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File: 2.60 MB, 1581x2048, Spaghetti-and-Meatballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18842144 No.18842144 [Reply] [Original]

I have never encountered this meal in continental Europe.
Is this purely american media fiction, or is this something people actually make and eat? How do you eat it, even?

>> No.18842149 [DELETED] 

Literally no one in America cares about your bitch ass
I put lime juice in my ragu

>> No.18842151

On top of spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball,
When somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table,
And on to the floor,
And then my poor meatball,
Rolled out of the door.

It rolled in the garden,
And under a bush,
And then my poor meatball,
Was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty
As tasty could be,
And then the next summer,
It grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered,
All covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs,
And tomato sauce.

So if you eat spaghetti,
All covered with cheese,
Hold on to your meatball,
Whenever you sneeze.

>> No.18842171

I'm italian american and we never ate this. We made meatballs in sauce. Pasta with ragù but never spaghetti, it's for kids. Here in Italy no one eats this.

I really think it was made for kids or looked interesting so someone took it and said this is Italian, technically the ingredients are, we just don't put them together.

>> No.18842174

It was invented in the USA

You eat it by slicing a portion of meatball, then twirling spaghetti around your fork, and caping it off with the piece of meat, and eating the whole bite. Literally the only way that shit tier pasta known as "spaghetti" is good, horrible shit, and tomato sauce pasta is worse, only salvaged by big pieces of meat, italian sausage works too to make it a not so shit dish

>> No.18842177

You put it in your mouth and chew. Damn, europoors are stupid as fuck

>> No.18842218

I don't expect americans to have any issues with eating.

>> No.18842246

sorry but we never got a chance to partake in the superior American Education (TM), that's why we are so stupid and poor

>> No.18842531

>I'm italian american
>Here in Italy
>looked interesting
If you want to lie atleast keep it consistence, Mario.

>> No.18842535
File: 3.96 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20201220_135959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the first thing I cooked when I started to cook

>> No.18842795

True but it's not difficult to see why such a dish came to life, in southern italy (Napoli in particular) it's common to make ragu either with bigger meat pieces or with minced meat balls and with more tomato (see ragu napoletano and lasagne napoletane)

>> No.18842818

italian american cuisine has developed over 120 years into its own thing
every industrialized region's cuisine has changed in time

>> No.18844160

>It was invented in the USA
yes, burgers invented spaghetti bolognesa...

>> No.18844175
File: 60 KB, 706x417, 462124ae6bd6d5c5c3c12faa43edb09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mebaspa sammich

>> No.18844181
File: 173 KB, 1080x1080, american style pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti and meatballs is a dish that was invented and popularized in America, anon. Same with chicken parmesan, eggs benedict, and the modern style of pizza that is known and preferred around the world (nobody except for the Italians prefers neapolitan style pizza over NY style (pic related) pizza.)

>> No.18844184

Oh yeah, what a fucking wild idea. Ground meat shaped into balls and served with noodles and sauce. Only a capitalist American could think of something like that. Sophisticated Europeans like myself couldnt even comprehend something so bizarre.

>> No.18844296

He could be born and raided in America with American citizenship then moved to Italy.

>> No.18844319

Not even Italians outside of Napoli eat pizza napoletana that often. Usually with not much crust and with more cheese, but still cooked at high temp. And in Rome they eat a pizza that is similar to NY as in it's crunchy and with little to no crust

>> No.18844332

italians eat bolognese with pappardelle. maybe penne if it is a cafeteria

>> No.18844338
File: 270 KB, 1440x1440, 15741886745dd436829ccae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah who the fuck would put large ill-fitting chunks of material into a spaghetti dish, you'd have to be some kind of cultureless boor, truly

I MeaN hOw do You EVen EAt it thoUGh?????

>> No.18844474
File: 2.21 MB, 3024x4032, 2D3FB023-3071-4309-8123-378300666E01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right we eat that

>> No.18844479

bread with pasta is redundant. it's just starch with more starch. it's like having mashed potatoes with bread.

that being said i do love me some garlic bread, but if garlic bread is to be included the dish would be better without the spaghetti so it was garlic bread with meatballs and tomato sauce.

>> No.18844495

Hey OP, what were you doing in EUROTRASH land in the first place?

>> No.18844497

Love it. Had 2 other couples over last weekend and I made spaghetti and meatballs. Was a big hit

>> No.18844500

Go suck on a baquette you eurofop

>> No.18844509

Its a texture thing. Crunchy bread goes well with soft pasta. Its also nice to clean the extra sauce off your plate

>> No.18844529

i wish i had baguettes to suck

>> No.18844548

all wops dream of "returning" to albanitaly at some point, like a fat mentally retarded turtle going back to the ocean to die.

>> No.18844804

Looks like shit mate. Buy a Jamie Oliver book.

>> No.18844820

>it's like having mashed potatoes with bread.
yeah it's called beef manhattan faggot

>> No.18845187

>two completely different food items
>"""hurr it's redundant"""

That's like saying if you have a pasta dish with marinara sauce, you can't have any tomatoes in a salad beforehand because "it's redundant". Get back to the deep fryer Muhammad, someone just ordered a large fry.

>> No.18845596

>bread with pasta is redundant

I mean yeah? But humans love that shit, why tf do you think Pizza places also sell breadsticks? The Sauce (pizza/spaghetti) is what the connecting factor.

>> No.18845677
File: 547 KB, 2963x2963, Ramen-rezept-tonkotsu-miso-chashu3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck bros
>have you ever seen this meal from chinese cartoons?
>it's literally pasta, but then it's in a bowl of liquid, and then there's some pieces of meat that are too big to eat in one bite
I haven't eaten a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in probably 20 years, but it's the first thing that convinced me Italians are full of shit, and have no clue why they like the things they like beyond, "that's how nonna did it!" I've had this conversation a million times, and it always just comes down to, "n-no! we eat THIS pasta with THIS sauce! and the meat dish is served SEPARATELY from the pasta dish", and it's like, okay, but why? It's pretty much the ur-tier example of, "this thing is bad because...it just is, okay!"

>> No.18845686

My dad used to sing this to me and my siblings when were little :)

>> No.18845699

I only remembered the first couple of verses, but looking at it now, what even is the moral of the song? If my dad sung that to me when I was 4 my brother and I would have immediately pocketed a couple meatballs and then snuck out to bury them in the yard later that night, and then come out every day for months to see who's meatball tree was growing first.

>> No.18845707

I dont remember the tree verses either

>> No.18845708

Cut the meatball in half, put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow. Twirl spaghetti, put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow. Get a bit of both then put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow.

>> No.18845720
File: 32 KB, 710x400, 05749dc0-sopranos-paulie-naples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just get some macaroni and gravy?

>> No.18845756
File: 1.62 MB, 2250x3000, 1620073074022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really understood it either when I was growing up, but then I realized it's 100% a poor fag thing. If you have a few kids and not a lot of money to work with it's a lot easier to make a big pot of spaghetti and then stretch it out with some cheap bread on the side. People who grew up that way just think it's normal, and most likely have repressed memories of going to bed hungry after eating spaghetti without some bread "to mop up the sauce". It's the same thing with people who think it's normal to drink soda throughout the day, complain that crinkle cut fries don't get enough love, complain that there aren't enough lagers on tap, and only order their burgers well-done, assuming they ever go anywhere that asks.

>> No.18847245

>today i learned pasta was invented in hollywood

>> No.18848397

My experience as a Swede is that meatballs are eaten att a christams table or with mashed potatoes and jam

>> No.18848413


All "Italian" food is complete dogshit.

Nothing but carbohydrates and bland, disgusting tomato sauce. IDGAF if you're from Italy or not, your faggot assed food is DOGSHIT. Italians are basically african rape babies, with low IQs to match their Negroid heritage. Fuck off, Wops.

>> No.18849119

My biggest gripe is that every single pasta sauce I try is always too damn sweet. Doesn't matter if it's in a restaurant or store bought.

>> No.18849231

looks pretty good

>> No.18849576
File: 73 KB, 512x384, RealAmerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand aside, pleb.

>> No.18849617

You guys are full of shit. I had spaghetti bolognese with meatballs in a small town in Spain of all places.

>> No.18849625

yes, native Italians are quite uninventive. They literally had to send millions of unwashed Immigrants to steal American recipes.

>> No.18849768

my mom made it every week for me when growing up. i still do it but just because its cheap, you get to mix bread with the meat and produce the same meal.

>> No.18850057

Italian cuisine didn't get good until they moved to America and didn't have to deal with crippling food scarcity anymore.

>> No.18850079

>Italian mad that they didn’t invent pasta

You enjoy that Silk Road?

>> No.18850086

Based and Dai Dark pilled.

>> No.18850560

>not being a land whale = food scarcity
Fuck off from this board

>> No.18850599

What an enormous faggot, my god.

>> No.18850613

mamma mia!

>> No.18850616

red sauce eye talian is disgusting if it's not done well (which is basically everywhere that isn't northern NJ, southern CT, the four boroughs of NYC, staten island, nassau county and no suffolk not you)

even here it's not usually good but when it's done right you might see why it took the cuntry by storm like 75 years ago