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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.10 MB, 3203x1833, WEB--- tilapia ---_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18856873 No.18856873 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ck/ have against tilapia? it's great for fish tacos

>> No.18856881

I'm not /ck/ but if I don't smear it completely in seasoning it tastes like ocean water

>> No.18857001
File: 20 KB, 400x223, Golden Pompano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the superior fish

>> No.18857647

Tilapia is only as good as the water it's raised in, and nobody wants to eat tilapia from some chinese fish farm. People only bought tilapia because it was cheap. Now if you don't want tilapia filled with chemical waste or tasting like a muddy catfish from the bottom of skum pond you have to pay luxury prices. At that spending point you may as well buy a better fish rather than tilapia.

>> No.18857650

I liek more chunkyness in my fish tacos ideally. So mahi mahi and whatnot are better for fish tacos imo. Still i don't mind tilapia.

>> No.18857656

that's weird
because it's a freshwater fish

>> No.18857660

It's tasteless weird fish from asian farmed water generally filled with shit and piss, not something I will eat willingly.

>> No.18857671

There's nothing fresh about tilapia, its tasteless junk meant for morons to chow down upon.

>> No.18857737

I dislike Tilapia except from this one place in LA near LAX that may not even be there anymore. They take a whole fish and deepfry it head tail and all. Comes out with a soft crunch and the sweetest, softest fucking meat ive had from a fish that wasnt raw. Miss that place all the fucking time

>> No.18857887

I've never seen tilapia for sale, nor have I knowingly eaten it.

>> No.18858710

It's even more boring than flounder

>> No.18858789

I liked it more when it was cheap as the mud it was farmed in but now it costs almost as much as shrimp.

>> No.18858882

Chances are, unless you have your own aquaponics set up, tilapia is grown in tanks below chicken coups. The fish eat the chicken shit and dispose of the ammonia laden chicken shit. Tilapia are like the Andy Sixx fangirls of fish.

>> No.18858903

I would love to see pics/videos of that chicken-tilapia cycle in action, please share them since you have witnessed it

>> No.18858924

tilapia is literally fish for niggers
imagine not catching your own fish to eat. perch, bluegill, walleye, i've never ran out of either of these 3 in my life.

>> No.18858933
File: 87 KB, 280x138, actual fish for Niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tilapia runs about 5 bucks a pound.
Pic related is food for niggers, please update your stereotypes. I expected better from you guys.

>> No.18858953

tilapia is one of the cheapest kinds of fish, and is always served at nigger food joints/cities
can they eat it every day? no, but they can't eat any kind of fish every day. when a white man wants to buy fish from a store to cook and treat himself, he buys salmon fillets. niggers think store-bought tilapia is fine dining.

>> No.18858967

Niggers get enough food stamps for shrimp and Red Lobster from Uber Eats (no tip)
They are not concerned with prices or budget because their ATM card gets reloaded every week so why not use it up

>> No.18858982

>uber eats
>food stamps
>food stamps
>every week
i have EBT and medicaid myself, not because i need them but because you got me fucked up if you think i'm paying taxes to kikes and not taking advantage of free nig offerings. i get 3x food stamps monthly (900$) for me, my woman and my child. we also all have free 0 copay insurance. fuck niggers and fuck kikes.

>> No.18858992

What does this even mean? What am I gonna go fish out of the sewers

>> No.18859002

it's a cheap fish, it's only farmed. doesn't have much taste and it's not nearly as healthy as "real fish"

>> No.18859167

>on welfare
>puts wife and kid on welfare too
>complaining about blacks and jews

lol, maybe get a job that pays money, dumbass

>> No.18859172
File: 94 KB, 1806x797, tilapia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18859357

That was hard. https://youtu.be/PhpKND4KXEM

>> No.18859574

I have nothing against a good lake tilapia, a big fried mojarra is one of the best meals out there. Those little farmed ones at the store taste like literal crap though, like that guy said the store-bought tilapia has to be doused in seasonings or it tastes like the way your ball smegma smells

>> No.18859602

only good as a vector for diseases and other flavors besides itself.

>> No.18859619

This. Chinese farm fish is like eating the effluence of Shanghai sewer system

>> No.18859929

Most people get burned by shitty, import tilapia. American raised fish is far better and actually gas the nice, subtle sweetness that makes a whole fried tilapia an absolute treat.

>> No.18859990

I like fishing but there's no way I'd eat any fish. I only eat burgers.

>> No.18860019

It's an incredibly bland breed so it requires a heavy coating of (a well made) sauce. This isn't the type of fish where you want to 'savor the pure flesh'.

>> No.18860033

There‘s nothing wrong with it. Some people are turned off by the fact tilapia eats and swims in shit. But those same people have no problem eating pigs and turkeys.

>> No.18860261

Can you explain how you accomplished this? I'm sick and tired of going to work everyday and paying taxes to jews. I'm ready to check out and get on welfare, any tips? And yes, I'm white

>> No.18860291

Catfish is actually good though

>> No.18860404

I supplement my income by doing a couple risk free illegal activities. But mainly I work under the table for cash because I became friends with an employeer, left and came back off the official payroll.

>> No.18860430

Nigga, if I see you talking shit about catfish again, I'll cut you.

Here we get this fresh, fatty as fuck catfish, one so fatty you can fry it with just its skinn.

That shit will clogger my arteries some day

>> No.18861769

>doing a couple risk free illegal activities

>> No.18861863

Jesus Christ those comments :D
>Sir , one doubt can snake like creature can climp through water into shed , have any precaution been done to avoid those kind of thing . Kindly reply sir .
>t. Ranganathan Jamuna
>I also need this question's answer
>t. A Jy Brahma

>> No.18862535

t. bootlicker

>> No.18862598

>complains about Jews and blacks
>cheats on his taxes
>does "illegal activities" for money

>> No.18862608

It's an ok-ish fish, I guess. It just doesn't have a flavor stronger than flour.
Might be a personal taste for me though, having been raised on salmon and swordfish. That shitty white fish only tastes as good as whatever you cook it with, kinda like tofu.

>> No.18862720

Tilapia have been researched for a nifty compact aquaponics recirculating system which is really cool. They are a fairly efficient fish with a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.5. Some types of salmon and catfish have a FCR closer to 1, but while catfish farms are closed systems they aren't quite as potentially efficient (in density and recirculation) as tilapia farms, and salmon farming is currently always (even for freshwater like steelhead) in open cycle farms which have quite a bit more progress to make in terms of several various sustainability issues.

The above combined, tilapia are more efficient, but as others have pointed out they are lower in a lot of the key nutrients we want out of fish, like omega-3s, of which catfish and salmon have much more. Also, as others pointed out, they have much less flavor. Still, if you need general fishy protein that will be heavily seasoned or in a sauce or whatever, it's a fine cheap choice. And if you

>> No.18862727

You've never had wild tilapia

>> No.18862733

I guess I've always put lime on it if it doesn't taste like much and find that delicious

>> No.18863282

>chinese fish farm
So much of the frozen fish at Fred Meyer (Kroger) is from China and I simply don't trust it. I miss fish!
I never knew what the problem was with it until I moved from the east coast to west coast and started tasting what >>18856881 described.