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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18919462 No.18919462 [Reply] [Original]

confess your /ck/ sins

>> No.18919481
File: 9 KB, 259x194, dirty-mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wash my mushrooms under running water instead of wiping them with a damp towel. They're so fucking dirty and I've never noticed an unpleasant texture from the added water.

>> No.18919490

Mushrooms are already 92% water, washing them causes no problems.

>> No.18919501

I shill MPW whenever a Gordon thread appears.

>> No.18919539

I use coconut oil to make chocolate

>> No.18919634

I put Maggi into almost everything I cook

>> No.18919661

i use bay leafs

>> No.18919692

Bay leaves are amazing wdym

>> No.18919696

I haven't cleaned my kitchen in a week, there are piles of dirty pots and pans

>> No.18919716

I do a full shop every week, fully intending to make homemade meals and eat properly.
But I get lazy, order food, graze on small prepackaged snacks rather than actual meals and throw most of the stuff I bought out.

>> No.18919724

You should buy frozen produce instead of fresh. It's really just as good in most recipes and won't go bad by the end of the week. You can freeze your meats too.

>> No.18919725

Yeah, they taste best when you fry the water out of them anyway, so long as you're not soaking them for like 30 minutes it doesn't matter

>> No.18919729

I don't eat steak

>> No.18919757

i hate cooking

>> No.18919802

i don't wash my cast iron
like, i wipe it with a towel after it cools and put it away
i've done this for 2 years

>> No.18919864

Rinsing them with water is perfectly reasonable. Don't want dirt on the shroomies

>> No.18919918

I don’t wash them at all. I cook them with the dirt on lmao

>> No.18919922
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I drink at least 2 liters of soda a day.

>> No.18919928

What color is your piss?

>> No.18919933

dark yellow to the point it almost looks orange

>> No.18919972

The dirt is literally free flavor dude what are you doing.

>> No.18919991

I used to eat steak well done because I hated the run off into potatoes and veg. Switched to medium as I realised I wouldn't be able to have fillet like I always do.

>> No.18920039
File: 97 KB, 843x947, 7d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you typed this thinking someone would respond and care
you also typed the captcha thinking it was worth posting this response for your time

>> No.18920120


>> No.18920138
File: 603 KB, 320x240, 1663099146043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've read all about factory farming and watched lots of visceral videos documenting how the animals are treated
and I still eat meat

>> No.18920152


>> No.18920186

Sometimes I drink from bowls if I run out of cups

I hate eating after peoples utensils and I prefer plastic

I pee in the shower

>> No.18920261

I actually like watching cooking with jack

>> No.18920320

I've been watching the sousaging jewtuber before going to sleep for like two months.

>> No.18920330

when I was a little kid I used to drink out of bowls and pretend I lived in a jungle with dinosaurs

>> No.18920332

i use italian seasoning nearly every time i cook

>> No.18920345

I fucking hate you, you effort posting hoe. I know youre going for boxy vibes but youre probably just girl Chris Chan, go fuck your dad and get arrested.

I apologize for the bad vibes and malice, but your voice make me mad

>> No.18920382


>> No.18920385

the best way to wash mushrooms is throwing them into a big bowl full of water, slosh em around, dump water, refill, slosh shrooms some more, dump water again, dump shrooms on a kitchen towel. finito

>> No.18920392

I never use accurate measurements when baking.

>> No.18920396

>click this it takes me to https://voca.ro
>giant advertisement for some website called nuts.com
>that's a lotta nuts!
also I don't care either

>> No.18920397

You're not supposed to measure things accurately when cooking.

>> No.18920408

Cook a blue rare one right now and eat it with your hands, not knife/fork.

eat fruit and bacon and drop the soda.

You are supposed to use accurate measurements for baking

>> No.18920418

I don't autistically keep track of how long something is frying on a pan or boiling in a dutch oven.

>> No.18920419

I don't actually like 70% chocolate. I'm glad that fetish died in the 2010s. Today it's as boomer cringe as refusing to drink merlot.

>> No.18920432

I had 2 different packs of ramen for lunch today, and am considering having a third. I got a ramen shipment and want to try another new one.

>> No.18920464

I genuinely prefer most fast food hamburgers over restaurant or homemade hamburgers.

>> No.18920527

I sometimes sample my meal with a spoon while cooking it for my family.

>> No.18920622

>You are supposed to use accurate measurements for baking
What I've learned/realized is that that's only true if you want the result to be EXACTLY the same every time. If you don't mind a little variation, it's totally fine.

>> No.18920636

I’m 171 lbs at 5’10” and I cook my eggs with butter. Fatties like me don’t deserve flavor.

>> No.18920654

I put spray cheese on almost everything I eat. I've can't remember the last time I've eaten in at a fast food place because they don't have spray cheese as a condiment. Even if it makes more sense for my schedule to eat in at a fast food place, I won't unless I remembered to bring a can of spray cheese in my car, and even then, I'll eat it in the car to save myself the embarrassment of having to show the entire restaurant my spray cheese.

A while back, I had to go to a really fancy restaurant for a family get-together, and I was nearly kicked out by the waitstaff for "ruining the atmosphere" when I put spray cheese on my steak tartare. After nearly getting on my knees while apologizing, they let me stay to finish the meal, but it was extremely uncomfortable, especially since there wasn't anything on the menu that could satisfy my particular palate. I'm pretty sure I could hear some waitresses giggling from the kitchen when I passed by it to go to the bathroom.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some white trash redneck who can't cook. I really like copying Alton Brown and Adam Rageusa, often to the letter, but no matter what they make, I WILL spray cheese it. I can't live without it.

>> No.18920673
File: 75 KB, 976x850, F9ABD316-DA86-45AC-8D3F-5F97F6B36E13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch binging with babish and I enjoy it but I hate Josh wiseman because he is autistic

I like ordinary sausage on YouTube

I prefer steak to be cooked medium

>> No.18920682

I used Hokkaido milk bread to substitute Lasagna.

>> No.18920688

I did it. I had #3 ramen. Not my usual habit.

Tried Paldo's jajangmyeon for the first time. Very good quality. A little sweet maybe, but very nice.

>> No.18920707

I am bulimic and have had 3 purge sessions today alone

>> No.18920718

I eat only raw food as a cope for having gotten the vax.

>> No.18921056

i specifically buy and eat 'camping' foods like spam, cheap ramen, bars hot dogs, smores, because it reminds me of highschool when i used to go camping with my friends every weekend and we just had fun eating all this garbage. it reminds me of when i used to have friends

>> No.18921096

babish videos where he can edit and script them and it's just, "lets try to make this thing from that TV show" aren't terrible
his behind the scenes stuff and anything that isn't prepared or is a guest spot is just too spergy millenial for me

>> No.18921106

This is revolting and fake but I still choose to believe it.

>> No.18921110

If ordinary sausage spoke in a normal voice I would watch every episode. His concept is great.

>> No.18921124

i refuse to peel ginger with a spoon

>> No.18921151

Why? I also don't and usually play a fun little game where I use my chdfs knife to carefully peel the ginger with as little wastage as possible.

>> No.18921159

im tired of people telling me this "trick". i just don't mind wasting a bit stuck on the skin because it dries up before i can use all of it most of the time

>> No.18921169

if the customer isn't black, i'll eat something like an onion ring off their plate when cleaning the table.
sometimes i eat too quickly and feel disgusted, throw away a bite or two of the sandwich, but then an hour later go and pick it back up off the top of the garbage (never have gone digging yet)
pass out drinking? that hours old warm flat beer can be finished in 1-2 goes before i allow myself to open another

>> No.18921229

NTA but >>18920313

>> No.18921239
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>> No.18921251

hey how did you get a picture of me?

>> No.18921261

when i worked in a restaurant and got refills, there wasn't this panic covid shit so i could bring a cup back to the machine and refill it. if it was a cute girl i'd taste the straw
always awful, even if she was the cutest loli you'd ever done seen'd.

>> No.18921368

It's a little bit cringe but at least it's a new kind of cringe that hasn't been copied by everybody (yet).

>> No.18921381


>> No.18921383

I was vegan for 8 years. Now I do carnivore/keto.

>> No.18921386

This is now a copypasta

>> No.18921743

For some reason I'm convinced this image is a Cool Hand Luke reference or something but I cannot tell why.

>> No.18921751

You must eat the (overly-developed) eggs.

>> No.18921797

I put MSG in pretty much everything, and I use pre-peeled garlic instead of fresh every time

>> No.18921803

I drink excessively and become crazy beyond any reasonable level...

Night after night after night after night after night after night after...

>> No.18921903

None, I'm a responsible, organized, clean and healthy cook

>> No.18922019

/ck/ sins
I dose my oatmeal with hot sauce
I dust my homemade pizzas with old bay

non-/ck/ sins
the first thing I looked for was the rooster

>> No.18922027

>confess your /ck/ sins
I keep getting way to drunk and worshipping pagan gods and talking mad shit and challenging everyone but mods dont ban me and later on ppl just make fun of me for it but the pact has been sealed between the old gods and myself

what can be done?

>> No.18922059

Weird but not a sin

>> No.18922075

I once purchased fastfood and disguised it as my own cooking.

>> No.18922112

I currently have a dozen of dirty plates/bowls/pans next to my sink, I *think* I will wash them tomorrow.

>> No.18922118

I would love to choke out every pedo that posts anime as an adult because enough kids have been groomed already for a lifetime of homosexuallity.

>> No.18922146

I know what a good steak is, I like steak enough, but I never eat it either. I’d always rather have a burger.

>> No.18922147

is that who posts all the anime?

>> No.18922163

I'm an awful cook and the only thing I can reliably make is rice pilaf.

>> No.18922242

projecting closet homo/pedo lmao

>> No.18923899
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>> No.18923905

Rice pilaf isn't the easiest recipe in the world. If you can make that I'm sure you could make other things too. Make sure you read the recipe in full before you start cooking.

>> No.18923926

I've never cracked my own black pepper in my life.

>> No.18924005
File: 388 KB, 688x500, 1672646309421433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put ketchup on pizza

>> No.18924090

I cook 1 meal, intended to feed 4-6, all in 1 large pan, and put that pan in the fridge, spooning it out over the course of the week for dinner

>> No.18924102

If you put it into glass containers you can call it meal prep and white women will flock to you.

>> No.18924129

my FSM gets pissed off every order because we go through 1.5x as much soup base as we should
it's me. i use up to 2x the soup base. my soup is good, fuck it

>> No.18924137

my sharpening stone said to only use with oil, but I exclusively use tap water instead

>> No.18924166

these lil niggas get rained on in nature water wont do anything to them

>> No.18924382

Based imagination Anon

>> No.18924507

As I've gotten older I've started liking my meat cooked medium rare closer to medium.
I think jarred minced garlic is perfectly fine, though I suspect my local stores brand in olive oil is an outlier because other brands I've tried are abominations
I usually buy pre-made mashed potatoes and think they taste as good as homemade without the bullshit hassle.
I think it was Alton who pointed out that doing this makes no real difference in the Mushrooms, you'd need to soak them for a longer period to actually cause them to absorb considerable amounts of water

>> No.18924511
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When I enjoy a Nutty Buddy bar, I separate the individual layers (4 total) and spread extra peanut butter on them and then put them back together to form a Mega Buddy.

>> No.18924520

Confessed this one before, but it still weighs on me.

I enjoy eating green lentils with sauerkraut as a meal, but I am ashamed of myself and only do this when I am alone

>> No.18924525
File: 151 KB, 1266x721, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save the unused shake and bake coating in the freezer, and just add more. I re-use it about 10 times before tossing it.

>> No.18924535

I use ketchup instead of tomato paste as a base for a lot of curry dishes. It's always delicious and I'm not sorry.

>> No.18924542
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>my FSM

>> No.18924558

>They're so fucking dirty
it's just cow shit, I don't wash them, I just dust them a little.

same here

>> No.18924560
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, peanut falling to death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply can't lose weight anymore. I don't get it. I've been eating like maybe 700 cals a day for the past couple weeks and today my pants were TIGHTER than usual. I swear to God I'm getting fatter. I don't understand it. It's starting to give me panic attacks I don't get it.

>> No.18924573

I've been secretly adjusting my friends scale so he thinks he isn't losing weight, fuckers barely eating now.


>> No.18924576

i eat Pizza or Burger with Rice.
Like my momma said, you are not eating if there's no rice on it.

>> No.18926385

>troon voice
I bet you AGP smirk behind the screen too faggot.

>> No.18926389


thats because its a mans voice pretending to be a woman.

>> No.18926405


It was indeed a disturbing universe

>> No.18927446

>700 cals a day
If you starve yourself like that the body will go into starvation mode and hold onto its fat reserves for dear life. Eat just a little below recommended daily cals (CONDIMENTS AREN'T CALS FREE) and exercise a little.

>> No.18928111
File: 1.32 MB, 1145x862, Screenshot from 2022-11-13 19-45-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i post a old pic in a "post you last meal tread" but i'm pretty sure everybody knows because i've been posting the same pics for the last 7 years and there is only about 50 real people on this board

>> No.18928158
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you better be skinny
nobody likes a fatter thats bulimic

>> No.18928199
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you gotta hit macros or your body will freak out,

>> No.18928205

Well-done steak with sauce >>> rare steak with no sauce

>> No.18928224

When I was a child, I used to put vanilla ice cream in my mouth and let it melt, and then spit it out in the bowl. I'd do this until all icecream was melted, then we'd eat it. We used to call it icecream soup.

>> No.18928343

you should just sodastream pedialyte or something. my friend used it to lose 50lbs

>> No.18928358

I like to eat string cheese by dipping it in apple sauce and scooping a big heaping hulking huge amount of apple sauce on it. DELICIOUS.

>> No.18928366

Honestly that's just the cheap version of cheese and apple/fig jam. Sounds great.

>> No.18928375

When I get drunk I make buffalo chicken ramen which is basically just instant ramen noodles boiled, drained, and then thrown in a pan with chicken, Frank's hot sauce, and butter and stir fried.

>> No.18928427

>I'd do this until all icecream was melted, then we'd eat it.
fun for the whole family

>> No.18928443
File: 447 KB, 525x700, Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 10-21-37 scraped brie - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i scrape the mold off brie, only the cheap stuff tho

>> No.18928454

Female Slash Male

>> No.18928768

I don't like Lobster.

The only times I ever ate lobster, it was a lobster roll and I nearly vomited because of the texture and the fact that I think my brain expected it to be hot, and it was cold.

>> No.18929045

Is this your friend anon?

>> No.18929083

Feel the same about Chef John

>> No.18929088

What does AGP stand for?

>> No.18929097

Chopsticks are an inferior utensil.

>> No.18929102

i put pickle juice on rice. i like sour food. also pickle juice has mustard and onion in it

>> No.18929179
File: 423 KB, 960x1440, 1668918414736631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres more of these images with the nuns right?
can someone post them pls
also i keep a tea cup in my bedroom and only wash it when it gets really fucking gross

>> No.18929351

What was the pact

>> No.18929368



>> No.18929422

As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten very selective about steak.
I couldn’t give a shit about filet mignon or loin or porterhouse cuts anymore. Now I exclusively enjoy rib, flank, and skirt.

>> No.18929423

i fucking hate cooking for myself id rather order in or starve

>> No.18929446

diva_(hyxpk) on some booru

>> No.18929447


>> No.18929452

Its an old video card standard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_Graphics_Port

>> No.18929466

>choked really bad on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
>swallowed, but wouldnt go down, drank water it came back up
>felt like it was stuck in throat for hours, panicked
>decide then and there I was allergic to peanuts i guess
>havent touched a single product that has peanuts, or was made in a factory with peanuts, barely eaten out in the last 12 years.

>couple years ago, get diagnosed with EOE, throat disease which causes dysphagia and choking if it flares up, fucks the lining of your throat up

>know why my throat flared up
>know why I choked
>still afraid of eating peanuts to this day.

I know its an irrational fear, but choking is really awful.
Its hard to get over that mental barrier.

>> No.18929471

I think meat is morally wrong to eat, but I still do it because I already have a slight problem with eating enough food and I can't eliminate a majority of my diet over my morality. Or more than likely I simply don't want too.

>> No.18929482

What if I use plastic take away containers?

>> No.18929521
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I've gotten so disinterested and unmotivated to cook that the most common meal I eat now is a chicken thight that I cook in the air fryer unseasoned.
I don't think I'm depressed or anything like that, I just can't work up the motivation to cook somethat that actually tastes good.

>> No.18929635

I'm a competent cook and make good meals for my family.

I sometimes use MSG to enhance flavor.
I dry brine all meats but in the past year like my steaks medium for some inexplicable reason.
Unless I brown some meat in it, I don't wash my cast iron skillet, just wipe it out with a single paper towel.
I live in Dungeness crab paradise but I don't like it. It's a PITA to eat and I don't find it all that interesting.
I do 95% of all the cooking and clean-up in the house and my wife isn't all that grateful about it.

>> No.18929744

marinate your chicken before hand in a ziplock then pan fry it? just about as easy and tastes p good.

Or you could try some sous vide steak or pork. It's fairly easy to get into, although it can be expensive sometimes depending on how you decide to do it

>> No.18929916

I use jarred pre-minced garlic and have no plans to stop

>> No.18930595

Kinda sounds like depression brother.

>> No.18930642
File: 102 KB, 640x853, ok-taco-bell-what-in-the-actual-fuck-v0-sr8jtqrjyp9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Said I wasn't going to eat Taco Bell anymore because the price is way too high and lest time I got a Mexican pizza. It was stale and gross.
> Have not eaten at Taco Bell for a year
> Have a bad day at work.
>Get really drunk
> Go to Taco Bell
> Order $50 worth of Taco Bell
> Come home slam another quarter bottle of tequila
> Drunk as fuck go to eat my Mexican pizza
>It is stale and disgusting tastes like plastic and it cost $8
>Get mad then pass out on the couch
>Wake up with a bad hang over
>first thing I see is $42 left of Taco Bell

Fuck taco bell

>> No.18930668

Lel I have been there. The secret is to get real drunk again every night for a week and live off of microwaved Taco Baco.
tinkle outside the binkle my dude

>> No.18930879
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>kym filename

>> No.18930891
File: 28 KB, 547x450, 1657241377100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I season the steak, not the cutting board

>> No.18930911

That actually sounds good I’m trying that tonight

>> No.18931189
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I prefer an overcooked, grey ass porkchop to a "nice" steak any day of the week. Steak is the most overrated meme food on planet Earth, even more so than shit like bacon and sriracha.

>> No.18932417

You are one disgusting faggot.

>> No.18932586
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I love blueberries!

>> No.18932610

im fukcing lazy
i see recipes calling for 10+ different ingredients, and i just think to myself "lol, no"
in my defense, i am pretty good about avoiding delivery/takeout
but i do dumb down every recipe to the greatest extent possible

>> No.18932613

Wiggers are a thorn is the side of humanity.

>> No.18932654

Every morning I eat a waffle, my school has these waffle irons with mix and I keep consooming them. Also soda, but I'm slowly cutting back

>> No.18932725

anyone with voice that high has overies, not testes.

the message is still the same.

>> No.18932731

I really think we're more at the level of using a cheap(Maruchan or TOP) ramen flavor packet(NOT all of it,) on it in the air fryer.
Truly, anon-- just start out with salt, pepper and prefab poultry seasoning.
And start taking 8,000-10,000 IU of Vitamin D daily.

>> No.18932862

Your mom is a living fossil

>> No.18932865


>> No.18932872

Searched for cute white cus male ;)

>> No.18932881

I used to cram zucchinis, potatoes, and cucumbers. I always felt disgusted post nut and would take out the garbage asap.

Recently I was at the store and some fat fuck in shorts was buying 3 zucchinis and two other random items to conceal their purpose. I just know, you just know, we all just know.