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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.41 MB, 2252x2725, IMG_20230208_224851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18916251 No.18916251 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18916259

Excellent, very nice.
Now make it into dressing.

>> No.18916265

Very nice. Love me some pungent bleu.

If you can find it that blue cheese that won best cheese in the world. The rogue creamery, grape leaf wrapped blue is absolutely divine. Seriously beautiful cheese and worth the steep price. Around 45/lb usually.

>> No.18916274

from the thumb, I though chocolate chip cookie dough

>> No.18916288

kind of like how your moms penis made me think she was chinese

>> No.18916296

That's her enlarged clitoris, young man. When wielded properly it has unimaginable powers.

>> No.18916320
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>> No.18916331


>> No.18916342


>> No.18916345

Cathie is the embodiment of probably 40% of ck posters.

>> No.18916364

I wish I could reply to each of Cathie's replies, so I could comment that the mold in blue cheese is actually an all-natural penicillin, which is a medicine.

>> No.18916775

I ate blue cheese for the first time recently and it was so disgusting I almost vomited. I had to throw the rest in the garbage. So liking it is just a meme right?

>> No.18916779

Are you sure you weren't looking in the mirror instead of eating blue cheese?

>> No.18916781

yes it is because you did not like it means centuries of other people did not as well

>> No.18916796

No mirror in sight. Just the most disgusting cheese I've ever tasted. It tasted like shit and belongs in the garbage where I left it.

>> No.18916797

Idiosyncratic reaction. Probably caused by being a filthy cathie.

>> No.18916802

Too bad your mom didn't dispose of you in the garbage during childbirth.

>> No.18916806

Looks like a snot rocket from King Kong.

>> No.18916810
File: 143 KB, 800x533, roquefort-cheese-cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks very good
Love Bleu, such a history to it

>> No.18916811

I guess I just have higher standards. Enjoy your rotten trash cheese, tastelets.

>> No.18916821

Sample size 1, undoubtedly bottom of the barrel shittiest quality walmart tier blue cheese, calls cheese rotten, thinks he has better taste than other people because he hates something he clearly doesn't understand.


Nice job, bud.

>> No.18916825

Recently had Rogue River Blue. Tastiest blue cheese I've ever had. Was disappointed to know it sold out. Gonna order some next this fall when it's out again.

>> No.18916829

It truly is a fantastic cheese. So smooth and refined tasting. Excellent creaminess as well. I've shared it with people who dislike blue cheese and even they really enjoyed it.

>> No.18916843

Gorgonzola is the farthest I'll step away from real bleu cheese

>> No.18916850

>Y, you just don't understand it bro!
Lmao I never thought I'd see someone simp for nasty cheese.

>> No.18916864

Your non response places you squarely in the room temp IQ range. Well done.

The Rogue river blue won best cheese in the world one year. Big fat dummy!

>> No.18916879

>my dirt cheese was liked by niggers around the world.
Oh nonononono hahahahahaha.

>> No.18916899

Well played. At first you only sounded moderately stupid, or just weird for throwing up from food, like an obese woman vomiting after attempting to eat her first piece of broccoli. Slowly you revealed you truly are just a hyper tastelet. It's so sad how some people have the inability to admit they are wrong to the point of making absolute fools of themselves. Keep it up, bud. You're entertaining everyone.

>> No.18916913

Even more hilarious is that in many african countries the people are revolted by all cheeses.

>> No.18916931

Do you go to this much length defending your online m'ladies as you do this objectively revolting cheese?

>> No.18916935

It amazes me how something that looks so poisonous can be perfectly edible, even delicious.

>> No.18916940


>> No.18916949

Next time you make pizza, put a few globs of decent quality blue cheese on it amongst the mozzarella. I can't have pizza without it now.

>> No.18916958

I'm not ruining my pizza, thanks.

>> No.18916969

Only if it is ye mum, cathie, being viciously attacked online for her pleb tastes. She gets unbelievably turned on when I defend her. You wouldn't believe what she's down for after a nice defense session.

>> No.18916970
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, moldy-tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably enjoy this video then.

>> No.18917005

I don't know if I would eat that, I'll stick to white people mold, but it's still interesting

>> No.18917086

The mycotoxins cook the Tofu

>> No.18917113

blue cheese has mold in it.

>> No.18917124

seething roastie btfo by cheese kek

>> No.18917198

Is your autism really so severe that you can't infer intent?

Did you miss the second to last comment she made where she said "blue cheese has mold in it gross"??

>> No.18917991


>> No.18918004

Hey Bruno. I like your channel, don't give up!

>> No.18918005

blue cheese has mold in it

>> No.18918012

Only in this website picky eaters are proud and not shamed. Autistic people make me sick, eugenics should come back

>> No.18918059
File: 1.86 MB, 1080x1080, dfdsfss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing mold on food for consumption in a "free range" manner such as this, not in controlled and tested environments like the roquefort caves, seems very dangerous to me.

>> No.18918368
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>> No.18918376

Wait til you hear about tempeh.

>> No.18918552

Cathie exemplifies my thoughts on the matter

>> No.18918563

love those fuzzy holes

>> No.18919306
File: 1.06 MB, 2448x2009, Mimolette_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting, eat some proper cheese

>> No.18919418

Is it actually translucent inside or does it just look like that in the picture? It literally looks like a mandarin orange slice.

>> No.18919494

Nah it's the rough surface playing TRICKS