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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 1743x1511, Imagepipe_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18848689 No.18848689 [Reply] [Original]

Lead free edition.
What are you smoking anons?

>> No.18848694


>> No.18848704

Just because it doesn't make you fat, doesn't mean we can't appreciate flavor and aroma.
If you dont like this thread, may I suggest any of the other threads that do cater to your interest anon?

>> No.18848719

>buy 100g of illegal homemade tobacco for $50
>when 25g of the cheapest shit from the store costs $47
man fuck australia and our bullshit tobacco tax. The funniest part is how the government is trying to come down hard on the illegal tobacco industry but they get fucking nowhere, so instead they have our media ryun propaganda about how our money is going to terrorists for buying it.

all politicians should fucking hang.

>> No.18848729

I live near an indian reservation by the Canadian border so I get them with no taxes, $5 per pack, a bit less if by carton.

>> No.18848733
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Penal colony is making smoking the cool counterculture thing to do again.
Grow your own anon, it's really easy, even indoors if you have some space to spare.

>> No.18848743

Hahaha, looks like day of the triffids.
They're coming after you Barbara.

>> No.18848752

Give me a qrd, will it require the same type of bullshit that growing weed takes like lighting and temp control or can I literally just plant it and let it grow?

fyi they also made it illegal to grow your own here, the government really loves their 90% profit from tobacco sales.

>> No.18848764
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Opened my tin from 2012. Sadly the last of my McClelland stash. Not sure what to get after this.

>> No.18848779

It's like growing kale. Stick a seed in the ground, water like any other plant and harvest in about 3-4 months. After that you just hang it in a shed somewhere for another 1.5-2months.
There are other ways to prepare it but this is the simplest start.

>> No.18848794

In New York do whatever, the criminal element has been taken out, I think that next it'll be majic mushrooms. If it doesn't have to be processed it shouldn't have been illegal in the first place, there's no underlying reason for it to be illegal.

>> No.18848821

The only problem is you have to live in NY.

>> No.18848838

Am I safe to assume tobacco prices in NY are bullshit? I have a friend from philly that used to bitch about cig prices, because he'd pay nearly 20 bux a packet around the city district. Meanwhile, my ex was from a small town in oregon and every time she came to Australia she'd bring me a fuckload of American Spirits because they only cost her like $4.80 a pack or some shit.

>> No.18848844

>food is for fatties
Fuck off. You ruin this board even more.

>> No.18848848

I'm pretty new to cigars. I'm got Macundo Insparado orange label I'm going to smoke before bed.

I live near the indian reservation which means tax-free tobacco products, but their cigar selection is pretty limited. If I'm going to take this habit more seriously I'm probably going to have to go to the white mans cigar place and pay taxes.

>> No.18848850

Not that anon but I honestly wouldn't really want to live in other states besides ny. Maybe somewhere like montana if I had the money to run a small self sustaining farm but thats about it

>> No.18848856

Yeah tobacco prices in ny are pretty steep. I quit back in 2017 and a pack of marlboro menthol smooth 100s cost me like $14 a pack and smokes have only gone up since then. But you go somewhere in the midwest and its 1/3 of the price for a pack

>> No.18848888

I didn't write NYC did I? Don't be a maroon.

>> No.18848893

I didn't have that particular one, but all macundo I had were bretty good anon.
Enjoy your smoke.

How anal are canukistani border guards?
Burgers let me bring a box in without paying, so I always pick up some when traveling internationally in duty free stores or wherever.

>> No.18848905

All sin taxes are bullshit, and there's no need to pay into that crap.

>> No.18848914

Your about right, last time I looked it was about $15-$20 a pack, most of that is sin tax bullshit.

>> No.18848918

Of course not anon.
Sadly NYC is shitting with their laws on the rest of your beautiful state.
My state is anal only about A in BATFE, rest is pretty much do as you please, yes even E.

>> No.18848921

The government faggots really hate when we find out ways to get around their shit sin taxes, they go apeshit and can't do a damn thing about it.

>> No.18848930

Alkyhol and Explosives, what else is fun that's not banned?

>> No.18848935

It's my second time with one, I've also had the white label. For some reason I thought I had tried the green as well, but I've been saving the labels and I don't see one so maybe that's a false memory.

My very first cigar was a white label but it was a churchill and that was maybe a bit too much cigar for a first go. First two I bought completely blindly were that Macundo and a Flathead 660 which in retrospect is a ridiculous cigar for a new smoker.

>> No.18848937

They see as farm animals anon. Same way I got pissed at one of my chickens that was eating it's own egg shells instead of oyster shells that they have plenty of.

>> No.18848945
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Yeah 0 state laws on splosives here, just the fed rule about commercial loicense if you get paid to splode stuff.
Bunch of blue laws on when booze can be sold and restrictive licenses tho.

>> No.18848951

Those chickens can be pretty mean, I got stories from my mom about them attacking her, no wonder my dad got her out of that situation.

>> No.18849048

>Bunch of blue laws on when booze can be sold and restrictive licenses tho.
Walking into gas stations at 2am for with friends for the often 2nd or 3rd beer run of the night were some of my fondest memories of my early 20s

>> No.18849204

Seems like some government fags would call that as terrorist activity and ban you now

>> No.18849206

Growing, harvesting, and curing my own tobacco sounds like peak comfy. Would be a cool think to jar cure with some herbs and giving pouches of pipe tobacco to friends for gifts would pretty sick

>> No.18849229
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I mean as far as I know everywhere in my state sells alcohol as long as they're open. Some liqour stores by me even close at 1am and most gas stations are 24hrs, if a cold one with the lads at 3:45am is terrorist activity then Alhamdullilah my brotha

>> No.18849258
File: 2.58 MB, 4624x2084, 20230123_210317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a Flathead 450 right now. I should convert one of my ammo cans into an overflow humidor.

>> No.18849383

You had the opportunity to not sound like a pretentious faggot and blew it.

>> No.18849522

I need to get my hands on one of those to try out, I liked the 660 but it was a huge time investment. I haven't had a humidor so I've been sticking to buying one or two at a time and keeping them in ziplocks. I got one of the acrylic ones arriving friday and looking forward to keeping more on hand.

How are you guys going about making the ammo cans air tight?

>> No.18849569
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If it still has it's rubber seal intact on the lid, it should be air and water tight. That is the point of the ammo can.

The 450 is nice just because it's enough like the 660, but it isn't a 2 hour investment.

>> No.18849577

My experience with ammo cans is dogshit old ones from army surplus, I guess that is why I assumed they'd not make good humidors.

>> No.18849587
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I usually get them with ammunition inside of them. The seals are replaceable, or you could just use silicone caulk.

>> No.18849735

They don't. It's a meme in the same vein as beard oils, black rifle coffee, and super hoppy beers.

A "manly" gimmick for dumb consoomers.

>> No.18849757

Beard oil growth shit is a scam, but beard oil as a conditioner to replace the oils in your beard after you wash it is just common sense. It also helps with flyaway hairs if you've got a longer beard.

Any air tight container with something in it to regulate humidity would make a fine humidor - yeah using an ammo can might just be dumb manly posturing if you're going out of your way to acquire them but if you're repurposing something you already have I don't see the problem.

>> No.18849758
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>made with choice 2003 red virginias that somehow never ever run out

>> No.18849861

Anyone here have any recommendations for mild cigars? I've been really liking Ashton Classics. I only smoke maybe once a month or less so I'm willing to dump money into a single cigar.

Located in the US. Also how do I get cubans in the US?

>> No.18849882

define mild? I assume you mean a light wrapper, rather than a maduro or oscuro dark fermented wrapper.

Have you tried the Brick House Connecticut Mighty Mighty?

>> No.18849885

Travel and buy them. You can legally bring Cuban products back to the states for personal use. My understanding, though, is that cuban cigars aren't really the end all to be all of cigars they were once considered to be. I don't have first hand experience but just based on what I've read there are plenty of comparable if not better cigars you can get freely in the states. Plenty of cigar makers left cuba and took seeds with them.

>> No.18849918

then who would we blame for pocketing the tax dollars?

>> No.18849924

>ammo cans air tight?
If you notice on mine, I pulled the old rubber gasket and put a bead of silicone.
The rubber smelt like it got soaked in gas and couldn't get the smell out.
It's a pita to clean them out. Other than that it's an airtight box, keeps humidity well and has enough space for cigars.
>gimmick for dumb consoomers
I literally re-used an ammo can after I spent the ammo, this is exact opposite of consooming. Even the damn boveda holder is 3d printed because I was too cheap to give them few $ what they want for the pack with a sleeve.

>> No.18849939

>I quit
good for you, truthfully. but why?

>> No.18850299
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>sniffs aggressively

>> No.18850308

enjoy lung cancer

>> No.18850363

For a second I thought you were storing sausage. I'm not sure whether more impressed or disappointed. Do you have a sausage can?

>> No.18850501

>gets tongue cancer
>looks like a freak and now can't taste legitimate food and cooking
>heh... it must have been all that HPV not my based cigars... heh
come on fellas, don't let this be YOU

>> No.18850753

>food and cooking

>> No.18850807

I really tried to get into smoking, but I just couldnt do it.
>pack of camel lights
>pack ot marlboro reds
>pack of camel crushes
>pack of marlboro menthol 100s
I spent a whole winter, every single time I would only get halfway through smoke before getting sick to my stomach.
If I forced myself to finish a whole cigarette, I would puke.

I ended up trying Dhajarm Blacks right as they got banned and they were nice, and Swisher Sweets little cigars (the filtered cigarette ones)
I started craving those swishers like you couldnt believe, the beautiful sweet taste on your lips. But it still made me feel sick.

I figured it was retarded to start having cravings for shit that makes me feel like trash, so I just gave up on it.

>> No.18850827
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Wrong cancer bro. Try again.
In general for cancer trolls, you have two types of people here, occasional users who have fuckall extra risk of cancer and addicts who accepted their faith.
You are not convincing anyone.
Anon, if beverages can be here, so can smoking. Smoking is often paired with food and drink, it's very related.
>you fell for a meme
>you allowed them to pozz because you were scared
>now you will never experience a waiter bringing you cigar on a platter after a fine dinner
>you did this to yourself

>> No.18850839

Drinks have nutrition and calories

>> No.18850844

Many such cases anon.
Your issue is you tried forcing yourself to take in a product designed to satiate addicts, not one to be enjoyed for flavor and a buzz.
I know what you are talking about, I got into smoking similar sweetened cigarillos and had such massive cravings. I gave myself a rule to only socially smoke, and quit once I realized I was hanging out with faggots just to smoke. I quit for over a year at that point before smoking anything again.

Now a pipe with 1-q is my daily? driver. More of every other week. The cravings never come back and the stuff smells pleasant so even normies around like it.

Don't force yourself if you don't enjoy it. Its a fun hobby, but not worth feeling sick.

>> No.18851019
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Nice off topic thread dumbass. No I will not read your stupid little replies.

>> No.18851034

Thank you for bumping my thread anon.
I suggest you learn what type of damage cigar smoking does before trolling again.

>> No.18851162

>Smoking is often paired with food and drink, it's very related
so is flatuence but you dont see me making /brap/ threads here

>> No.18851188

Cigars are not inhaled, and the incidence of cancer from cigars is basically the same as the incidence of cancer from coffee.

>> No.18851196
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Honestly, why doesn't /ck/ have a /brap/ general. It seems like exactly something /ck/ would do.

>> No.18851213

This is not only cope, its straight up false.
Cigars are as bad or worse than chewing tobacco

>> No.18851219

second hand smoke kills you really think you're not inhaling?

>> No.18851223

Yeah, the science actually does not support that supposition.

There is no evidence that cigar smoke is killing people. Cigarette smoke, sure, but not cigar smoke.

>> No.18851246

>"the science"

>> No.18851253

Anon pls. I bought 1k doses of ivermectin years ago and have been eradicating butt worms. Science is useless without a critical eye and knowledge and wisdom to how to use. No need for a boost for a vaccine I never got.

>> No.18851263

>Science is useless without a critical eye and knowledge and wisdom to how to use
AKA, ignore it when you want to indulge in your vices

>> No.18851264
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That looks like it's about to slide off of the roof.

>> No.18851271

Florida around Miami for good cubanos.
They're great to cure a hangover on a saturday or sunday day

>> No.18851278

cope fatty

>> No.18851405

What a bad spot to put your stoogies,
What if you accidently loaded one into your gun?

>> No.18851456

Recently got a corn cob pipe and some different tobaccos, I think I actually enjoy it more than cigars now. Much smoother and cooler, and I can control how much I smoke much easier.

thinking of grabbing some cigars in the future and trying to reroll them with hemp paper, I’ve seen some beautiful looking homemade hemp cigars lately.

>> No.18851650

>>now you will never experience a waiter bringing you cigar on a platter after a fine dinner
Want to experience this but gf HATES smoking and the smell of tobacco. Going alone feels like a waste of money

>> No.18851659


To bring this back on topic what tobaccos pair with what foods?
I know Perique heavy blends mix well with peaty Scotch but that's a drink not food

>> No.18851757

unironically a spicy tobacco blend with chocolate milk is god tier. you could make a white russian if you wanted.

>> No.18851762

none, tobacco is an appetite suppressant

>> No.18851764


>> No.18851765

To me a good cigar is like a final course after dessert. A good smoke feels like a continuation of the pleasure of eating, even after the stomach is full. i rarely smoke, but when I do, it's on a pleasant spring or summer evening after a good meal, and a nice mellow drink to quench the mouth.

>> No.18851771

it makes a lot of sense. astringent and spicy wines are paired with heavy meats. chocolate and tobacco have huge flavor overlap.

>> No.18852262

I don't know about this, but I see the appeal of eating some good dark chocolate or even maybe drinking some good high quality hot dark chocolate.

I picked up a Flathead 450 today after it was mentioned here last night, looking forward to trying giving that a shot.

>> No.18852273

Honestly just knew it wasn't a healthy habit, and it cost me a lot. Once I quit I never really wanted them anymore, I can have 1 or 2 small cigars a year at bbqs in the summer and still get nauseous when I smell cigarettes

>> No.18852629

OP how you make your can cigar storage?

My cheap humidor broke and im thinking of building one as a replacement for the few cigars that didnt get mold.

>> No.18852665

Not OP but he said he replaced the rubber gasket with silicone. That, and some way to regulate humidity would be all you'd have to do. Boveda sells little humidity packs for pretty reasonable prices.

If you don't have ammo cans lying around or are trying to store a ton of cigars for cheap I wouldn't bother. I ordered an acrylic jar style humidor with included cedar lining for like 20 bucks.

>> No.18853165

I'm interested in non-tobacco nicotine delivery devices? I've looked up a bit about it but are there any brands I can find at a local chain or is this some kind of obscure thing I have to order online?

>> No.18853264

vapes are not /ck/, they have no tasting value or place in a dining experience

>> No.18853274

this guy has clearly never enjoyed a peach berry vape rip with a strawberry lemonade sip

>> No.18853308

As a grown ass adult I don't vape but the argument that cigar/pipe tobacco fits here and vapes don't is tenuous at best. It might be the candy version of consuming tobacco but candy is still food.

>> No.18853310

just go to a vape shop and talk to the guy

>> No.18853353

tenuous, but i'm more than happy to bully vape zoomers for the lulz

>> No.18853389

I was actually interested in chewing pouches .

>> No.18853520

snus? you can get those at gas stations but i dont know why youd want to start using them

>> No.18853533

Quiet Nights out of a no name bent dublin briar.

>> No.18853746

There is a secret 3rd option to this problem
I always enjoyed a mild cigar after a grilled fish, no idea, it just does it for me. Cao gold for example. Or a spicier blend after a slice of chocolate cake. Try it.
Obvious ones being smoked meats, dried or BBQ, since there is crossover of flavor between the food and the smoke.
Ah anon, it's an aperitif. If you smoke beforehand it will fuck up your pallet, it's too strong of a flavor and lingers on for a long time.

>> No.18853749

this thread stinks

>> No.18853756
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I don't drink so pairing with cigars is tough. Coffee works but I don't want a cup of coffee with a cigar at night which is when I tend to smoke. Remembered I had some lapsang souchong and decided to have a cup of that with my cigar. Was great, think I found my new late night cigar routine.

>> No.18853834
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Hey i enjoy the same, coffee and cigars.

>> No.18853838
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I'll go fuck myself... accidentally sat on my cigar and halved it.
I forget the name but im planning on getting more of this one tomorrow.

Anyone try the "Major Mike's" cigars here besides me?

>> No.18854094

you can salvage it if you just take a guillotine cutter and cut the broken end down slightly. wet your lips and press the ends together while slowly rotating the cigar. should be fine.

if it's not drawing well, warm a towel and then gently roll the cigar around in it a couple times to loosen it up.

I like a nip or two of a creamed liqueur or Kahlua.

>> No.18854475

Anon, just find a airtight container and put a boveda pack inside. Food containers are an obvious choice.
I did an ammo can for shits and giggles since I have an entire shelf unit dedicated to ammo cans full of ammo. Gets a cheese and a chuckle from frens when I grab us some sticks from the pew-pew locker.
All that lead blowback is bad for you anon. Gotta filter the air thru a cigar.

>> No.18854523
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Regarding pipe and cigar smokers living longer than the average. I don't think itsy the smoking that prolongs your life, just that the type of a person that picks up tobacco pipes or cigars lives longer than the average.
Maybe it does, smoking can be a huge stress sink, IDK.

But think about it, impulsive people, the type that gets into car accidents and crack will pick cigarettes and vapes because that's easy, quick and has low upfront cost, they are too retarded to figure out a $10 cigar is cheaper than $7 pack of smokes. Impulsive people also eat a lot of slop. If you are into fine smokes, you are into fine drinks and food too.

>> No.18855068

There is also the fact that the mortality rates are much lower for mouth and throat cancer than lung cancer.

>> No.18855094

padron damaso. padron is a miami company started by cuban exiles. theyre pricey but my go to smoke.

>> No.18855106

Are you sure that isn't a corpse? Looks like a fucking mummy lol!

>> No.18855125
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cigar suck

>> No.18855353

Thanks, anon. I’ll try it out. I haven’t had any Padron yet so I’m curious about their other lines too. Any experience with Davidoff grand cru?

>> No.18855570

You want a Rubbermaid Brilliance tupperware. You can get them in glass or plastic. There's been autists that have done tests, and those containers with a boveda pack have outperformed every humidor imaginable, whether it was $50 or $500.
Anything that isn't rubbermaid brilliance is subpar.

>> No.18855679

that's because humidors are usually made to breathe and not be airtight like jars and Tupperware.

>> No.18856161

Anon, he was 108 when that pic was taken, be nice.
Anon, airtight container is airtight container. It's not rocket surgery.
Typically I store hydrophilic oils and plastics in metal containers, but these are just cigars so any food container that seal will do.

>> No.18856529

I like spicy cigars, but I don't like creamy or chocolaty ones. Any rec's? I used to smoke a bunch but stopped for a while and just getting back into it, so I don't have many examples to go off of. I'm open to trying multiple.

>> No.18856571

>I like spicy cigars, but I don't like creamy or chocolaty ones
Anon, literally what's in my box, the RP 1990 has nice subtle spice notes. Its one of my all time favorites along a very different cao 660

>> No.18856594

will try, thx

>> No.18856706

Does anyone have experience with ordering cigars online? I've been thinking about it but am I going to have to be present when they're delivered to sign or anything?

>> No.18857014

I like fox cigar. They ship for free and generally have lower prices if you want a couple different cigars

>> No.18857018

Also I’ve never had to sign for anything. They just drop it off like a regular parcel.

>> No.18857041

Good to know, I'm usually not home when shit shows up. Fox was one of the ones I was looking at, might grab a variety pack or something to try out a few new things.

>> No.18857874

I order from Cigars International every few months. Never had any issues with deliveries. No one ships anything with signature confirmation unless they are forced to at gun point, essentially.

>> No.18858028

I've ordered from basically every major cigar website. Never had to sign anything or be home for delivery.

Thompson Cigar usually has sales/deals.

>> No.18858220
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>willingly going out of your way to get addicted to something

Who peer pressured you into this? Your dad? Your friends?

>> No.18858382

feels good and knowing exactly how you will die is comforting

>> No.18858420

Don't know about cigars, but pipe tobacco isn't addicting, unless you go full Tolkien and smoke all day without any breaks.

>> No.18858478

not sure how much you have to smoke to get addicted to them but at one a day I can take it or leave it without it mattering at all to me. I enjoy it after working hard to relax, so if I have to keep doing stuff I have no compulsion to smoke it anyway. couldnt imagine smoking it in the snow or on break or in some short window to do something else, would be a waste of a good experience.

>> No.18858947

Cohiba may be overpriced, but i tried their robustos and shit is great.

>> No.18859057

Anon, you fell for it. Same ways they show you rotten syph dick in sex ed in school as a typical STD. Truth is nowhere near as dramatic.
I started smoking 15 years ago and at any point haven't felt a compulsive need to light up another one. In fact it's normal for me to go even months between smokes sometimes, while having multiple per week at others. It's just a nice treat.
I smoked tobacco in every form you can imagine during this period.
I'd say low dose/high frequency type smokes are more addictive due to convenience and shorter cycle.
>inb4 disingenuous argument and playing dense
Yes retard, we are all well aware that shitton of people are addicted to smoking to the point they are having severe consequences to their health.
People get addicted due to mental and emotional deficiencies, same type of people that would chain smoke consoomer cigarettes in the past are the ones gorging themselves to death on slop now, they just look uglier.

>> No.18860506

>im not addicted, i just need it every now and then

>> No.18861601

You are retarded.

>> No.18862542

Kys halfwit, go be a journalist.

>> No.18862564

I bought a pipe and selection of tobaccos, converted from stogies