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File: 40 KB, 474x711, reen label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18904782 No.18904782 [Reply] [Original]

who is this for?
>more expensive than red and black
>worse and less prestigious than blue

>> No.18904785

st paddy's day

>> No.18904791

new money

>> No.18904824

>St Paddy's Day
>Drinking Scottish

>> No.18904825

black is like $20 a bottle tho, not really expensive

>> No.18904827

thats blue label

>> No.18904837

Do you live in the Phillipines? It's about $70 - $80.

>> No.18904838

yeah close enough for the americucks who celebrate their tenth generation removed heritage

>> No.18904862

I judge liquor stores based on the price of Red and Black. Red, at a relatively decently priced place, can be bought for ~$19-$22, black should be around $27-$34, any higher for either and you're being ripped off.

>> No.18904881

That's cool and all, but you're assuming everyone lives in the same country and uses the same currency as you.

>> No.18905057
File: 38 KB, 540x540, jbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Johnnie Walker tastes like shyte, its fucking awful. I bought a few bottles over Christmas but theyre just not good.
Even jamesons is superior

>> No.18905061

>drinking blended whiskey ever

>> No.18905234

It’s a really good all malt blend. More peat and pepper than Blue label, also less sweet sherry. I’d say it’s for people who like bolder, more complex whiskies.

>> No.18905246

how much do it cost?

>> No.18905254

He could also be referring to the fifth prices, not the handle.

>> No.18905306

It’s better than blue in my opinion. Unlike red, black, and blue, which contain grain alcohol as well as barely malt, green is pure malt. It’s a blend of 4 barely malts.

>> No.18905353

I don't trust people who think scotch tastes bad.

>> No.18905357

I didn't say all scotch tastes bad. Get better taste, dumbass

>> No.18905365

If you like scotch and think all JW tastes bad you're a tryhard gatekeeper that actually knows jack about shit.
You are exactly as bad as IPA hipsters that think Coors tastes like piss.

>> No.18905367

It's the only good JW
Blue's not worth the price

>> No.18905381

I did the tour of the Islay distilleries in the 90s. I tasted scotch.
Just Walkers stuff is commercialised shyte the Americans go mad for, a bit like Jack Daniels

>> No.18905384

Yeah all those giant scotch distillers aren't commercialized at all

>> No.18905394

>Just Walkers stuff is commercialised shyte
Thank you for confirming everything I said about you.
Try not to get your neckbeard tangled up in your gauges faggot.

>> No.18905395

they werent. Walker just mass produces shit.
The smaller ones dont.

>> No.18905434

>friend bough JW blue to celebrate promotion
>believes it’s the best scotch on the market since it’s like $200
>don’t have the heart to tell him it’s overpriced trash and better scotch can be had for $60
>drink a glass then chase it with a Miller high life to get the taste of shit blended scotch out of my mouth

>> No.18905526

you should have dabbed on him with a $40 bottle of Glenmorangie. I can only imagine his reaction...
>takes too large a swig
>starts making crazier faces than usual
>coughs a lot like a teenager's first bad bong rip
>"ugh dude what the HECK is that? tastes like burning tires and *gags* and just plain burning"
>pours rest of glass down the drain
>"that was awful!"
>"I dont know how you can drink that"
>drinks soda
>"omg I STILL taste it!"
>cries to wife
>"I think my taste buds are broken"

>> No.18905554

>22 dollarydoos for red label
nigger what are you doing? thats like twice the normal retail price and about 22 bucks too much, when taken for worth in general
paint thinner in a fancy bottle and label

>> No.18905565

>>drink a glass then chase it with a Miller high life to get the taste of shit blended scotch out of my mouth
See: >>18905365
You are trying so hard to seem more knowledgeable that your opinions are literal meme tier.

>> No.18905595

its a blend of malt whiskies
red and black are malt whisky blended with grain alcohol.
I haven't drank for years, but it used to be a reasonably priced 15 yr old malt blend that was really enjoyable.

>> No.18905596

To multiple posters: Being overhyped and overpriced is not the same as being bad.

Between the bottom shelf and the top shelf are middle shelves. As people's tastes become more refined they will spend more on something nice and drinkable but that still won't break the bank monthly.

>> No.18905600

But RedLabel and JD are still overpriced shit, though?

>> No.18905717

Ok. Without looking at the price, are they objectively shit or are they drinkable? If not drinkable neat then are they mixable in an OF or Manhattan? If any of these are the case, then what is the acceptable price range of such a bottle, and thus how significantly is it overpriced?

That's why people use terms like "drinkable" and "mid-shelf" and "budget buy" and stuff, individually, when giving their opinion of spirits. If you say "overpriced shit", is it separately overpriced and shit, or both in combination?

>> No.18905764

Diageo mostly bottles potentially good whisky badly and most of it is expensive for the quality presented. If it were less expensive then it would still be overpriced shit because anything you pay for that is low quality is overpriced by default, but it was just stopped being poorly made then it would cease being shit and still be expensive. hope that clears it up.

>> No.18905781

It's like $50 where I live while blue is ~$230. Pretty big enough gap in price to make it reasonable to try.

>> No.18905828

>trying to seem more knowledgeable

Sorry for having the opinion that a reasonably priced single malt tastes better than a blended overpriced meme.

JW isn’t bad but blue label, specifically, is not worth that price for what it is. Red/black/purple/whateverthefuck, you’re paying for the privilege to say you can afford “the good stuff” but it’s all blended. You may as well save the money and drink Vat 69, it tastes better.

>> No.18905829

>hope that clears it up.
It actually makes me even more confused as to your opinion. You contradict yourself multiple times. Does the whisky, without regard to its price, taste bad or not? Would you accept a bottle if given to you for free and use it for drinking? If so, the notion that it is "overpriced for default" makes zero sense. That could only make sense if it cost you more to dispose the product then the value received -- for cooking, drinking, even cleaning -- when given for free.

I'm not trying to be annoying about this -- I'm trying to help you express your opinions as a consumer better.

>> No.18905842

who is the whole johnnie walker line even for?

>> No.18905847

walker red is just vile, I have never had a worse whisky

>> No.18905854

I was a buyer for major retailers and also worked the spirits auction market. I have tasted whisky from pretty much every distillery that has operated in the last century, at many different ages. I've had several 50+ year old Macallans and Glenlivets, many 30+ year old Springbanks, Ardbegs, and Port Ellens, etc. People respect my tastes.

Johnny Walker Blue is a magnificent blend. The fact that it contains grain whisky does nothing to detract from its quality. Try an old single grain bottling if you have the chance, they can be wonderful whiskies. Not sure if he still makes it, but Compass Box Hedonism is a good intro to quality aged grain whisky.

Is Blue Label overpriced? It definitely used to be when you could buy Macallan 18 and Springbank 21 for under $100. But now that older malts are so outrageously expensive, I'd say Blue Label is actually a good deal considering the age and quality of the malts in it.

>> No.18905855

all you retards arguing about the price of some whisky, don't you realize that alcohol prices vary A LOT in different countries??

>> No.18905865

lol the first paragraph reads like navy seals copypasta

>> No.18905877

Their design is so great and iconic it's really shame it doesn't taste better for that price

>> No.18905884

I suppose if a whisky which sells on online shops for $30 sells in a local store in one country for $25 and another country for $50, then no comparison can be made to the whisky which sells online for $100?

Of if product A and B in country A are $10 and $30 respectively, and in country B they are $30 and $80, then no price comparison can be made between products A and B?

Most people in this thread will have at least some awareness of alcohol pricing and has enough spare brain cells to factor that into their evaluation.

>> No.18905888

yea, you can see it right here ...

>> No.18905899

>JW isn’t bad
>>drink a glass then chase it with a Miller high life to get the taste of shit blended scotch out of my mouth
So calling it shit and needing to wash the taste out of your mouth doesn't mean it's bad? Interesting.
Fair enough.

>> No.18905900

have you ever spoken to an american?

>> No.18905937

gooks chinks slants and zips

it tastes neither good or bad, but for the price paid it's definitely not worth it and I have received JW Black as a gift. its sweetness was clearly coming from a heavy dose of caramel coloring and other flavors quickly dissipated since the bottle was open.

I dont contradict myself. you simply have brain problems and/or have an agenda to save face for the brand.

>> No.18905953

in japan, yes

>> No.18905987

Caramel coloring has no flavor. That's why it's coloring, not caramel. And you can't add sweetener or other flavorings and still call it Scotch.

It's either drinkable or not, mixable or not, and then you evaluate it. "Neither good nor bad" is a cop out unless you acknowledge you don't have enough experience, in reviewing or tasting, to evaluate it (which is an admirably mature thing to do, if that is the case). It's clear that it's overpriced and you feel that it's overpriced, but what consumers may also want to know is, for example, at what level of discount they might consider buying it. Half off?

>> No.18906534
File: 47 KB, 658x576, 1601257957566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caramel coloring has no flavor
>y-your j-just i-i-i-inexperienced!!!1
cope more Diageo shill
>le cop out
>h-how much w-would you pay for it consoomer-san?
if I were given a semi trailers worth of space to take any and all liquor I could want to for the rest of my life free of charge I still wouldnt touch Johnnie Walker.

>> No.18906575

>worse than blue
But that's wrong.

>> No.18906579

Ok so it is bad and undrinkable and of negative value. Congratualations -- you've expressed an actual opinion. You could have said so, from the beginning, after I prompted you multiple times, but instead you said contradictory shit like "bottled good whisky badly" and "it's neither good nor bad" while also saying "overpriced by default".

>> No.18906658

Caramel coloring isn't sweet, but it does add a distinctive aroma of burnt sugar with a bitter tasting edge, especially when too much is used. The practice of coloring spirits is terrible and thankfully many producers focused on quality have stopped doing it.

>> No.18906668

>it's neither good nor bad
you know such things exist, that something can be average

>> No.18906782

Caramel coloring, or any coloring aside from many "natural" substitutes like annatto and turmeric, literally has no flavor. That's a sweetener additive you're tasting, or more likely your own psychology, since there's no way you can access the identical spirit with and without the additive.

Literally the point is you contradicting yourself. Which you just did again because you again said it was shit just a second ago, in the post I replied to. Wtf dude? Do you have a brain tumor or something?

>> No.18907466

I have been to distilleries and bottling lines. Go ahead and smell the caramel coloring straight before it is put in the whisky. It has a distinctive and unpleasant smell that you can easily pick out in whisky once you learn to recognize it. You have zero idea of what you’re talking about.

>> No.18907621

This is their best one by far...nice wood flavor to it. I find the others (including blue) pretty uninteresting.

>> No.18907637

>everybody that replies to me is the same person
its time to stop posting, Ajay.

as to your other points, it's not that its undrinkable. it's that I'm not wasting my time drinking something that is sold as a brand > flavor and E150a is literally a food grade chemical that must legally be stated as an ingredient for sales in Germany.

>> No.18907677

looks like the kind of shit you give to cow-orkers

>> No.18907861
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 00100lrPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200625124711604_COVER-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's this lovely garbage, in a glass with some ice, soda water, and a squeezed lemon wedge

>> No.18908569

I gave a bottle to my friend when his son was born