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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 1026x1920, 1ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18889004 No.18889004 [Reply] [Original]

Why did communists try and take our stoves?

>> No.18889013

Because minorities can't be trusted to use a fume hood, so the government has to take action to protect their children, because they're not capable of it. Same reasoning for not letting you outside without a helmet.

>> No.18889031
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>Same reasoning for not letting you outside without a helmet.

>> No.18889039
File: 324 KB, 607x615, 2023-02-02 - 16-31-34 - Biden Administration Proposes New Gas Stove Regulations Despite National Outrage Over Ban Comments - The Daily Wire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, they haven't stopped.
They're going to turn the gas up in increments until they boil us alive.
>Gas stoves would be subjected to a new “maximum integrated annual energy consumption” standard under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

>> No.18889042

This shit unironically has me worried about my health. I'm a poorfag student who has lived in a shitty college apartment for the past 2 years. My "kitchen", which is literally a converted broomcloset, doesn't have any sort of ventilation apart from a single window which falls off the rails whenever it's opened (and takes about 10 minutes to put back in place). Despite this we have a gas stove. I contacted my extremely Jewish landlord about this when I first moved in, and he said a fume hood was too expensive and I would have to cover it. Am I going to fuck up my breathing? Have I already?

>> No.18889049

These are super dangerous in any area prone to natural disasters and objectively cause childhood asthma. What's next, you're mad lead paint and gas are banned?

>> No.18889058

No, you're falling for jewish tricks.

>> No.18889060

>let's repost their articles for them
>for free
What is a useful idiot?

You're more likely to make yourself sick by stressing out and making yourself sick.

Move to China, commie.

>> No.18889062
File: 134 KB, 640x480, Rheem-Water-Heater-192-DJF-Minneapoliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to understand just how much of an NPC you are, there isn't a single "fume hood" designed for a residential or commercial gas range that is designed for the actual fumes from combusting natural gas. They are designed for the smoke and grease produced by your food. Take a look at your furnace or water heater, which are actually designed to vent off all fumes produced by combustion. You can maybe have a 1 inch gap between the flame source and the vent. Ideally, it would be a relatively sealed system. Stove hoods are 24" or more above the flames, so there is zero actual ventilation.

You're an NPC because you don't even need a reason in order to parrot the party talking points. You just need the talking point and you're willing to make up the reasoning without regard to veracity or logic.

If you don't want a gas stove in your home, then please buy an electric one. Keep your grubby mitts out of MY home, though. I like my gas.

>> No.18889064

Never forget that they literally banned lightbulbs and they will ban automobiles next.

>> No.18889065

You're filling your lungs with 2.5 PM particulate pollution. It's mostly fine, unless you have asthma or are sitting in that small room cooking all day long. Developing children and those with asthma are the only ones really at risk to low level exposure.

>> No.18889068

>all these processed plant based foods are so horrible for us! why don't they ban them?

>> No.18889069

Stupid fucking zoomer/millenial.

>> No.18889071

You can choose to eat all the bugmeat you want.
Trying to force me to eat the bugmeat makes killing you a moral obligation.

>> No.18889072

>>all these processed plant based foods are so horrible for us! why don't they ban them?
We aren't saying that.

The NPC broke its programming.

>> No.18889074

Don't bitch and moan that your kids have asthma or it burns down in an earthquake/hurricane at a higher rate than houses without it then. You're like the people who whined about banning cartoon characters on unhealthy food but still complain about childhood obesity. You don't want to fix any problem and when presented with a solution you whine. Shut the hell up.

>> No.18889077
File: 399 KB, 760x540, 1579553330836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When has the FDA done anything about the poisons in highly processed foods?

Why do you worship the state?

You're literally doing exactly what the mass media just programmed you to do. You don't care about this at all, you were just programmed to care and think this matters.

You're a total fucking loser, like every communist dog out there.

>> No.18889080

>Objectively cause asthma
>Family grew up with a wood stove then a gas one
>No asthma
>Friend has had coil ranges all his life

>> No.18889081

No longer the Land of the Free.

>> No.18889084
File: 268 KB, 711x831, Adulteration and Contamination of Food in Victorian England.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your ancap utopia, bro. Fuck the USDA and FDA, I want my chalk milk!

>> No.18889085
File: 247 KB, 449x478, 1586335927794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know how things works
>just parrots coopted meme he doesn't understand
You're the NPC here, you literally only decided to make this some causefag crusade because you were just programmed to by the media.

>> No.18889092

You can still buy incandescent bulbs and they’re cheaper than the bugman bulbs that gradually reduce blood flow to certain parts of the brain

>> No.18889097

>Don't bitch and moan that your kids have asthma
I don't have kids, but I've lived with gas appliances my whole life and never developed asthma, and my brother is an athlete.
>or it burns down in an earthquake/hurricane at a higher rate than houses without it then.
What are you even talking about? My home is not burning down.
>You're like the people who whined about banning cartoon characters on unhealthy food but still complain about childhood obesity.
What are you even talking about?
>You don't want to fix any problem and when presented with a solution you whine.
Explaining how you are an NPC is not whining, and coercion is not a "solution."
>Shut the hell up.
Rude. Didn't your parents teach you manners?

>> No.18889108

>the news told me they're bad, I'm an *understander*
What, pray tell, don't I understand that you do?

>you literally only decided to make this some causefag crusade because you were just programmed to by the media.
I simply want to be left alone. Why can't you understand that?

>> No.18889110

Out of curiosity how much fast food do you eat in a week?

>> No.18889120

I'm trans btw

>> No.18889124

Typically none but I have a mcchicken every now and then why do you ask

>> No.18889129

Can you just secede already? Or are we going to have to do it? Just need to know so if I need to pack my bags or I can help pack yours. Thanks.

>> No.18889133

Dodged my question.

>> No.18889134
File: 30 KB, 600x450, communist utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your communist utopia. Enjoy your gutter oil
>inb4 its not real communism!

>> No.18889140

Because I want to make a better world and you don't. It's clearly not working. Now answer my question, are you going to secede already to get what you want or do we have to bite the bullet?

>> No.18889153

Do you seriously believe the free market would prevent contamination and adulteration of food products? We already tried that. Everyone just colludes to make the same shitty product and there's no other option because they get driven off the market. Governmental regulations on food purity have been so important that we have records of it from fucking Mesopotamia.

>> No.18889158

>Because I want to make a better world and you don't.
This always leads to thinking that your communist utopia is just over the horizon, you just have to step over one more dead body to get there, just step over one more, one hundred more, one million more, one hundred million more. People like you will never learn because you are not really people. There's a reason why your kind was specifically excluded from the protections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

>> No.18889164

You're a fat virgin that lives with mom.

>> No.18889168

>the most infamous black market thing in china
>blame commies
you're special

>> No.18889169

>black market

>> No.18889172

I’d love to make a better world, unfortunately dangerous anarchists like you are standing in the way with your disgusting half measures. Banning gas stoves shouldn’t be the issue, the real issue should be banning home cooking altogether. Do you know how many people die due to house fires and food poisoning every year? Even one life is too much. It’s time to BAN all home cooking appliances once and for all and only allow people to eat from restaurants where the government’s regulations can make sure ovens and frypans all follow fire safety and all food is safe to eat.

>> No.18889173

>Because I want to make a better world and you don't.
Everything you support has made the world objectively, measurably worse, to the point where I don't think you're merely retarded, but an intentionally evil retard.

>> No.18889175
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>just let the government regulate things bro you can trust them

>> No.18889185

Just like asbestos , Russia is a major exporter.

>> No.18889190

So you actually trust the meat packing industry to all make products that keep you safe? Why?

>> No.18889192
File: 54 KB, 816x415, trust the government science bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey bro just trust the government regulation and science bro!
>science fuck yeah!
>progress fuck yeah!

>> No.18889194

>state funded gutter oil and wax cabbage

>> No.18889195

Don't worry bro. That candy probably doesn't have arsenic in it. Probably. Just had a drunk clerk pick it up filler from the chemical supply store, I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.18889199

>it's another episode of American right wingers being retarded

>> No.18889202

Does the room have a window? Opening a window does a better job of circulating air than even the best rangehood.

>Have I already?
If you've been using it in a small space with literally no air circulation, then yeah, probably.

>> No.18889208

I know, some barbarians don’t want to give up their so called right to cook at home. Uh hello, food and fire safety anyone? The ONLY cooking appliance it should be legal to own is a microwave, even that with limited wattage. It’s time to make the world a kinder, safer place and the first step to doing that is banning all home cooking.

>> No.18889222
File: 27 KB, 693x275, just regulate it bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey bro someone might be unscrupulous better sign over all your rights to socialist government regulation bro
>quit pointing out examples of socialist government regulation bro you're just a retarded right winger

>> No.18889236

This was caused by this >>18889192, it wasn't genocide. Still can't believe the West fell for that. It was all made up by Ukrainian neo-Nazis in the 90s to support their fake country/ethnicity.

>> No.18889244

>just deny socialist genocide bro

>> No.18889245

Anon, they were putting opium in children's cough medicine.

>> No.18889253

>Dude Stalin totally shot the entire country in the foot to stop a Ukrainian independence movement composed of like five people
>Yes he had the NKVD that could do precise assassinations but he intentionally chose to destroy the breadbasket of the Soviet Union to do it bro

>> No.18889266

>hey bro why would an irrational maniac sociopath like stalin do something irrational bro?

>> No.18889272

This is like declaring war on Mexico to get rid of Trotsky. It was bad science, not a genocide.

>> No.18889277

>it was just an accident bro

>> No.18889282

>some basic regulations and laws exist in society
>that means we can and must ban EVERYTHING that might be even remotely harmful
Do you not know the concept of moderation? Balance?

>> No.18889293
File: 12 KB, 680x147, intellectuals get the bullet too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was an accident too bro
>just one big misunderstanding bro

>> No.18889306

>the two flavour of poltards are now fighting