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18916608 No.18916608 [Reply] [Original]

Are farmers markets a meme?

>> No.18916637

Most suck and are complete ripoffs. Amish markets that are actually run by the Amish are really good for the German style food the Amish make.

>> No.18916650
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Foods aren't memes. Drinks aren't memes. Restaurants aren't memes. Grocery stores aren't memes. And farmers markets aren't memes. Just fucking ask if they're worth it or just something people do to post on instagram or whatever you're imagining. (It depends on the farmers market and what you buy, but yes, they're typically "worth it".)

>> No.18916654

I live in a farming area and ive never heard of a farmers market. if you want their shit you go to their house and buy it or maybe a roadside stall.

>> No.18916663
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I can confirm that the Amish do have the best farmers markets

>> No.18916665

>if you want their shit you go to their house and buy it or maybe a roadside stall
That's literally what a farmers market is, dum dum. Instead of having people randomly show up at their house or spend all day sitting in a hut on the side of the road they set up a stall with a bunch of other people who want to sell their shit directly to people for a few hours on a Saturday morning.

>> No.18916669

>an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture
They literally are memes

>> No.18916678

Depends on your area. At the very best, pick three.
>Unique or heirloom veggies and goods
>Actually happens more than once a month
>Sold by actual farmers, gardeners, or whoever made the thing their selling

This, although I recommend Mennonites rather than the Amish. It could just be the Amish in my area though that are pieces of shit however.

>> No.18916684

If you lived in the city they were nice before hipsters ruined it.

>> No.18916689
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>an idea, behavior, style, or usage
>foods, drinks, restaurants, grocery stores, farmers markets
I made a venn diagram showing the overlap of the things you mentioned and the things I mentioned. Maybe you'll find it helpful.

>> No.18916711

You have to be a bit careful with Amish markets. The ones near me are somewhat off the beaten path for the Amish, the raw meat, dairy products, baked goods, and pickles are made by them but the stalls for the fresh produce and cooked meat are rented out to other people. The produce isn't pesticide free nor is it grown by the Amish. They may be old fashioned but they know they need to make money first and foremost.

>> No.18916714

Most are overpriced but you get some decent ones.

>> No.18916747

Retard alert

>> No.18916808


>> No.18916844
File: 27 KB, 750x417, let them eat leeks.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i shall bring my rhubarb
>you shall bring your eggs
>augustus will bring his goat cheese and honey
>and octavia will bring her homemade organic fudge
>the people will come, and titus shall provide them their bread
>and though we shall refer to this mutually beneficial collective as "farmers market", it is in fact all a mirage, if not a farce
>yes, we make money, and the people eat, but this "farmers market" you speak of is a delicate house of cards
>it is not the people, nor is it the food, nor is it the exchange of money and goods and subsequent social experience of eating with others and forming relationships with those who grow said food that constitutes this so-called "farmers market"
>no, for the "farmers market" is merely an idea, spread from person to person within a culture, and without that idea it shall crumble as surely as those edible wort candles domitius was trying to hock at 50% off last tuesday

>> No.18917090

>I shall bring
>You shall bring
>Augustus will bring
>Octavia will bring
>People will come
>Titus will provide
Sure sounds like a behavior spreading from person to person within a culture

>> No.18917133

The ones where I live are pretty good.
(I live right in the middle of a farming community with internationally famous dairy and wine)

>> No.18917136
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I'm sorry?

>> No.18917139

This is actually a good argument and I can’t tell who is winning

>> No.18917157

Probably not the one who doesn't count recipes as memes (a'la "The Selfish Gene")

>> No.18917165

No it's not. What he's talking about are roadside stalls outside of farmer's properties. What OP is referring to are markets in cities and suburbs that are ran by hipsters who grow vegetables in their backyard as a hobby and usually don't know what they're doing. Hence why all the people in the photo are hippie types. Nothing but low quality shit there.

>> No.18917167


>lives in farming area
>doesn't have a farmers market

The absolute state of flyovers hahahahahahaha yeah I don't think they have farmers markets at the Walmart u fuckin hick hahahahhaha what an IDIOT

>> No.18917172

the magic is kind of ruined the first time you see someone unloading Sams club produce to claim as their own

>> No.18917180
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My Farmer's market doesn't run again until June

>> No.18917310
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>Ctrl-F "recipe"
>1 result
Nobody mentioned recipes in the thread, retard. The goalposts were already moved two fields over when the Dawkings definition was used, even though OP was obviously using the internet meaning, and then you still had to bring something up that was never part of the discussion >>18916689
>what OP is referring to are markets in cities and suburbs that are ran by hipsters who grow vegetables in their backyard as a hobby and usually don't know what they're doing
It's mind blowing how out of touch flyovers can be sometimes. Aside from the fact that they think hipsters are even still a thing, they believe that anywhere within a thousand miles of a coast is nothing but illegal immigrants, homeless people, and trannies. And even when you try to explain that California grows more produce and raises more livestock than anywhere else in the country they'll obstinately cling to their mental illness narrative. It's honestly kind of sad, but mostly just pathetic.
This, but unironically. Most flyovers are Monsanto slaves who grow corn which goes to their Walmart, HFCS goyslop, and soybeans, which go directly to China. Nothing but a bunch of ignorant, hypocritical dum dums.

>> No.18917332

I'll make this real easy for your obviously retarded ass: Anything you can express in language is a meme.

>> No.18917334

are you trying to bait people because you have no access to fresh produce? you keep saying 'flyover' like its an insult, if you continue, i will have to ban you

>> No.18917346

Most of the food just comes from the regular store, LOL.

>> No.18917358
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>anything you could ever possibly cognize, understand, express, speak, discuss, or argue over is a meme
When you define a concept so broadly that it subsumes literally anything and everything it becomes meaningless. It's like arguing that all foods are "natural" because everything is ultimately derived from nature, but also that all foods contain chemicals because everything in nature can be broken down into their chemical components. It makes you sound like a 14 year old who is 30 seconds away from just getting frustrated and calling you a fag before going back to looking at their tiktok or whatever zoomers do these days.
>*reads a wall of text explaining how coasties actually have better access to fresh food than most flyovers*
>*replies with, "lol, you're just mad because you don't have access to fresh produce!"
I'm not even trolling, but people like you are so easy to play it's practically impossible to avoid it.

>> No.18917443

i didnt read your wall of text and im not reading this one either lmao

>> No.18917449

Zoom zoom!

>> No.18917630

No way not here in new zealand lol. Farmers markets are legit I think mostly because supermarkets are a fucking rip off big time here

>> No.18917853

You fags always get so triggered when we aren't impressed by you overpaying for basic things

>> No.18917860
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Yea bro no one outside of urban areas have fresh produce, because that's where all the farmland is right?

>> No.18917864

Meme as in there's no one stopping you from just ordering vegs from sysco and then selling it on the farmers market.

>> No.18917916

Not trying to be racist, but every farmers market I've even been to is overrun by black people selling produce that was clearly just bought from a grocery store or grocery store supplier. Like it's literally still in the boxes the fruit was shipped in. Sort of ruins the appeal to me.

>> No.18917931


>> No.18917938

They can be, I've been to some where they had 0 produce just old ladies selling their circuit projects and some nerd selling delta-8 and cbd.
I'm rural so it's common for farmers to just bring a truck of whatever they have to town and sell it on weekends. They typically have very good prices too.

>> No.18917953

Cleveland Public Market

>> No.18917961

it really depends on the area. some are great, some are terrible. fortunately I have access to different ones every day of the week, so I can go to the good ones.
best thing is to show up late when they're leaving or about to leave, you can get ridiculous deals or even free stuff since anything they don't sell they just throw away
makes sense, I never see actual black farmers selling their produce

>> No.18917977

Her sexual frustration never gets old kek

>> No.18917986
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Lol, I can believe it. But in NYC the farmers markets are amazing. There are lots of little farms nearby in NY, NJ, and PA and they grow excellent produce and raise heritage breed animals to supply top restaurants and home chefs. The only drawback is the short growing season being so far north.

>> No.18918001
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>calls others ignorant
>can't spell Dawkins
>cannot into memes

>> No.18918032
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they're Amish people. I go to their house and they sell me produce, preserves, eggs, and meat products. maybe they go to a farmers market somewhere but it's not around where I live. Some farms also have honor systems stalls where they're unmanned and you put money in a box for the produce you took.

>> No.18918038

>he thinks coastal states are nothing but urban areas
Guess what, anon. The entire west coast isn't just San Francisco and the entire east coast isn't just NYC.

>> No.18918068

>Are farmers markets a meme?
where I live we have "farmers markets", if you mean people who go to the grocery store buy produce, then come to a parking lot full of other people who did the same and try to sell the produce at double the price.

>> No.18918620

This is what I was referring to. I fucking hate "side hustle" culture. Like I know you didn't grow this fucking pineapple yourself in mid-August western New York.

>> No.18918903

I'd farm her market on the left, if you know what I mean

>> No.18919080
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>don't wash hands
>touch all the veggies to see "which are just right"
>squeeze some just enough that you can't see they're damaged but they are ruined
>refuse to elaborate further
I love farmers markets

>> No.18919123

mennonites aren't real they were made up by some tv guy

>> No.18919136

that sucks, where is that?
>being proud of behaving like a nigger

>> No.18919158

Just keep an eye out for signs that somebody just brought produce from a wholesaler. Ask the operator of the stall where their farm is, and if they're the farmer. Don't be a sperg, just make conversation. Look for cardboard produce boxes. Most real farmers don't want to waste money buying cardboard boxes that will fall apart and will use reusable boxes to bring produce to the market. Get suspicious if the produce is too perfect.

>> No.18919162

I forgot, don't be a moron. Know what's in season and what's not. If somebody has something out of season, ask about it. They might have a greenhouse, or they bought it at a wholesaler.

>> No.18919398

Good for checking out girl's feet

>> No.18920679


>> No.18921003

it depends where you are. CA has amazing farmers markets where the bros from the central valley drive 3-4 hours to bring me my sweet gains

>> No.18921021

>Grocery stores aren't memes.
Wrong if they have a jester that actually gives a fuck about his job.

>> No.18922488

Ithaca NY?

>> No.18923071

Breathing is a meme. Sleeping is a meme. Drinking water is a meme. Walking is a meme. Loving your family is a meme. Being employed is a meme. Dying of old age is a meme.

>> No.18923310

>be mexican
>try to put my sunglasses on sale in the corner
>no sorry, we only sell farm products
why are americans like this?

>> No.18924471

>indoor market vendor selling produce advertises themselves as local produce
>has pineapple
>in England
Im going to set his stupid stand on fire, how he gets business Ill never understand. Theres 4 grocery stores in walking distance from it.

>> No.18924484

that sounds pretty cool. I'd love to get fresh food that way.
this sounds like some seething poor trying to punch up

>> No.18924515

Truly the most Aryan Anon.

>> No.18924523

buenos noches, you spic fart.

>> No.18924526

>le chad meme
The new internet can be thanked for its one virtue of making retards recognizable on sight

>> No.18924534

they have one at my college lol

>> No.18924553

>Take mother to farmers market
>She buys strawberries, and blueberries.
>Cleans then, bugs fall off in the water
>She leaves them out on her counter for a week
>Mold grows on them
>She cleans off the mold
>Eats them with yogurt
At some point I think a creature replaced my mom because there is no way she just eats old moldy fruit with no problems.

>> No.18924697

only if the farmer looks like his customers.

>> No.18924738

Mennonites are Amish people who can drive minivans and aren't pieces of shit. They are basically modern day hobbits unlike those inbred, smelly, pseudo-jew Amish "people".

>> No.18924825

>Just fucking ask if they're worth it or just something people do to post on instagram
that's literally what op did

>> No.18924907

>Are farmers markets a meme?
No, they're markets at which producers sell their produce direct to the public.

>> No.18924959

“Meme” applies strictly to internet subcultures. Either way, when fags like OP and you use the word, you are simply substituting it for other words like “fad” or “trend” whilst wondering whether or not they’re “worth it”.

>> No.18926265

So there's a wholesale market, a farmers market, and a "farmers market".

The wholesale market is just a point of sale somewhere in the commercial supply chain, the producer has a major buyer, loads extra shit in the truck and they try to flog it after making their main delivery. It's where you get the cheapest prices on seconds produce.

The farmers market is a local market FOR farmers, where mostly people just say Gday and exchange their produce so no producer has to actually pay retail for themselves. You can buy shit here if you're not a farmer but you may or may not get better prices, many people aren't even aware you can barter.

the "Farmers market" is where small and artisan producers rip off stupid rich people, the produce is rarely better than anywhere else and is often worse, the retailers are often no more or less local that the major producers, and the quality of secondary produce is often questionable as many products are actually just beig tested, launched or ortherwise workshopped

T. producer

>> No.18926692

I used to visit my local one to support small business as opposed to the Supermarkets.
One day I got there super early, on a morning jog and half of these fuckers were having their items delivered by supermarket vans. The baker got given a ton of baked bread, baguettes, loaves...
Vegetable trader a ton of vegetables.
Fuckers. never again.

>> No.18927085
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Amish women are so hawt

>> No.18927366

My local farmer's market is kinda a combination of the two "farmer's markets" you mentioned. Ours is old and very well-established, with a dedicated building owned and operated by the city government.
The municipal part of the market is heavily regulated - produce has to be locally grown, picked within a few days of being sold there, strict regulations on how the farmers are allowed to treat and grow their crops. Typically the prices beat out what you can get at the grocery store, freshness and general quality is way way better for sure. Definitely a great option, I would rather buy produce from there 100% of the time vs the supermarket.

HOWEVER, that business only takes up about a third of the building. The rest is a bunch of bougie artisan producers like you described. It's both independent farms that would rather set up their own booth rather than sell their produce in the city-owned part, and also various other craftspeople, bakers, butchers, etc. Prices in this section are way higher than in the other section or external stores, both for the food and for the crafts. In some cases it's worth it, but in others you're absolutely right that they're ripping off rich people. In the end, though, I'm still thankful to have the option, and it does feel good to support local small businesspeople.

>> No.18927593

Mennonites out buy commercial vegetables and sell them at their farmers market stands. I've caught the Hutterites doing the same.

>> No.18927597

No and nor is anything else

>> No.18927632

you 2 should make out. you're made for each other.

100% correct

If you can't sniff out scammers like >>18926265
and their willing victims >>18926692., you're probably a willing victim yourself. Talk to people. Ask questions. Educate yourself. Ignore farmers who sell tomatoes in December and shrimp in March.

>> No.18927710

I go to a local neighborhood farmer's market and buy avocadoes from a farm that are way better quality than from any store I've bought them from. cheaper too. I stopped buying them in grocery stores once I realized how much a better deal it was. buying them at the grocery store I'm usually lucky if 90% of the avocadoes are good. the farmers market it has been 100% every single time. thanks for reading my blog. hit like/subscribe/etc

>> No.18927817


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