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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 700x368, airline-food-business-vs-economy-compared-fb-png__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18870294 No.18870294 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on airline food?

>> No.18870316

The rare times I've gotten it, I've gotten a cookie at the end. That was pretty exciting. Though it might also be that I'm drunk since booze is free in first class. That's pretty great.

>> No.18870324

Not much that can be done considering cabin pressurization fucking up your sinuses is what makes everything taste like ass up in the air.

>> No.18870336

but it's also what makes tomato juice taste fucking great up there

>> No.18870384

So that's the deal with this stuff.

>> No.18870391

It happens on the ISS too, spaceflight dulling the senses. Apparently liquid salt and pepper and other condiments are like gold up there

>> No.18870409

What's the deal with it?

>> No.18870424

I worked for an airline catering company. LSG. Bizarre how all that shit gets on and removed from flights. Most is frozen. Everything has strict specs for weight, count, etc. Fruit n cheese plates, salads, and first class for specific airlines is fresh made in house. Delta, United, Alaskan, and British Airways are pretty solid and fresh. Everything American Airlines is frozen. The bizarre amount of special meals available was irritating. Vegan, veg, Muslim, kosher, etc. Kosher meals came 100 percent frozen and shrink wrapped on serving trays. The rest are a pain. Nobody adhered to any of the Muslim meal/kitchen guidelines, but the end result fit the parameters.

>> No.18870437

Most of the fresh recipes doubled salt and seasonings n stuff. This is a thing. Lol.

>> No.18870443

Everything was pretty cool except the cans of soda and beer.. those get resued over and over and shipped all over. They just fill in the missing spots with new cans. Pretty gross. They don't get washed or cleaned, just swimming in melted ice and used cups and spittle, drained, sent back out. Dispshit flight attendants aren't supposed to toss all the used cups and trash in there.. but they do.

>> No.18870475

>liquid salt

>> No.18870482

Also every airline does a version of fruit and cheese plates. Fruit is always grapes. Boxes of grapes would come in full of webs and spiders. Very fun and odd. Never seen it at the grocery store but the massive crates we received and used had spiders and webs all the fucking time for a good 6 years of me working there. The assembly area is 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so they don't really move.. but they're spooky to run into when you're trying to cut them into stupid little 4 or 5 grapes on the vine bunches.

>> No.18870502

On one hand, I hate the jerkfaces who request special meals (halal, kosher, other bullshit), but... then again... I can only imagine what it would look like if Ahmed started opening up a can of goat right then and there.

>> No.18870517

not like you can shake salt onto food in zero g unless you enjoy breathing it

>> No.18870788

I was a kid just long enough ago to experience the era when airline food was terrible. Then seemingly within only a couple years they became frankly delicious (on transoceanic flights at least), as they basically are today imo (setting expectations as one should).

What made it bad in the old days, besides general low quality of food, was also poor quality control to the end, such as improper microwaving etc. At some point they realized it isn't difficult to make all the airplane microwaves identical, have the food frozen relatively consistently, and make it all into a foolproof procedure.

Of course any domestic or non-transoceanic flight I've been on that's been long enough for a full meal has just served stuff that doesn't need heating, like sandwiches.

>> No.18871118

I had to sit next to a handicapped guy on a 7 hour flight once and he ws slapping me the whole time. They offered me a feee in flight meal but I declined because I didn't feel like having him try to play with my food.

>> No.18871129

>sat there letting a guy slap you for 7 hours and just took it like a bitch
Imagine admitting to this in public.

>> No.18871142

Did you know that kosher meals have to be double wrapped because food handled by goyim must be double wrapped or it becomes impure?

I don't really care about the food but I will try not to ever fly again unless I absolutely have to because of how asinine they are over me bringing ice water in my backpack with me. I think the no-liquids rules were really about selling more drinks on flights and banning people from sneaking in alcohol on flights, but also negatively affect you if you want to bring ice water of your own to drink on the flight.

>> No.18871145

>believing anything "astronauts" say

>> No.18871213

It's unimportant. The real treat is the food at the airport bars. Get that before and after, the in the air food is just if you need something inbetween.

>> No.18871281


just bring an empty water bottle through security then fill it up at a fountain and get some ice in a plastic cup from a vendor

>> No.18871288

you can't get enough ice to fill up a 3l bladder bag from most vendors, and its awkward to have to pay for something
i should be able to bring ice water with me
no liquids is a scam to sell more booze on planes
some countries are ending that rule
i like cold ice water with me, everywhere, at all times

>> No.18871338

No idea. I refuse to fly since the post-9/11 dystopia security theater.

>> No.18871687

It looks unappetizing, the yellow stuff around the block of melons and cucumbers or whatever on the right looks like some bile I vomited up a few years ago.

>> No.18871691

I've never had this problem

>> No.18871698

How the fuck can you reuse a can??? It needs to be recycled, it's impossible to fix the opening tab

>> No.18871706

So the problem is you, no one is obligated to tend to your autism

>> No.18871712

Never seen fruit and cheese plates in flights in my entire life, why would they have that

>> No.18871728

Maybe he has a deformed body and would accidentally hit him every time he tried to get comfortable

>> No.18871748

First class on IcelandAir and Condor Airlines (which I think is now defunct) is also cooked fresh. I knew a girl who worked for SkyChefs, and she would always intentionally arrive with the lift truck maybe a minute or two late to give us ramp guys a chance to take the leftovers, since SkyChefs would just throw it all away.

>> No.18871780

Interesting to hear. I'm Muslim and connected, I'll be putting in a complaint through my mosque. Nice to see you people still treating us like feces under your shoes.

>> No.18871787

I'd simoly breath harder
Is this one of those motivational meme on fb?

>> No.18871790

the fact we offer special meals at all says to me the reverse is true

>> No.18871793

No problem anon. Oh yeah, you need to go back.

>> No.18871797

I only fly economy. I guess it's fine, usually hard to think anything because my knees/legs hurt from inactivity.

>> No.18871808

I think they mean cans that were not opened or consumed are left in the caddy and only the empties are replaced. Thus the longer the cans are unopened, the dirtier they get.

>> No.18871872

They taste like school lunch and stink up the whole cabin, they never fail to make me feel sicker than I already do on a long haul flight. No one wants heavily seasoned food 10hrs into a flight with a headache, I don't know why they keep doing it.

>> No.18871998

I've flown economy, economy plus, and business. The food looks better the more expensive you seat, but it all winds up tasting fairly bland. Never flown first class because I've never flown an airline that still has a first class.

>> No.18872014

qatar airlines have p. decent economy class food

SAS tends to be quite a bit shit on the other hand

>> No.18872191
File: 3.62 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20170505_193616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the air pressure amount, but the rapid change in air pressure that causes havoc to your sinuses. If your plane took off from Denver, you wouldn't feel that much of a difference because the internal air pressure of most commercial aircraft is somewhere between 6500 and 8000 feet.

>> No.18872197

>what makes everything taste like ass
ive liked most food, except for 50% of the time when they drown it with red peppers

>> No.18872224

>The real treat is the food at the airport bars
At criminal prices.

>> No.18872229

>3l bladder bag
wtf do you need 3l for?

>> No.18872337

Is not eating for a few hours really that big of a deal? I've done multiple day fasts before, it's not exactly difficult.

>12 hour flight
>Just sit and read, probably sleep for a few hours at some point too

Wow like holy fuck I'm dying.

>> No.18872339

Yeah.. which made me laugh cause the Muslim meals don't give a fuck are only special in name. They've gotta step it up like the jews.

>> No.18872347

Got it

>> No.18872351

Lol nobody is intentiall rubbing pork on shit. I just mean to say.. a super strict Muslim would probably be pissy his whole kitchen wasn't halal or w.e. Jews do better to adhere to their wacky rules.

>> No.18872357

Condor is still kicking! Haha, thats nice. Frowned upon, but everyone raids and takes stuff if any of its good.

>> No.18872361

How about you keep the fuck out of our planes, Bombir

>> No.18872367

Every airline does it. Lol. Its part of the apps. Idk.. they just do. Domestic us flights in first class, anyway. They even have fruit/cheese/cracker plastic trays for the poor people to buy in economy along with sandwiches and cans of Pringle or w.e.

>> No.18872373

They fuck up my VGML more often than not so I bring my own food. A burrito from the airport is way better than the inflight meal anyways

>> No.18872466

How do they fuck it up? Its a veg.. not rocket science. GF or LV or w.e the third world work force that runs catering kitchens and don't understand gluten and the intricacies of lacto veg, etc, are open to being fucked up but.. no meat they usually understand. Weird. Special Meals are a big deal, complain about it. They come down pretty hard about that shit in ever catering kitchen I've worked at.

>> No.18872471

Well veg vegan. W.e. they put cheese or butter or some shit on there?

>> No.18872474

what flights are you guys on that offers a meal?
ive flown from california to new york and have never been offered a meal, got small bags of either peanuts or pretzels

>> No.18872532

This isn't true. Kosher food can be prepared by gentiles as long as the kitchen is blessed by a rabbi and the goy is educated in kosher preparation.

>> No.18872641

We're all very impressed.

>> No.18872652

Once you hit 10 hour international flights you get a meal or so. I've flown 20 hour connective flights a bunch and they'll at least feed you to make up for all the fucking sleep you're not going to get.

>> No.18872712

Its not the flight so much as the level of service/class/w.w you're paying for.

>> No.18872720

>Thoughts on airline food?
Both are made in a microwave.

>> No.18872766

Oven** ovensafe bags bread and stuff gets cooked in always weird me out. They're so thin.. yet they don't melt.

>> No.18872783

>ass up in the air

>> No.18872796

fpbp (fourth post best post)

>> No.18872851

In Europe anything over 2 hours gets a meal.

>> No.18872886

I had what was basically a greasy chicken and cheese hot pocket on a Hawaiian Airlines flight. It was pretty fucking dope.

>> No.18872974

what? very curious about this, i almost always get tomato juice on flights but don't drink it otherwise.

>> No.18873000
File: 172 KB, 474x446, porky oink oink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it, it's on the house.

>> No.18873076

oh goodness
When did we become /pol/?
Cool pic tho.

>> No.18873102

My first time ever on a plane was with Japan Airlines. The food was surprisingly good, I found out later that the airlines in the United States were hot garbage in comparison

>> No.18873126

I flew 6 hours from Newark to Dublin and we got a meal both ways. I've flown Newark to LA and never got a meal. I don't think domestic flights are required to serve you a meal.

>> No.18873136

Oh, dude. I got shipped out to Portland once to help their kitchen and the Japanese flights were SOOO much nicer. Most of what they catered was actually made off site and delivered to us. Sushi, Japanese food, snacks. All of their plating/cups/silverware was so much nicer, too. They do it right. Them and some of those Emirates flights or w.e Saudi shit. I've never worked in a kitchen who carried any of those airlines, tho.

>> No.18873138

Longest I’ve ever been on a plane is 2 hours to Florida. They don’t feed you on flights that short. I flew first class once when I was a kid and I don’t remember eating anything there either.

>> No.18873170

I love it.
It might be autistic but I love the concept I am served a meal in a small box plus there is usually many other small boxes and packets like snacks and fruit and whatever and utensils and so on.
And I probably never even had one that was bad, it's always either okay or good, but having it is exciting.
The weirdest one was on the short flight to Estonia where we had some sour fish sandwich which tasted great but everyone's breath on that flight probably smelled like ass then

>> No.18873183

Also, every professional sports team flies and they gotta eat. Pretty fun to see what they eat, special meals, can get booze if they're flying OUT not IN, all sorts of weird shit. Hockey teams eat clean, Baseball, pretty healthy, Football.. absolute fucking trash food, candy, grease, carbs, lol. Those are fun to put together. Them and big bands who travel with family and large crews. No tiny private jets. Biggest name i ever did was Rolling Stones flight. Every member has their own shit. They were also kind enough to sign all their open booze bottles for all the wagies to have. If its opened, it's tossed, usually, so thats a great way to thank the poor, who load and unload and clean the cabins, lol. They're gone before anyone gets on.

>> No.18873194

No, actually even weirded one was on the interstate flight in Italy where we got small fries and small can of coke, while the flight was like 30 minutes. There were about idk 12 people on board on that tiny plane, I don't know where they even got hot fries from and why would they bother on such short flight.

>> No.18873230

i never eat on flights. something about taking a meal while sedentary doesn't sit well with me. i always bring some salty snacks and take a coke or juice so my blood sugar doesn't crash. luckily, sitting still and being cold makes me drowsy almost immediately, so i can sleep for 75% of a ten hour flight easy

>> No.18873231
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I'm not usually a breakfast person so pretty much any breakfast, from noodles to sausage and omelette turns my stomach, but I've had a few good lunch and dinners
My most memorable was flying from Guangzhou to Kuala Lumpur. Some pretty fucking good noodles at 35,000ft.

>> No.18873236
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I've also had a nice Pilaf flying from Shanghai to Abu Dhabi

>> No.18873241
File: 87 KB, 937x937, IMG_20190505_190129_752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think getting food in Economy on intra-Europe flights is a thing of the past, but I had tomato juice and these little muffins flying from Manchester to Paris with Air France. These were good for a little snack on a short flight.

>> No.18873248

Nothing about airport food is a treat

>> No.18873257
File: 248 KB, 1249x937, IMG_20180626_081708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think when flying internationally, for any of your meals, it's important to select the option that would be local to where you're departing from
Noodles from China and cooked breakfast from the UK will be better than noodles from the UK and a cooked breakfast from China

>> No.18873312

what kind of sperg needs that much ice water at all times?

>> No.18873335

This looks nice. Business class? First usually always has China err.. real plates n what not. Looks good!! Do you ever get amenity kits?!?! I love those things. Lil lotions n potions. Chapsticks. Eye masks. Socks. Pens. Notepads. Etc. Toothbrushes n toothpaste. Usually in a snazzy lil faux leather or fabric zipper bag/clutch. I used to steal bags of them and toas them in my trunk and hand them out to homeless people all the time. A lot of essentials they can use.

>> No.18873343
File: 317 KB, 1600x1200, B99A3CD7-5D08-4EE0-BF16-D3C726DB9BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside for true airplane food.

>> No.18873377

nah this is all economy
i can't recall getting any amenity kits in economy, i know some carriers still do them but the number of carriers who do decreases every year

>> No.18873448

Oh, wow. US carriers does fuck all for economy, unless it's international. Thats so neat!

>> No.18873455

Only ever got pretzels on a SW. Thats fun. Why does Biscoff have a strangle hold on airline cookies? They're fucking all over. Never even heard of em before airlines.

>> No.18873470

soul vs soulless

>> No.18873755

>was going to book Japan Airlines but changed my mind last minute
fuuck, this would have convinced me

>> No.18873943

I take air france flights weekly (domestic) and it’s one of the last major airlines that still give food and drinks “for free” even for a 40 minutes flight.

>> No.18874169

I get on an airline to get where I’m going, hopefully with the least amount of human interaction as possible. It pisses me off the airline spends money on food and beverage services. How about spending money on bigger comfier seats? About firing the useless stewards and cutting ticket prices? How about free bags?

In conclusion fuck the airline industry.

>> No.18874208

Food on all US airlines is fucking awful. JAL and ANA are top tier followed by Qatar, Singapore, and Emirates. European airlines have fallen pretty far behind but Air France is pretty decent. There is also a huge gulf between economy and business, with a lesser gap between business and first.

>> No.18874209

>Frowned upon, but everyone raids and takes stuff if any of its good.
The entire industry is lined with pompous spergs, so it's no real surprise.

>> No.18874228

>Why does Biscoff have a strangle hold on airline cookies?
Dunno, glad I found out about them, but it is a bit weird now that you mention it.

>> No.18874230

Last time I went to England it was better than any food I actually ate in England.

>> No.18874234

>Food on all US airlines is fucking awful.
When do they ever serve food on US airlines? Even coast-to-coast flights don't have food served.

>> No.18874242

Domestic business class will still get food but it's horrendous. Six hour flight and you'll get a sandwich.

>> No.18874307

Flight attendant for Alaska Airlines. We don’t offer hot meals for the main cabin, but our leftover first class meals are pretty coveted by flight crew. Either because the meals are actually tasty (like a lot of the salads), or just the chance for something not cold from our cooler bags. We warm post-meals cookies in the ovens and the whole plane ends up smelling them. Surprisingly a lot of the first class pax don’t want theirs so I’ll hand them out to favorite passengers.

>> No.18874351

I think domestic flights in the US will only serve meals depending on the time and if the flight is over some amount of time like 5 hours.

>> No.18874370

i'm not a foodie and i'm not going to eat that michelin wanna be food

>> No.18874442

I like to periodically check for upgrades on my flights. If 1st class is under $50, I go for it and pound two doubles on the hour fifteen minute flight. Have to have a $15 settle down beer at my connector but it's a nice way to go.
>t. I'm also a recovering alcoholic and dont count airplane or port booze.

>> No.18874617

Ginger Ale and Biscoff every time boyz. That and a tiny water bottle and cheeze it's if I'm on United I guess.

>> No.18874705

Depends on the airline, I flew Emirates peasant class from Tokyo to London via Dubai a few months back and the food was fucking great. Had an Arabian style curry on the first flight and some boeuf bourguignon on the second. Plus on long hall flights it’s an open bar so I got smashed on gin & tonic while watching Curb your Enthusiasm.

>> No.18875004
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if anon was badass like you he would've beat the shit out of the retarded man and made a big scene to prove how adult and manly he was like you definitely must be

>> No.18875605


>> No.18875609

not gonna lie the economy looks better to me in this case

>> No.18875610

I hate how the flight attendants get all pissy when you say you don't want food though... otherwise I would opt out of meals every time I went on a plane

>> No.18875613

Americans and boomers in particular think they are dying if they do not eat, at minimum Three Meals A Day plus some snacks they are legitimately going to die. Their blood sugar is crashing beyond repair and they're exhausted, headache, body weakness, etc, and what's even more fucked up is that they're not even faking it. They actually fall apart that fast

>> No.18875616

Shut the fuck up you autistic twat.

>> No.18875618
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literally have never seen them give Arrat's ass if you don't want food. maybe on long flights it makes them think you're going to become a restless pain in the ass later asking to fill up on snacks because you didn't eat your meal.

Maybe the meal is integral to their true designs though; maybe the hyper-gasseous food concoctions result in hours of putrid flatulence that is pumped directly into the chemtrails and when someone doesn't eat the food the concentration in the dusting drops

>> No.18875628

>Maybe the meal is integral to their true designs though; maybe the hyper-gasseous food concoctions result in hours of putrid flatulence that is pumped directly into the chemtrails and when someone doesn't eat the food the concentration in the dusting drops

>> No.18875636

Took a flight from Toronto to Italy once. I fell asleep almost instantly and only woke up because the smell of the hot sandwiches they had on that plane (simple ham and cheese) was so repulsive I literally couldn't sleep through it.

>> No.18875687

The first thing that happens when you get to space is your nose get clogged because the nasal canal cannot properly route mucus, which diminishes taste

>> No.18875697

I don't know honestly, I just know there's some scientific reason tomato juice tastes better in the air but I don't remember what it is. I guess something to do with the pressure like the other anon said.

>> No.18875752

sometimes it's ok sometimes it's horrid. I generally take a deli-sub as a backup.
(United has the worst food).

>> No.18875763

I don't want to be irradiated or groped just to fly in my own country

>> No.18875767

train journeys are way nicer if you use a good line and get a good class

>> No.18875782

Yeah, last I checked they had a bunch of red tape BS over the thing. For me, it'd be a road trip with a rental car.

>> No.18875784

Well you are made of poo, so what’s the issue?

>> No.18875924

muslims can just eat kosher lmao

>> No.18876026

I took Air China, Air France, JAL, ANA, Aeroflot from Japan and they were all very good.
However Air China from France kinda sucked, Air France in general is always not bad sometimes great, Aeroflot from Sweden is yikes but from Russia it was alright and so on, and I don’t even mention the countless of meals you need to buy.

It’s not only the airline. While some airlines always have good meals no matter what the flight is, what’s important is also the country/city of departure. I notice that from Japan food is always pretty good, no matter who is operating the flight.

>> No.18876042

>it's not the air pressure amount
Here's a real redpill for you:
Colorado has the lowest obesity rate in the country. Why do you think that might be?

>> No.18876706
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is so much talk of airplane food being bland, myself, i loved the airplane food, perhaps it was the excitement, civilian airplanes are in my eyes among the most beautiful machines man has ever built, sitting comfortably at ~10km altitude, oftentimes with a magical view, hearing the sound of the wind rushing over the airframe, hearing the muffled sound of people talking, having a trey served with various little food items.. to me, it was the whole package, it was the experience i appreciated, it crushes my soul that those days are vanishing, as if they never existed, oh how i yearn for the 80s and 90s, how i yearn for sitting next to someone i love, eating a meal, drifting away into fantasy-land, dreaming of the alien world ahead of me, perhaps we dont deserve such magic anymore, perhaps we never did, perhaps it was i that never deserved it

>> No.18876768

Same. If it weren't for their airline monopoly, I never would have found them. Tasty bastards.

>> No.18876828

food tastes different at high altitude

>> No.18876845

Why’s that?

>> No.18876879

Air pressure changes the taste of food. Good airline companies actually make food tastings in hypobaric chambers to understand what is good to serve in the skies.

>> No.18876887

I thought modern airliners are pressurized to sea level atmosphere once they achieve cruising altitude?

>> No.18876911

Dunno, i usually fly on varieties of Boeing 737 and still have that ear filling due to pressure changes.

>> No.18876916

That only happens as a result of descending and ascending, it can be a delayed reaction.

>> No.18876927

Yep, and if "pressurized to sea level atmosphere once they achieve cruising altitude" you would feel it as well, but you don't.

>> No.18877983

Connected to your wife through your parents more like

>> No.18877992
File: 126 KB, 1200x842, Scandinavian-Airlines-1980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back

>> No.18878029

Dunno, special meals provide variety. We had kosher and halal in our school back in 2006 but no Jews or Muslims, so it was basically an extra choice if you were patient enough to wait for the end of the line.

I can understand kitchen staff finding it irritating to prepare extra meal though.

>> No.18878047

This gif scares the shit out of me for some reason, that dog is evil.

>> No.18878402

Not commercial, but I deal with catering for private charters. Air Culinare Worldwide is sky cafeteria food for rich people. Like, $100 for the most poorly prepared crudite platter you have ever seen. I swear our cabin attendants are miracle workers sometimes when it comes to making that dog food look good enough for a $50,000 flight. We had a crew member find a used bandaid in a salad once.

Rich people have weird demands on their food. We have one guy that's a tech CEO and he only eats tendies and fries, unironically. We also flew Joe Rogan for a while and he demanded a 12 oz steak on every flight, even if he was flying 3 legs in one day, needed a steak on each leg. It was kind of terrifying to imagine someone ingesting that much beef.

>> No.18878506

How can you guys be worse than my LSG kitchens? Bizarre. We do celebs, military, all sports teams.. our little third worlder work force does better than your fancy catering? How? Lol.

Aside from Rogan. Whats the most fun/bland/extravagant thing you've had requested? One of the guitarists or somebody from The Rolling Stones wanted a very specific like.. white bread, crusts removed, onion n butter or mayo sammiches. Been years, I forget the details, but I was surprised at how basic it was.

>> No.18878516

Emirates and Oman Air serve the best food, Japan Air is also very good. But British Airlies and Turkish Airlines are FOUL

>> No.18878517

Yoooo, some old timers who worked before airline industry got deregulated by Carter or w.e and ore 9/11 tell me about the wild service levels. Roasts carved infront of you, fancy food, all sorts of junk that blows me away. When flying was a big deal and people dressed up for it. Sounds cool. From what I hear, they competed not on price or route or w.e, but service and the experience.

>> No.18878518

I remember flying as a kid right after deregulation. If we flew to visit my moms family in Texas it was a lot of money at the time for a ticket. Like 700+ dollars. I remember there being actual window curtains and for even a two hour flight you got breakfast. I’m not talking about a pastry and some coffee, I mean eggs, sausage, the works. The last time I flew to Vegas we didn’t even get a lousy drink.

>> No.18878537

I remember that. When we flew when I was a kid you were in your Sunday best. Now you’re sitting next to some THOT eating fucking chic fil a in sweatpants that say “Juicy” on the back.

>> No.18878666

It's salt over 801 C.

>> No.18878684

That sounds so fun. A shame its dead and buried and we have budget fly by night airlines. I suppose it opened flight to more people but id have loved to have seen it back in the day. Weren't flight attendants and pilots considered pretty cool? Like PanAm cuties or TWA or what not? Delta still has lil plastic wings they'll hand out to kids but you can't tour the cockpit, lil kiddie passports, meet a pilot, aside from just walking by, or get any fun experience for your kiddo anymore it seems like.

>> No.18878757
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Jetblue new business class is pretty decent

>> No.18878763

I think I just like the novelty of being given a surprise meal.

>> No.18878766

This is just someone's garden put on a plate.

>> No.18878770
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Please don't. Just think of what happened last time you guys had an aviation protest.

>> No.18878806

ACW is pretty shit, since they mostly source from local caterers. Sometimes you get really great vendors, but the other half are either sketch as fuck, or literally just Panera.

I remember having to scramble to find a Starbucks that opened early enough for a morning flight for a rapper, because he refused to eat anything except Starbucks blueberry muffins. Granted, he ordered like a full dozen just for himself.

We also have a few clients with food pref lists paragraphs long, specifying their needed brands of ketchup and demanding a flavor of propel that I'm pretty sure hasn't been produced in over 5 years. And he's always a dick about it on top of that.

>> No.18878822

maybe because you can't smell the nasty-ass tomato juice smell

>> No.18878851

I wasn't super impressed with ANA but it was still decent. Korean Air had surprisingly good food as does Philippine Airlines. You're right about U.S airline food though, it blows.

>> No.18878994

Oooo. So you don't have a dedicated kitchen and more or less just best attempt to satisfy your customers? Or your operation runs everything from attendants to flights to catering to security? Are they private small aircraft? Very curious.

Football teams fucking adore Chik Fil A. The amount of times I've had to receive/count 250 chicken sandwiches, tenders, fries, w.e, with bags upon bags of sauce. Bleh. At least the catering girls who bring it are cute af, usually.

Sounds like you have picky af customers. Sports teams bug out about like.. Yasso yogurt icecream bars or odd shit thats discontinued or hard to find. Buyers have to hit like 15 local grocers to get enough. They're all pretty chill if its unavailable tho and just remove it from the billing or agree to an equivalent. Fancy big names ask for very specific dietary stuff but nobody has ever been autistic or cunty about anything in my 7 years. Pretty chill.

They interact with coordinators and coordinators are pretty solid at satisfying them and billing stuff.

>> No.18879002
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>drinking water
fucking lol, we are just cattle aren't we?

>> No.18879219

Only time I've ever been on a plane that served food was a 10 hour flight to Japan. It was a ham and cheese sandwich with no mayo. It sucked.

>> No.18879227

Basketball americans love fried chicken. What else is new.

>> No.18879238

wouldn't want to confuse the passengers with bathing water

>> No.18879479

Short hop domestic flights don't do it anymore, which fucking sucks. Long haul international flights have good food usually. I know both breakfast and the lunch/dinners were usually quite good. Had teriyaki, curry, lamb, little omelets. All very nice. Done at least 3 long haul round trip international flights.

>> No.18879490

You can still see the cockpit and stuff, but yeah, ever since it became the "shove the poorfags into the metal tin can" game, optimizing for everything, shit rapidly went downhill.

They should reverse that trend and bring back classy flights. Would never work though, can't hire hot females anymore without getting shit from cunts about it.

>> No.18879717

They're pressurized to about 8000'.

>> No.18879726
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They eat an insane amount of Sriracha because it's one of the few condiments pungent enough to taste good in space.

No gravity to hold salt/pepper grains to the food so it would just float around and get everywhere. Instead, they use water super saturated with salt so that the surface tension sticks it to the food. "Liquid pepper" is just water with pepper extract emulsified in it.

>> No.18880006

why is the water im yogurt cups

>> No.18880007

didn't know the narrator posted on the chinz

>> No.18880539
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>> No.18880626

I don't get it

>> No.18880700

Did this earlier this month. Was in First class both ways on United. The food was trash and they only had two shitty beers. The best parts were the Jack and Cokes and being able to lay down.

>> No.18880750
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>mfw too classy fo da plane food

>> No.18880757

>eating food on a plane
For what purpose? Can't people go a few hours without food anymore?
>oh but what about 12 hour flights
Humans aren't meant to eat more than once every 20 to 36 hours, this is why people are all fat and have digestive tract diseases.

>> No.18880761
File: 85 KB, 640x800, 247C36C6-141B-438F-A29F-D6ECA1CEA29B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know pre-9/11 they’d literally serve a buffet in coach? they’d roll out a bunch of carts with all different kinds of food, then call up each row, give them actual plates, and let them take what they want. back then the aisles were wide enough that you could walk around the carts. and this was all totally complimentary

now there are airlines who are genuinely considering redesigning airplanes to be like pic related, and will start charging $5 for 20 calorie peanut bags

>> No.18880762

are you autistic and if so, has it helped you with your modding career?

>> No.18880767

they still give you whatever on asian airlines. korean air and there was another asian one I flew on that reminded me of old school american flights. all sorts of food, they gave me sandwiches and stuff. I got 3 beers they didnt charge me for and all the stewardess were very pretty....and the plane was a fucking American 747 which I think is only used for cargo in the US these days. its like one day America just decided to stop being cool.

>> No.18880771

Because you are feces under my shoe

>> No.18880774

I was on a 12 hour flight from Newark to Honolulu years and years ago and the only food I got was a glorified dollar store hot pocket

>> No.18880796
File: 172 KB, 1600x853, Niggers tounge my anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which airlines have the best food unironically? I wanna get a job at one and maybe learn a language if I have too.

>> No.18881124
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>ham and fruit

>> No.18881127

Because your taste buds are suppressed, you can now stomach the taste of the rancid sourness that is a tomato

>> No.18881137

>its like one day America just decided to stop being cool
that’s exactly it, in a nutshell
other countries have a notion of aesthetic, they strive for things to be cool. that’s been missing in America, though I see signs of it returning (largely because of global competition)

>> No.18881272

You numpty cunt.

>> No.18881657
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I had an intercontinental flight 5 years ago with TAP where they serve the hardest, blandest chicken breast known to man with a side of white rice. I don't tend to go on long distance flights oftenly so I just assumed all air plane food was shit. Had another go at an intercontinental flight last year and they had good as fuck pasta and even a tiny piece of pudding for dessert. I'm guessing its all a dice roll

>> No.18881846
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>> No.18882130

Go be a slave in Dubai or w.e. they have some of the best/fanciest/classy stuff I've seen.

>> No.18882135

I kinda like this. Fat bitch eating good.

>> No.18882173
File: 61 KB, 1024x1024, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat food on airplane
>upsets your stomach
>now have to either pray you can hold it in, shit yourself, or use the toilet on the plane and pray no one else is in it or fouled it up already.

>> No.18882262

This shit is why I want us to invest in passenger rail.
In addition to trains being more comfortable, we have to make these airline companies sweat or they're gonna fuck us.

>> No.18882274

why do you say Dubai? why slave? Where are you from?

>> No.18882314

Not him but enlighten us, please.

>> No.18882563

maybe he was in the handicapper section?

>> No.18882633

Iran and United are basically what I want to eat on an airplane, carbs, fatty meat, and sugar. Japan might be good if the Miso soup is hot enough.

>> No.18883065

Cause all those Arab airlines are fancy as shit if you fly in the upper classes. I say slave cause they're notorious for using slave labor, bring you in, take your passport, hold you hostage, etc. Thats mostly third worlders tho. I'm from. 'Murrica. You?

>> No.18883234
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>> No.18883265
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>the same food but in a tower

>> No.18883636

And the Muslims wonder why we spit in the halal meals….

>> No.18883669

I'm always thankful when airways give me some snacks I never take that for granted, and about the quality eh... OK it's something

>> No.18884105

Eurofags are just jealous because they can barely afford their one room flat have zero money for a car, and get by on a carton of cigarettes and two eggs for the week.

>> No.18884195

It's all prepackaged goyslop

>> No.18884219

Hahahaha get fucked economy peasants.

>> No.18884243

ah, so no chance of getting a decent job at one. I appreciate the advice.

>> No.18884286

its okay at best. last time i had airline food was in like 2015, and it was some italian stuff. at the end of the day you either eat it or starve.

>> No.18884310

i flew one time with JAL
The return flight was canceled due to taifun landfall, They announced that just 6 hours before departure (other airlines were still flying all day long) they went radio silent for 5 days, sent all employees of the airport home that day to not answer and their website is web 1.0 boomer garbage, they didnt schedule a new flight.
Im conflicted, i was shocked by the absolute incompetence, but those forced additional days were a cool adventure. At least they refunded without making a fuss.
I learned my lesson that day, only star alliance from now on

>> No.18884349

>Only Star Alliance
Ah yes such award winning airlines as Air China, Air India, Copa, LOT, Lufthansa, and TAP lmao

>> No.18884361

at least with lufthansa i have a hotline actually speaking my language.
Ive been with lufthansa 16 times and the only thing that happened was a luggage piece being delayed for a day. (being super late thanks to the nigress blocking checkin for one hour) they sent it free of charge with a courier

>> No.18884378

Are you implying JAL does not have an English support line?

>> No.18884389

what good is it if they shut down the service due to massively fucking up and avoiding to deal with customers?
that day, for a domestic airline they certainly were the most incompetent (despite this happening like 10 times a year)

>> No.18884417

Do you have any article that addresses this? I struggle to believe anything you're saying.

>> No.18884449

>you have any article that addresses this
yea let me dig out domestic japanese articles from 4 years back that they'd love to sweep under the rug.

It is simple, if you cancel my flight on short notice, i expect within reasonable time to get an email when you expect to re-schedule me.
After all I have to look in the meantime for a vacant stay (of unknown duration, thanks jal /s) without compensation and swap my schedule around.
The next thing i heard from them after "your flight was canceled" was "we refunded your paypal" At that time i was already back for a week because i booked a return 3 days later on with korean air. Meanwhile jal was still hiding their head in their ass

>> No.18884450

if im on a plane i dont expect a meal, i just eat prepakaged junk food.

>> No.18884451

Yeah I'm going to say you're a schizo. No major airline is going to send their employees home from an airport and refuse customer service inquiries for five days.

>> No.18884469
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that trip i learned a valuable lesson. with skype you can phone globally for 3ct/min instead of paying the horrendous international rates, especially helpful is you stay in queue for hours with them not picking up

>> No.18884477

>>Hahahaha get fucked economy peasants.
where do you think we are?

>> No.18884699
File: 377 KB, 2764x2073, 4DxAU3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a meal I had on Emirates Business Class DFW-Dubai leg on a business trip to Chennai. 1/3

>> No.18884702
File: 411 KB, 2764x2073, c9USvff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 This was around January, 2013.

>> No.18884708
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3/3 On the way back home I drank Manhattans nonstop for like eight hours. Good times.

>> No.18884718
File: 471 KB, 2764x2073, dwwZZyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus pic, this was the meal on the relatively short haul (still six hours) leg from Dubai to Chennai, still in Emirates business class.

>> No.18884785

Hard to imagine why anyone would ever not like these people

>> No.18885042

thinner air makes even just sitting in a chair work the heart more than at sea level. also barely any niggers

>> No.18885069

You require more vespene gas.

>> No.18885089
File: 36 KB, 800x533, microwavable-cheese-burger-sesame-seed-bun-microwave-oven-example-modern-fast-food-cheeseburger-202552187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard is it to get a microwaveable cheeseburger, fries and a beer on a plane?
I would pay 35% over and above my ticket price if they could get a macdonalds on a plane.

>> No.18885109

with the exception of the cheese plate that looks like ass. like it might have been made by a real chef at one point but its been sitting in a fridge for weeks and someone threw it in a microwave

>> No.18885153

I didn't claim it was good, just showing you what I had...since airline food thread and all.
Man, fucking Kroger's frozen cheeseburger was way better than it had any right to be and they discontinued it.

>> No.18885176

This is funny when you apply the /tg/ alignment chart over it in your head.

>> No.18885629

Jamon iberico and rockmelon/cantaloupe is actually fantastic.

>> No.18885867

How do you justify paying like 5x the price for first class?

>> No.18885902
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Airplane food is shitty and I just get blitzed before during and after flights then eat when I arrive