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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 370 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Mititei_aufm_Grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18857756 No.18857756 [Reply] [Original]

We'll be making mititei today from Romania.

Full disclosure:
1) first time cooking it;
2) optimally this would be cooked on a grill which I don't have;
3) I think this is the best meat dish in the Middle/Eastern-European region.

But first, cooking a meat stock, some of which goes into the mititei, some into my freezer.

Previous thread (which you can keep discussing here, if you wish): >>18830012

>> No.18857768
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For the stock: ribs, marrowbone, pigs feet (for that sweet collagen).

>> No.18857776
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First boil is for de-scumming only. Yes, I cleaned the stove.

>> No.18857786

>putting meat stock into your cevapi mixture
this is some rich man shit

>> No.18857790
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For the mititei: ground pepper, baking soda, paprika, garlic. We have szalonna for added fat, and the ground meats are from left to right: lamb, beef, pork.

>> No.18857796

I wanted to put away some meat stock in my freezer anyway, so I thought why not do the mititei the "proper way". Only a small amount goes into it.

>> No.18857822
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Aren't you fags in the middle of a war? How do you find the time to BBQ? Fuckin Romans man, I swear. I thought you cunts were extinct by the Greeks too.

>> No.18857827
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We need to get rid of this SCUMM!

>> No.18857839
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Washed the meat, cleaned the pot.

>> No.18857846
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Added onion, herbs, bayleaf, whole peppercorns, nothing fancy.

>> No.18857848

Gotta go buy some mustard, white wine. BRB

>> No.18857912

We are waiting for the stock. I'll be back in ~2 hours to start the meat prep.

>> No.18857945

>boiling instead of simmering
>not simmering pig bones for like 12 hours
>adding veg and cooking for 2 hours

Everything goes against convention. In my experience making stock, this would not end well. I looked at your other thread also.

>A small amount of veggie scraps
>burned in the oven
>magically becomes dark brown stock

I think you're full of shit, anon. Are you going to add stock cubes to this stock as well?

>> No.18857953

>cooking for 2 hours
Not the plan. 4-5 hours. I meant I'll be back with pics in 2.
>not simmering
I already adjusted the heat after taking the pic.
>A small amount of veggie scraps
I'm not running a professional kitchen. That amount of scrap isn't insignificant for a home cook, unless you have no problem with throwing everything in the trash.
>burned in the oven
Lol, this is how I know you are a hack. Almost all veggie stock recipes call for charring your veggie base, and I didn't "burn" it.
>magically becomes dark brown stock
>Are you going to add stock cubes to this stock as well?
lol, didn't happen.

gr8 banter tho

>> No.18857963

I've made stock every week for the last 5 years. You may have the cooklets on this board fooled, but you're not going to fool me.

>> No.18857967

I've made stock every day since I was 4 months old. I was suckling on my momma's tits while preparing my pho base. Bitch, even back then my dick was bigger than yours.


>> No.18857976
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>be OP
>pretend to be making vegetable/meat stock
>add pics for the upvotes
>throw everything out
>heat up a pot of water
>add 6 Knorr Stock Cubes™ to the pot
>"look, guys! we are almost done! look at the intense brown color!!!"
chad move, ngl

>> No.18857994
File: 426 KB, 680x608, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang in there op I believe in you

>> No.18858012

In any case...
What's the alternative? Just bumping some MSG into the mix?

>> No.18858014

Just because I'm doing a Romanian recipe it doesn't make me a Romanian. And no, the Romanians aren't in a war.


>> No.18858031

I do not know about the Romanian version but south of the Danube the classic recipe calls for.... water.

>> No.18858042

Every original (Romanian) recipe I've looked up explicitly called for baking soda and meat stock. Someone even said (on youtube) that he thinks the "soda water" instead of "baking soda" is due to a mistranslation of the original recipe.

Have been doing such threads for years now on /ck/. I've noticed that if I used a pressure cooker for my stock NOBODY brought up the "stock cube" banter. I guess it's because it's a sealed container and they don't imagine people cheating with that.

>> No.18858043

>doesn't brown meat or vegetables
>also claims burning veg scrap is standard procedure for veggie stock

You're not even consistent with your own bullshit guy.

>boils meat and bones
>drains liquid
>washes meat(?)

Come off it. You're trolling.

>> No.18858050

>>doesn't brown meat or vegetables
Again, you are trolling. If I brown my veggies, you call it "burnt", if I don't brown my meat -- again, ribs, bonemarrow, pig's foot -- I'm doing a shitty job. The only two that could be browned are the marrows & ribs. (I haven't seen anyone doing maillard reaction to pig's feet.) I guess this is a fair critique, but already, and as people said above, doing real stock for mititei is kind of an overkill...

>>boils meat and bones
>>drains liquid
>>washes meat(?)
Yup. I washed both meat and bones after like ~15-20 mins pre-boil. It gets rid of 90% of the scum. Otherwise you spend your first hour with autistically standing at the stove and scraping off that shit non-stop, then you have to reintroduce water because all the water you got out in the process.

>> No.18858061

>doesn't know the difference between browning and burnt

>doing real stock for mititei is kind of an overkill...
You finally admit it. Why buy all that shit then? Why pretend? Just use a stock cube (I very much think you will do this anyway)

>> No.18858063

>Why buy all that shit then? Why pretend?
>I wanted to put away some meat stock in my freezer anyway

>> No.18858064

>Just use a stock cube (I very much think you will do this anyway)
at this point I'm thinking I should do exactly as you say, just to make you shut up, lol

>> No.18858065

>why not do the mititei the "proper way"
>doing real stock for mititei is kind of an overkill...

so which is it...

>> No.18858067

>meat stock
basic cooking vocab fail

>> No.18858068

Literally no contradiction. The recipe I'm following calls for kocsonya ("aspic") kind of meat stock. Nobody in the region does maillard reaction kocsonya.

I admit, it would add more flavor, but I'm no way off track here.

English is my secondary language. How did I err?

>> No.18858079

Those are just cevapi

>> No.18858095
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Both mititei and cevapi are Ottoman-empire (Turkish) influenced dishes after they conquered the region as far as I can tell. Obv. Muslims don't eat pork as per mititei.

Also, and again, as far as I can tell/intuit, the addition of baking soda (which is supposed to add little air bubbles to the meat, allowing juices to flow inside) and meat stock, are a Romanian innovation of the same genre. Also, I think mititei almost coagulates the ground beef before grilling, while the alternatives (be they Serbian or Turkish) just serve a roughly ground ground beef log.

All I can tell as someone from the region is that I've tried cevapi in Serbia before and tried mititei in Romania before, and the latter was absolutely superior. To add, and not to shit on Serbs, I think that Serbs have the best sauces in the region: ajvar & kajmak.

>> No.18858099

We also use baking soda and I'm pretty sure the meat is also mixed to the point of emulsification. It's not just ground meat that's been lightly packed together. There's a bouncier texture to it.

>> No.18858101

who's "we"? You Serb?

>> No.18858103


>> No.18858107

Здpaвo, testvérem!

>> No.18858113

Serbs know literally 0 madjar words but I appreciate the sentiment

>> No.18858120

In any case, <3 from Budapest.

Have you tried mititei before? (Preferably in Romania?) If so, did you notice any diff. b/w that and cevapi?

>> No.18858123

OP here. I was almost gaslighted into adding a fucking stock cube into the stock. Just tasted it. It's already getting there. A cube would add weird industrial taste to it.

Suck a dick, this will be fine. Sure, it's "bone-heavy," but it's good.

>> No.18858153

>Suck a dick
OK lets keep going then...
using phrases like that despite claiming "me no speak english good" earlier...
>it's "bone-heavy,"
stock is made of bones what do you even mean by this... no wonder you called it "meat stock" earlier lol.
>claim stock is already good 3 hours in, doesn't post pic of stock

>> No.18858158
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>cooking onions in stock for 3 hours

>> No.18858166
File: 2.76 MB, 462x352, spongebob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't be "fluent" in chan-speak and have English as your secondary language

>> No.18858171

>Someone even said (on youtube) that he thinks the "soda water" instead of "baking soda" is due to a mistranslation of the original recipe.
Probably. But I've seen people use either around here (Bulgaria) when cooking mince meat dishes. Still, it's not considered a necessary ingredient and most recipes just skip it.
The stock is definitely a Romanian innovation.

>> No.18858181

>Still, it's not considered a necessary ingredient
>baking soda (which is supposed to add little air bubbles to the meat, allowing juices to flow inside)

thoughts on this?

>> No.18858190


>> No.18858200

I was just speaking about my country. We don't put baking soda or soda water in our mince very often. It probably tastes better idk, I will probably try it out next time I make cevapi.

>> No.18858202

Again, baking soda =/= soda water.

but good luck

>> No.18858214
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is this peak Balkan cooking thread?

>> No.18858217
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those pig feet look like you just butchered that thing yourself

>> No.18858221

Again, I am saying that either might be used over here depending on the recipe.

>> No.18858227

Asked my butcher to cut it up.

>> No.18858232


>> No.18858250
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Pic posting is back. Recipe calls for adding more fat if the ground meats lack it. They do. We will get some fat from this szalonna.

>> No.18858259
File: 2.14 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230126_152140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopped it so far like so. Just turn it and slice it in smallest chunks possible. Also, licked my fingers. Salty. Will adjust end saltiness accordingly.

The official name of this is "kenyér szalonna" - basically "bacon for bread".

>> No.18858272
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>> No.18858281
File: 3.34 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230126_153221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixing bowl of our choice. Love the patterns.

>> No.18858295
File: 2.64 MB, 4000x1936, IMG_20230126_153628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minced beef, lamb, pork in. Had to switch ratio cuz the squiggly lines on the pot made the image size go above 4mb

>> No.18858310
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Mixed even textured.

>> No.18858335
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Added white and black pepper powder, sweet paprika, salt.

>> No.18858348
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Ffs, whats up with me and buying shitty garlic?

>> No.18858354
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The two useable cloves...

>> No.18858369
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Garlic in

>> No.18858380
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Water, baking soda in. Recipe says 20 mins mixing.

>> No.18858413
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Consistency after 10 mins of hand mixing. My soyboy hands are already aching, so I took a break...

>> No.18858419

>how do you keep time?
I just put on a 20 mins long track:

>> No.18858424

Opinions on using flour on the walls of the bowl and your hands prevent the mince and fat from sticking to them?

>> No.18858426

>adding flour
it's called Fasírt

>> No.18858489
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Do you see this big spoonfull of stock here being added to the mix?

1/3rd of the posts ITT were debating it.

>> No.18858503


>> No.18858531
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The niggas.

>> No.18858545
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don't call them that

>> No.18858560

Hold on.

I didn't like the end result. They weren't uniform enough. Gonna make a tool.

>> No.18858566
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Let's try this thing

>> No.18858571
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>> No.18858656
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That didn't work out. I rerolled them using my hands on a board.

>> No.18858662
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>> No.18858666
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Meanwhile, rest of the stock. I get the crit above: it's more of a bone stock than a meat stock.

>> No.18858673
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Meat/bone stock sitting next to veggie stock in the freezer.

>> No.18858684

Recipe calls for the end "meat noodles" sitting for at least an hour in the fridge.

>> No.18858765

I've never seen fresh pig feet like that before. bit disturbing lol

>> No.18858786

it's the natural life cycle of pig feet

>> No.18858787

what are you gonna do with it next? I never even thought of freezing stock before

>> No.18858796

>what are you gonna do with it next? I never even thought of freezing stock before
............u know? using it for soups, stews, and shit, in the future?

>> No.18858807
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Bit of lard, bit of water

>> No.18858817
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>> No.18858825
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Test batch

>> No.18858867
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Looks like poop, tastes like good

>> No.18858873
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Let's deglaze

>> No.18858956
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Repeat. Deglaze juice collecting.

>> No.18858964
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Half-cooked mititei go into oven.

>> No.18858995
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Let's start our caramellized onions.

>> No.18859041
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Our flavour right here

>> No.18859044
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Added onion

>> No.18859053
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Cover up, give it 10 minutes

>> No.18859070
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Mic ready

>> No.18859085

I add juniper and cumin to mine

>> No.18859101

too late, soldier

>> No.18859107
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Uncover onion

>> No.18859165
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Finished meat

>> No.18859211
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At this point I'm thinking
>fuck it
>all in

I added honey and water and gochugaru to this tray, and let it simmer

>> No.18859251
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>> No.18859319
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Fuck it! This is now a Korean/Romanian fusion thread!
>white wine
>caramellized onio

>> No.18859330
File: 1.28 MB, 1936x4000, IMG_20230126_210926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in!
>car. onio.
>korean kimchi juice

>> No.18859397
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>> No.18859948

>Leave the thread for 4-5 hours
>OP lost his refined taste and made korean poop noodles.
What the fuck hahahaah.
Hope it tasted good, will definitely try to replicate this recipe using the cheapest possible ingredients.

>> No.18860015

OP here. Forgot to mention that I tasted the stock after ~4 hours cooking, and it was missing a certain something. Something special to make it pop. So I added a couple stock cubes and cooked it for another 15 minutes before adding to the recipe. Cheers.