting six(6) eggs for this green slop is unacceptable. So tonight we will be making bootleg bolognese with it and waste 200 g of ground beef as well. Wish me luck!

>> No.18930209

Slow-roasted garlic, IN.

>> No.18930212
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Slow-roasted onion, IN.

>> No.18930217
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The shits, IN.

>> No.18930219
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bolognese with eggs

>> No.18930224
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Tomatoes are colonialism. The mixture is starting to boil.

>> No.18930234

Brother what the fuck did you put in that.

>> No.18930235
File: 2.94 MB, 3468x3168, 20230212_135924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef and carrots, IN.

>> No.18930239

6 eggs. Half a bottle of extra virgin olive oil. Half a bottle of pumpkin oil. One spoon of mustard. One spoon of apple vinegar.

>> No.18930246
File: 3.35 MB, 3468x3729, 20230212_140527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added tomatoes despite their violent past. Now we wait for the oil to smoke out and dig in.

>> No.18930276
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>Now we wait for the oil to smoke out
I guess you died before it happen.

>> No.18930280

In this economy? My condolences. Next time try using a whisk, just the yolk, and a neutral oil.

>> No.18930285

Zoom out more

>> No.18930286
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a lot of anons post purposefully bad slop on here and it loses it's charm. it doesn't matter in this case. this is fucking unholy, I'm calling the Vatican

>> No.18930304
File: 2.78 MB, 3468x3602, 20230212_143533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost but unlike my wall I am perfectly fine. I added half a lemon of lemon juice and a few champignons into it because I was bored and because I wanted to pwn Italians and taste tested it for a bit and it's surprisingly good. Tastes like one of those indian streetfood peanut sauces. Might add eggs to more of my dishes from now on.

>> No.18930329
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The transformation.

>> No.18930331

interesting take on bolognese

>> No.18930340

Great job. Looks hell greasy though.

>> No.18930341
File: 2.95 MB, 3456x3456, eating_with_cancer(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transformation of my nonstick.

>> No.18930350

This doesn't even look cooked
I'm calling the vatican too. What the fuck
>smoke out
What did he mean by this? and most importantly
how did this turn out looking edible? I think OP bait and switched us and poured some canned pasta sauce in his slop trough and is lying, claiming that his mysterious green muck turned into this.

>> No.18930354

honestly looks like a pretty good job unfucking whatever the shit that was

>> No.18930361
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Mayo is just yolk and oil according to the article that taught me how to make mayo. The yolk incorporates into the sauce and the oil evaporates past smoking point. Anyway, off to the main course. Thank you all for being here and have a wonderful day.

>> No.18930375

>according to the article that taught me how to make mayo
Forgive me if I don't consider this a very reliable source.

>> No.18930376
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>one(1) singular penne for garnish

>> No.18930414

ingredients are actually accurate, but I'm pretty he winged the emulsification and made mayo soup

>> No.18930447
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Alright ni/ck/ers I'm gonna show you how to easily make actual mayo in 2 minutes. For this technique, you need:
>an immersion blender
>a container like a measuring cup that is slightly wider than the immersion blender, see pic

1. Crack egg in cup
2. Pour on like 150 ml of oil, thats like 2/3rds of a cup
3. Add some flavorings: I like a garlic clove, bit of mustard, salt, pepper and a bit of lemon juice
4. Put immersion blender in the bottom of the cup (see pic)
5. Run the immersion blender and slowly pull it up
WA-LA, now the egg and oil are emulsified and you have mayo

If the mayo is too thin: Add oil (yes, oil makes it thicker) and blend
If the mayo is too thick: Add a bit of water or lemon juice and next time use less oil

>> No.18930459
File: 263 KB, 600x600, 1667532309493947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boil. eggs. mayonnaise.

>> No.18930496

here comes the immersion blender jew to try and jew me out of my money

>> No.18930505

>6 eggs
lmao how much fucking mayo did u try and make

>> No.18930512

You can get one with a plastic guard for like 10 bucks and its objectively superior to a food processor for blending liquid things.
No need to transfer to your food processor and back. Much easier to clean also

>> No.18930527

The food looks good. Carrot is the unsung hero of bolognese to me. I food process it generally to take the sausage and aromatic bits down to small pieces.

Clean the sauce off the edges of the bowl and add a photo filter to compete in this social media world. Keep grinding on the mother sauces.

>> No.18931498

I have a feeling this dude's parents are going to be pissed...

>> No.18931507

you have a (rapey) way with words, Hemmingway

>> No.18931516

Use white vinegar.
Use a lightly-colored oil, NOT extra virgin.
Use ~6 cups of oil, 1 cup for each egg.

>> No.18931529

i though i was just missing mustard sauce, no wonder my home made mayo came out all wrong.. and i used 4 eggs with half a bottle of virging