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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18863286 No.18863286 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to make a new kebabpizza, anyone have any ideas?

>> No.18863294
File: 3.36 MB, 444x250, AmazingBasicBovine-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea; Go fuck yourself

>> No.18863312

Unbelievably rude

>> No.18863334

Make it with hot capocollo.

>> No.18863343

that pic looks fucking retarded but i know it tastes amazing

>> No.18863378
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>> No.18863392

Kill yourself you fucking loser. You pathetic piece of shit noone cares about your faggot trash pizzas. You really are worthless, aren't you? Fuck off idiot.

>> No.18863407
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OP here

>> No.18863421

Consider sudoku. Fuckin piece of shit.

>> No.18863436
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I made it

>> No.18863498

Geez tranny, don't be pissy just because you lopped off your nuts. It's not our fault.

>> No.18863504

Rent free

>> No.18863992

oil instead of red sauce,
mozza and a few bits of feta,
roasted garlic, diced chunks of souvlaki, onions, a few kalmata olives, halved cherry tomatoes on top, baked.
give a good swhorl of tzatziki on top wala

>> No.18864284

After it's done add iceberg salad and garlic dressing

>> No.18865658

Post results when done

>> No.18865713

sorry, i just don't get the make your own shitty pizza phase
Got a million places around me that make it in a brick oven way better than i could in my stove on a cast iron skillet, let alone the ingredients

>> No.18865775

Make it

>> No.18865782

I don't know. Maybe see if you can get a tzatziki recipe that would work reasonably as a sauce with the kebab. I don't know if that would bake well.

>> No.18867652

How do these Greek cuisines taste so good with around 5 ingredients / food item? Do they all convene on how a dish is best made then reveal it to the public?

>> No.18867659

That kind of meat tastes like sour cat piss. italians are retarded

>> No.18868082

no but those are the two best pizza toppings ever

>> No.18868087 [DELETED] 

> he doesn't like ham
time to get back to shitposting on leftypol schlomo

>> No.18868095
File: 43 KB, 474x474, ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ham, that's not ham. That's cat piss pork.

Picrel is ham

>> No.18868101

Don't. Pizza is the food of fine epicureans and patricians.
Kebab is the food of savages.

>> No.18868112

Listen mutt you should know your betters. Italian and spanish ham are the superior choices. You should stop smoking menthol cigarettes and try to improve your taste.

>> No.18868142
File: 93 KB, 282x400, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>italians and spanish

>> No.18868165

you just have an unrefined palate. stick to tendies queer.

>> No.18868277

What do you mean? Both are ancient Greek.

>> No.18869428

I saw a recipe for whole wheat dough recently. I suggest trying that out: a pizza of your choice but with a 100% whole wheat crust. See if it intense whole wheat flavor makes the pizza better or worse.