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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18902318 No.18902318 [Reply] [Original]

McDonalds should be quaking in their boots right now.

>> No.18902322

>After I sou vide the chicken, then fry it in a pot (so practical for the home cook), I make japanese style buns with flour that I dry aged wagyu beef in
Yeah, McDicks is quakin

>> No.18902325

this guy adds fucking spiders to every dish. fuck you babish you bald piece of shit. stop trying to dismantle western culture by adding spiders.

>> No.18902329

Everyone ignore the shill bait thread

>> No.18902330

Oh is it babish? I thought it was joshua weissman

>> No.18902331

>Doughy bun
>probably thick chicken breast
>condiments and mayo don't even hold a candle to the shredded lettuce and "mcchicken sauce" that mcdonalds uses
there's a reason why the mcchicken is the king
in all these fast food made at home "better" you find that while it may taste good, it will never replicate and be as good or better than what you are trying to copy

>> No.18902335

Fuck off spamming this garbage.

>> No.18902340

it was funny the first time but every fucking dish is just spiders now, fuck liver king for making that shit a thing

>> No.18902362

a tall burger is not ideal

>> No.18902379

>Unhinge jaw
>Bite down
>stuff falls down everyhere
He's trying to mog the mcchicken in his thumbnail but fails miserably, it's like a tranny in heels and a makeup next to a real girl

>> No.18902382 [DELETED] 
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WTF is this about?

>> No.18902384

>Hot n Spicy: $2
>Weissfag sandwich: $40 of groceries and multiple hours of your life
Yeah I'm sure the largest fast food chain in the world is really worried, lol

>> No.18902396

this babish cunt is trying to make spiders a thing
I think I remember him trying to make a krusty burger and he did his version in the end of the video and put a fucking SPIDER on it
he gave this gayass fucking disclaimer about how he learned it from his time in cambodia or some shit and he basically kept moaning about how good spiders were and shit

>> No.18902418 [DELETED] 
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Fffwhat? All right, this I gotta see. After this newscast on the Chink balloon. Thanks for explaining, Anon.

>> No.18902421

Same person

>> No.18902481 [DELETED] 

Maybe I'm rarted, but I can't fucking find it.

>> No.18902504

Oh I was just fuckin with you lol
the every meat burrito was probably the weirdest thing he did cuz it had snake and shit in there but he was staying accurate to the show

>> No.18902534

Weissman is a legit child porn addict.

>> No.18902592


>> No.18902641

You can tell by looking at him

>> No.18902697

>by just spending all afternoon with $50 of ingredients you can make something better than fast food!

>> No.18903047


>> No.18903065
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>trusting a company that supports anal abuse with your food

>> No.18903085

Woooowww you mean a cook made a one-of-a-kind burger that is BIGGER than a burger McDonald's serves 5 million times every single day? It's almost like McDonald's food strikes a balance between mass production and culinary quality????? Holy fucking SHIT!!!!!!!!

>> No.18903088
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>> No.18903095

Mcdonald’s is overpriced and tastes like dog shit

>> No.18903100

Well, that's why they put the rainbow on the back, with the strips emanating from the "ass" of the package.

>> No.18903378

I have sore teeth and having to unhinge my jaw for a burger is torture. Fucking trannys suck cock so often they're use to it.

>> No.18903548

>if you spend more money, time and effort than it takes to order from a drive-thru you will have a better chicken sandwich
Mind = Fucking Blown

>> No.18903559

Thought it was a good recipe until he started adding spiders again what the FUCK is with that.

>> No.18904009

my fucking sides, holy fuck

>> No.18904073

what is this meme? I watched the whole video and he didn't add any spiders whatsoever
what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.18905442

It doesn't take a bunch of money to make a chicken sandwich. Hell, the only ingredient I don't already have is lettuce, and I'd be tempted to either skip it or try another green. Maybe try keeping staples on hand instead of having a kitchen full of goyslop.

>> No.18905446

>it will never replicate and be as good or better than what you are trying to copy
Your tongue is so sandpapered by sysco sloppa that you wouldn't know real food if it slapped your face with it's dick.

>> No.18905452

It doesn’t take a bunch of money to make a Chicken Sandwich but it does take a bunch of money to make a faggy chicken sandwich.

>> No.18905454

>being scared of a rainbow

>> No.18905480
File: 39 KB, 300x392, 49D7268E-47CC-41DD-BFF8-2CB0BEDF75FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a disingenuous faggot

>> No.18905491

What does that even mean? I don't watch his videos ever since he became a living meme to game the algorithm and stopped doing fermentation videos.

>> No.18905604

Not disingenuous at all. If a rainbow on a package upsets you, that means you're scared of a rainbow. Simple

>> No.18905612

>Not disingenuous at all. If a racial slur on n annonymous message board upsets you, that means you're scared of a word. Simple

>> No.18905626

...Yes? Racial slurs are proven to cause the same amount of trauma as experiencing life-threatening situations or even war. You should look into the latest science on trauma, it's funny that you thought this would be a "gotcha".

>> No.18905634

this nigga scared of words lmao

>> No.18905694

Better than fearing rainbows that never hurt anyone?

>> No.18905713
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>>"Trust s0ycience,goy! Saying the n-word is as bad being bombed by rocket-artillery"
Fuck off back to plebbit, clown!

>> No.18905743
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>> No.18905849

>"I don't like him and it's the current year so he's a pedo"
That's how.
>by spending three times the cost of mcdonalds in ingredients, I made something better
ok retard

>> No.18905861

>I watched the whole video

>> No.18905920
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>> No.18906028
File: 127 KB, 750x1000, grilld Australia burger knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That McChicken looks like absolute fucking shit.
Go to a good burger joint that provides cutlery.

>> No.18906033

Why do foodie types never seem to understand the logistics of fast food.

>> No.18906042
File: 24 KB, 714x440, 35435465543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayonnaise on chicken sandwich is gross

>> No.18906047

Now compare that plus price+time to Chick Fil'A, bitch.
>Muh bible quotes
If you can't handle some Christian capitalists then move to China.

>> No.18906078

>Decide to click one of these videos
>Close video at 5sec mark
>Youtube now thinks I want to watch more of this fag's garbage
Glad I wasn't logged in for that, just close the incognito window and get youtube thinking I'm addicted to some other topic

>stuff falls down everyhere
Skill issue or possibly not American.

>> No.18908007

>shitty youtuber WON'T CLICK


>> No.18908123

That's way too much salad on his

>> No.18908161

>annoying fucking intro
>doesnt get to the point fast enough
>stupid details that don't actually make a difference
>all those fucking spiders, seriously why
>more fucking spiders in the b roll
>recipe clearly just something from allrecipes

>> No.18908178

fuck you there are no spiders you colossal faggot
kill yourself

>> No.18908187

people make fun of him for recreating fast food recipes but they don't realise it's for third worlders and europeans who can't get taco bell or wendy's like you guys and want to recreate the flavour

>> No.18908207

>He can't see the spiders
NTAYRT but please go get you eyes checked, anon.

>> No.18908217

speak ENGLISH faggot

>> No.18908332

America's Test Kitchen (a pretty fucking respectable org that's been into TV cooking since the 90s) published a fucking bestselling cookbook (among their many other cookbooks) that recreates the whole range of comfort foods from fast food to Oreos and boxed Mac & Cheese. It's a legitimate exercise.

If done properly and not just ripped off of other people's work.

>> No.18908364

zoomers can't into cookbooks

>> No.18908514

After spending enough time with bullshit online recipes I have some appreciation now for cookbook and subscription recipes that I know are professionally tested and perfected.

>> No.18908554
File: 70 KB, 1024x573, 1666188599757268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the racial slurs against whites are a joke. I can't take someone seriously calling me a honky or a cumskin. Are there any good ones?

>> No.18909530

I like cracker, but it's kind of like colonizer in that I see it as a compliment (whip-cracker). There certainly is no word as powerful as nigger for white people.

>> No.18909546

Can you tell me the name of the book you're referring to? I can't find it on their website.

>> No.18909815

ATK Comfort Food Makeovers

>> No.18909830

This is why blacks always say whites won't understand what it's like to be called a nigger, or what the word truly means in a sociolinguistic context -- there's no equivalent signifier. Independent of what one's social and political opinions are, that's worth understanding..

>> No.18909864

Mind if I post this on r/todayIlearned

>> No.18909865

You trying eating that tall ass sandwich without making a mess, I'll be waiting FAGGOT.

>> No.18909866

The key is not to offer someone something they can only indulge in once a month. A modest burger, not overloaded with toppings is something everyone can enjoy and even eat more than once a week and not feel too guilty about.

Nobody leaves McDonalds saying "I won't need to eat again til next week"

>> No.18909879
File: 1.10 MB, 640x360, zyzz-zyzz-pose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beaner kike wop nigger mick gook
That one line was just as bad as all of WW2
u mad brah?

>> No.18910042

You absolutely may not -- that information is copyrighted and trademarked 2012 by the RIAA/MPAA/ASPCA and I will sue the fuck out of you.

>> No.18910314

or maybe blacks are thinpaperskinned to allow a literal word to mentally and emotionally crush them like ants? I guarantee there are many more slurs for white people but the difference is none of them, or the ones who matter anyway, give any of those words meaning. Cracker, cumskin, honky, devil, villain, colonizer; most whites get called a slur and at worse scoff it off
why are blacks so offended by it? is it because deep down inside they know the meaning of the word and they know it's TRUE?

>> No.18910338

It's slang for negro which means black. But they're actually brown, only the hair is typically black. So it's not true.

>> No.18910406

Ok. Based on this presumption, how would you propose to use this to improve the situation in society, in which the objective reality is that there is racial animosity, and that black people getting killed by police or vigilantes results in mass protests and/or riots?

You can say "well that's not really how it is" or "these people are overreacting" -- but in reality, people are reacting -- there is an objective real-world cause, and an objective real-world effect. So instead of thinking just in terms of what things are in theory, you should be thinking of what you can say and propose that would actually be constructive. Because these social problems don't just vanish on their own.

>> No.18910412

>maybe blacks are thinpaperskinned to allow a literal word to mentally and emotionally crush them like ants?
If that makes blacks sensitive, what does it make whites when they immediately kneel in response to this? lol.

>> No.18910464

What is even the point of these? Of course you can make one better when you have all the time in the world and don't have to take 10 people orders for second

>> No.18910476

japanese mc chicken is far superior to the american one

>> No.18910502


>> No.18910524

>Places to discourage bug eating

Saving pollinators poster is something everyone should unironically support though, even if yes they will also eat bugs

>> No.18910854


>> No.18910926

>how would you propose to use this to improve the situation in society
for who? society as a whole or just blacks themselves? because if it's to benefit society as whole, it would be to export all underperforming blacks (niggers) and welfare shaniquas out and possibly back to Africa. since that's not exactly a realistic possibility, the only solution would be to elevated the status of blacks themselves which is counterproductive: there are multiple objective scientific studies that show that for controlled or even biased (towards blacks) environmental factors blacks as a whole stagnate or even degenerate which boils it down to the only uncontrolled factor of racial quotient. blacks are fundamentally flawed people with flawed culture and flawed societies; they are outliers, but exceptions do not disprove the rule.

As far as blacks being "targeted" by "institutional racism", the notion itself is rather preposterous as compared to demographically statistics on crime, education, and employment; blacks in general are disproportionately FAVORED statistically. Your question of what boils down to essentially "how can we fix it" is a complicated one considering historically we've been trying to "fix it" for the passed 50+ years with lukewarm results. In my subjective scientific observation I have come to conclude that the issue with blacks is that the only outlying factor is genetics, which is not a factor that can not be controlled and manipulated for, even with overproportionate environmental factors. You can't fix a fundamentally flawed people, you can only ignore them. I however am not a baseless racist: I am open to my ideas being challenged and opinions molded, however in my experience and observations I have never been presented with a strong enough argument that may persuade me thusly

>> No.18911030

Manlets with little jaws and mouths seething.

>> No.18911079

bet you can fit a lot of dudes in that mouth bro

>> No.18911119

no he's not. that would mean he's ultra based. he's the highest level of cringe

>> No.18911620

>hop in thread to hopefully make fun of babishs faggy ass or cuckmans jewtube channels
>people are bringing up niggers

>> No.18911887

it's the spiders

>> No.18911890



>> No.18911906
File: 43 KB, 500x500, 130C3174-A197-4D96-BC88-39AFC8F6ABB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedophilia is le based

>> No.18911926

>mayonnaise is gross

>> No.18911931

>how would you propose to use this to improve the situation in society
deport or exterminate all blacks

>here is an objective real-world cause
the massive inferiority of blacks in every respect save perhaphs athletic ability

>an objective real-world effect
the decimation of urban centers, rise of crime, rise of drug use, rise of STDs, drop in average SAT scores, waste of government resources in aid programs, etc etc
objectively speaking, it all blacks died suddenly tomorrow, it would be the best thing that ever happened to the country in so many respects

>what you can say and propose that would actually be constructive
there is nothing constructive to say/propose
the powers that be have decided since occupy wall street that white people are just to smart to allow an actual voice
we will be slowly replaced by niggers, mexicans and mutts who are reliably dumb and easily controlled

>> No.18911935

t. 9 year old

>> No.18911975

If you lack the American hamburger handling racial trait, it can still be trained. I believe in you anon.