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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18864491 No.18864491 [Reply] [Original]

Let me guess...you "need" more?

>> No.18864494

I use a 20 dollar Mr. Coffee. So, I need less.

>> No.18864504

not paying for some "made in italy" trash when its both worse and more expensive than generic chinese stuff

>> No.18864535
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I need less, actually.

>> No.18864567

yes i want crema

>> No.18864578

Yes, I don't want Alzheimer's.

>> No.18864579

holy based kino

>> No.18864580

this is the way. anyone who uses more than a french press is a fussy prissy princess

>> No.18864587

>Many iterations of espresso machines were made after that, but it was not until 1948 until Achille Gaggia of Italy created an espresso machine that utilized enough pressure to create crema. At first, people were suspicious of the “scum” on top of their espresso.

I'm good. I want my coffee without scum.

>> No.18864593

Bialatti or any other 'french press' bullshit has nothing to do with espresso. I don't even know what you jokers are talking about here.

>> No.18864611

>muh espresso

It all comes down to pressure anyway and you will not get a good espresso without machines ranging in the thousand. So :

1. Go fuck yourself.
2. A good old moka express is the best way to mimic an expresso and if you were to taste a cup of moka on the left and an espresso on the right you wouldn't be able to tell shit.

>> No.18864731

Yes a milk frother to go with it

>> No.18864739

percolator is my preference

>> No.18864931

i love this lil guy like you wouldnt believe

>> No.18865153

Anyone who drinks any other form or alcohol than neat vodka is a fussy prissy princess

>> No.18865155

I use an even cheaper drip coffee maker from Walmart.

>> No.18865587

It's not scum friend, it's the soul of the bean

>> No.18865733
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well yes, an espresso maker makes good coffee, while being the unhealthiest, and not necessarily the best coffee. i use my picrel

>> No.18865823
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well yeah

>> No.18865869

FACT: The French Press is the best way to prepare coffee.

>> No.18865881

French press and Moka pot is the perfect combination. That way you can make whatever kind of coffee you feel like. They're both compact, easy to use and produce good coffee.

>> No.18865891
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Out of my way

>> No.18865926

>That way you can make whatever kind of coffee you feel like
What if you feel like an espresso?

>> No.18865934
File: 263 KB, 2000x1333, wacaco_picopresso_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's a French Press and this. I can have regular black coffee, I can have espresso, I can have cold brew, and if I'm feeling fancy, I can have a cappuccino.

>> No.18865940

i use the four cup and drink the whole thing when i work from home.

>> No.18865944

For an ordinary consumer, Moka is just as good as espresso. I don't doubt people like James Hoffman could tell the difference,but the average consumer wouldn't.

>> No.18865945

lol. but not lmao.

>> No.18865948

I bet you're one of those faggots who spent thousands on an espresso machine he barely knows how to use.

>> No.18866508

Love me my moka. Delicious, cheap, easy to use and maintain. Yes, a proper espresso tastes even better, but the machine costs about 30 times as much, is a bitch to maintain and would take up about a third of the counterspace in my tiny kitchen. I'll stick with my little moka.

>> No.18866509

bean cum

>> No.18866512

>but the machine costs about 30 times as much, is a bitch to maintain and would take up about a third of the counterspace in my tiny kitchen
Flair Classic: $165 US
Wacaco Picopresso: $130 US

>> No.18866536

I prefer instant. Folgers or, failing that, Nescafe. It's just so much easier to get a consistent cup of coffee and I don't have to worry about dangerously high steam pressures exploding my hands off.

>> No.18866556

another prescription brought to you by Dr Shekels

>> No.18866561


>> No.18866573

sadly, despite many attempts at a moka pot and espresso machine, the only tasty coffee i have been able to make was with this

>> No.18866582

>why yes I do enjoy overpriced, unnecessary consumer products, how could you tell!?

>> No.18866589

>I'm poor, so everyone else is Jewish, how could you tell?

>> No.18866755

the only people I've heard enjoy french press are people who don't drink quality coffee and compare it to some poorly maintained coffee machine with grocery store beans or instant coffee

>> No.18866816

I own a moka and a french press.

I use the moka during the week for a small amount of quick coffee before work and I use the french press on weekends to make coffee by the mug

>> No.18866993
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actually I need less

>> No.18867094

i use this guy the most but i like my v60 too
press is good but i find not the best for light roasts

>> No.18867097

Anybody recommend any milk frothers? Been trying to froth with my french press but the foam texture just sucks, I need my moka cappuccino kino

>> No.18867176

>suffering deliberately

>> No.18867177

I've heard/read good things about the Subminimal Nanofoamer. It won't heat your milk, but given that you've been using a french press, I'm guessing heating the milk yourself wouldn't be a dealbreaker.

>> No.18867188

yeah I need to not have headaches

>> No.18867228

This was replaced by the aeropress and Im tired of pretending otherwise
Your harsh bitter italian coffee is over

>> No.18867286

I don't get these things, I've tried to make coffee with this multiple times but I always get flaoty coffee grind into my cup. Also it's weird how the coffee grind is constantly submerged in the liquid

>> No.18867342

recently bought a french press and have had no floating grinds issue with this method.
that said, it's still a bit watery and weak so i'm grinding it increasingly finer with each attempt.

>> No.18867913

link a non aluminum one?

>> No.18867946
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>Is less than 20 dollars
>Easy as fuck to use and clean; just rinse and dry
>Makes 1 cup at a time. No drinking old ass coffee that's been sitting in the pot all day

Literally perfect in every way

>> No.18868359

Filter coffee is legitimately fit only for slaves.
I don't think you should legally be allowed to call it coffee.

>> No.18868389
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is this more or less?

>> No.18868453

Redpill me. I haven't heard of either of those.

>> No.18868465

Stay based, anon.

>> No.18868644

Lmao, my friend is exactly like this. He's a textbook normie, doesn't even know what wojaks are, yet when I told him I drink pour over coffee he sent me a James Hoffmann soyjak. I still wonder how he found it. He makes french press coffee with pre-ground Folgers. I've tried telling him it could be so much better if he would just buy beans and grind them himself, but he doesn't seem to care and I don't want to be annoying.
I forgot how bad this shit was until I went home to visit my parent for Christmas. I think they have this exact coffee maker, shit taste like burnt popcorn.

>> No.18868873
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Ikea french press

>Easy as fuck to use and clean; just rinse and dry
>not limited to one cup so you can make coffee for more than one person at a time but because you're not retarded if you wanted just one cup you could easily only make one cup's worth, why are you making too much coffee just to be upset that it's sitting in the pot all day, what is wrong with you?

>> No.18868883

You forgot
>cleanup only takes a second, just throw the filter with the grounds into the trash

>> No.18869662

he's using a metal filter

>> No.18869736

I got one of these from Italy and it beats the shit out of a Chinese one from a shitty student shop, less leaks, lighter, has lasted much longer looking pristine.

>> No.18869778

coffee is not tea though

>> No.18869821


>> No.18869928

I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.18870363

No, but I have more, including an H bomb version of a moka pot that will eventually explode and kill everyone.

>> No.18870364


>> No.18870464

I got a 3-cup for christmas, I think that's larger than yours. It's pretty good.

>> No.18870521

My homie made me a 12 cupper with a 9-bar valve and a 12-bar safety. It stays at the campsite - I only use it outdoors, with sort of a multi-layer wire cage over it... fucking great for making "Espresso" for a lot of people, but I'm really nervous about the day it fails.

>> No.18870532

Fuck off wigger

>> No.18870548

That does sound impressive, but it really seems like you need to make sure that safety valve is never obstructed.

>> No.18870550

You seem upset, friend. Want to talk about it over a mug of Cuban crack?

>> No.18870554

I just wish people like you would fuck off. I have extreme nigger fatigue and that includes white people who are desperate to act like niggers. On 4chan of all places I should be able to get away from them

>> No.18870555

It has a backup, and it's really heavy... but yeah, it definitely seems like there's a chance of it becoming a 360 degree claymore.

>> No.18870561

Maybe you should stick to the synagogue. They have good coffee there.

>> No.18870568

no, i need less, my ten dollar french press from walmart will do better than this.

>> No.18870580

French press coffee tastes like mud steeped in hot water

>> No.18870582

use coarser grounds. presses are literally designed for larger than drip coffee grounds.

>> No.18870584
File: 1.09 MB, 434x250, AgitatedInexperiencedHadrosaurus-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On 4chan of all places

>> No.18870588

Yeah, one of the whitest websites on the internet. Or at least it used to be...

>> No.18870591

Stop drinking mud, even if yours tastes like coffee.

>> No.18870594

It was never white. It was never good. Rural Pennsylvania is calling, do you accept the charges?

>> No.18870598

>4chan was never white
Bro, up until Facebook and smartphones, the entire fucking internet was white.

>> No.18870614

chill homie dont need to bust they ass is just a word for real. roll an toke an have a cup know wha I'm saying aight?

>> No.18870637

>Opinion jettisoned
Are you mixing coffee and meth?

>> No.18870664

mind posting that soyjak? i want to bother a friend with it

>> No.18870689

That should speak more to their coffee and how long it's sitting on the burner than anything else. These things just drip hot water onto grounds in a basket - like a pourover with a weak hot plate to keep it warm.

>> No.18870802

French press makes the whole experience more like tea drinking for me.

>> No.18870809

Anime. Japan.

>> No.18871169

Anon.... You already have Alzheimer's.

>> No.18871191
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>> No.18871920
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>> No.18873023
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This is all I use

>> No.18873359
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>is similarly priced in your path

>> No.18873746
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for me, it's

>> No.18873851

anon, are you okay? do you really hate yourself that much?
i mean i can understand it as an emergency back-up supply for like going camping or something, but that should not be your norm.

>> No.18873911

just put some cream and 3 sugar cubes
tastes just as good as any v60 or aeropress
can't taste the difference, stop coping

>> No.18873927
File: 34 KB, 1000x800, 229C5235-F2B2-4A9E-AD96-BFE947F54667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i need less

>> No.18873930

wow, well congrats on having tastebuds that can't tell good from bad, it will mean you can eat more without caring about the flavor or having to cook your own meal as often.

>> No.18873940

you "need" more i guess

>> No.18873950

just my french press.

>> No.18873959

Unironically the worst instant coffee I've ever tasted. Get the fuck out.

>> No.18874006

Spun the top on using the handle
I can still work with it
Put it in the dishwasher
ok fuck this thing

>> No.18874430
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Let me guess...you "need" more?

>> No.18874494
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>> No.18874506

The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset Alzheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers, I want to cry anytime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself, but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others.

>> No.18874579

Okay boomer

>> No.18874667

Folgers is better. Scoop it in a cup, a bit of milk, and sugar and it's all I need for my morning eggos.

>> No.18874696

No, less. I used the exactly the same imusa branded one I bought for $6.

>> No.18875041

don't let these soyboys tell you differently

>> No.18875148

Yeah, you should instead listen to this newfag who still thinks it's 2015.

>> No.18875236

don't you have a dick to suck faggot?