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File: 184 KB, 960x1280, bud light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18844228 No.18844228 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't North Americans get good beer?

>> No.18844237 [DELETED] 

Op here I’m gay and trans btw idk if that matters

>> No.18844239


>> No.18844247

Stella is top tier beer in Canada but it's piss water in Belgium.

>> No.18844302

op was slain by the blue knight

>> No.18844312

Because people like you are allowed to procreate.

>> No.18844317
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All you Eurotrash drink carlsberg so just stop talking.

>> No.18844362

I bet most people here haven't tried.
It's not even that bad, it simply has no character or any flavors that might offend someone.
it's just like american bread, american cheese, american cinema and everything american. it's plain, cultureless, generic, bland, characterless mass produced products for the lowest common denominator.
If it wasn't for norms and the old world's higher social control and conservatism we would all be drinking budlight while eating emulsified milk popcorn and watching marvel. this will probably happen soon things continue as they are

>> No.18844379

>stella is top tier beer in canada
Did you get this information from stella ads or something? I've never heard anyone in my life call stella a "top tier beer," in Canada or the US. Try something that isn't mass market garbage if you want something good. There are thousands of breweries in the US and many of them make shit that would humble 99% of eurobeer.

>> No.18844394
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weak bait

>> No.18844513


why would anyone willingly go to belgium?

>> No.18844516

for the transexuals

>> No.18844522

craft beer in america is 2nd probably only to belgium and england. germany and czechia have good beer but they aren't too inventive with it. but this is a bait thread

>> No.18844528

People like this should be culled.

>> No.18844532

Try it ice cold in a bottle

>> No.18844545

>why would anyone willingly go to belgium?
it looks nice and the food+drink seems nice and there is history like the towns built up during the heyday of the dutch republic but also world war history sites

>> No.18844554

gay sex

>> No.18845809

Every US liquor store has at least 100 different beer brands

>> No.18845814

The real question is why are you such a jealous cunt? OP is dead.

>> No.18845819

only stupid boomers and festival/club normos drink macrobrews in NA

>> No.18845821

plus we probably have more people brewing their own beer than any other country in the world

>> No.18845838

There are micro breweries all the fuck over the place. If you are referring to global corporate beer please go to /pol/ and inquire about he-brews.

>> No.18845865

What beer do Europeans drink. What's the most popular beers in the UK, Ireland, Germany, etc. I've looked at some lists and i don't see anything crazy topping the list and not much i couldn't get here or haven't already tried.

>> No.18845886

I looked at the most popular beers in the UK and it's shit like Guinness, Stella, Heineken, Peroni, Amstel, even Corona was on one list. Stella, Heineken, and Corona you can get at pretty much any random gas station or convenience store.

Granted the most popular beers in the US are shittier than most of those, but the way some people talk about beer is ridiculous. They make it sound like it's going to be amazing and then it's just oh you drink Guinness. I already drink the most popular beers on that UK list because Bud Light, Coors, and Miller suck.

>> No.18845893

popular =/= top tier.

>> No.18845938

I could say the same for the US. We have a shit ton of breweries brewing all different types. We have stores with 100s of beers to choose from. The majority of the beers exported are the shitty ones.

The generic beers advertised are shit and college students buy a lot of even shittier beer because it's cheap. Play beer pong with it and pound some before heading out to a party.

>> No.18845958

hard seltzers make most beer obsolete.
if you disagree you would add my iced booty juice to your already substantial beer gut.

>> No.18846365

Based Blue Moon chad.

>> No.18846756

>blue moon
>good beer
oh mate...

>> No.18846783

now this is baiting

>> No.18846788

Stella Artois is made for men who beat their wife. It's literally nicknamed "wifebeater" in the UK

>> No.18846796

Alright, let's your "good beer"

>> No.18846797

>Why can't North Americans get good beer?
Just because we also have shitty beer doesn't mean we don't have good beer.

>> No.18846806

Carlsberg lager is the best, watch your mouth

>> No.18846811
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You're obviously not American or you'd know about craft beer

>> No.18846929
File: 55 KB, 600x315, 786c487ffd898c5be2eecf67ea91fb15-3123848849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put orange slices in my drink.

>> No.18846950

I've had blue moon 3 times now, 2 times it was outstanding, one was giga bad, wtf is happening here?

>> No.18847029

I like both.

>> No.18847030

I don't know if I've ever had good beer. Probably Sleeman is the best mass produced beer that is local.

>> No.18847036

Why can't you brownies stop being so jealuous?
We get Modelo here and that's good but were not all west coat fop faggots. Answer your own question were are you from and what beers do you have?
You come come across as a survey bitch.

>> No.18847040

Jealous eurofags at it again, and failing yet again.

>> No.18847048

Craft beer is the most disgusting shit ever and proves that Americans don't know how to make beer. Instead of making some light lagers or delicious dark beers you just have IPAs aka shit for west coast faggots that taste of dirk and tree bark.

>> No.18847051

Fuck off eurofag, your meaningless.

>> No.18847059

Your country is literally falling apart. I've never seen a more divided country in my life, even East and West Germans don't hate each other nearly as much as Americans hate their neighbors. If you think that's something to be proud of it's because you're like an abused child that's never known love, can't even conceive of just how much better things could be. Sad.

>> No.18847087
File: 483 KB, 300x166, abandon thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, /pol/ found us. Abandon thread!

>> No.18847632

You have issues and should seek therapy

>> No.18847648

It's called the Reinheitsgebot. They've not been allowed to add flavour to their beers since 1516, so they mix it with Cola and Fanta instead. It drives them mad. Mad at each other and mad at the world.

>> No.18847666

>Your beer sucks
>Oh ya????!! Well let me tell you about your country
Your beer still sucks

>> No.18847738
File: 69 KB, 500x474, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're many different cultures under one roof, you just posted the shit that was made so anybody could drink it. Now, Shiner, that's a fuckin beer!

>> No.18847750
File: 46 KB, 471x524, boston-beer-co-samuel-adams-octoberfest_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? Gotta be.

>> No.18847786

all kinds of good beer; bud light has its own distinct social purpose - frat parties, underage drinking, sporting events where there's nothing else

>> No.18847878

Control your borders, we need to do it also, but we still have Modelo beers and hot Mexican and Canadian girls prancing about.

>> No.18847882

I had a cranberry ale on new years eve from some brewery in the hamptons, long island and it was fucking delicious

>> No.18847899

I've done that, a Seabreeze, it's vodka and cranberry juice.

>> No.18847986

I have never once drank Stella because they jewed me out of my custom chalices

>> No.18847989

>tfw could never find the summer Oberon anywhere

>> No.18848021

All beer is shit. It's the plebeian drink of choice. It doesn't taste good or get you drunk.
Patricians drink wine and alcoholic patricians drink liquor

>> No.18848030

I hate wine. No matter how hard I try I can't get a tastes for it. Some white with orange juice is ok.

>> No.18848088

it was this
I LIKED it and had 3 of them, I don't care what the 3.6 average rating says

>> No.18848097

I don't really care about your dogshit political opinions, this is a beer thread. The USA makes good beer outside of the large macrobrews

>> No.18848106
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>> No.18848130
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 56582908f1193daac9c835c4c5a4184e_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the dragons milk

>> No.18848137
File: 39 KB, 474x474, bluesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michigan here.
Go fuck yourself.
And yes, I've had Canadian beer, and its alright.

>> No.18848155
File: 300 KB, 2000x2000, Yuengling+Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true
our beer is so bad we have to get it from china, pic related

>> No.18848157

Bud Light rules. Stop hating.

>> No.18848220
File: 331 KB, 600x600, modelo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18848251

You're forgetting about the multitudes of Mexicans drinking pisswater and chemical soup cheladas out of foam cups while driving with fly by night insurance and no license.

>> No.18848256

What an atiquated view. This hasn't been true for longer than a decade lmao

>> No.18848279

We can, you just can't have any of it because of dumb export laws, taxes, etc. Only the shitty macro brews make it overseas. Imagine if Americans only knew of Heineken or Carlsberg and you have a picture of the situation.

>> No.18848320
File: 30 KB, 511x455, wojak captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the most popular beers sold in stores, which are naturally going to be the cheapest.
If you look at the most popular pub beers (where most Britons go to drink) you'll get more local British beers.
>that captcha

>> No.18848393

this is sad to read

>> No.18848401

it's named that way because americans are dumb and botched the original german name

>> No.18848409

are you rating his bait?

>> No.18848443
File: 326 KB, 960x784, bruh_zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18848586

Easily the best mass produced beer. Fucking hate that it’s not year round

>> No.18848590


>> No.18848715

Oberon is the blandest beer I can tolerate. It's pretty much the defacto beer you'd bring to a party here because it's cheap and not objectionable

>> No.18848892
File: 36 KB, 400x600, ci-corona-familiar-15a6e844a086a632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the mexican pirate beer that looks like something you found in a shipwreck

>> No.18848913


Busch is even cheaper and is basically made for going fishing, not for sitting down to a fancy meal really

Not everyone is so snobby about beer honestly and I really love beer, German beer especially, but I don't drink any alcohol these days

>> No.18850528

And in Brazil it's considered a woman's beer. Weird

>> No.18850793

your smoke break is over, Apocalypto
you have concrete to pour

>> No.18850852

A German friend told be a story behind Stellas, they're called wife beaters with reason, it's because the majority of Stella drinkers beat their wives.

>> No.18850861

Good tymes

>> No.18850877
File: 107 KB, 1600x900, layer_cake-screenplay-jj_connolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the Layer Cake

>> No.18850888

UK unironically drink the most common cheap lagers despite boasting about their ale culture. The Irish still drink their Guinness. Germans drink their local village lager and pretend that it's 10X better than the neighboring village's lager, who incidentally also are pretending the exact same thing. They are both identical.

>> No.18850977
File: 7 KB, 147x343, yeungling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can.

>> No.18850991
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>> No.18851237

I don't get it

>> No.18851255

We know, anon. That's why you drink so much.

>> No.18851265

You drive me to drink, much like your parents.

>> No.18851655

nigga has never heard of per capita before.

>> No.18851688

>Shiner BOCK
not a Bockbier lmao.

>> No.18851910
File: 95 KB, 640x395, mongo-pawn_in_game_of_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongo dont need no mathemaicals

>> No.18852042

>artificial colors
This killed the yuengling meme for me.

>> No.18852098
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, Genesee-Beer-30pk-Cans_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but we do

>> No.18852113

Are you sure that isn't brake fluid?

>> No.18852127

it's gamer girl pee, independently lab tested

>> No.18852134

I like licking their sweaty pits

>> No.18852135

Is this a prelude to the it's okay to hate beer copypasta?

>> No.18852138

Based Alcoholic

>> No.18852143

hell yea brother

>> No.18852164

Degens! Submit to the judgement of YAHWEH the many faced God or face the penalty of your wicked ways!

>> No.18852182

please don't punish me daddy uwu

>> No.18852556

I'm not an alcoholic. I have like 3 of these per year

>> No.18852791

You've been a very bad girl and will get the gunner's daughter

>> No.18852858

Roxanne, you dont have to put on the red light