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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18904914 No.18904914 [Reply] [Original]


The prison you're in is poor so your options are limited.
>one entree
>1-2 sides
>1-2 drinks
>1 dessert

What's your last meal look like? More detail is better

>> No.18904922

Cheese and crackers
Pork chop, cabbage and potatoes
Black coffee and Pepsi Max Raspberry

>> No.18904924
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>Double cheeseburger
>salt, pepper, garlic powder, a little Worcestershire sauce, medium rare
>pepper jack cheese
>sauteed onions
>sauteed mushrooms
>on a butter toasted bun (not sure what kind of bun I'd like)

>seasoned potato wedges
>refried beans and cheese

>Dr pepper, some extra lemony unsweetened iced tea

>no dessert I don't care. Maybe some rice pudding I guess.


>> No.18904930

That's how I make my burger patties, only I use fresh garlic.

>> No.18904931
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>last meal
>chooses pork as their protein

>> No.18904935

I would too if I didn't consider it a chore, I guess since it was my last meal I should've opted for fresh lol.

>> No.18904936

Tastelet detected.

>> No.18904939
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Heck, that thing on top made me think of a shadow vessel

>> No.18904940

>Put mince in bowl
>Smack garlic with knife and remove skin
>Crush with back of blade and chop
>Add to bowl with salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce
>Mix with hands
What part of that is a chore?

>> No.18904947
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Help me, I've fallen and can't get up

>> No.18904953
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Grab my hand

>> No.18904961

My last meal would look like one of the guards hands. Swallow a finger take a little off the top who knows. What are they going to do kill you

>> No.18904964

They can beat the shit out of you, dumbass lol. You're not gonna be able to snitch if they execute you the next day

>> No.18904976

He means he wants to suck his fingers and seduce him. He wants his last meal to be cock.

>> No.18905807

That's hot

>> No.18905811

kfc bargain bucket and a literal bucket of kfc gravy and the entire xfiles boxset

>> No.18905817


>> No.18905832
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Barbecue bacon burger, large order of fries, orange soda with no ice in it, and a piece of hot apple pie.

>> No.18905835

I would get bottomless fries for one of my sides so they can't kill me as long as I keep eating

>> No.18905836
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>1 Giant pot of bolognese
>6 loaves of cheesy garlic bread
>2liter coke
>German chocolate cake

>> No.18905843

I think your goats need you, Muhammed.

>> No.18905844

Fried chicken (All dark meat)
Mashed potatoes with garlic butter and gravy
>green beans with garlic mushrooms and bacon bits
>vanilla cake with chocolate frosting
>fifth of vodka and a half gallon of oj if I can have alcohol. If not a cold 12 pack of pepsi.

>> No.18905848

I kind of want something that's going to give me the turbo shits. If I can hold it in long enough for the sentence to be carried out, my body will spew all of that liquid as soon as I'm dead. Either that, I'll spray shit all over every surface of my cell, just for the hell of it.

>> No.18905896

Thanks, they were running low on water.

>> No.18905911

Just remember not to fuck them.

>> No.18905916

I already knew that you silly goose. Do you need constant reminders to not fuck your goats???

>> No.18905935

No, but there's a reason your people are known by the rest of the world as "goat fuckers".

>> No.18905955

And what reason is that?

>> No.18905968

My mothers thanksgiving stuffing. It’s a meal unto itself and it’s been my favorite holiday dish for as long as I can remember. It tastes like home and good memories. Yeh that’s what I’d want for sure

>> No.18905984

Well shit anon you could've at least had a drink to go with it, oh well.
*flips electrical switch*

>> No.18906935

There is no main

>> No.18906989

Pork momo with a sharp tamarind dipping sauce.

Griddled duck breast, new potatoes, green pepper sauce.

A few pieces of nice cheese and some grapes.

>> No.18907021

>Peking Duck
>Fried Dumplings and Scallion Pancakes
>Shirley Temple
>Apple Fritters
Sounds pretty good, but you WILL pick a dessert
I like your style

>> No.18907025

I'd honestly ask for a reasonable meal and time to have a proper shit with soft toilet paper. It'll come in under $20.

>> No.18907109

>one entree
Breakfast burrito with eggs, bacon, home fries, peppers, onions, jalapenos and sour cream

>1-2 sides
Breaded, pan fried zucchini slices
Refried black beans

>1-2 drinks
Dark roast black coffee
Tall glass of ice cold whole milk

>1 dessert
A big bowl of mint chip ice cream

>> No.18907151
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>order t-rex steak, medium well
>live out the rest of my life as they spend years trying to bring one back to life

>> No.18907218

Who is this sultry slut?

>> No.18907225

Your mom, nigger

>> No.18907261

My last meal would be an all you can eat Buffett. I just never stop eating and spend the rest of my life in the buffet. They can’t execute me that way.

>> No.18907266
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Every night after eating my supper I lay down and go to sleep and pray it was my last meal and I dont wake up.

>> No.18907271

>Carolina bbq
>Roasted brussel sprouts
>Fresh white bread with butter and jelly
>Water and whisky

>> No.18907292

I would go for things that would give me diarrhea. So when I die and shit my pants it's hard for them to clean. That would give me more satisfaction than any meal

>> No.18907294

>one entree
A bucket of extra crispy KFC with buttered waffles
>1-2 sides
A slice of watermelon.
1 raw onion
>1-2 drinks
1 can of Grape Soda
1 bottle of cough syrup
>1 dessert
A bowl of grits

>> No.18907311

Who is it tho

>> No.18908147

This is the cheat code to get out of the execution and reopen your appeal. They'd realize that no one that wholesome could have fucked all those cats.

>> No.18908151
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the heart of my executioner
as a joke of course
but when i die people will think i'm a savage or a genius

>> No.18908220
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Argentinian last meal.

>> No.18908498

What if they put subway jared on death row and he ate one of the sandwiches he used to lose weight.

>> No.18908502

i dont know man,why the fuck would i even use my brain to think of an answer for something that dark im already bummed the fuck out on a daily basis ,this is stupid

>> No.18908505

chicken parmesan with tomatoes and eggs? Sounds good as fuk

>> No.18908541

stuffed bellpepper soup
Mac N' cheese from chickfila
Mineral water with cherry syrup
Any one of my mom's cakes so that I'll be thinking of her when I go out :(

>> No.18908567

>>one entree
3-pc battered fried halibut
>>1-2 sides
homestyle fries, coleslaw
>>1-2 drinks
1 pint guiness, 1 pint ice cold 2% milk
>>1 dessert
1 thick slice of blackforest cake

>> No.18908673

cheese bugles, fuck it

>> No.18908979
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It's my last meal, that means there is a main. Not my fault OP is a fucking retard who decided it was an entree, sides and a dessert. I'm getting my pork shoulder chop, cabbage, and potatoes before I die cunt.

>> No.18908983
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You fuck goats.

>> No.18908993

Would you like 2lbs of strawberries with that?

>> No.18909020

Steak, rare
Vinegar chips
Brussels sprouts
Top shelf bourbon
A ridiculously hoppy IPA (sue me)
Strawberry ice cream

>> No.18909024

Mah nigga

>> No.18909029

Why do I need more food if I'm going to die anyway?

>> No.18909038

I would eat a 5 gallon vat of chili so the jannies have to clean it up after they kill me.
And a milkshake, I guess. Huckleberry.
And a nice peach cobbler.

>> No.18909076
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You're free to go.

>> No.18909109

bbq chicken
toum garlic sauce, fries
mountain dew, iced coffee frappe
vanilla ice cream

>> No.18909125
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Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with extra gravy and corn
Bowl of Olives
Bag of Lays Classic
Bottle of Pepsi
Bottle of Vodka
>1 dessert
Black Forest Cake

>> No.18909682
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Yes , it can be beef or chicken. Omg I can't breathe ahahha

>> No.18909700

young pusy and hiney hole pls

>> No.18909733

juicy, rare prime rib and aus jus
fried okra and buttered, grilled ciabatta bread
chocolate milk and a vanilla coke

>> No.18909764

>it’s another last meal thread
My answer will always be the same, I want to eat the warden’s ass.

>> No.18909889

Mireska the Dark Willow

>> No.18909915

Medium rare prime rib with horseradish
Broccoli and potato salad (my mom's recipe)
Unsweetened ice tea
NY-style cheesecake

>> No.18909996

Wouldn't you be limited to whatever is on door dash? They don't have anything in a prison kitchen beyond pancake mix.

>> No.18910661

If you like this thread you should listen to the off menu podcast

>> No.18911003

You Amerimutts can't help yourselves, can you. An entrée is an appetizer, you disgusting savage. But oh, who cares about what words mean? Let's just call tomatoes potatoes and pineapples pinecones! God I hate yankees.

>> No.18911020

Sometimes I say "egg corns" instead of "acorns" in conversations just to see if anyone else is clever enough to pick up on the joke.
Sadly, it seems that everyone else is an ignorant fool that doesn't "get it"

>> No.18911060

I would try to fast for 40 days before the execution. What do you need food for at that point?

>> No.18911254


My wife calls my cum, which she has never failed drink after her well-done blowjob sessions, “ambrosia”.

I guess you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.18911340

Entree: a Reuben sandwich on marbled rye, stacked high

Sides: crispy tater tots with some aoili to complement, small bowl of grapes

Drinks: ginger ale on ice, maybe some bourbon

Dessert: apple pie with vanilla ice cream

>> No.18911867
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The shadows lurk where you least expect them friend.

>> No.18911940

Why do you need to fast, retard

>> No.18911961

In Texas you get a local fast food meal from Huntsville so I'm getting either golden chick or chicken express 7 piece tenders with fries and cheese sticks and a Dr pepper, no dessert because they suck at either place.

>> No.18912097
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>> No.18912113

They'd be sticking force feeding tubes up into you to make sure you live until it's time to die. Why go through that?

>> No.18912129

Cote de bouffe (death penalty, so I’m in America right? Beef should be plentiful and dirt cheap).
Watermelon and feta salad & duck fat roast potatoes
Death will be sweet enough, thank you.
If I’m allowed booze: Wild Turkey 101 Old Fashioned. If not: A&W Root Beer.

Okay I’m ready to go.
Fling wide the gates of Hell! Your prodigal son has returned.

>> No.18912584

Just bring me some Oreos and a Coke, fuck everything at that point

>> No.18912644
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Don't you ever talk shit about my pork, cabbage and potatoes.

>> No.18914469

Garlic bread
Crab cakes
Spaghetti & meatballs
Red wine
Vanilla ice cream

>> No.18914471

>one entree
quesarito from taco bell
>1-2 sides
fries supreme from taco bell
>1-2 drinks
mountain dew baja blast
>1 dessert
cinnabon delights

>> No.18914476

Of course im joking. Last meal is 1 lb of co*aine then id fight the guards

>> No.18914723
