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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18902142 No.18902142 [Reply] [Original]

i love alcohol so fucking much bros

>> No.18902144

That's not redpilled, bro :(((((

>> No.18902160

Same, it sucks

>> No.18902163

idc dubsman, its the perfect solution to everything. rn im having shots of whiskey chased with an IPA and having a great time

>> No.18902173

I like to make pruno, it's fun. Alcohol is great.

>> No.18902188

I've been laying in bed for 4 days with alcohol withdrawal. I've never felt so physically bad in my life. Shaking, sweating, paranoia, vision all fucked up, pacing around, hitting myself in the face, smashed my head through the door, massive agitation and beyond anxiety, palpitations, sweating fucking bullets, my throat hurts so much I can barely swallow, can't eat, spewed about 20+ times unironically, cried multiple times.

It's getting better but my advice is yes alcohol is good but don't get addicted.

>> No.18902203


>> No.18902207

too late and dont ever plan on stopping

>> No.18902214

unbelievably based

>> No.18902244

thanks bro cheers

>> No.18902267
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This is the IPA I'm sipping on. First time having it, it's really good.

>> No.18902391

what do you love about it?

>> No.18902398
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Do you love it enough to drink the questionable cupboard brew?

>> No.18902401

I love how it gets my twelve year old sister relaxed and wet. Ready for a good tongue fucking.

>> No.18902502

you're supposed to taper down

>> No.18902512

what am i looking at here? looks like a mead

>> No.18902538

It's feces and urine blended. It's my patented piss poo pounder. Suck my toes.

>> No.18902669

Bread yeast apple wine with raisins

>> No.18902677

tfw hungover
i quit drinking every weekend, but it never works out how i'd imagined

>> No.18902706

I'm in withdrawal right now as well, fever, coldness, shaking. I was drinking 6+ beers everyday since christmas and a few days ago, i stopped drinking and didnt reealise i had enetered withdrawl. Eh it's not too bad, it's just like covid or the flu.

>> No.18902714

did you add the raisins for the flavour or the supposed nutritional value for the yeast?

>> No.18902725

Both, it was more active than when I used just juice plus sugar, but I may have added more yeast also

>> No.18902732 [DELETED] 
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I know this feeling bro.

>> No.18902751 [DELETED] 

according to some retards on google raisins don't offer much nutrient wise, if you can get bread yeast in bulk for cheap it might be worth experimenting with boiling a bit to feed to the live yeast
there's a homebrewing thread on /diy/ btw, much better than the shitshow on this board
thread is slow but it's pretty much always up. has been for years

>> No.18902756

according to some retards on google raisins don't offer much nutrient wise, if you can get bread yeast in bulk for cheap it might be worth experimenting with boiling a bit to feed to the live yeast
there's a homebrewing thread on /diy/ btw, much better than the shitshow on this board
thread is slow but it's pretty much always up. has been for years

>> No.18902763

ate a fuckton at lunch and have been lying in bed all day, a day wasted

>> No.18902775
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I just got some myself, good times were had by all!

>> No.18902793

Sip of Sunshine is really good, but it's pretty similar to Heady Topper which, when I lived in VT at least, was slightly easier to find.

>> No.18902835

Alcohol is the gayest of all the drugs

>> No.18902845

Please get some taste

>> No.18903092
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I honestly love wild turkey so much bros, I never got straight alcohol or other whiskeys but something about rye is just different I could drink a dangerous amount of it it just hits my tongue different

>> No.18903107

the earthiness taste

>> No.18903515
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imagine just not being able to quit alcohol whenever you want

>> No.18903534

honestly, this. just dont drink that day

>> No.18903620

It's a good friend.

>> No.18903701

Stopped drinking when I turned 30
Basically stopped getting drunk in my late 20s anyway
It's found myself only wanting to drink when I was seriously stressed in my life anyway
Now that I have kids and a good job I don't have any desire to drink really

>> No.18903843

alcohol is a nigger drug. do aryan substances like weed and psychedelics

>> No.18903974

whats you guys's thoughts on shit like "non-alcoholic gin" hitting the shelves recently?
blows my mind that people are literally paying $60 a bottle for this shit.
even the TV news has been doing reports recently on how drinking's "falling out of fashion" and that they claim non-alcoholic beer is getting popular.
what's happening?

>> No.18905165

>non-alcoholic beer is getting popular
its tasty, but way too caloric for my taste. Also I drink to get drunk

>> No.18906766


>aryan substance

>> No.18906772

IPAs are for faggots

>> No.18906826

Stay strong, brother. Remember your reasons. Remember the real price of alcohol. Cancer, faster aging, shitty skin, generalized organ damage, earlier onset of dementia and Alzheimer's, weight gain, social mistakes, jail time, sex with ugly/fat girls, the list goes on

>> No.18906874

i don't know about aryan or not
but its definitely the responsible adults drug
-no hangovers, so it doesn't mess up your ability to function
-not proven to cause any harm (ofc its reasonable to assume smoking it is bad, so just use a vaporizer/edibles/vape pen)
-doesn't promote antisocial behavior (tho arguably it does promote asocial behavior)
-doesn't reduce inhibitions so it doesn't lead to irresponsible shit like staying up all night and waking up next to a slampig next afternoon
-as a bonus, no calories

>> No.18906940

It inhibits dreaming. Also fucks up short term memory. Maybe a puff or two on the weekend now and then is no big deal, but you can identify daily smokers.

>> No.18906987

>It inhibits dreaming
not entirely, and certainly nothing about it in the literature
but yea, anecdotally, many users report no dreams while using

>Also fucks up short term memory
nope. it inhibits the conversion from short term to long term
aka its a really bad idea to study for exams while high
it doesn't have any permanent effects that we know of

>Maybe a puff or two on the weekend now and then is no big deal
weed has been used by a great many people for a very long time
for the last half century or so, finding that it does actually cause permanent harm would have been politically desirable, so you know people looked
and they didn't find anything (except when used by kids whose brain is still developing)
also a tenuous correlation with psychosis (*correlation*, not causation, the educated opinion is the causation goes backwards, aka psychotics are more likely to smoke weed)
so, to me, that says that if not entirely harmless, its pretty darn close

>but you can identify daily smokers
pressing "x"
you can identify *stoners*, people who are immersed in the culture, by their clothes/hygiene/vocab/the permanent smell of weed on them
the responsible adult who dresses normally, showers daily, is sober in the mornings and smokes a fatty every day after work? nah, no way

>> No.18907186

Fucking same. A world without Alcohol would be absolutely grim. Getting shitfaced every few months is one of the best feelings, ever.

>> No.18908341

bros give me cocktail recommendations, i need it to taste good, i make a white russian and it was gross.

>> No.18908347

Is Guinness beer any good?

>> No.18908351

If you like water, you'll like Guinness.

>> No.18908369
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try highballs, rum and coke/ginger ale, jack and coke, vodka cranberry or orange.

>> No.18908380

Why the fuck would I ever listen to the media.
I'm in the same boat brother, love it so much I am once again telling it to get out of my house.

>> No.18908390

i too love it
i love it so much the state has restricted my usage

>> No.18908392

Good place to start. Just look for different interpretations. Sometimes they're disgustingly sweet, and other times they can be rich and deeply flavored.

>> No.18908394

>Why the fuck would I ever listen to the media.
Good point. At this point, if I see anything in the media about the health merits of any food or drink, I assume the story was written by Herr Schwab himself.

>> No.18908409

My honest take, there will always be a market for cheap beer, liquor, and the stores that stock it, no news channel or executive can change that.

>> No.18908456

Did too, but tried meth

>> No.18908658

is potato vodka good? like if i were to mix it with something fruity would it be offputting

>> No.18908678

meth is fucking awesome

>> No.18908684
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OP here, went to the bar around 1 for a few hours. Had peanut butter whisky for the first (it's really good). Came home, tidied the place up and made tendies in the air fryer then passed out. I'm awake now and I'm not really in the mood for anything hard so I got me some 9.0 IPA. I'll let you all know what I think of it as a know you wait with bated breath.

>> No.18908693

Wild Turkey 101 is only like 10% rye too

>> No.18908710

I like the taste of alcohol
I like getting a slight buzz
I don't like anything more than that
Also I have a weak will power

>> No.18908716

Guinness is the only big beer I'll drink. Any other beer worth buying is from small/local breweries.

>> No.18908729

do you have to repeat those lines to yourself so you dont ruin your life?

>> No.18908744

I haven't bought alcohol in 2 years, I am not an alcoholic
It's just that if I have alcohol around me I can't help myself

>> No.18908806
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>i love alcohol

Give it a few more years. I had a good friend who also LOVED ALCOHOL until one day he woke up with an "outie" bellybutton and when he went to the doctor it turned out he had full blown cirrhosis and an umbilical vein recanalization. Within a few months it looked like he had an octopus monster growing inside of him. He died in a literal pool of his own blood. If I had it my way alcohol would be a schedule -1,000,000 narcotic. I know of no other drug other than that Krokodil bullshit that is as damaging to the human body as piece of shit alcohol.

>> No.18908824
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So based....

You're a pair of losers is what you are.

>> No.18908825

Brother get to a hospital so they can detox you using benzos.

>> No.18908844

dont be jealous that youre not based, also to my fellow based the IPA wasn't very good.

>> No.18908867

look at this no nut november anon

>> No.18908931

whats going on there