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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18844523 No.18844523 [Reply] [Original]

I was dicing onions for a stew. I make big batches of food at a time, and thus I chop a lot of onions. I was dicing the onions and half listening to music when I began to wonder how much time in my life I spent cutting onions in some way.
I cook most days, most of these meals will involve onions at some point. I use 100s of onions in a given year. How much time have I spent over a cutting board with my knife slicing onions.
Then I started to think about how I'm just a home chef. I'm not even fancy, I just like cooking. How much time does an actual professional cook spend chopping onions? I have to imagine that some intro level chef is spending 8 hours a day chopping onions someone in France. My god, what a life that is. So much time spent just preparing food.
But then, I thought about how sometimes I get irritated about having to chop onions, but in the moment of my onion dealings I don't actually mind it. My mind is focused on the task and I just execute. Execute. Execut.
And that made me think about the fun of food preparation. When I'm not cooking, sometimes I have to kind of force myself to start cooking, but once I'm going my mind is focused, and I just sort of deal with what's in front of me. After the fact, I look back and feel like it took awhile. Before the fact, I don't necessarily want to cook. In the moment though, it's rarely bad. I enjoy it.

Cooking is fun. I love onions. Pic unrelated.

>> No.18844536


>> No.18844546

me too :3

>> No.18844705

I hope I get a tally someday of how much time I spent cutting up onions.

>> No.18844897

i spent like a year cutting onions for at least an hour a day at the first place i worked (yes french). so much mirepoix.
my eyes are now immune to onion fumes
prep life isnt that bad btw. its nice knowing how everyday will look and not having to stress about it when you're off the clock at all. it only gets bad when you're short staffed or when your supplier is dogshit
if you need a job and dont mind prep, go be a meat cutter. shits easy as hell, pays good, and you can just zone out and work. did that before being a cook.

>> No.18844922

Maybe. I'm sort of reconsidering my career these days.