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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.52 MB, 2266x4030, Ze-bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18844558 No.18844558 [Reply] [Original]

>for human consumption
Wtf I thought "ze bugs" was a schizo meme.

So /ck/, how would you prepare these? Personally, I think I would pan fry these like a chicken piccata. Lemon caper sauce and everything.

>> No.18844569

it literally says asian foods so its obviously going to china town or whatever
learn to read

>> No.18844586

If it’s in a packet then it’s officially a food. Also it’s been labelled “MANG DA NA”. So it obviously comes from somewhere pristine like Thailand. You don’t need to prepare them just pull them out of the packet that officially makes them food and eat it.

>> No.18844592

>how would you prepare these
in a wok with 2l of burning hot oil, like every chink recipe

>> No.18844600

Raw chicken comes in similar packaging. What are you talking about?

>> No.18844613

Lots of cultures eat bugs. The problem with the current push is that it's pushing it as a penitential cure for our modern sins, rather than a food that might be good.
Here's some commentary on these as food though:

>> No.18844614

bugs eating bugs don’t count

>> No.18844617

It's not for human consumption, its for impoverished gooks

>> No.18844624

Yes and chicken is a food, no? So guess who’s going to eat it? Guess which little good, obedient dog is going to eat it? You are. And you know what else? You’re going to love every last bite.

>> No.18844635
File: 49 KB, 560x667, DF967607-E8D5-4ED5-9BBA-E14827B6FEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf I thought "ze bugs" was a schizo meme.
The joke has always been that we "schizo"s are right. even though we shouldn't be by any rights, it always ends up being true. In short, god is someone telling jokes to a room full of people too afraid to laugh

>> No.18845387

>In short, god is someone telling jokes to a room full of people too afraid to laugh
That's right. Enjoy it.

>> No.18845391

>anime nigger has no idea what he's talking about
Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.18845567

>oh look, it's the daily reddit repost thread
>this time with a /pol/ flair

>> No.18845944

>eating that entire package nets you THIRTY-FOUR (34) calories

>> No.18845967

Honestly I grew up watching Bush Tucker Man because of my dad and then later Man vs Wild together with my dad and as a teenager I always wanted to try eating weird shit like insects
I'm surprised that 4chan isn't similar in that way

>> No.18846254

nooo they put the hecking buggerinos in the plastic this is the end of the west

>> No.18846269

It literally says on the box "suitable as fish food". It's not meant to be eaten by people
OP was a fag again

>> No.18846638

>Wtf I thought "ze bugs" was a schizo meme.
It is in the sense that eating insects isnt being forced upon people like /pol/ claims. You barely hear insects being talked about on the media and trying to buy some requires actual effort.

>> No.18846649

Nigga when was the last time you saw nutrition facts on fish food? Fried crickets honestly dont sound terrible (still not eating zem) but eating a giant beetle is just vile. Imagine biting into the shell and the guts fuckin eject out of its ass in your mouth

>> No.18846707

>Also it’s been labelled “MANG DA NA”.
Should be labeled “HELL NA MANG”. To me this isn’t any different than balut or eating a miniature cow whole, I don’t want to eat mouthful of face/ass/skeleton.

>> No.18846747

You've been made to think a lot of things people have been trying to warn you about are just schizos.
It will be a while before you are being made to eat anything that big (they're starting with powdered stuff and then moving onto smaller insects first) but the endgoals will be floating around to get you used to seeing them

>> No.18846909

And the little pipes at the gas station are for tobacco only.

>> No.18846932

Anime website tranny

>> No.18847169

>Complaining about anime on an anime website
>Making excuses for an ideology that would have you put to the sword for the manner you made that excuse in

>> No.18847207
File: 220 KB, 960x720, Tim9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a 5 stars restaurant looks like in the US today.

>> No.18847344
File: 167 KB, 800x600, eating-insects-in-Thailand-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it Thai style

>> No.18847605

The "Not" is very obviously blanked out

>> No.18847747

>eating insects isnt being forced upon people
They always slowly boil the frog don't even pretend this isn't the case

>> No.18847860

>I-Its totally real, okay! You're just pretending its not happening!
You mean like how the bug food boom came and went around 2017-2019 because it wasn't profitable to sell insects as food? If there was a large group of wealthy people working behind the scenes to make you eat the bugs you'd be hearing about it on the media every single day and seeing governments provide large subsidies for insect farms. The push for "trans rights" to become a common term took less than five years and its borderline ridiculous compared to something as benign as eating insects. If they wanted people to eat them they'd have pushed it through in less time.

>pretends to be a "redpilled" conspiracy theorist
>uses a fucking iPhone

>> No.18847873

>something as benign as eating insects
Stop being inhumanely unreasonable

>> No.18847890

This is what I don't get. Who the fuck wants this disgusting mixture crunching about in their mouth? Its like >>18846707
said, there is nothing remotely satisfying about this 34 calorie """meal"""

>> No.18848582

These fuckers bite like crazy

>> No.18848765

Use them as fish bait

>> No.18849437
File: 250 KB, 428x334, the chad emilico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retard thinks I use an iphone
lmao. this same assertion happened before but no, I am not spoon feeding you the proof you are wrong. That would be counter productive and help you blend in better.
They trained him wrong. As a joke.
I take what I can get. think the cows don't laugh at us every time someone trips or gets their boots stuck in their shit?

>> No.18849780
File: 57 KB, 594x68, 1664532711691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are you doing you getting groceries from a bait and tackle shop?

>> No.18849913

Trannyshit already had a basis to build on from 3 decades of much lighter propoganda that left people generally theoretically accepting and there was a general narrative of this won't affect you let people live their life, they can't push that narrative with the bugs.

>> No.18849994

>4g protein 1g carbs 1.5g fat per 40g
Wow nutritious

>> No.18850001

>sea bugs

>> No.18850010

It's hilarious these people pretend eating ze bugs is good for the environment. Meanwhile the plastic packaging of these 4 bugs probably exceeds the weight of the actual product.

>> No.18850375

what kind of aquarium fish would you even feed it to holy shit

>> No.18850383

People already eat water bugs like Shrimp and lobster's and crabs. What's the difference?

>> No.18850395

That's some shitty editing you did that. I'm not sure if you used white-out or a program honestly.

Also, Minnesota used to be famous for selling everything from bugs to luxury cheese as fish bait to avoid import laws and/or taxes. Been a while since I lived there though.

>> No.18850419
File: 80 KB, 540x540, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>for human consumption
but you blanked out the word "not"