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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18869055 No.18869055 [Reply] [Original]

you do have an ice cream truck that regularly frequents your neighborhood, right anon?

>> No.18869076

Yeah but the guy seems kinda lost. It's some sikh with a truck that plays the UK ice-cream truck jingle that somehow ended up in burgerland

>> No.18869084

No I got it shut down from my neighborhood for noise ordinance violation. Fuck your kids it's Saturday morning and I'm trying to sleep.

>> No.18869088

They zoom by nowadays because they know there's no kids in our neighborhood anymore.

>> No.18869094

It's cold right now, so not currently, no.

>> No.18869107

never considered there were regional ice cream truck tunes
moreover brits call it an "ice cream van"

>> No.18869117

na they stopped doing this when the area got over run by somalians. If one comes by these days, they are driving like 40 mph down the street without their music on.

>> No.18869119

I hear the siren call, but never do I see the entity. It circles just out of reach. Tempting. Mocking. Taunting with its song. Does it exist on our plane, or is it an ethereal being that delights only in hinting at what might be? I do not know. But it seeps into my mind and dominates my desires. I must have it. I NEED the ice cream.

>> No.18869122

Nope, we have a local ice cream parlor, where they actually hand make the ice cream, package it and sell it to surrounding grocery stores.
You want ice cream, you go into the joint.

It ran a DQ out of town, its so ingrained

>> No.18869140


>> No.18869636

Whwn you're a kid, sometimes the ice cream is worth the molestation.

>> No.18869639

dare I?

>> No.18869650

i thought ice cream trucks were an american thing only

>> No.18869686

Yes of course. I always get a drumstick

>> No.18869689 [DELETED] 

If I was in the mafia I'd put out a hit on every one of those fuckers

>> No.18869699

no because america is fucked up and fun little things like this don't work anymore. You can't sustain a business on this anymore, kids aren't allowed outside anymore, people with kids can't afford houses so there's nowhere to actually drive an ice cream truck.

It's kept up in some small towns, usually by some retired guy who is doing it for fun rather than profit. But like all fun pop culture traditions in america it will die because of the people who romanticize it not caring about the state of things.

>> No.18869709

They should get chip tune experts to hook them up


>> No.18869715

>kids aren't allowed outside anymore

>> No.18869723

We have them in Italy, too. Mostly, we have carts, but vans/trucks occur, too. Carts always have packaged cold treats but vans can have actual ice cream, sorbet and more.

>> No.18869724 [DELETED] 


>> No.18869732

My neighbor drove an ice cream truck. He was also a pig farmer. When I was 5 he let us kids onto his ice cream tuck and let us pick out whatever we wanted from the freezes. Whelp, the freezers were packed with dead pigs, frozen snot and black icy eyeballs and all. I reached down between the carcasses and picked out a Screwball and have never eaten one since.

>> No.18869756

In season, yes. Its "music" is really annoying, and it clogs up the parking lot. The fact that I'm lactose intolerant makes things worse.

>> No.18869760

A lot of parents in the US these days, especially middle class and up white parents, schedule every minute of every day of their kids' lives and often /don't let their kids even go outside/.
My much older brother and his wife were like that with their daughter as was my even older sister and her dead husband's parents with her daughter.
My brother's kid is now 18, has never set foot in a school and has never had a friend. She's been rejected by many schools so she's taking online courses at a community college, a far cry from her Ivy educated father and Juilliard grad mother.
My sister's kid had so much artificial structure in her life that she couldn't handle all the freedom of being a college student on her own and flunked out in one semester. She now scrubs turlets in N'Awlins for a living because she wants nothing to do with her grandparents or mother.
Yet, both these asshats wanna give me advice on how to raise my son, as though they've done some amazing jobs.

>> No.18869775

>moreover brits call it an "ice cream van"
Britbongs think a "truck" is only a freight car attached to a locomotive.
They use "lorry" to refer to any sort of cargo truck (pickups, flatbeds, boxcars, 18-wheelers, etc)
pretty much everything else is called a van except SUVs which they call four-by-fours even when they don't have 4 wheel drive

>> No.18869779

Too dangerous. They might get beaten up, or molested, or kidnapped, or injure themselves falling. Worse: they might be exposed to different points of view from their parents. Worst of all: someone might hurt their feelings.

>> No.18869794

it was a thing even in the 90s. It was because of scare mongering media in the 80s and shit like "do you know where your kids are?" which had an agenda behind them that wasn't about keeping kids safe. Stranger danger scare tactics ignored that most people abusing and molesting kids weren't strangers to the kids. The media was for their parents, who would then be super paranoid about their kids wandering around unsupervised.

And it made it weird in the 90s to grow up in a controlled environment like that while all the cartoons were made by people who grew up a in the 70s and 80s and were allowed to roam, so cartoon kids got to wander their neighborhoods, but even in our safe white suburbia we weren't allowed to.

But that just goes back to why ice cream trucks are dying out. Kids can't go out, the culture was forcibly shifted for unrelated reasons to benefit a wealthy few. Malls in America are dying because they were always about the illusion of a walkable shopping street while still being heavily controlled and overpriced.

More and more shit in America just no longer works because of the state it's in and the people who complain about "kids don't do x anymore" are usually the reason why.

>> No.18869810

I know a zoomer that drives one. He is the quintessential zoomer stereotype.

>> No.18869827

these are huge exaggerations. not saying the grain of truth isn't there, but why is everything such a huge exaggeration

>> No.18869832

And none of those things could have happened 20 years ago?

>> No.18869840

They did but we didn't have the internet so you didn't hear about it most of the time.

>> No.18869848

>20 years ago
>didn't have the internet
I've had internet in my home since 1997

>> No.18869896

I see the same in Oakland

>> No.18869902

Back in the 70s and 80s people were absolutely paranoid about chil' molesters and murders of women and children. All the worst pedo child killers existed in the 70s and 80s and this when every parent and teacher in the US at least was constantly repeating never talk to strangers, never get in the car with someone, where on the doll did he touch you, etc etc

Serial killings and rashes of missing children steadily rose through the 70s and 80s to an all time high and have only declined since

>> No.18869912

not in the middle of winter, and I wish there wasn't because all they sell are poorly-preserved and maintained processed manufactured product

which is sad because I do believe that you could rig a soft serve machine into a truck and sell something more wholesome

>> No.18869919

I used to live near college kids and we had a 3AM ice cream truck. creepy as fuck the first time I heard it.

>> No.18869931

Not anymore. The guy who used to drive the ice cream truck in my neighborhood got busted for kiddy porn

>> No.18869932

Wait... ice cream trucks where you live don't have soft-serve? What shirt of back country hellhole do you live in?

>> No.18869950

anon that's always been the norm for ice cream trucks. Soft serve in them is a new thing. Ice cream trucks only ever had freezers before, which is why they mainly got by with cartoon character popsicles with gumball eyes.

I guess in this modern age of food trucks for everything it's possible to put a soft serve machine in a truck without worry.

>> No.18869958

I know they exist in places... Mr Tastee Freeze or w/e... I'm not sure even that exists anywhere anymore.

The truck in OP's pic doesn't sell soft serve. Not a single truck in my area has ever sold soft serve since I was a child. That was quite a long time ago.

>> No.18869965

Define "new." I'm 43 and Mr Whippy has been serving soft serve out of trucks my entire life.

>> No.18869971
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The one in my area uses a church bell sample as the bell for some reason, so I thought it was the end of days when I first moved in since there are no churches in my area and I would hear it in the evenings.

>> No.18869982

Nah, I'm not a city slicker anymore.
Besides, our local icecream man got killed in a driveby shooting anyway.

>> No.18870068

>new thing
If my first entrance into the US 30ish years ago counts as "new," then sure: it's "new."
I first got here as a kid in 1990 and ice cream trucks had soft-serve. I left in the late 90s, came back later for college and ice cream trucks still had soft-serve. And now, I've got a five year old who this past summer got, you guessed it, soft-serve from an ice cream truck (and i did, too). Maybe ice cream trucks with soft-serve are exclusively a coastie thing cuz in the US, I've never lived anywhere but coastal states.

>> No.18870166

I’ve always seen them with shitty ice cream bars. The only ice cream trucks that served real ice cream I have seen were more like food trucks and not the drive around with the music trucks

>> No.18870180

where the fuck did they have soft serve in trucks? In the 90s that would have been difficult as fuck and a hazard. And it requires more cost and heigeine standards because they're not handing out wrapped products from a freezer.

>> No.18870197
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yes. but is something like this one.

>> No.18870199

NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD and DC all had soft-serve trucks. AND! you could get a dipped cone. Or even a sundae, banana split or milkshake.

>> No.18870248
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I just did a search for Washington DC ice cream trux and first result

>> No.18870281

Very poet, Derek. One day you'll make a woman very happy.

>> No.18870292


>> No.18870301


>> No.18870315
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>"ice cream van"
and its not even a real van!
fuckin brits man

>> No.18870317
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>> No.18870341

I saw a guy doing it with a hand cart up in Tucson the other day. Selling helados. I bought one. It was coconut.

>> No.18870373
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My Stacy neighbor adores me

>> No.18870671

Zackly. I can't imagine that there really are places in the supposed first world where ice cream trucks don't have soft-serve absolute shitholes like Baltimore and DC do.

>> No.18870728

I live in NYC and we have ice cream trucks and lots of kids playing outside lol. It's not just a small town thing at all. You probably live in some soulless sprawling auto-dependent suburb.

>> No.18871011

Yeah, and it plays that annoying as fuck "Hello!" song all summer. That said the soft-serve is amazing and he sells pills on the side. Probably why it tastes so good.

>> No.18871028

They did, but "experts" weren't telling you how dangerous hurting a persons feelings were a few decades ago. Now it is child abuse to not buy the thing your kid wants, or feed them the dinner you did not make. This makes me very sad, and want to burn liberals on a massive pyre of progressive literature.

>> No.18871049

none of this is true

>> No.18871220
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Post approximate age and region you grew up in. We used to have LESS racial tension, blacks and whites got a long one hell of a lot better, and fuck a school system based around dragging every child down to even things out.

>> No.18871228

during lockdown, and then never a peep heard ever again. maybe dude made enough during that week to retire. all i know is, that 5 second looped tune can drive me insane.

>> No.18871236

*beatnik clicking*

>> No.18871237

what kind of shit ditch are you from cletus. even in chicago there are ice cream carts fucking everywhere rolled around by tired Hispanics

>> No.18871244

I lived in St Paul and only saw them a couple of times over a decade. You saw them because you live in Chicago, literally hell, being drawn by illegal workers.

>> No.18871266

Not him but my cousin has her teen daughter and son come to my house after school until she can pick them up. Living in California and they're growing up the same way I did at the same schools I went to. There's no racial tension or anything you mentioned, at least not in my experience

>> No.18871482

I haven't seen an ice cream truck around here for at least 20 years

>> No.18871685

an ice cream truck goes through my brother's "neighborhood" out in the boonies on a regular basis, but i haven't seen one in my regular suburban neighborhood in years. i kinda think they're looking for kids to kidnap.

>> No.18871688

Ice cream truck drivers are idiots. They could be making so much more money if they knocked on people's doors with a smile and made it feel rude to turn them away. Make it real awkward for someone and they'll buy your stuff off it's only a matter of $3. Everybody has that much money at home so there's no excuse that works other than "I don't want ice cream". Most people don't like awkward confrontation so they'll buy something just to make you leave.

>> No.18872235

My sister's neighborhood had a truck, but now it parks in one spot all day and expects you to come to them. Cheapskates.

>> No.18872272

Ice cream trucks were my first introduction as a kid to value-per-unit-dollar.

>> No.18872297

we did but we chased him the fuck out. he can peddle his poison elsewhere.

>> No.18872299

No too black

>> No.18872312

Could that girl use an extra $500? I'm in the market for a pair of used panties. The pair I have lost their scent. She'd have to wear them for two days minimum, but I don't need any other details about her (no name, age, photo etc. necessary).

>> No.18872313

Le meme

>> No.18872330

fuck off

>> No.18872365

>if they knocked on people's doors with a smile and made it feel rude to turn them away.
a lot of places have laws against that.

>> No.18872391

ever heard of "no soliciting"?

>> No.18873027


What planet you from, pepe le pew?

>> No.18873106
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For you OP.

>> No.18873109
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>> No.18873114

Don't have to read it. Saw it on Netflix.

>> No.18873117
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>> No.18873122
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>> No.18873223
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End. Honestly on the list of possible deaths, a frozen dairy deformation demise is up there in the Top 10 ways I'd rather go.

I enjoyed the adaption, especially the added ending stinger they included however like most of them the pacing felt somewhat rushed without the needed buildup. Incidentally, when I was little and stayed at my Grandma's House we did have an Ice Cream truck that would come by (something even I as a kid thought was relic of a by-gone era) and we'd both get some classic ice cream sandwiches.

>> No.18873237

I thought that meant no asking for sex

>> No.18873251

nah, but small villages can have regular bakery/butcher/fish trucks