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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18891667 No.18891667 [Reply] [Original]

Should meat be washed before cooking? People say you sohuld not but it is slimy and shit.

>> No.18891674

Only if you are a desert dweller

>> No.18891677

Yeah why not rinse the slimy stuff and pat dry.

>> No.18891685

wish the hooker said that to me before the handjob

>> No.18891708

Cooking is going to render anything on the outside safe, but washing raw meat cross contaminates everything sir.

For increased hygine please be salting, or salt and chilli one.

>> No.18891711

>be salting, or salt and chilli one.

>> No.18891715

Washing meat with water cross-contaminates everything in your kitchen with aerosolised bacteria.
"Washing" meat with water and soap like niggers do does the exact same plus you're eating soap like a retard.
Cooking is already sufficient for killing bacteria - that's why humanity started doing it in the first place.

>> No.18891716

Cross contaminates what, I wasn't planning on licking the sink.
Please try once revert back to us sir.

>> No.18891738

Droplets of water will splash off anything you put under running water and will contaminate your kitchen. If you wipe your kitchen down with antibacterial shit after every meat-washing then good for you, and congratulations on creating the next superbug. You can submerge your meat under still water to wipe the goo off and it will probably be fine, but very few people actually do that. A running tap is just too convenient. Ultimately there is no reason to wash your meat.

>> No.18891751
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>they do it because their meat is rotten

No, you dumbfucks. It's just that you're a retarded burger who never got to know the taste of anything that hasnt lived in a cage, was pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, and then washed so hard you might as well be eating cardboard.

Free range/organic chicken, even in modern countries, let alone poorer ones where anything else isnt an option, tastes incredibly gamey and is less tender than your average poultry. So unless you want your shit to taste like you licked the wrong end of a turkey, you wash it.

>Le heckin' dropperinos of salmonella
You don't need to turn your fucking faucet right on top of the fucking chicken and hose it. Just fill up a bowl with water, add some lemon juice or vinegar, and some salt. It takes most of the edge off. You can either leave it out the brine right away or leave it for a while. This is how it was washed.

Unless you start hosing your shit with high pressure water there is literally 0 risk. Third worlders don't even do that. They just fucking put that in a brine to take away the gamey smell of free range chicken.

And before anyone asks, I live in Europe and our shit is probably far better in quality than your processed, highly stressed, mistreated piece of garbage you call "chickun".

>> No.18891776

>muh cross cont-
Just stop being a weakling lmao

>> No.18891785

That's why you use paper towels to pat it dry

>> No.18891797

>noooo you can't just wash your meat its not going to do make it clean
>yes make sure to wash all your cutting boards that have touched raw chicken. This will make them clean
They are playing us for absolute fools

>> No.18891815

bro do you wash your fucking meat with SOAP?

>> No.18891834

>noooo don't wash your meat with free water make sure you cook it with nice expensive gas for a very long time. Don't want to get (((salmonella))) do you?

>> No.18891840

>I live in Europe
Opinion discarded.

>> No.18892015

>Should meat be washed before cooking?
it should be rinsed. washing implies soap.

yes pork, chicken, and fish should be rinsed and patted dry.

>> No.18892023

>Washing meat with water cross-contaminates everything in your kitchen with aerosolised bacteria.
no it does not, stop spreading disinformation.

the only way this would happen is if you have some ridiculous spray that splashes everywhere, and that just does not happen with a normal kitchen faucet.

>> No.18892116

>not rinsing your vegetables and meat
>no seasoning
>using dishwasher to "cook"
>buy their meats from local markets instead of butchers
>eat in clean restaurants instead of greasy and broken a/c restaurants
do white people even eat food at this point?

>> No.18892121
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are you black?

>> No.18892141
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>> No.18892317

>You Americans are too used to high quality, tender chicken. In third world shitholes, and/or my country, the chicken is tough and gamey so you have to wash it first.
Bizarre attempt at an own.

>> No.18892481
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Yes you should always wash your chlorinated and bleached factory farmed chicken with more bleach

>> No.18892506

>washing meat with a bit of lemon will make it taste less gamey
You're a complete retard.

>> No.18892523
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>Sir i did the needful penceke is complete

>> No.18892525


>> No.18892527

Some cultures are autistic about any kinda gamey flavour in meat. This flavour is thought to be reduced by a soak in water. Chinese will let meat sit in cold water for 20+ minutes. The water goes red, wala.
Similar logic with Muslims maybe, since they drain the animal of blood via the halal slaughter method.

In some foods, it really does matter to reduce the amount of blood. In a broth, soup or braised dish, you will find grey, bloody, foamy gunk rise to the top unless you first boil the meat alone and skim this shit off. So there is some logic to it.
But not when black people scrub chicken breasts with soap. There's no logic to that at all.

>> No.18892535

Or you could just pat dry and not splatter bacteria all over your kitchen.

>> No.18892547

I get you. More people globally wash meat than don't. They aren't all dropping dead. It's just that if you live in a first world country it really is a pointless step mostly. And if you don't have experience or are a retard then there's a chance of contaminating your kitchen.

>> No.18892571

my thoughts exactly

>> No.18892572

I rinse and scrub my meat to get as many phthalates and whatever other crap off of it after sitting in shrink wrap plastic.

That said, on the topic of old meat many anons don't know shit about food poisoning. There are two kinds: bacterial and chemical. Chemical comes from bacterial excretions. So if meat has gone bad then might make it good by cooking, but if bacteria were shitting toxins then cooking won't help and you'll get sick. Rinse their shit off and cook it a bit and you've got better odds.

>> No.18892601

"Slimy" is just what a dead animal's tissues feel like. That's what it's supposed to be like.
I think the idea that you should be washing meat comes from fundamentally mistaken ideas about what "Cleanliness" is. See most people just kind of drunkenly stumble through life believing vague nonsense like that something is "Clean" when it's dry and smooth and has nothing on it, but that has nothing to do with cleanliness. That's just the aesthetic of cleanliness. What cleanliness actually is, is when something is free of dangerous microbes and contaminants, which is what's going to happen anyway when you cook the fucking meat. So just cook it.

>> No.18892607

I didn't say you had to go full blastoise on the meat.

>> No.18892614

I agree with this but I still think the psychological effects count for something, even if they are unfounded. I know it's basically or even entirely pointless from a scientific perspective to run water over chicken before I cook it, but some of the gunk on it just weirds me out so sometimes I do it anyway. I just don't see a lot of reason not to when the sink is right there.

>> No.18892617

couldn't you just say yes or no

>> No.18892623

Thank God I live in a country where my food can just be used right out of the packaging instead of having to rinse my chicken in lemon water before cooking it.

>> No.18892629

you're not supposed to buy slimy meat lmao

>> No.18892633
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>t. europoor screeching about our food being too high quality

>> No.18892654

>tender chicken => high quality
Dumb, dumb burgers. Free range chickens have tougher meat, because they actually USE their fucking muscles.

It's like saying a NEET is healthier because his muscles are atrophied and have never worked out. lmao

>> No.18892657

Where do you think the slime comes from?
Washing off the stuff that leaks out doesn't remove the stuff inside. You'll still be eating "slime" even after washing it.

>> No.18892662

I get air chilled meat and it is never slimy. But I have the privilege to be able to afford that. If you can't, by all means, wash your slime. Or just marinate the shit, that ought to wash away the slime.

>> No.18892694

It's called a brine you dumbfuck. Salt and any acid works because acids help tenderize and neutralize some of the stronger aromatic compounds. This why poultry is washed. Of course, you fuckers wash it with chlorine because no amount of vinegar or lemon juice would ever take the smell of a life of suffering in unhygienic battery cages. yummy.

Funny how a lot of people, America included, when they raise their own poultry, free range style, notice how the taste differs. Notice how the meat is a bit tougher because the muscles are actually used to move around. Notice how they actually have to wash their chicken in a salt/lemon bath to take the rougher smells out.

>thank YHWH i live in a country where my food is pre-processed goyslop

>grain-fed battery chlorinated chicken
>high quality

you're the ones eating rotten shit and you don't even know it.

>> No.18892708

You can't really rinse toxins out of meat, because water alone simply can't clean things.

A lot of people believe that washing chicken disinfects it. It really doesn't. What it does however is removes, in the case of unchlorinated chickens, a lot of impurities that were left during the slaughtering process. The slime also has a gamey taste to it, so adding water helps to dilute that.

More often than not, traiditional washing in most countries is done by adding some acids, such as lemon or vinegar, that react with the chemical compounds associated with stronger smells. They don't hose the chicken, they either put it in a brining solution (not too long so that it actually brines, just a quick bath), or they rub it with some lemon and salt and then wash it off to remove the lemon and salt.

>> No.18892716

>What it does however is removes, in the case of unchlorinated chickens, a lot of impurities that were left during the slaughtering process.
And what, pray tell, are these "impurities?"
Anyone who unironically uses words like "toxins" and "impurities" when referring to food should not be listened to at all when it comes to food.

>> No.18892728
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Meat shouldn't be washed. Don't buy slimy meat. Don't buy meat with hormones or oestrogenic pesticides added. Unless you 've been thinking about having a sex change for a while now.

>> No.18892753

>More often than not, traiditional washing in most countries is done by adding some acids, such as lemon or vinegar, that react with the chemical compounds associated with stronger smells.
Makes sense. I'll try that instead of just washing if I suspect bad meat next time. Fortunately I usually wash + marinate in Worcestershire sauce so maybe that neutralizes bacteria poopies to an extent.
If your meat was sitting on a store shelf with soft plastic shrink wrapping then it should be washed.

>> No.18892757

>Anyone who unironically uses words like "toxins" and "impurities" when referring to food should not be listened to at all when it comes to food.

Or maybe you have no idea what these words, therefore you're afraid of them because you're an uneducated retard.
Case in point, your use of the word "unironically".
Toxins are the toxic secretions of bacteria that live on and within the meat. They're the reason why rotten meat, even if you thoroughly sterilize it, would still get you sick.
Impurities have nothing to do with this and are basically shit you don't want to have in your plate. unplucked feathers, coagulated blood, any unappetizing crap you don't want to have in your dish, but aren't necessarily toxic.

>> No.18892764

Are the toxins and impurities in the room with you now? None of that shit is present in fresh store-bought meat, so again, shizo posting about toxins and impurities is an obvious sign of a retard as you've now demonstrated further.

>> No.18892781

I don't think you understood my post. If you suspect bad meat, you should throw that shit out. Smelling gamey is perfectly normal. Smelling off is not good. Washing the meat to clear the former can be a good idea, but the doing it for the latter is playing with fire.

Quick reminder that American poultry doesn't have hormones. The issue is mostly the mistreatment and the type of feed, which leads to less nutritious, lower quality food overall.

>> No.18892786

>Free range/organic chicken, even in modern countries, let alone poorer ones where anything else isnt an option, tastes incredibly gamey and is less tender than your average poultry. So unless you want your shit to taste like you licked the wrong end of a turkey, you wash it.
I don't know what the fuck you are talking about dude. I live in Germany and NOBODY here fucking washes their chicken

>> No.18892790

>Anyone who unironically uses words like "toxins" and "impurities" when referring to food should not be listened to at all when it comes to food.

Oops. That was a dumb thing to say. You just excluded every food safety expert on the planet.

>> No.18892793

It's just a bunch of subhumans trying to gaslight everyone else into thinking there's a reason they wash their meat, when in reality the reason is that they're fucking retarded and fundamentally don't understand why they're even doing it (hint: they do it because they were told to by similarly misguided family, who were told to by family etc)

>> No.18892796

>None of that shit is present in fresh store-bought meat
If that shit isn't present in fresh store bought meat, go ahead and lick some raw chicken and wait for a few hours, see what fucking happens.

Hopefully you'll fucking die and the planet will be smarter for it.

>> No.18892798

That's what cooking is for retard, of course there are bacteria that could be on the surface, but it's not necessary to wash it to remove them nor are there any significant quantities of "toxins" that you have to worry about if you're cooking it.

>> No.18892813

because you fucking BRINE IT, you dumb FUCK. It's the same PROCESS.

A lot of people don't BRINE their shit because they don't NEED to do it because it's not FREE RANGE and thus already WASHED UP AND CLEANED UP AND TENDERIZED.

There is a reason, it's just that a lot of people do not understand it. But no, third worlders are actually aware that they do so for the SMELL of it. Only you ignorant fucks think it has to do with some decontamination process when it really all is about taking the gamey smell off. Maybe you LIKE the smell. Maybe you don't. But don't pretend you know shit when you don't.

>> No.18892820

This is the point where you're going to stop posting, because you'll realize, in the post you were quoting >>18892708 , that the statement that you can't rinse toxins out of meat was under the assumption that the meat has gone bad, as seen in the post i was quoting. No one ever said anything about meat off the fucking shelves. We were talking about OLD MEAT.

Learn how to read you retarded fucker. Or better, do lick that fucking raw chicken and fucking kill yourself.

>> No.18892828

You sound very upset to be finding out you've been washing your chicken for no reason big boy, seethe harder.
Don't eat old meat and you won't have any problems third worlder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe it'll kill you so you can stop spreading misinformation about a worthless relic of a process.

>> No.18892942

There is absolutely a reason to brine chicken breast and it has nothing to do with washing it. That shit will be dry as fuck if you don't brine it.

>> No.18892957

Everyone who has ever asked this question on this board has already received the answer "No you shouldn't wash chicken." if they're still asking it's because they're either trolling or retarded, so you got the retard's answer.

>> No.18892963

Still didn't read anything, still didn't understand anything. At this point you're just trolling and fishing for reactions because you got BTFO.

Next time lurk more and shut the fuck up.

>> No.18893068

Ok bud, keep washing your chicken, maybe one day it'll help you defeat the scary impurities. I don't understand your point because there is no point in the incoherent reeeeing you keep posting. Brining and what people are talking about when they say "washing chicken" are separate things no matter how much you try to pretend all the enlightened folk with their gamey chicken have it all figured out.
Never had that issue, sounds like a skill issue to me.

>> No.18893142

lol I always wash meat and have gotten sick from the cross contamination boogeyman 0 times.

>> No.18893143

I'm not hiring the chicken to do manual labor, I'm eating it.

>> No.18893173

I get not washing with soap like the (I hope) trolling videos, but I saw someone soak their chicken in water/vinegar. That didn't seem like the worst idea. Any reason not to do that?

>> No.18893179

It never fails to amaze me how traumatized euros act over the fact that America exists and does some things differently. I can only assume that they are taking constant abuse from their family, government, and peers and only feel safe venting their rage at people on the other side of an ocean.

>> No.18893187

>Any reason not to do that?
Yes, insecurities over your masculinity and ethnic identity.

>> No.18893331

ching chongs soak the meat in water for a few mins before cooking

>> No.18893396

Nobody actually washes their meat right this is just euros/thirdies trying to confuse americans right

>> No.18893406

Chinks literally do but they say it's for the flavour or to remove grit and debris, not kill bacteria

>> No.18893489

Wash (or rinse and scrub) the the plastic residue from your shrink-wrapped meat, you phthalate-ingesting, BPA-addled, gynogenized troon. I bet your taint is only 1 inch.

>> No.18893816

Firstly, I want to see some kind of picture (spectral image or whatever the fuck, I'm not enough of a nerd to know how to record it) that can show the particles flying around and I'll give up the argument.
Secondly, who the fuck ever gor salmonella poisoning or some shit from fucking mistified bacterial particles denouncing gravity and flying all over the counter to their cutting board? How does that happen? Should I stop breathing around chicken too?

>> No.18893962

So our chickens are like veal? Nobody ever said being delicious was healthy for chickens. Factory farmed chickens have a short and shitty life but compared to veal cattle chained to a plastic doghouse in the desert they have a decent 6 weeks of life.

>> No.18895573

>implying americans know how to cook
go to mcdonalds fat fuck

>> No.18895618

not the guy you're replying to but uh,wow do you sure sound mad niggerish.

>> No.18895648

You cook your meat, so it gets less slimy and shit...

>> No.18896349

It's a tiktok meme apparently.

>> No.18896375

Only black people do it

>> No.18896443

i rinse it because i'm not a faggot american sheep who's deathly afraid of touching anything raw outside of a laboratory

>> No.18897325

How do these peopels skulls look.. why don't I ever see mini jaw skele heads in the catacombs?

>> No.18897331

>im not afraid
Clearly, you are, otherwise, you wouldn't be worthlessly washing your chicken.