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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 641 KB, 1024x768, Eq_it-na_pizza-margherita_sep2005_sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18912474 No.18912474 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the appeal of this shit? It is objectively worse than 90% of pizza places in the NYC area.

>> No.18912482 [DELETED] 

It's called being a posturing snob who is dead inside and only values keeping up appearances.

>> No.18912483

>in the NYC area.
Cope and seethe

>> No.18912484

LOOKS GOOD TO ME, what are you on about?

>> No.18912489
File: 1.72 MB, 3018x3018, IMG_1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesn't even make sense retard. Neopolitan pizza is objectively mid. Now Lucali's on the other hand is 10/10

>> No.18912501
File: 13 KB, 242x208, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh nooo authentic Italian margherita looks so puke worthy and disgusting ooooh noooooo
why don't you try eating a kebab with fries pizza or any of the million other retarded combos we have in euroland

>> No.18912509
File: 319 KB, 1200x1200, SallysApiza2019-07-30-1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you on about retard? The one thing going for Margherita pizza is its looks, its taste is whats the issue. New Haven is probably better than NYC for pizza

>> No.18912533

How about going to Italy and actually try it?

>> No.18912534

Detroit Pizza is best pizza

>> No.18912541
File: 594 KB, 2016x1512, 29h4yt5q7ta41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to Italy and tried many different kinds of Italian pizza. The fact is that Europeans have never had a good slice in their lives...

>> No.18912570

I had seen far better European pizzas.

>> No.18912577
File: 48 KB, 550x413, pizza-kebab-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go try the new haven pizza
I said I'm from euroland, and yes plenty of neopolitan style pizzas here are overpriced and pretty bad but when you get a good one (hint this is the cooking forum, make it yourself faggot) you will KNOW and UNDERSTAND why this style of pizza is seen as SUPERIOR

people can argue about ny style (which is just a margherita, like everywhere else in the world) vs Neopolitan style but really they are both great and people should instead frown upon weird toppings like the kebab fusion pizza

>> No.18912583

hey you little euro pussy non pepperoni having retard, Neopolitan style is not great its mid

>> No.18912588

god i wanna eat that so bad

>> No.18912617

>all that burned shit

>> No.18912634
File: 473 KB, 850x600, pizza-salami[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually never had one, I'm a margherita calzone guy. maybe some parma ham or even seafood if i'm feeling adventurous. but idk fries and pizza they don't seem bery complementary maybe I will try one next time i'm ordering but I feel like it will more than likely be a massive dissapointment and waste of money.

>neopolitan pizza mid
>thinks pepperoni is s tier

idk murifaganon idk

also we do have salami pizza I can never tell if it's the same as "Famous American Pepperoni Pizza" or if it's a different type of meat.

I have never tried it.

>> No.18912641
File: 742 KB, 934x1400, 1675833740413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm... actually it's not burnt because it just isn't ok... the complexity of the carefully blackened tomato product is lost on you, I can assure you the master Pizzaiolo carefully constructed this 'za, properly fermenting the dought and thoroughly kneading the dough for at least 45 minutes to assure the utmost gluten development so those glorious pizza bubbles could be formed. Educate yourself.

>> No.18912693


>> No.18912710

You're all such a bunch of insufferable faggots wether you like an NY slice or a Neapolitan slice, dear God. You grew up with one style and that's what you expect, so even of they're both good, you find it lacking, the same way you may be disappointed if you ordered a burger and it turned out to be chicken meat, even if it was tasty. Normal people deal with this and go on about their day but ooooooh no, gotta stalwartly defend my irrelevant and meaningless opinion on the world's dankest fast food board, because I'll fucking kill myself if the funny internet racists don't agree with me and think I'm lame. Just shut the fuck up and have an actual conversation about food instead of this shitposty tribal social war "nuh-uh ours better you guys suck" bullshit. Do you use every fucking possible subject from food to cars to fucking cartoons or whatever to legitimately and seriously attempt to argue with strangers on a Jamaican professional bobsledding agora? Are you all really that fucking pathetic now? I just want to come here and get my fix of actual food content while simultaneously reading funny dumb racy shit without someone making a big deal out of it and not having to deal with a cancerous updoot brownie-point farming system, but no. We can't do that. We need at least 300 replies over who's a niggerjew tranny, the people that like beans in their chilli or the ones that don't, AND IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY TO READ because it's incredibly obvious that behind the shallow mask of irony YOU DUMB FUCKS ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER'S OPINIONS and take it seriously, to any degree. Good fucking lord what I wouldn't give for a thread on what and where the best meal Anon ever had is, or a thread on classic American cooking as compared to the European transitions it evolved from, or even just a fucking thread where people post "interesting YouTube cooking videos", and people saying actually funny dumb shit. I hate the fucking Internet so fucking much, holy fucking shit.

>> No.18912724

Mad as fuck for no reason

>> No.18912765
File: 57 KB, 500x375, 0ffb88763ac14e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the appeal of this shit? It is objectively worse than 90% of pizza places in the Detroit area.

>> No.18912778

It's cheap slop to feed city rats, it has its place.

>> No.18912785

Welcome to 4chan. enjoy your stay.

>> No.18912792

Do hipsters still exist?

>> No.18912798

>doesnt read entire post

>> No.18913083
File: 146 KB, 868x1024, depositphotos_10826360-stock-photo-parents-and-children-eating-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: The objectively best pizza is the one you enjoy with your loved ones :)

>> No.18913087
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 1798FB39-9086-4E6A-A0A7-FDB4F92EE2A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine complaining about the best food in the world every damn day. Jealous you can't eat it?

>> No.18913094

I just treat it the same as sushi as something youre expected to be pretentious about.

>> No.18913098

You know what it's mostly about? The crust
All other pizza crust is shit compared to some good woodfire char

>> No.18913193

what is wrong with you? why do you think that dumping countless toppings on your pizza makes it better? are you fat and american?

>> No.18913204

what is wrong with you?
do you think margherita pizza will suck your dick if you defend her online?

>> No.18913213

I can't explain it. I like dense-ass pizza with lots of cheese and savory toppings.

Don't get me wrong... that pizza is good. It's just not as good, and I would never choose that over a pretty good American pepperoni pizza.

I only spend so many calories on fuckin' dough and cheese... if I'm gonna have pizza I'm going to go all out.

>> No.18913239

Flyovers are generally ten years behind on culture so to them, yes, hipsters are still a thing. We still get "muh ipa" threads for example.

>> No.18913242


>> No.18913260

>stems of basil

basil is such an overpowering herb you need the tiniest fresh bit ripped up over the top.
Is that because it's 'rustic' and 'quick and easy'? fuck you. Why the fuck is there a trend of making the pizza 'quickly'? as though its a fucking videogame to speedrun? Take the flowers off at least jesus fucking christ you make yourself look like a truely culturally devoid blob. Muh rustic. Muh eye appeal.

t. The only person in the thread who has any semblance of refinement or moderation when deciding what to put on a pizza. Fuck everyone listed above. I know for a fucking fact you stem-eating faggots 'dont mind occasionally' pineapple on your pizza at least 50% of you.

>verification not required

>> No.18913264

missing the point of 4chan, you're meant to think the argument is important here

>> No.18913322


>> No.18913353

NYC pizza looks fucking abysmal man, my local take away pizza joint mogs the shit out of it, and I'm from the UK.

shit looks weak and limp, even Chicago deep dish mogs NYC pizza and I've never touched the stuff.

Cope and seethe.

>> No.18913355

Shit looks like the stuff you'd get at a kids b-day party fresh frozen lmfao

>> No.18913361

I'll take "food desert take" for 300 Alex.

>> No.18913370

It's because of obnoxious snobs posting online "hurrr durr that's not pizza". eventually this burnt crap became delicacy

>> No.18913376
File: 16 KB, 445x267, 5315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy lemme get a chip butty innit bruv

stfu nigel lmao

>> No.18913392
File: 43 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in the US like 90% of us don't take the regional pizza wannabes seriously...

We have something here called "old fashioned pizza" in almost every state cooked in a pizza oven and it's pretty good, way better than memes.

>> No.18913396

that's a lot of grease

>> No.18913402

Is this the place run by the boomer asshole who uses a wine bottle to roll out the dough? Fuck you and fuck that New Yorker trash. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, fuck America.

>> No.18913403

you enjoy that dog shit because it's literally all you know.

>> No.18913405

grease is delicious everyone agrees on this

are you gay?

>> No.18913418

You hate it because you've never tried it, and prefer what? Bready overleavened pleb fare AKA new york style? Soupy over indulgent fatshit style AKA Chicago? Burned cheese bread style AKA Detroit? Major letdown style AKA "real italian pizza"...

That pizza I posted is the finest pizza posted on /ck/ this week and if you overly sensitive morons even knew about "old fashioned" pizza style you'd shit your pants about it but you're too caught up in memes and comercialism.

>> No.18913435

classic margherita always beats any topping
saying this as a eurolander
not a ny thin crust fag
also i know the crust is supposed to be thin on the bottom but what bothers me in a lot of these ny style pics is that the outer crust is never thick enough.

>> No.18913448

>classic margherita
is always disappointing.

If you are trying to eat like an average meal on an average day and its pizza than fine whatever.

It's not special and fuck you for always saying it's special. It's not indulgent, it's average I would never serve it on my favorite nephew's birthday or any other special occasion.

Italians fuck off already with your peasant shit!

>> No.18913464

no ok, I perfectly understand where you're coming from. the appeal in a margherita is that the flavored are perfectly balanced. essentially the dish is perfected in margherita form.
if you add stuff on top fine, but you take away from the essence. and fyi I used to always het toppings before I started making my own pizza and realised the simple beauty in margherita's (and calzones) margherita's are kind of like tuna nigiri am i fucking pretentious for preferring the original dish over all the other ones? idk dude I just like sublime simplicity in my food sometimes. also it's easier to compare different pizzerias based on their margheritas so you can compare sauce to cheese ratio and the little flavors this particular place has in their sauce without getting distracted by toppings.

>> No.18913465

your "old fashioned pizzas" are literal imitations of pizza chain trash.

>> No.18913475

This motherfucker would eat unseasoned cornbread for a birthday cake?

You don't understand what I'm saying at all.

Not even close. Enjoy the food desert that you live in. It's sad that you don't know what real, old fashioned pizza is like. You defintely don't.

>> No.18913485

I actually thought of adding I don't consider Margheritas as a special occasion food, but I thought this came through in my post clearly.

margherita's are great for any occasion.
and something idk something tells me you're a fat fuck guy.

>> No.18913499

Yeah well I'm not fat because I don't try to eat pizza every day, I like a nice indulgent, cheesy old-fashioned pepperoni pizza on a special occasion.

Something tells me that you're an absolutely retarded fat woman. I'm almost certain this is true... you have an undeniably Karen energy. You know, just because you may be a Karen IRL doesn't necessarily mean you can't be educated. So please pay attention.

First off, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about pizza margherita? or is it napolean? are you some kind of italian version of a weeb?

I really think, in general, after exchanging a few comments between us, that you are a fucking miserable person and that most people would at best tolerate being around you.

So like, feel superior for whatever reason I'm sure I can't convince you otherwise... the next time it's my birthday I'm going to have a really fucking good old fashioned USA style pepperoni pizza, and probably some ice cream and cake. That doesn't make me fat it makes me normal. In fact, I think you might actually be the fat one.

>> No.18913531

nice bait murifag "clap clap"

margherita = ny style pizza in every other part of the world or just base pizza: dough sauce mozzarella. if YOU were EDUCATED you would know this.

neapolitan style would be a margherita with buffallo mozarella on the menu. if you actually left burgerland once in your sorry excuse for a life, you my friend would know this.

and no I am not italian but I live in europe where as a matter of fact most pizza places are ran by italians who actually speak italian and go on holiday to home country so they still have connection to the source of magical dish which you murifags ruined like every other italian cuisine.

>the next time it's my birthday I'm going to have a really fucking good old fashioned USA style pepperoni pizza, and probably some ice cream and cake
well I say enjoy yourself on your next birthday.

>> No.18913539

grow the fuck up you two

>> No.18913541

You said a lot of bullshit that I don't care about and didn't acknowledge anything I said...

You are a delusional Karen, confirmed, and you will never learn anything ever. All hope for you is lost. Good luck out there.

>> No.18913546


immersion ruined

>> No.18913554

ME: talks about pizza discussion on cooking board
YOU: attack me personally and make assumptions about my life

yes, I think you are the karen, or rather seething manchild. and yes probably fat.

>> No.18913559

>margherita = ny style
>neapolitan style would be a margherita with buffallo mozarella on the menu.
>and no I am not italian but I live in europe where as a matter of fact most pizza places are ran by italians who actually speak italian
>go on holiday to home country so they still have connection to the source of magical dish which you murifags ruined like every other italian cuisine.

Holy fucking shit that is a lot to unpack and I don't even give a shit.

Old fashioned USA pepperoni pizza is 1000x better than any of your pretentious bullshit, which, you are in fact entirely ill-educated about.

If you like a shitty every day peasant version of the amazing and indulgent old fashioned USA pepperoni pizza that's fine with me, but it's for plebs and quite a common fare that I'm really not at all interested in. Furthermore, almost everyone globally who decides to have pizza is not interested in it!

Continue to make excuses for your retarded and probably fat self... You can think you're the best and most awesome the rest of us don't care and wouldn't take that away from your clearly retarded persona.

>> No.18913561

lol fuck off retard you're retarded, and quite obviously

>> No.18913562

>zoomer memes

>> No.18913564

Shit I think I might agree with this and feel bad for going off on some underaged english girl...

>> No.18913569

>rest of us
who are you talking about? it's only you seething in here buddy.
>margherita = ny style
you'e being pedantic for no reason
it is clear I meant "cheese pizza" in america is "margherita" in europe and probably most of the rest of the world.

the rest of your post I won't even reply because I can tell you're being a little fail troll/baiter
I live in europe bro in a country filled with italian immigrants who like to go on summer holidays to fucking Italy guy how is this hard to understand you peabrain.

>> No.18913584

>it's only you seething in here buddy.
Not true Karen, you are the one upset, I'm just continually educated you, and if I seem to be upset that's just for understandable reasons because of how dense you are.

>margherita = ny style
you'e being pedantic for no reason
>it is clear I meant "cheese pizza" in america is "margherita" in europe and probably most of the rest of the world.

I don't give a shit it's garbage because it's not good old American old fashioned pepperoni pizza.

You can seriously fuck off with your imitation or lesser than crap. I'd rather eat garlic bread. It's a joke.

>the rest of your post I won't even reply because I can tell you're being a little fail troll/baiter
I live in europe bro in a country filled with italian immigrants who like to go on summer holidays to fucking Italy guy how is this hard to understand you peabrain.

This is how I know you're stupid and a failure. Good luck with your meat pies and mushy peas or whatever you fucking retarded cooklet.

>> No.18913633

pizza fight

>> No.18913693
File: 48 KB, 554x554, images_36_-_2022-07-02T061358.169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the appeal of this shit? This shouldn't be called a pizza

>> No.18913970
File: 98 KB, 900x600, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some uma delicia tier shit
why do italian ""people"" think they can measure up against Americhads?
pic related, we perfected pizza like everything elsse.

>> No.18915246

>pepperoni cups for grease to get caught in

silly mutt

>> No.18915354

That's my issue with American pizzas, they tend to have too much cheese and fatty meats on them which causes the pizza to be greasy. A similar problem is watery vegetables but that's not as bad.

>> No.18915435
File: 381 KB, 1536x1536, 2019-10-09-18-01-24-48089cb797f13816bee65c61da4ea396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back to see my thread still up. A lot of eurocucks angry to be told their shit pizza is shit. You degens have never had a quality slice in your life and it shows

>> No.18915451

>4 slices
>15 slices
omg is this bait???
I can not tell
someone help me out please
I do not recognize the obvious bait

>> No.18915457
File: 391 KB, 2736x3648, 368ed69f-41ed-4ff9-aa3a-20f49f4e102f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NYC area has the highest concentration of 10/10 pizza anywhere. eurocuck Italian r words have been making pizza all these hundreds of years and its still mediocre

>> No.18915495

In Canada that quantity of fresh basil would cost $5 at a grocery store

>> No.18915528

The problem with Italian cuisine is that 90% of anything good they have ever produced was invented by poor peasants.
These dishes wouldn't be perfected until these people reached the US.

>> No.18915806

I’m the guy who made the original ”neapolitan pizza is mediocre” thread like three weeks ago, just want to put that out there. I just found it mediocre, that’s all. Like not much better than cheese and tomate on a bread, certainly not worth the mythical status it has.

>> No.18915809

I’m euro btw.

>> No.18915837

mutts have taste buds and dopamine receptors so fucked by all the slop and sugary diarrhea they constantly consume they can't appreciate a balanced and simple meal that won't take another month from their life expectancy
many such cases

>> No.18915848

>the original ”neapolitan pizza is mediocre” thread like three weeks ago
This stupid thread's been surfacing in /ck/ from time to time for many years. I'm guessing you think you are original because you think NYC makes the world's best pizza and Wisconsin makes the world's best cheese.

>> No.18915855

You're not original. This thread pops up every other day

>> No.18915873

Detroit style pizza is a forced meme

>> No.18915883

>I’m the guy who made the original ”neapolitan pizza is mediocre” thread
>I'm a newfag 17 year old and this is my retarded hot take

>> No.18915885

They write these posts specifically to bait this answer which they know it is true. It's as if they need to be reminded of how cucked they are but at the same time they feel the urge defend themselves with irony. Some weird cognitive dissonance going on

>> No.18916166
File: 534 KB, 2000x1416, ur future kid lmaoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why I know non of you fags have been to italy? Because these pizzas are the fucking best, /IN ITALY/

Italy has great fucking ingredients, beautiful wheat, tomatoes etc and they know exactly the mix of ingredients to make it taste like your moms pussy when she was 20 and getting grinded in by black chad, cause let me guess, you're from BBC AMERICA and all you can think about is getting cucked by blacks and having your money be sent to Ukraine.

For example, I love pizza from my home province in Canada. I grew up on it and its amazing. When I moved to indiatario, they had places to simulate said provinces pizza and guess what, it was shit because they were posers trying to imitate another provinces food. You can't imitate another style of food from another area without growing up and being from that area.

Point being, go to italy, walk around, get sweaty, go to Naples and eat their pizza. Its great. And fuck off with your stupid bullshit takes about Italian pizza until you actually try it. Fat sweaty nerds. O wait, you're all too ugly and fat to even walk around Italy without being sneeded at lmaooo

>pic related, its ur future kid cause ur prob gonna marry a fat mexican lololol

>> No.18916207

NY style pizza sucks balls. its so fucking bland and greasy. Neapolitan is at least good bread. I could take or leave the sauce and toppings.

>> No.18916219

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.18916226

tastes like all the ingredients just stand out more. it's not better or worse than ny slice, it's just different.

>> No.18916287

no, you're right, getting a pizza crust perfected, nothing else, just the perfect moistness, chewiness, crunchiness, and flavor of the dough, that alone can take a lifetime to prefect. sause adds some flavor and sweetness, anything else is a distraction that can't only bring the dish down.

>> No.18916828

If pic is what you think good pizza should look like your opinion is worthless

>> No.18916852
File: 126 KB, 1000x964, kl2egquhauga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18916860
File: 68 KB, 890x732, D9K-2adXUAAMaEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uneven sauce
> t.

>> No.18916898

...so what's the second best then, if that's not available?

>> No.18916908

the one you enjoy with your enemies

>> No.18917400

lmao I live in a global food capital you corn fucker.

>> No.18917427


You probably need American television brainwash to want these factory design pizzas more

>> No.18917480

this is just a neapolitan pie with more stuff on it
Salvatores (long island represent)

this is the way.

never had a Lucalis, but you can get on the list i guess

>> No.18917484

a bit of tiger spotting actually tastes really fucking good

>> No.18917503
File: 178 KB, 1000x800, nycslice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC style pizza is the biggest forced meme in food history.

>> No.18917538
File: 1019 KB, 1200x800, everything pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So funny these pizza wars, find a place near you and enjoy their Pizza, not so hard you don't have to traverse the world to find a better pizza
It's pizza for heavens sake

>> No.18917539

its street food bro chill out

>> No.18917542

gross. not even good enough to be street food

>> No.18917548

I like it and you can't change my mind, never will

>> No.18917549

i dont want to change your taste
patricians like a small elite community

>> No.18917556

Then why comment?

>> No.18917560

I like them because to me, the sauce and the bread is the best part of the pizza. The cheese is just a nice little addition and not the main attraction for me.

>> No.18917566

why do aliens send probes?

>> No.18917568

why does God answer some prayers?

>> No.18917592

"street" is just code for "shit" when used as an adjective. now think about that, and you'll find it's true.

>> No.18917599

> we perfected pizza like everything elsse.
Yup you are the masters of race mixing
Nice kosher pie tho

>> No.18917610

actually its code for taking the mediocre and coming out better than it started.

but what would you know about streets, suburban underage anon

>> No.18917754
File: 1.01 MB, 1687x1265, Japan style lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see.. what happens is that.. high-tech designer laboratory """foods""" spoil your senses to the point where everything none-ultra processed tastes bland, see.. when your senses aren't completely raped to death by high-tech designer laboratory """foods""" then, the nuances in REAL foods are infinitely supreme to high-tech ultra processed salty-sugary hardcore drug mimicking """foods""" with MSG and a slew of addictive chemical compounds

see.. for those of us who dont have our senses raped to death by the """foods""" created by satan, we get to sense the nuances in REAL foods, like the pizza in the image that appears to confuse you, see.. for those of us who still have our senses intact, we smell the aromatic basil, the olive oil, the charred wheat, the tomatoes, we can taste the individual flavors, we can tell if one item is close to expiration, we get so much more of an experience compared to those who eat a pizza that tastes nothing but salt and grease with a few exaggerated fake aromas here and there

now.. not to worry, there is hope for those who have their tastebuds raped to death by satan, its a long journey but its fully possible, i would know as i was obese and miserable just like the average American, it took me 6 months of fasting, over a year of eating nothing but whole foods with hardly any herbs or spices, zero processed foods, zero sugars and chemicals, to get to where i am today, a new world opened up to me and i thank God for this new world of nuances in aromas and flavors

>> No.18917909

What kind of delusional mongoloid did this?

>> No.18917913

kek check his 'criteria'

>covered in cheese
>overloaded with toppings

it really is a certain stratigraphy of america summed up like a bad aphorism

>> No.18917914

I'm from Detroit.

>> No.18917920

>it doesn't have enough slop to shovel into my gaping maw so it's bad

>> No.18917922

fair enough
Detroits pretty trashed
say hi to Ron Castellano from me

>> No.18917937

I'm an american and I can't find a way to refute this... It's over

>> No.18917948

Are you kidding me ? I saw some American pizzas with outrageous prices like 25 dollars while for a pizza with the same price in Italy you would have to order a over the top ingredient and even with that it shouldn't cost more that 20 euroos

>> No.18917958

Even pizzas at fancy pizzerias cost less than that. Martucci's pizzas all cost less than 15€

>> No.18917959

kek its only recently that 20 euros in less than 25 usd
and everything has gone to shit with pricing because capitalism

regardless, DUMB ASS, read the fucking shit meme
you fucking DUMB ASS

>> No.18917964

Ok cunt

>> No.18917965

never heard of him but HOLY CHRIST the pizzas look delicious

>> No.18917967

look at the picture


>> No.18917979

That entire lunch is overrated bullshit. Have a steak and be a man, not a soiboi.

>> No.18918018

>That entire lunch is overrated bullshit. Have a steak and be a man

>> No.18918028

Fuck off cunterino

>> No.18918058

this looks disgusting. why are amerilards so basic?

>> No.18918096

stop baiting muttoid, it's embarrassing

>> No.18918482

you need to work on your reading comprehension

You can find op pic in naples in the range 5/7 euro and in northen italy for like 8/10 euro

The most I spent for a pizza was 18 euro but it was a pizza with saffron dough, fresh porcini, bufala and prosciutto di nebrodi. Not your average plastic cheese and lab meat pepperoni

An average **expensive** pizza is around 10/15 euro max

>> No.18918493

I have eaten traditional pizza in Italy and it is very good, but the New York slice will always have my heart.

>> No.18918496

God bless America.

>> No.18918500

>New York slice will always have my heart.
By clogging your arteries? Ya'll should calm down with the cheese and sugar

>> No.18918508

I just buy a slice or two and I'm good, you can take it on the go and wolf it down if you are in a rush too, it's an American cultural treasure like fried chicken.

>> No.18918535

Kebap Pizza is actually really good if you leave out the fries.

>> No.18918542

>not American and thus not from the South
kill yourself faggot

>> No.18918551

> touchy american complaining about cultural appropriation
I can get morbidly obese and shoot kids in a school and you can't do anything about it

>> No.18918556

Sure I can, I'll dance on your grave.

>> No.18918624

like I give a fuck about cultural appropriation
the thing is that I can tell exactly the kind of person you are and what you look like by your usage of ya'll, and because of that divine insight, I can tell you I really don't like you

>> No.18918662

pretentious silver spoon baby spotted....you fucked up the city, dont leave the gentrified areas

>> No.18918787

god damn fries, i feel like this kind of shit is SO CLOSE to being good if not for the fries. every greek or kebab place i know does this, just fries stuffed right the fuck in or on every food. i don't want fries on top of a bread/crust item, i just want the meat and toppings. i make a point to ask for the fries on the side or not at all every time

>> No.18919059

Just by the use of mid, I already know you have shit taste

>> No.18919631
File: 1.31 MB, 255x234, 1671063340368808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoes mad

>> No.18919659

>[adjective] is code for [different adjective]
From the retards that brought you "Artisan is code for expensive" comes the exciting new idea: Nobody is actually saying what they mean!

>> No.18919694
File: 155 KB, 1200x450, 278029648_1021318281810156_2429412064923715652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry this is now a thread for good pizza

>> No.18919734
File: 5 KB, 179x170, 1608960545736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolled dough
Fucking lmao

>> No.18919767

"New York" pizza is every idiots pizza that can generate 600F plus oven temperature on a shitty thin piece of yeast deprived dough. It's a fucking pretend "type" of pizza. And these assholes fold it like that's a bonus, like children in a cafeteria.

>> No.18919777

>fresh woodfired sourdough with homemade tomato sauce, real mozzarella and herbs

>> No.18919779

According to my PC today is US National pidser day (not gay italian pidser day) so lets all get pidser and beers!

>> No.18919977

I dont know why but the Casey's near me, their crust is always super floppy and thin on the pizzas I have ordered from them. I have always liked going into the store and getting their pizza though. Think it may have just been a retard wagie issue.

>> No.18920096

You fail the instant you try to understand why someone likes something. We just do, and you just like what you like.

>> No.18920204

pizza is code for love

>> No.18920738


Burnt ass crusts

>> No.18920761

enjoy your papa johns fag