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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18840427 No.18840427 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have experience cooking food for their cat? I have a full grown male tabby....kinda feel feeding him that dry food all the time. Thinking about making him something like....roasted chicken mixed with rice and maybe a bit of veggies? idk

>> No.18840451

it's your pet, not your son.

>> No.18840455

Not only is it perfectly safe, your cat would appreciate raw chicken far more than cooked. Hold the rice and veggies.

>> No.18840460
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>cat """""people"""""""

>> No.18840462

like >>18840455 said, feed him raw meat.
this is so that he doesn't grow bigger brain than humans and start controlling them

>> No.18840470

Read this page thoroughly. You'll learn helpful info and your cat's health will excel with these recipes. The difference it makes in their lives is vast. This is how I feed my boy. It's also cheaper to feed your cat this way in the long run.

>> No.18840477

Cats are obligate carnivores, you SHOULD NOT feed them anything that isn't an animal product (i.e. only meat/eggs).

>> No.18840520

I dont think cats are into anything besides meat. Ive met a really fat one that would nibble on chips and stuff but thats an exception. Your cat would probably go crazy for a little chunk of raw steak.

>> No.18840528

oh he does.... if im ever cooking meat ill toss him a few chunks.
dude...lol that reminded me of my childhood cat, Hobbes, he liked fruit! haha it was awesome. like any fruit he would go crazy for it...miss that guy.

>> No.18840537

but yeah...this wont be a everyday kinda thing, i just feel bad for him eating dry food all day everyday, that would really suck. I do give him canned wet food every now and then. but I think real food would make him healthier and happier..idk.
you saw raw? they do eat raw birds...but mostly as a indoor cat idk if it would give him worms or some sort of adverce reaction?

>> No.18840658

I would do a braise with a flavourful stock, be sure to clean it well. Not much meat on him, but you can supplement with dumplings cooked in the broth. Good luck and bon appetit.

>> No.18840673

At one point I had my cat trained with bits of cheese, if I opened the fridge he would sprint from wherever to come and eat some cheese. Never got that fat but I still stopped eventually, it can't be good for him

>> No.18841598

Ive tried. I made something with liver and egg and some other stuff. she didnt eat any of it. even some meat I make for myself, Ill cut her off some and chop it up finely and she wont eat it. cats are fucks

>> No.18841603

theres a lot of info online about it. you should check it out so you dont miss any necessary nutrients

>> No.18841628
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My cats like bonito flakes like this.

>> No.18841635

>Living things under your care don't deserve actual food if they walk on 4 legs

>> No.18841639

don’t listen to these retarded cunts, DO NOT feed him raw meat ffs. also, do your damn research and don’t ask 4chan for advice

>> No.18841641

My cats love canned slop so that's what they get

Sometimes I give them seafood, which is rare bc I never cook it because seafood smells bad and they also go batshit crazy trying to find the source, jumping in the table meow meow meow give me fissshhhh

>> No.18841650

>actual food
To you or them? You feel feeding him dry food but it's somehow not actual food. Listen to how stupid you sound lol.

>> No.18841656

Throw the cat in the bag, throw it around then let it out
That'll teach the little beast to comply, it'll see who the master of its frisky feasts is.
They're just stupid cats.

>> No.18841692

post more Cosmo faggot

>> No.18841857

My cat and dog get all the meat trimmings that I cannot eat, as has been their diet for thousands of years.

>> No.18841859


>> No.18841979

cute cat

>> No.18841989
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>> No.18842124

Drink your soy meal replacement and shit the fuck up

>> No.18842154 [DELETED] 

based hobbes

>> No.18842161
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liver is cheap, nutritious and cats love it. depending on the cat you don't even have to cook it, mine prefers it raw. also cute kot

>> No.18842176
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>> No.18842183

Tl;Dr? Her writing style is unbearable and the information density per word is dramatically low. It's a shame because finding actual information on the subject is quite a hassle.

>> No.18842227

Use your eyes. Cats are made to eat raw bird meat. You don't need a book to tell you this. Yes, wild birds carry the risk of pathogens and parasites. That's why you use store bought clean meat. There's exactly as much likelihood of your cat getting salmonella from a raw chicken breast as there is your cat getting botulism from a can of frisky feast. Cats don't cook nor do they need people. Pet food is 100% modern marketing bullshit.

>> No.18842238

Cats in the wild eat skin and organ meat, in addition to muscle meat.

>> No.18842666

Yeah she writes pretty insufferably sometimes but she's not wrong. Just read through it, it's worth your time and your cat's time. I feed my cat the recipe presented on this page twice every single day and he is in excellent health.

>> No.18842685

OP here...this actually reminds me of a story.
well experience...So one time I came home super late and kinda drunk, I saw Hobbes, my childhood cat in the yard...walked over to him and noticed he caught something. It was...well not a baby rabbit. I let him know i was just chilling out, he was the coolest cat ever didnt even growl when i petted him when he was eating it. I just sat down and observed him eat this thing.
What i remember most is he actually ripped out the innards/entrails and threw them to the side...all the guts, liver yadda yadda....then just ate the whole fucking thing, fur skin and all...i remember also when it bit into its skull the crunching noise....man...i miss that guy, he was the best. but yeah after he ate the whole rabbit i scooped him up and brought him inside and he slept like a baby

>> No.18842687

So true.

>> No.18842695

ha...hmm i mean it makes sense.

>> No.18842712

Had one cat that I witnessed go full psychopath on a mouse. Never once bit or hissed at anyone and was always friendly to strangers. But when I saw him catch a mouse it was fucking insane. He had it dead to rights caught in his paws, bit off its tail and let it go. Mouse freaking the fuck out blood going everywhere, gets about 3 feet and gets caught again and biffed across the kitchen floor. He grabs it again, bites off one of his fucking legs and let's it to again. Repeated this twice more until the mouse had only his left front leg left and then fucking sat and watched it bleed to death in the corner before eating it.

>> No.18842719

i hate cats

>> No.18842720

hahaha dude, thats a great story...yeah man...cats are weird as fuck.
my buddy here that i asked advice on cooking for isnt that big...really sweet...but one time I had my parents watch him for a week or so when i was moving. He went total apeshit on full grown dogs ...one a lab that could totally fuck him up. eventually he chilled out though.

>> No.18842923

they want to exhaust it so they dont get bit basically

>> No.18842961

I recently bought a rabbit and was surprised to find all the organs still inside. Liver, lungs, kidneys and heart. I decided to cut it all up, pan fry it in tallow, and feed it to my cat over the span of a week. He loved hit. Just be careful with organs though, especially liver. You don't want to eat it all at once due to the insane amounts of copper and vitamin A.

>> No.18842971

Meanwhile my tiny dog but and lightly shook a mouse once and it layed there twitching unable to do anything
Cats are just assholes

>> No.18842973


>> No.18842980

Cats, and dogs, have no concept of being an asshole.

>> No.18842987

Yes they do

>> No.18843002
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Cat's like fish

>> No.18843005

Was it a terrier? They're basically bred for murdering vermin very rapidly. Can't really compare to other animals really.

>> No.18843026

>The gameness of the early hunting terriers was exploited by using them in sporting contests. Initially, terriers competed in events such as clearing a pit of rats. The dog that was fastest in killing all the rats won.

As usual, another unnatural breed of dog born from minmax'ing tryhards.

>> No.18843028

>another unnatural breed of dog
All domestic dogs are unnatural breeds.

>> No.18843048

Switch from clay litter to pelletized bedding and you'll never go back. So much better than vacuuming up tiny litter grains. It is a superior forestry product.

>> No.18843051

You have a tabby cat you should be feeding him lasagna.

>> No.18843409

how do I cook a cat? My neighbor has an annoying bastard of an animal and I hadn't had a proper meat dinner for weeks

>> No.18843429

>kinda feel feeding him that dry food all the time
You may want to switch to wet food anyway, dry food is hard on their kidneys and wet food fed cats tend to live much longer.

>> No.18843432

Id rather just not have a nasty ass cat stinking up my house

>> No.18844540

Dont feed your cat dry food. Switch to wet.

>> No.18844552

Canned tuna

>> No.18844575

Try anti freeze and powdered glass

>> No.18844594
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I feed my pit bull only raw meat and occasionally a piece of vegetable or a berry. She's gotten really healthy, higher energy, nice shiny coat. She really likes her food and looks forward to having a nice meal. I'll slice her up some steak real think, crack an egg in it and put a blackberry as a garnish. She loves it.

You should nix the fruit and veggies for a kitty though.

Just eggs, meat, fish, milk and cheese.
You can get some offal type meat from bugman type asian groceries. Pork liver, kidneys, brain. Kitties love it.

>> No.18844627
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My super picky cat ate some of the turkey I made last week, even the pieces I fried cus they came out a bit pink. Some anon posted recently they cooked tuna, chicken, and other stuff for their cat regularly so I guess it’s doable.

>> No.18844637

That just means you’ve never had a cat so are naturally afraid of them

>> No.18844647


>> No.18844655

You can literally bathe them. Use the same shampoo that you use on your grandpa.

>> No.18844673

No, use cat specific shampoo. They need a different ph shampoo so dog and human shampoo no good.

>> No.18845213
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Fuck !
That's a really good kitty!

>> No.18845248

good post
I've converted several cats over to wet food, and they all benefited
Two cats had serious digestive problems that got much better switching away from dry

>> No.18845271

wtf that looks just like my cat, did you steal my cat? same white feet and everything

>> No.18845277

Buy a small eye fillet steak and chop it up into kot size pieces. I always buy a steak for my cat when I buy one for myself

>> No.18845367

feeding your cat human food is fine, occasionally, but they need taurine, which they aren't going to get a lot of in human food. don't bother with the rice or veggies either, just give them the meat. also, stop feeding your cat dry food. it is bad for him

>> No.18845542

>Do NOT feed your cat it's natural diet. Keep feeding it grain-based garbage with 20+ ingredients.

You absolute mongoloid

>> No.18845564

she looks forward to eating her own shit too. waste of money

>> No.18845581

I would not do it everyday, cat feeding is really difficult. As a treat it is ok. If you want to make your own food i would look up a guide.

Also you can feed your cats some fruits like melons for hydration. Big cats eat melons in the wild.

>> No.18845911

Doesn't wet cat food end up costing more? It seems easier to just ship the big-ass bag of food to my house. Plus the wet cat food always smells awful and gets everywhere.

>> No.18845954

Take a chicken carcass, mince it with a cleaver, innards and all. Separate into portions, feed the cat one, freeze the rest.
Small shitty fishes are also good.

>> No.18845991

uh yes. I happen to trust the experts, and who would happen to be the experts in food for cats? uhhhh cat food companies

>> No.18846041
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My little cat passed away on friday at 19. She loved hawaiian pizzza and lived for some years just eating my leftovers which was often dumplings and spam pasta.
feed your cat chicken, or get wet food. Feed it a daily sachet or spoonful of wet food.

>> No.18846073
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Get him some raw feed like this. My cat goes absolutely nuts for this whenever its feeding time.

>> No.18846077
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Why are Tortoiseshells so fucking cute and comfy?

>> No.18846078

good kittys :D

>> No.18846087

cats like pumpkin purree

>> No.18846090

why do whyteboys care about their cats more than their family?

>> No.18846099
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dry food gives cats kidney and urinary problems
giving your cat kibble is not good for them

>> No.18846115

In addition to the very few bits of useful advice here -- namely consult anywhere on the internet besides 4chan (hopefully a guide on feeding your cat that's overseen by a vet) -- be aware that for all nonhumans there's a bunch of seemingly mundane things we eat -- say garlic and onions -- that are LETHAL to cats. Just basic shit like oil, vinegar/lemon juice, salt, and pepper may have a completely different balance requirement for a cat or dog or whatever, which is why you need to make sure any info you get online has been fact-checked b a vet.

>> No.18846120


Do not cook food especially for animals. "Caring" Idiots like you are a burden to an animal's health.

>> No.18846125

Pretty sure cheese is fine in moderation since it's mostly animal fat

>> No.18846130

Lmao at this fragile retard. I had cats steal onion from barbecue, eat it and be fine. I had a lab eat a bunch of grapes and be fine. Yes they shouldn't be given tons of those, but they also shouldn't be given tons of kibble that's made from a bunch of grains and bone meal, plus some micronutrients that probably get destroyed when the kibble is formed. Cats are happy and healthy on a diet of raw tripe. Cat/dog food is a grift for cunts who can't be assed to feed their pets properly and cover it up with WELL ITS SPECIALLY FORMULATED guess what retard McDonalds is also specially formulated.

>> No.18846517

If I fed my cat nothing but raw minced beef/pork and raw chicken breast/thigh meat, would he be fine?

I'm asking, because it's basically the stuff that I eat so it'd be very easy to feed him that way.

>> No.18846529

I'm sorry to hear your kitty left you.

>> No.18846536

He need some offal too.

>> No.18846537

yeah raw beef/pork is fine, I wouldn't feed them too much raw chicken simply because of bacterial reasons (they clean themselves with their mouths and you touch them) but they can eat it.

>> No.18846727 [DELETED] 
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My cat had trouble eating as she got older, so I started cooking her meat to eat.

I'd roast her chicken breasts, beef, and occasionally some lamb. She loved it, and would refuse ordinary cat food after I starting cooking for her. Avoid using seasoning, even salt. Just cook stuff with a little butter or lard, and only cook enough for three days at most, since cats seem pretty sensitive to how old their meat is.

Treat your cat like you would want to be treated.

>> No.18846737


>> No.18846746

Is catfaggotry a cause or a symptom of our sick society?

>> No.18846765

you're right, cats have only existed for 30-50 years

>> No.18846771
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I use this shit for my cats

>> No.18846778

A simple google search, "best food to feed cat".

"Cats are meat eaters, plain and simple. They have to have protein from meat for a strong heart, good vision, and a healthy reproductive system. Cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of lean deli meats are a great way to give them that. Raw or spoiled meat could make your cat sick."

I appreciate you anon, preventing OP from unknowingly poisoning his cat. God bless you.

>> No.18846779

Cats were burned in the street a couple centuries ago
Modern medicine is the only reason people can keep them inside their home

>> No.18846947

>feeding him that dry food all the time
if you feed him exclusively dry food he's going to get kidney failure within a decade

>> No.18847115
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Poor Kot, reminds me of that monkey-brain scene in "Faces of Death".

>> No.18847185

Just feed em table scraps. The oldest cat to ever live spent its entire life eating nothing but bacon, eggs, and asparagus.

>> No.18847197

The purpose of pet food is the convenience. You can buy a month’s supply for $5, and leave it unrefrigerated without it going bad.

>> No.18847225

Mcdicks is healthy, people get fat on it because they eat four big macs and a bucket of coke a day

>> No.18847849
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If we have chicken bone with bits of meat on it we will boil it to make a broth and my cat, pic related, enjoys it very much.

>> No.18847923

Pumpkin is good for their kidneys

>> No.18848015

ill usually give him a can of wet food once a week or so.
but yeah I think im just going to throw a bunch of chicken breasts in a crock pot ith some chicken or beef broth and slow cook that, then shred it up and feed him that a few days throughout the week.

>> No.18848037

Ok. Or actually talk to a vet.about what to give your vet (and how to monitor consumption of food and water) instead of listening to 4chan. You may find much more effectiveness with premium dry food + fish oil supplements + premium treats (the latter of which may indeed be cooked meat).

>> No.18848070

Just give him pumpkin and maybe tuna.

>> No.18848120

Anon a cat is not a dog, give him good meats/fish. Cats are carnivores not omnivores like dogs (who eat almost everything).

>> No.18848124

male neutered cats are particularly prone to diabetes if you feed them nothing but dry food. if you can't take him off the dry food entirely, just switching one of his daily meals to canned or cooked/raw is a big improvement. you'll probably end up saving money and trouble in the long run.

>> No.18848136

> implying my chad grandpa doesn't bathe in pussy

>> No.18848444

>prone to diabetes if you feed them nothing but dry food.
That's utterly moronic -- it's not that the food is dry, it's that cheap food is primarily grain and rich in carbs (and this applies to cheap foods both canned and dry). If you get any kind of premium food that's primarily meat-based, regardless of whether it's dry or canned, it's no longer a correlation (unless you have overconsumption or a number of other possible health problems).

Also, it's perfectly acceptable -- even specified on the bag -- to hydrate dry food before giving it to your cat. If you haven't tried it, see if your cat prefers it.

Also, if you're thinking about the best possible life for your cat, and you only have one, then the best thing you can do is get a second cat. That's far more beneficial for their mental and physical health than cooking meat for them in any of the proposals here, and is less expensive (including extra food and vet visits) too, depending on which meat plan you intend to follow.

>> No.18848784
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Anyone have experience cooking cat for their food? I have a full grown male tabby....kinda tasteless feeding him that dry food all the time. Thinking about cooking him in something like....roasted cat mixed with rice and maybe a bit of veggies? idk

>> No.18848802

Fuck off chang

>> No.18849138

>Anyone have experience cooking food for their cat?
My cat adores chicken. Raw, cooked, whatever. Doesn't have to be much meat either; he likes the gristle and fat. Not much waste from a chicken carcass around here.
The only important thing is to never give a cat cooked chicken bones, as they can splinter and damage the cat's gut. Raw bones are fine.

>> No.18849163

>liver is cheap, nutritious and cats love it
Some do, some don't. Cats have their food preferences.

>> No.18849186

>rinsing chicken/turkey thighs with water before cooking them
Lost me there. If you can't maintain basic culinary hygiene, I can't take your opinions about anything culinary seriously.

>> No.18849216


My dog gets a bit of steak or BBQ as a treat, he's an old dog and he's getting old, the cats try to eat everything but they only eat meat, sometimes they get a bit of BBQ as a treat because they are good

When I didn't have food for them, just shared meat, he tried to bring me a mouse to eat but it probably had worms, he even brought me a mouse and killed it in front of me because I was so proud of him the first time, it was weird but I think he was just proud of it

>> No.18849465

>it's not that the food is dry,
yes it is, Mr. Trips
as obligate carnivores, they are supposed to be eating other animals, not baked goods
other animals are 70% water. if they don't eat meat they don't get enough water and it fucks them up
and have fun trying to hydrate kibble that's been baked. some brands can take hours. and kibble is still full of carbs

>> No.18849532

This has zero relevance to what I said. This has zero relevance to anything. There exists dry food that is not grain or carb based, which is what I said. You're assuming one thing represents everything, like a small child.

>> No.18849660

>and asparagus.
Ponder the whiff of his litterbox.

>> No.18849665

>Oh lawd praises JAYSUS!

>> No.18849729

>it's not that the food is dry
>yes it is...they don't get enough water

>> No.18850455

Dry food contains carbohydrates which are unsuitable for cats and gradually cause kidney damage. Any wet food is better.

>> No.18850758

>feeding him dry food
When did I say that I do this?

>> No.18850831

>important thing is to never give a cat cooked chicken bones, as they can splinter and damage the cat's gut
The mouse was a gift for you

>> No.18850934 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18851202

Not all dry food is grain-based. Get that through your head you fucking child.

>> No.18851225

Also plenty of wet food contains shitloads or even primarily grain. Look at the ingredients some time you fucking dumbass.

That's why you give them water and monitor their hydration. Cats will drink water if given to them.

>> No.18851238 [DELETED] 
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My catigger.

>> No.18851550

>That's why you give them water
they don't always drink it
>monitor their hydration
>Cats will drink water if given to them.
not unless they are already dehydrated
cats don't drink enough water. you can give it to them, but they wont drink enough because they are not programmed to do so

>> No.18851859

>Not all dry food is grain-based
Oh yes? Name one.
>Look at the ingredients some time you fucking dumbass.
Ok, let's see the ingredients of a dry food you consider good.

>> No.18851925

>roasted chicken mixed with rice and maybe a bit of veggies?
cats are obligate carnivores which means they must eat meat. they can eat certain vegetables but some common ones can make them sick or kill them. they don't get much nutrition from vegetables.

>> No.18851934

cats are lactose intolerant (contrary to popular belief) they should never have milk.

>> No.18851944

I watched a stray cat eat a small trout I threw in the back yard. started at the head and ate every bit of it.

they eat birds raw all the time. raw meat is perfectly ok for cats idiot.

>> No.18851954

I had mice as pets. one day I dropped one on the ground and it ran off, the cat chased it and caught it. before I could stop her she swallowed the thing whole and alive in a few gulps.

>> No.18852048

Lactose-free dairy is not hard to find. Cats adore lactose-free cream.

Don't feed them raw meat. Cook the meat.
Properly poached chicken is easy and works well.
Do bear in mind that basically every aromatic is poison to cats. Lemon, bay, garlic, onion...
They're fine with ginger, but they're not all fond of the taste.

>> No.18852055

Those cats are full of parasites.
Do not fill your cat full of parasites.

>> No.18852605

First ingredients on the Blue Buffalo dry food I'm currently using: "Deboned chicken, dried egg, chicken fat, preservatives, natural flavors, fish oil, ..."
First ingredients on the cheapo Purina canned food a roommate left behind: "Water, chicken by-product, wheat gluten, soy flour"

>> No.18852833

>Blue Buffalo dry food
>20% carbs
dropped. grain free doesn't always mean low carb
>2007 Blue Buffalo was involved in the nationwide melamine recalls.
>2010 Blue Buffalo recalled several products with excess levels of vitamin D.
>2015 The first recall involved a limited number of Blue Kitty Yums cat treats found to contain propylene glycol. In autumn of 2015, the company recalled a single lot of chewing bones due to potential salmonella contamination.
>2016 Blue Buffalo announced a limited recall of dog food due to excessive moisture levels and the consequent potential for mold contamination.
>2017 Blue recalled several cans of Homestyle Recipe dog food due to possible aluminum contamination. In March of 2017, Blue Buffalo dog food was recalled due to potentially high levels of beef thyroid hormone.

>> No.18852870

Just buy canned wet food you fucking no good dirty rotten catchild having subhuman dickhead.

>> No.18853041

>grain free doesn't always mean low carb
No shit. There is a bare minimum carb requirement for metabolic function btw, that believe it or not is actually met in a wild carnivorous diet (the glucose present in muscle meat is removed in the processing that happens after slaughter for commercial use, but is present when animals are killed and eaten on site in the wild. It's still a relatively small amount, but it's not zero.)

Maybe you'd be interested in more background on what's known and not known on domestic cat diets and heatlh: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5753635/

Regarding any particular food company and recalls, I don't know what to tell you -- it happens. I guess when you hunt a deer in the forest you don't have to worry about USDA inspections or recalls, but I suppose you do have to inspect for and take all precautions against parasites and observe their behavior prior for CWD evidence and the like yourself.

>> No.18853052

Tuna in water. Cats love this shit.

>> No.18853309

This in unreadable, genuinely infuriating “writing”

>> No.18853356

my condolences bro

>> No.18853364

>cat eating kitkat

>> No.18853426

Cannot imagine living in an impoverished country, struggling to feed yourself every week and keep your family alive. Go online, this guy is feeding his cat chicken.

>> No.18853509

>cat's don't have glucokinase
good paper, thanks
I wasn't the previous anon, and I think we agree on carbs, but the reason not to give cats dry food is the water. Cats don't drink enough and get kidney, bladder, and urinary problems.

>> No.18853524

it's grade school level. pay more attention in school

>> No.18853531

>Cats don't drink enough and get kidney, bladder, and urinary problems.
You have to actually give them water. A fountain helps. The typical house cat will get enough fluids. If you don't maintain a clean bowl or there are other health concerns (UTIs for example are common) then your cat will have problems. Dehydration is one of the first things vets check for every time you come in -- this isn't some kind of unknown conspiratorial problem that they won't warn you about.

As for kidney disease, that is a common occurrence in elderly cats which also has early indicators, easy diagnosis, and preventative care. Either that or cancer however will most likely kill them in the end -- just like with humans, don't ever listen to people who say things like "my cat lived to be 22 on this diet and didn't get cancer so you should do this diet too." That's not how healthcare works.

>> No.18853583
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>> No.18853593

>Anyone have experience cooking food for their cat

No, I'm not autistic.

Anyways, there isn't a single thread about cooking on this board's page one. Two on booze, two on believing whatever this week's "chemical in such and such causes such and such" and the ones with food are mass produced, precooked lower middle-class fair.

>Good job!

>> No.18853594

I like talking shit about third worlders like most, but being shanghaied would honestly be one of the worst things imaginable. Just wake up one day on a ship in the middle of the ocean with your only options to be a fucking slave or drown. God damn that would suck.

>> No.18853617

>You have to actually give them water.
and a lot of cats wont drink it because cats get their water from their food and are not prone to drink water
they have a low thirst drive. their desire to drink water is not as strong as an omnivore's. so when you give them dry food you rob them of water and they get things like crystals in their bladder
I know there is a huge industry that sells dry food, including vets, and many pet owners that use it, so the idea is entrenched. I used it for 35 years because it was convenient, but if I had to do it over, I'd do it differently
sorry cats :(

>> No.18853632

I'd much rather see a white blonde blue eyed lady sucking on a prawn covered in some red spicy sauce that will make her little sexy pink anus puckle when she shits out the prawn.

>> No.18853963

Yes, dry food is a vet and industry conspiracy, and doctors are stupid and cats are all dehydrated with the vets not knowing what to do.

Keep clean bowls, and better still get a fountain. Monitor hydration by marking a fill line and seeing how low the level drops every two days (same way to monitor feeding on an open feeder). You don't have to keep obsessive logs, but just occasionally take the extra data for your vet. Just like how you might count calories and exercise for a week for your doctor. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.18853973
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>I hadn't had a proper meat dinner for weeks
picrel would be (You) "enjoying" your dinner
spite is the spice that elevates any dish

>> No.18853992

>make a meal for your cat
>freeze it
what's the fucking point? Where's the love? the cookery?

>> No.18854222
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>Anyone have experience cooking food for their cat?

>> No.18854267

Yes because not all areas of the world experience prosperity no one should. Fucking retard go back to pleddit

>> No.18854895

>Yes, dry food is a vet and industry conspiracy
when vets recommend and sell dry food, it is
>and doctors are stupid
most people are, regardless of profession, myself included. and if vets are so great, why do they still remove the uterus when spaying cats instead of just the ovaries?
>cats are all dehydrated
just the ones eating dry food
and monitoring fill levels on a fountain is silly without first figuring out how much would be lost to evaporation

>> No.18855031

>figuring out how much would be lost to evaporation
You can calculate itself with formulas available online as the top result in a search, or you can put out a control bowl of water as well..Regardless from my estimate you can expect maybe 2 ml to evaporate per hour from a water bowl indoors. That's 48 ml, or about 3 tablespoons, per day.

>why do they still remove the uterus when spaying cats
Net health benefits. A five-second google search dude. Do your own fucking homework next time. Do you expect other people to tie your shoes for you too? https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/spaying-in-cats

>> No.18855175

If I followed this my cat would be eating better than me. it's so much effort

>> No.18855446

I give my elderly cat a fuckton of deenz. degreased of course. i also give her both raw and cooked chicken, canned tuna too. just gotta watch the salt content in any human you give to your kitty

catfood occasionally is a must though, it contains essential nutrients that they won't get from human food

>> No.18855498 [DELETED] 

Have fun being emotionally defeated by a harmless animal, niggers

>> No.18855530

Don't reply to these types please, they just keep shitting up the board with antivaxx, flat earth and plant "milk"..

>> No.18855560

Don't cook it unless you're adding taurine to it or else you're killing your cat

>> No.18855895

the only way to figure out water loss due to evaporation in changing conditions is to continuously run a parallel fountain that the cat cannot drink from
you also need one fountain/cat to make this work
this plan is silly. it is much easier just to not give your cats dry food
>Net health benefits
>larger incision and more likelihood of post operative infection
choose one. vets in other countries don't remove the uterus when spaying, and recent vet school grads in the US don't either
also, your link doesn't say why the uterus also needs to be removed
maybe we have moved beyond what you learned in your animal science degree
in your hubris, you seem to think that veterinary medicine is solved, and will never get any better
smug people 100 years ago thought the same thing

>> No.18855925
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i love cats as much as the next guy, but using perfectly good human food for your pets instead of yourself is absolutely absurd to me

>> No.18855935
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>rich people

>> No.18855945
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>cook steak
>let cat lick my plate afterwards

>> No.18855962

this is a very nice picture, please pet the cat

>> No.18856004

my patterdale (black jack russlle) lived 26 years because we fed him "people food" which was actually cheaper then dog food in the long run
those dogs don't typically live past 15 years

>> No.18856078

I gave a cat some piri piri chicken once. It seemed to like it a lot.

>> No.18856344

how do you know it was the people food and not something else?

>> No.18856700

what is the problem here?
only outdoor cats have it

>> No.18856972

well none of his litter mates lived that long ad they were fed normal dog food

>> No.18856980
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the problem is cats shitting and pissing right underneath their food

>> No.18856989

mine do too!!!! they go nuts this stuff is the bomb
stg it's like my dashi is an afterthought these days they are obsessed w this stuff but it's too salty to feed them tons :<

>> No.18857271

Rice is bad for cats, they can only process the fiber

>> No.18857583

this is almost true. 5% of a cats diet would consist of the plant matter in the animal they are eating. Giving just a smigde of alfalfa powder or cat grass is beneficial to their guts. What you avoid is cat food that is largely meat flavored corn/grains

I feed my own cats Dr. Elsey's dry alongside Fancy Feast cans(Classic only). If I dont top up their cat grass, they demolish my house plants

>> No.18857599

poor people deserve pets too, i for one applaud you for displaying your cats terrible diet; not everyone can afford wet food!

>> No.18857605

>I pop an Imodium every meal because the food I eat gives me the shits

IIRC cranberry juice works for struvite crystals but might actually encourage the formation of bladder stones. Just get canned food bruh

>> No.18857607
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>Oh yes? Name one.
Wysong Epigen,Epigen 90 and Uretic
Dr Elsey's Clean Protein

>Ok, let's see the ingredients of a dry food you consider good.

>> No.18857630

Older cats are in general more open to trying and enjoying new things. For example, my cat likes plain greek yougurt, unsalted butter, whatever chicken chunks are strained out when making stock, turkey breast deli meat rinsed of excess salt and torn into strips, and other stupid shit I'm forgetting rn.

The real question is: for example, if you give your cat a tbs of unsalted butter in her food, does she puke later? They might like things they cannot stomach right away. So understand what doggo likes to eat and how well he can stomach it absolutely first. For example my cat likes steak but always pukes it out. So no steak.

If you look at it this way, just save up odds and ends in a tupperware jar in the fridge that are candidates for enhanching the dry food.

>Hey buddy, got your dry food today with some chicken stock meat tidbits, 1/2 tbs butter, and the scrapings from the empty sour cream container from taco night. My prior cat could pound probably about 5 pepperoni slices with no problem.
>Hey buddy, here's your usual shit with two diced up pepperonis to sweeten the deal.
Couldn't do that with my current cat, as she dislikes salty things. One other thing you can do is also look into if your cat likes warm "stews". For example, if you heated the last 2tbs of half and half or whipping cream or buttermilk and poured it over the dry food-- glee or no thanks?

The reason I ever started looking into this is my previous cat stole an entire fried chicken drumette from my meal and dragged it off and ate the whole thing. I initially thought the chicken place ripped me off and was pissed, but I noticed new greasy marks on the floor heading under the bed where that bastard was already gnawing on the cartilage, and I thought, well fuck I'd probably do that too, so I started looking into it.

>> No.18857812


(Attempt to reasonably reformat)

Older cats are in general more open to trying and enjoying new things. For example, my cat likes plain greek yougurt, unsalted butter, whatever chicken chunks are strained out when making stock, turkey breast deli meat rinsed of excess salt and torn into strips, and other stupid shit I'm forgetting rn.

The real question is: for example, if you give your cat a tbs of unsalted butter in her food, does she puke later? They might like things they cannot stomach right away. So understand what doggo likes to eat and how well he can stomach it absolutely first. For example my cat likes steak but always pukes it out. So no steak.

If you look at it this way, just save up odds and ends in a tupperware jar in the fridge that are candidates for enhanching the dry food.

>Hey buddy, got your dry food today with some chicken stock meat tidbits, 1/2 tbs butter, and the scrapings from the empty sour cream container from taco night.
My prior cat could pound probably about 5 pepperoni slices with no problem.
>Hey buddy, here's your usual shit with two diced up pepperonis to sweeten the deal.
Couldn't do that with my current cat, as she dislikes salty things. One other thing you can do is also look into if your cat likes warm "stews". For example, if you heated the last 2tbs of half and half or whipping cream or buttermilk and poured it over the dry food-- glee or no thanks?

The reason I ever started looking into this is my previous cat stole an entire fried chicken drumette from my meal and dragged it off and ate the whole thing. I initially thought the chicken place ripped me off and was pissed, but I noticed new greasy marks on the floor heading under the bed where that bastard was already gnawing on the cartilage, and I thought, well fuck I'd probably do that too, so I started looking into it.

>> No.18857872

As a kid I watched my first cat finish off a small bird under a bush. She looked at me like she was teaching me. The sound was impressive -> *squeak, crack and a short sound of air flushing out*

>> No.18857879

>Indoor cats
That's cruel

>> No.18857881

That's makes no sense

>> No.18857882


>> No.18857884
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Nastassja is Cat People and good at it, it's a good movie if you haven't seen it.

>> No.18857893

Music by David Bowie

>> No.18857908
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Fucking cats, kill them with fire before its too late

>> No.18857982


>> No.18857985

2 3dgy 4 me

>> No.18858051
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>> No.18858060


>> No.18858077

that looks comfy and highly efficient

>> No.18859263

>That's cruel
how? having outdoor cats that kill birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles is cruel
cats aren't wild animals, they are domesticated and an invasive species

>> No.18859289

>cats aren't wild animals
Arguable. They're are, at best, semi-domesticated.

>> No.18859301
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just give 'em a tin a deenz. eat a tin yourself while at it. happy for everyone

>> No.18859303

>having outdoor cats that kill birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles is
pretty cool, they eat the wild rabbits that eat my vegetables and sometimes I toss one on the grill and we eat together and take a nap right after. Have you ever taken a nap on a full stomach with a purring cat on your lap?

>> No.18859341

Look up the raw food diet and switch your cat to that

>> No.18859703

My cat eats everything and he drinks coffee too. I don't give him coffee on purpose but he'll jump up onto any table and drink black coffee directly from a mug or carafe. There's no stopping him from doing it. I mean I don't try too hard to stop him, since he likes it so much I figure it if he gets sick it's kinda his problem. But so far he's never gotten sick or anything so it's apparently fine.

>> No.18859826

People in poor countries feed their cats chicken too. Dry kibble is literally the cat equivalent of goyslop that's only fed in highly propagandized and lazy nation's such as USA. Or did you think cats didn't exist before 30 years ago when they invented Cat Product?

>> No.18859833

they have neotenous behaviors, which are a hallmark of domestication

>> No.18859847

My cat enjoys bread, dragonfruit and cauliflower leaves, he's a little fucking weirdo. Can't put a cauliflower on the counter without shutting him in another room first or he's all over it

>> No.18859862

Dogs do, more or less.

>> No.18860090

as well as the ones that have nonwild coat patterns and colors. another sign of domestication