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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18903415 No.18903415 [Reply] [Original]

I went to a walmart in the mountains, and it was entirely self checkout with non corraled exits (to prevent crime and theft from you know who), no security at the doors, no automated gates that go one way, and a few white people working there with all white shoppers.

I want to move there.

>> No.18903438
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I could drive out there it would only be six hours

>> No.18903454

Why the one star?

>> No.18903455
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>i went to a walmart and had a good experience
>now i want to move there
This might be the saddest, most pathetic thing I've ever read in my life.

>> No.18903464

Yes, things are nice out in the country.

>> No.18903473

its walmart.

>> No.18903705

do amerifats really uproot their entire lives and move across the country to be near a walmart?

>> No.18903713

Except the people. Despite being 30% of the population they comprise 65% of the crazy assholes.

>> No.18903718
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Be Happy! :)

>> No.18903723

Its my dream to go live in some big polluted town where when it rains in the summer, you can feel the heat of the cheap asphalt and the smell of pee, rising up, just above your face, enough for you to sniff the warm air with your lovely girlfriend, telling her how much you love her.

>> No.18903733

>to prevent crime and theft from you know who
I don't know anyone in Virginia. Who are you talking about?

>> No.18903736

Honestly, what more do you need in life? A daily meal from McDicks to treat yourself, and the rest from Walmart.

>> No.18903937

That's because you're a 2 dimensional autist on 4chan, it's about the bigger picture.

>> No.18905422

woah dude is that Food plus ANIME?!

>> No.18905439

desu the quality of an american neighborhood can be determined by the state of their walmart

>> No.18905451

a mobility scooter so you don't have to walk

>> No.18905465

I stopped going to the wal mart near me because people kept getting shot

>> No.18905481

not with all the city slickers and their pets moving in its not

>> No.18905505

>the quality of an american neighborhood can be determined by its proximity to a walmart

>> No.18905509

wholefoods is walmart for twats

>> No.18905512

Sounds lovely and almost the exact opposite of my city's Walmart.
But it's Walmart. No matter how nice it is, it's still a fucking Walmart where you'll still see the same bloody lardasses and human refuse.

>> No.18905517

>he thinks anyone who doesn't shop at walmart must shop at whole foods or similarly overpriced stores
Flyover brain. If you don't like WF, don't go there. Simple as. Doesn't change the fact that Walmart only exists in the shittiest parts of town.

>> No.18905537

>t. lives in an area with more Walmarts than anybody else
I bet you cry like a bitch everytime you see the hustle and bustle pasta

>> No.18905543

>t. lives in an area with more Walmarts than anybody else
Do you not understand how to greentext or are you just retarded? I have to drive almost an hour to get to my nearest Walmart.

>> No.18905574

Ironic coming from a poster like you

>> No.18905641

oh so you dont just cry, but you piss and shit your pants too. haha! how many times have you been robbed by youths/teens today? what's your chinese bosses name? how long was the wait for gas at costco? how many bums spit on your car? what was your initial reaction to TLOU episode 3? did daddy Tyrone tell you to keep that shit down?
how many masks do you go through in a day? how many compliments do you get on your FUCK TRUMP sticker?

P.S. seethe

>> No.18905651

What the fuck are you even talking about? I can't believe anyone could be this much of a sheltered flyover.

>> No.18905665

lmfao coasties toasty

>> No.18905727

Yeah my mom's from Maine and when we visit her family it's quite a sight. Children leave bicycles unlocked just leaning against the side of buildings. Pickup trucks have lumber and tools just sitting out open in the bed in parking lots and on the street. Nobody locks the door to their home, most times they don't even close the real door, they just keep the door open and the screen closed even when they leave. And of course not a single black. When me and my sister were young children we used to play "count the black people" on our annual weeklong trips to Maine. Some years we'd literally be tied with 0 points.

>> No.18905734

>I want to move there.

Don't; you will be directly contributing to it's decline

>> No.18905750

Ok but how long to get there by metro?

>> No.18905931

No, we're near a walmart no matter where in the country we live. We move to be near to higher class walmarts.