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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18919377 No.18919377 [Reply] [Original]

>never try making a certain dish because its easier to just order out
>finally give it a try at home
>turns out to be pretty simple and always 100 times better than the sysco shit at restaurants

what are some other dishes that you dont actually have to order at restaurants? for me its
>italian beefs

>> No.18919390

Portillo's Italian beef is gorbage

>> No.18919409

yea after making my own i realized how mediocre portillos is. I haven't lived in Chicago for years but everyone says portillos quality is going down the shitter.

>> No.18919412

Buffalo wings. I charcoal grill em. How do you do the Italian beef? My buddy has a good crock pot recipe. I think it's a chuck roast, a jar of sliced pepperoncini, and ranch dressing dry spice mix.

>> No.18919416

Quesadillas, once you learn to flip it and maintain the shape properly you can make them 10x better than any garbage chilli's and actually put interesting shit in them besides just chicken and cheese.

>> No.18919435
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>the sysco schizo is back

>> No.18919437

Your buddy's is closer to a mississippi pot roast but it all tastes the same and the crock pot is way easier.

I use bottom round.
>season with salt pepper oregano garlic onion powder
>sear on all sides
>oven roast in pan until internal is medium rare
>deglaze roasting pan with red wine and chicken stock. add shit ton of oregano, red pepper, whatever you want really.
>let beef rest in fridge over night.
>let stock reduce a bit and place in fridge
>slice beef, reheat au jus and place beef slices in au jus until everything is warmed through
>serve on french bread bun

>> No.18919439

Not exactly a dish, but make your own bread.
Pizza dough is stupid easy:
4C. good bread flour
1tsp. salt
1½ C warm (115°F) water (I also put in 1 tsp. sugar)
1tsp. or packet yeast.
3Tblsp. olive oil or other liquid non-sneedgoyl(melted butter, coconut, etc.)
mix all together until mostly togeth, then turn out onto a flat, clean, surface
knead for about 8-10 minutes until smooth.
put back into the mixing bowl after coating the dough with a thin layer of oil
Cover and let rise in a warn place until doubled in size.(usually an hour)
That's it.
you now have enough dough for 1 pizza and 1 "Order" of breadsticks, or 2 pizzas.
I've been making my family sandwich bread lately as well by adding ½ C. milk/cream to 1 C. warm water and using melted butter instead of Olive oil.
All the shit for sale everywhere is now laden with Soy flour, sneed oil or other bullshit.

>> No.18919442

Ramen is time consuming to make from scratch, come on.
However, most things that they can hire people at minimum wage to make will be easy to make yourself so long as you do all the prep ahead of time.

>> No.18919454

Not OP, but I posted one version here a week ago.
Chuck roast, 2 14oz. jars of sweet banana peppers vinegar included, then fill the jars up again once each with water, then 2 packets of Au jus powder.
Crock pot deliciousness--I've only made it a handful of times, but it never lasts longer than 2 days.

>> No.18919513

What's surprising about a sandwich being easy to make?

>> No.18919568

Nice nice. What do you bake it at? I assume typical pizza times. 500 for a few mins.I have never really baked anything other than cookies and banana bread.

>> No.18919573

portillos is chicago food for tourists, basically a food version of /b/

>> No.18919588

nnice lucky 7's - i will never order spaghetti from a resturant - its incredibly cheap and has a really high mark up and i enjoy the spaghetti i make over any ive had in a resturant

>> No.18919594

When was the last time you made an Italian beef?

>> No.18919600

I disrespectfully disagree as a born and raised chicagofag

>> No.18919609

Sketti n meballs is on another level when made from scratch too

>> No.18919619

oops! Sorry, that WOULD be helpful.
for a lightly topped pizza, 450°F for 15-20(Check after 15) For a more loaded pie, I somtimes drop it to 400° for longer.
I've been playing around with Ideal temps for the bread(in loaf pans--I have both pyrex and standard steel) and it's 350°F-375°F for 20-25 mins.(buttered pans and slit tops)

>> No.18919640

Do you ever use a stone or steel? Sometimes well get the pre-made dough but can never get a consistent thickness with the crust.

>> No.18919648

(bread pizza, Cont.)
You CAN internal temp the bread to see if it's done, but I've always just used the "If it sounds hollow when you thump it after 20 minutes, it's done." method
I also do a lot of free form loaves and rolls.
Try a good soda bread recipe if the yeast makes you nervous--Good ingredients really are the key thing.

>> No.18919669

yeah, have used a stone, and have a peel.
usually, I just use an old Bake King pan that's older than I am.
Kek! If i'm really tired or just feeling lazy, I'll make "Thin crust pizzas" with large tortillas as the crust.
(Still make my own "pleb sauce" but they do in a pinch)
Don't forget: with just a few extra ingredients(ricotta, egg, fresh basil) Calzones are just 1 fold away.

>> No.18919727
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Asian hot pot and Korean BBQ are dead easy if you have a table top butane stove. It's not even cooking, just assemble the what you want to eat then toss it into the pot or onto the grill.

Also peanut butter noodles, a 2 - 5 ingredient dish depending on how fancy you want to be.

>> No.18919806

Never even heard of this sandwich before today

>> No.18919814

how do you get food flat for grill???

>> No.18919831

that's a really weird picture

>> No.18919832

i sit on mine all day

>> No.18919838

Bread is stupid easy when you have a bread machine. They are pretty cheap too. Just dump ingredients in, machine does all the work for you. Even does dough proofing if you want to do stuff like rolls or pizza.

But making homemade bread is super dangerous to your waistline. Because it is delicious. The delay function on those machines is very handy, either wake up to fresh bread or come home to fresh bread. Next thing you know you have packed on the pounds from all that lovely bread you've been eating.

Making pizza at home is a pain in the ass. Requires special hardware (ovens, stones, etc.) to even do properly.

>> No.18919849

Poboys - just get supermarket bread and frozen fried shrimp or other seafood, oven bake seafood (or airfry) and assemble into bread with lettuce, tomato and sauce. Takes about 15 min overall.

>> No.18919850

Seconding pizza dough. It's real easy. Since it's not a very wet dough, kneading it isn't mental torture. All you need is a cast iron pan, and that's as good as a pizza stone. Investing in buffalo mozzarella is worth, shit is delicious.
Chef John from foodwishes.com has a really nice entry recipe that you can also use for calzone or pizzadilla
Bagels also aren't that difficult, but the dough is stickier so the 10 minutes you spend kneading is kind of a bitch

>> No.18919860

Asian hot pot can be done at home, but realistically you need a deli meat slicer and the table top stove (butane or electric). Slicing meat thin is a pain in the butt without a deli slicer.

>> No.18919921
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>Requires special hardware (ovens, stones, etc.) to even do properly.
I don't agree.
Unless you are a pizza "Elitist", and require a stone pizza oven, I've made perfectly good pizza from scratch with a toaster oven before.
Truly, the only thing you have to worry about with your own bread is using shit ingredients and sneedgoyls. Since I've completely stopped buying bread, and haven't bought a pizza(for the last 3 years) I've LOST weight.
Granted, I'm not cramming a whole loaf of bread down my gullet daily, or eating a whole pizza in a sitting,(I have been able to destroy 2 large commercial pies in a sitting many times with takeout--but I also am very active)--
No, the secret is simply this:
NO seed oils, Non-GMO flour(King Arthur 4me,) and Staying away from fructose.
These three things have a HUMONGOUS effect on your metabolism. and even though, I appreciate science, the GMO part in flour is to allow it to be soaked in Glyphosate, the REAL problem, not that the genome has been altered.
You can eat less and your leptin will activate, making you feel satiated.
>Making pizza at home is a pain in the ass
Is truly not.
It takes me less than 15 minutes to make the dough. I can walk AWAY and do other shit for the next hour/hour and a half while it rises.
then maybe 5-10 minutes to prep the toppings/shred the cheese.
If you really think that basic bitch pizza is hard...
IDK what to tell you.

>> No.18919936

>All you need is a cast iron pan
Great hack. I'd forgotten about that.
I've done them a couple times, but I've done pretzels more.
Do you boil in a soda bath as well?

>> No.18919969
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I've done bagels and it's not exactly easy, however you will get better bagels than at any store you've ever been to, they're crazy good.

>> No.18919986

Every sandwich shop and grill in Illinois makes the same Italian beef.

>> No.18920014

Go to an Asian market and buy pre-sliced meat for hot pot or get your local butcher to slice it for you.

>> No.18920030

I hope you have good ventilation.

>> No.18920032

Those look CHOICE, anon.

>> No.18920047

If your home ramen is better and faster to make than restaurants then they must be below bottom-tier.

>> No.18920049

Do you use a biga or poolish? Recipe?
I started making bagels since they only have real bagels in NYC/NJ

>> No.18920059

>since they only have real bagels in NYC/NJ
Now THAT is some bullshit.
Enjoy your low-trust, piss smelling shitty.
>recipe for poolish
You don't even really cook/bake, do you?

>> No.18920067

Your reading comprehension is garbage.
Glad to introduce you to the concept of poolish/biga though...you're welcome, fly over nobody (lmao)

>> No.18920072

Dumb Question~
Does the kind of bread I use for a french toast casserole matter at all? like if I used french bread would I need to alter anything since french bread is kind of crunchy? or if I used blueberry bagels since they are so rough?

>> No.18920092

>Glad to introduce you to the concept of poolish/biga though
The unabashed hubris of the Shitty-tard--
I'm not such a faggot that I'll shit up this otherwise good thread with continued senseless trashtalking.
Post food you've made or fucking shut up.

>> No.18920098

Is drinking alone on a Thursday evening and posting on 4chan as fulfilling as it seems, anon?

>> No.18920109

Why are you grasping at straws, faggot?
Post something relevant to the thread or fuck off back to whatever twitter or plebbit circle jerk you came from.

>> No.18920117

u mad?
why u mad tho?

>> No.18920123

You're a fucking idiot. Born in Chicago, lived there 30 years before leaving. Portillos is not tourist food, it's Chicagoland family staple. Go shill for Johnny's or Al's somewhere else.

>> No.18920129

You're not even from the state. You don't go to Illinois for an Italian beef. You go to Chicago or the Chicago suburbs. You have no idea what you're even talking about.

>> No.18920133

No one is jealous of you living in kike ruled nigger infested hell hole. Fly over is God tier and you're just a mark waiting to get rammed by schlomo

>> No.18920137
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>Obvious bored troll is obvious.
Got NOTHING huh?

>> No.18920177

I live in a bread desert, with an hour round trip to the nearest non-cake bakery. I started baking my own and it was remarkably easy.
I use a no-kneed recipe directly in a non-stick breadpan. Just mix, leave overnight, bake, and the bread comes out so clean the only thing to wash is the spoon I stirred with.

>> No.18920242
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Sounds BASED
I've done some no-knead breads--perhaps I should revisit them.
I take it you are doing rounds then?
I hope more anons see this thread and are inspired--It really doesn't have to be difficult.
Not a Costco fan,(been ONCE in my entire life,wasn't impressed at all,) but they did have a 2-pack of King Arthur 6lb. bags for less than $10. It was the only thing I bought.
there are TONS of great things to cook at home that will yield better and healthier results than a typical restaurant.
Every anon should at least try to check out classic skills and techniques from you tub videos.
I'm always astounded when I find someone who doesn't know how to cook anything other than packaged, overpriced garbage. There are so many good resources out there, (and here,) that show you how to cook really healthy meals for yourself out of really inexpensive raw materials.
>RIP EGGS...for now.

>> No.18920265

Pls poast recipe.

>> No.18920366

No worse then cooking with a stove. Also I live in a house not a submarine and have fans and vents.

>> No.18920480

I don't know what those things are so no I don't think so. It's actually the binging with babish recipe from I think the bagel sandwich episode? They were damn good, too small though which you can't really tell, maybe 4-5 inches in diameter.

>> No.18920495

Thai curry.
They use curry paste so if you buy a good paste thats half of the work and most of the flavor for you already.
Its not like Indian curry where you have to spend a bunch of time caramelizing onions and reducing tomatoes.

>> No.18920542

You literally just boil rice and put some fish on it, I don't see why it costs a literal fortune at restaurants

>> No.18920736

caramelizing onions isn't as tedious as everyone makes it out
i make them in like 15 min, use a smidge of baking powder to speed it up and deglaze with basalmic

>> No.18920764

I'll have to try that.

>> No.18920781

>1 hour fermentation
Boi. Use sourdough starter and then over night retard the dough in the firdge. Also you BETTER be stretch and folding. How dense is this crust youre making? DANG

>> No.18920782

i add a teaspoon of water every now and then while they caramelize, sometimes with chicken broth/water but ill have to try that

>> No.18920790
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My home made zah

>> No.18920831

more like home meh

>> No.18920855

That's just the fast and dirty.
I'll often let it go for 24 hours in the fridge, especially if I change my mind about dinner.
That said, I've never had an issue with my yeast not doubling in that time, but I do place it covered on a warm oven.
Good old Fleischmanns or Red Star--I used to use Insta-Saf, but I haven't found bricks in my current area.
I DO knead it until silky--Sometimes twice(24hr) and ALWAYS twice when making loaf bread, for obvious reasons..
Never had a problem. It's breadier than stone oven pizza, but less so than most chains.

>> No.18920865

Looks good anon.
You're detractors ITT more than likely ORDER their pizza--A real cook would at least offer constructive criticism.

>> No.18920874

I'm sure it tastes fine but what happened with the crust there?

>> No.18920903

adding water is gonna slow the process, but you can deglaze with broth and that would be nice
guess i'd say don't be afraid to add more oil
with two onions i probably use 3 tbsp oil/lard

>> No.18920917
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Good solid tip..TY anon.

>> No.18921958

Looks tasty breh

>> No.18922216

Fried chicken is easy, whether you add a sauce or not

Grilled chicken for sandwiches, salads, chesadilla, kebab all easy

Any kind of sandwich actually, but ingrediants and arrange on bread, grilled it if you want

Mashed potatoes, meatballs, stews

Everything is easy except making anything from scratch, that takes oractice. So bread, noodles, or stock take all damn day, and which I why I buy them. But for soup I don't understand why people buy stock, the ingredients make the stock, you add water for more soup, add spices for more flavor, you don't need to add stock lol

>> No.18922266

Looks good but that crust is thicc, maybe too thicc