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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18854290 No.18854290 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the breakfast club thread
What will you be having for breakfast this morning?

Got any plans today
Introduce yourselfs get to know each other, and make new friends, I'm OP

>> No.18854321

Op here I'll be having Cheerios served from a styrofoam cup and plastic spoon and a glass of water not sure about lunch but possibly chicken tacos or vegetable soup

>> No.18854338

I like a good bowl of cereal, upgraded with my own additions of cinnamon, malted milk, or dutched cocoa powder. I also like to warm up the milk first, but the warmer the milk is the faster the cereal will go soggy fyi.
But no matter what, I think an additional pinch of salt benefits anything, including a bowl of cereal.

Eggs are always a must for my breakfasts. I like em medium boiled, scrambled, omelette, and sometimes poached.

I also enjoy toast, either from sliced sandwich bread, english muffins, or toasted bagels. Spread some butter or fruit jam on top, or place an egg. I wish I had some fresh baked bread for breakfast in the morning but I usually can't get my hands on fresh bread until lunch or dinner. Pancakes are good too.
I even like those little mini toaster waffles. Eggs go good on top of those things as well.

>> No.18854346

Also I've thought about having oatmeal, but toasting the oats in some butter first.

>> No.18854364

>wish I had some fresh baked bread for breakfast in the morning but I usually can't get my hands on fresh bread until lunch or dinner

Why don't you just make your own bread

>> No.18854365

I want a bit of Molly Ringwald's pooosy

>> No.18854367

Who's Molly? Have you introduced yourself to her and asked her out? Perhaps maybe to breakfast

>> No.18854376
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Bircher muesli my nigga

>grate one apple into cheese grater on finest setting
>add approximately equal part yogurt
>add muesli about equivalent to the apple + yogurt together
>add enough apple juice to cover muesli and soak into it
>put in fridge overnight
>in the morning, add blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, almonds, walnuts, and a little bit of cinnamon

>> No.18854382

Howdy gang, todays brekky is black coffee and two eggs over medium. Might take mushrooms later and walk around in the woods connect with nature type beat

>> No.18854384
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>Who's Molly?

>> No.18854385

/mlp might be more appropriate for you

>> No.18854386

I made bread the other day and put some of the dough off to the side to try something new. I kneaded a spoonful of sugar and butter in the dough, spread a few clumps out into circles, filled them with a ground walnut and brown sugar mixture, rolled them up into balls and flattened them, baked them, and put them into the freezer. I haven't tried one yet but I'm going to have one this morning with some eggs and milk.

>> No.18854392

Why would I want hang out on a pony board
How is that even a thing

>> No.18854473

Because that's a fag board and thats a fag movie for fags especially with that botox injected big lipped bitch

>> No.18854615

sir remove yourself from my breakfast club you are no longer allowed to be breakfast club member

>> No.18854692
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I made bacon and hoe cakes for breakfast. Was delicious, and I have leftover bacon for a turkey bacon spinach wrap for lunch later.

>Not liking The Breakfast Club
Might as well just come out of the closet now, fucking loser.

>> No.18854750

Wow that bacon did come out nice is hoe cake kind of like French toast?

>> No.18854757

not something i care to do in the morning.

>> No.18854770

I'm thinking of deviating from my normal routine of bland bowl of oatmeal and crushed almonds tomorrow and making an egg sandwich instead. What do you anons think?

>> No.18854789
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They're basically savory cornbread pancakes. They're delicious! If you're curious, here's my recipe.

>> No.18854831

Oh wow thanks so much! Looks like already made a new fren at the breakfast club what a great place this is. I'll give your recipe a try when I pick up ingredients, really appreciate it

>> No.18854926
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kasha with babushka's strawberry jam.

>> No.18854948

Just had leftover chili made for dinner yesterday for breakfast.

>> No.18854950

i had a protein shake..

>> No.18854960

i just drink coffee and skip breakfast and eat later in the day. i know i shouldn't.

>> No.18854965

Wow that's really good

I bet you /fit/

Feels good meeting so many new friends and breakfast club members this is great! And it's so much fun

>> No.18854972

That's ok you're still allowed to be in the breakfast club and have fun hell it's about lunch time here now you could maybe grab some lunch if you wanted

>> No.18855001

I had a banana smoothie.

>> No.18855364

I saw the thread you made last time for these and they looked nice, they're gonna be my late breakfast today! Thank you for sharing!

>> No.18855796

Yesterday I had 2 scrambled eggs
Today I had 2 scrambled eggs
Tomorrow I will have 2 scrambled eggs

>> No.18855856

Steel cut oatmeal mixed with natto, a raw egg, chopped cilantro and green onion, splash of fish sauce, sambal. Small glass of milk, cup of coffee. Very tasty.