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18830361 No.18830361 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18830377

I have acid reflex. I didn't before. So what the hell, what to eat to cure this./

>> No.18830380

eat healthier

More veggies, less greasy hot food, avoid spicy stuff, less alcohol, more water

>> No.18830391

To add to this: some fasting is good. Eat more acidic things like vinegar and lemon. Avoid big meals. And in case you smoke, try to stop or smoke less.

>> No.18830390

Avoid things that are sticky like apple juice, orange juice, maple syrup, cu

>> No.18830401

It's amazing what stopping smoking, then stopping drinking did for my acid reflux. It basically never happens to me anymore even if I eat a lot of tomato sauce or spicy food.

>> No.18830404

Can we just do the other things you mentioned but keep smoking? Because I was planning on smoking more this year.

>> No.18830405

I drink wine, I love spicy food, I dont eat much grease, I dont eat much veggies but I do, and I love wter but I dont ever meet my daily water needs.

>> No.18830409

acidic things? to cure acid reflex? what is this? really?

>> No.18830412

spicy food doesn't cause reflux it just makes the stomach acid burn your throat more since it has capsaicin in it. if the spicy food causes you reflux it's because the spicy food was also fatty and acidic.

>> No.18830413

Damn bro I smoke weed every day (hur hur) and I drink wine too, like a lot since I started cuz i used to never drink wine but I like it way more than the other options

>> No.18830417

Is there a too far gone point? how long would it take to cure you think???

>> No.18830418

Uhh thanks

>> No.18830422

Yes, but obviously if you're having acute bad acid reflux it probably will make it worse. It's not an instant remedy, more like the lemon juice helps fix your digestion. Plenty of stuff on google if you want to dig into it.

>> No.18830424 [DELETED] 


Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed into in a cup of warm water first thing in the morning. Doesn't taste or smell great, but if you can get it down, it did help me some.

As far as what to eat; trying drinking more water throughout the day. Avoid having caffiene or chocolate multiple times a day. Try alkali foods like green beans every meal.

Drinking hot water with lemon wedge squeezed and mixed into it every night before I'm done eating helped me too. I know the lemon is acidic but somehow it worked for me; I think it helps flush your gut or something.

Wait at least 2 hours after eating before lying flat.

If you're having pain at night, try propping yourself up and sleeping. Pepcid and tylenol can help manage that pain but really shouldn't be a treatment to use regularly. Neither should PPI's unless you really need them, because they can form a dependency.

Certain medications including OTC ones like minoxidil can relax the pyloric sphincter and thus cause release of excess stomach acid.

>> No.18830429

Uhh you are welcome?

>> No.18830432

Mmmmm that sounds nice water with lemon wedge hheh

>> No.18830441


Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed into in a cup of warm water first thing in the morning. Doesn't taste or smell great, but if you can get it down, it did help me some.

As far as what to eat; trying drinking more water throughout the day. Avoid having caffeine, chocolate, or artificial sweeteners like aspartame multiple times a day. Try alkali foods like green beans every meal.

Drinking hot water with lemon wedge squeezed and mixed into it every night after I'm done eating for the day helped me too. I know the lemon is acidic but somehow it worked for me; I think it helps flush your gut or something.

Wait at least 2 hours after eating before lying flat.

If you're having pain at night, try propping yourself up and sleeping. Pepcid and tylenol can help manage that pain but really shouldn't be a treatment to use regularly. Neither should PPI's unless you really need them, because they can form a dependency.

Certain medications including OTC ones like minoxidil can relax the pyloric sphincter and thus cause release of excess stomach acid.

>> No.18830443

I had it pretty bad once and I would get a thing of plain greek yogurt and add a bunch of grated ginger and however much sweetener you feel like. Also avoided acidity and spicy foods for a couple weeks and took anti acids. Went away and hasn't come back since.

>> No.18830445

Can you eat spicy food without getting acid reflex tho? I remember those times good times.

>> No.18830472

Gummy bears

>> No.18830566

Avoid extended sitting or laying down directly after eating.
Try not to eat anything for 4 hours prior to sleeping but if you do take a pepsid-ac and you'll be fine.

>> No.18830617
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Depends on why you actually have "acid reflux" or GERD.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all the people coming out of the woodwork with "wheat gluten" intolerances, or "milk casein" intolerances thought they simply had simply had acid reflux too.

Turns out there is a minor auto immune disorder that was only discovered in like 2010.
It makes your throat BURN just like you have acid reflux, but in reality its your throat having a minor allergic reaction attacking itself.

If you take pepto bismol or you take TUMS and the acid reflux doesnt go away, there is a good chance you have it.

Its extremely prevalent, and its just randomly showing up in people in their late 20s early 30s.
Turns out they think Triclosan long term exposure in toothpaste and soaps at a young age is one of the major causes. Turns out they pumped it into everything like 25 years ago and only just stopped recently.

Apparently its always been around and people just have said "Oh its just GERD" so it went under the radar for so long.

Go to your doctor and ask to get a blood titer test for allergens and see what they say.

>> No.18830631

Two large big mac meals followed by a Tums.
Acid reflux begone.

>> No.18830665

Literally all the advice on here isn’t going to do shit except for the people telling you to stop smoking….and drinking too.

Here’s the cure:
>Step 1: 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed into a large glass of warm water

>Step 2: Go for a 15-30 minute speed walk, although if you’re fit enough to make it a run instead then that’ll work MUCH better (and I don’t know the science behind this one but it does work.)

>> No.18830832

just get your doctor to prescribe you omeprazole or pantoprazole and you'll never have acid reflux again

>> No.18830840

lose weight
eat smaller portions
limit acidic
don't eat within 2 hours of bed

>> No.18830841
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Wow kind of shocked this is the first thread I see. I just did this.
>eat banana
>ginger and lemongrass tea, only ingredients in it
>oatmeal cooked with water, no salt. Only brown sugar added
Hope this brings down my reflux. I woke up this morning with a burned throat so I'll know if it heals by tonight.

>> No.18830854

Fuck no pills make it worse
>yeah man just live off these pills and if you dont take them you are fucked
instead of just fixing it naturally. good one dude yeah i know old people live off those pills and you know what they say?

"oh i cant eat without those pills" its fucking bullshit fuck you for suggesting getting pills to fix it

>> No.18830877

Just eat a fucking banana

>> No.18830878

it doesn't do anything if you stop your reflux will just return to normal.refliz is caused by your shitty eating habits and your genetics. the only one you can change is eating habits. alternatively you can take acid reducers.

>> No.18830900

Pills make it worse. Do not do this.

>> No.18830908

Yes. I don't know what initiated it but after it was gone I eased my way back into spicy foods and have been fine since. One of my old room mates had it worse than me and she never can though.

>> No.18830917

Dang whats the last spicy thing u ate?, sucks for your roomate i bet she still eats spicy food tho

>> No.18830923

I had a mole last night that was moderately spicy. Last super spicy thing I had was some curry, enough to give me the head rush.

>> No.18830948

fuck off retard

>> No.18831032

Ur the retard if u take pills that makes it worse

>> No.18831102

Eosinophilic esophagitis.

The cause is reaction to wheat and sugar. The symptoms listed on places like Mayo clinic make this sound like something you can just "get" that popped into existence in the 90s for unknown reasons. You're correct to link the self-diagnosed gluten intolerance to this disorder. Unfortunately, simply cutting wheat from the diet doesn't fix it for most people if they also drink alcohol and eat a lot of sugar. The body is doing everything in its power to reject what we are eating because it's complete trash.
The publicly available line about a "genetic component" to eosinophilic esophagitis because "it tends to run in families" is nonsense and unscientific gibberish. Families are structured according to their economic class in this era, not just birth lineage. In reality, those who work the hardest and longest for wages have the problem the greatest. It's less common to see this in rich people. Despite being a class based disease (like many diseases), there are a few steps some people can take, which involves the reduction in the following consumption:
• Breads/wheat + noodles
• Sugar, including table sugar not just HFCS, not including artificial sweeteners
• Alcohol. It's processed in the body very similarly to the above.
• Fruit, it doesn't matter where the sugar comes from. It's still causing reaction before steps are taken
• Potatoes to a lesser degree
• Corn
This is a necessary component since at the end of the day this is autoimmune. There's no getting around that, at least at first.
After a couple of months, your relationship to food has changed and so your body follows. This is why those who have been on a Ketogenic diet have been uplifted out of this miserable disorder—their relationship to food changed away from what the food monopolies have made the norm. It's not because of ketosis itself for this disorder.
Also add the following to speed up the process:
• Fiber (celery, etc)
• Fats (butter, lard, etc)

>> No.18831125

Once healthy, a slow re-introduction of a couple of these foods in low quantities/frequencies is fine. If you get disphagia/burning again, cut again and start over. It means the old relationship is back and the body has fallen into reaction. This is a socially caused disorder after all, not one made from individual choice. So you should expect to roll back down that hill a little. But if you do, you'll have a better understanding of how to change the relationship and for how long. If you're desperate, you could jump right into low carb or keto like some people have done, but that's not possible for everyone. Hope this helps someone.

>> No.18831131

Not eat like a fat fuck thats what

>> No.18831188

I cut out soda and most carbonated drinks (Still drink beer but even that got cut down), regular yogurt is your friend. The cultures or whatever does wonders for your gut in the long run.

>> No.18831213

>feel bloated with mild heartburn
>drink coffee with lemon
>then drink some water some time afterwards
>its gone
Am I overcoming by making my stomach more acidic or something?

>> No.18831220

I tried the regular non fat plain greek yogurt for a while. I am not a picky eater at all but it is incredibly gross to eat everything morning. I have put blueberries, banana, and honey in there and it is difficult to eat *every* morning. Do you have any recommendations as for what else you might put in there to make it more tolerable?

>> No.18831422

Lemon can have an alkalizing effect. And the caffeine pushed crap through your digestive system which reduced the acid in your stomach. Everyone is different though and these can be heartburn triggers for others.

>> No.18831592

>non fat
Pick at most 2

>> No.18831619

Keto cured my acid reflux. I used to have it super bad too.

>> No.18831624

lower your stomach's pH level

>> No.18831629

When I was diagnosed with EOE, I was told nothing about sugar or alcohol
I still drink alcohol and soda like a fish, and my elimination diet worked great to find what my problem foods were.

Milk Casein and Wheat, sugar is not a trigger in the least bit

This is why you should talk to a doctor.
Also I will have you know im upper middle class, and my uncle I dont know that was well diagnosed independently of me. He's a Ritzy Seattle programmer

>> No.18831645

go see a doctor

>> No.18831661

Cut out any and all fried food, caffeine, alcohol, spicy food for awhile. Make your diet bland as all shit. I've had multiple pretty bad flare-ups and that has helped it.

>> No.18831664

either non fat or regular. Greek yogurt doesn't do the job

>> No.18831671

what I did to cure my ibs and shitty stomach
>cut down alcohol drastically
>cut down sneed oils, idk if sneed oils are the cause but if you cut sneed oils you cut 90% of processed food so it immediately helps

and voila, I'm good for the last 11 months

>> No.18831774
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>be me
>choke on my homemade chicken sandwich
>puke it up
>diaphragm is now irritated so I can't swallow anything
>this lasts over a day
>make appointment with the local gastro doctor
>reduced to vomiting up drool every few minutes
>do this the whole car ride over there
>I make everyone uncomfortable by vomiting in the restroom loud enough for the waiting room to hear it
>out of dehydrated desperation I force a small sip of water down
>suddenly feel instantly better
>take more and more swigs from the water fountain
>by the time doctor sees me I can finish a full cup
I don't know if it was GERD or whatever I choked on causing a stoppage of saliva but this was the most uncomfortable I've ever felt and I've had a strained perineum before for over a year.

>> No.18831851
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I cut down on booze to like 1-2 times a week to cure it, and not drinking in consecutive days. Never have it now.

>> No.18832609

Bi-carb soda (or baking soda) is good at neutralizing acids.

I drink a teaspoon mixed with some warm water if I'm experiencing acid reflux.

Caution: Bi-carb soda can have laxative effects so don't ingest too much at one time if you don't intend to give yourself diarrhea

>> No.18832615

Baking soda (or bi-carb soda) works.

I use this method occasionally.

>> No.18832617

When I hear people cutting down on booze I just don’t know how you do it. Are you replacing it with another drug ?

>> No.18832622

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, can help neutralize stomach acid and alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. The recommended dosage is 1/2 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons in a glass of water, taken after meals or when acid reflux symptoms occur. However, it's important to note that baking soda is high in sodium, so it should be used with caution and only under the guidance of a healthcare provider, especially if you have high blood pressure or other conditions that affect your sodium levels. Additionally, it is not recommended to use it for an extended period of time. If you have frequent acid reflux or heartburn, please see your doctor.

>> No.18832632
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>> No.18832711

Started walking. I pace around my little house reading books/watching vids on a tablet for like 5-6 hours a day.

>> No.18832743

Spicy food does not cause acid reflux. Acidic food does not either. But if your stomach refluxes, back up into your esophagus, the presence of this stuff is going to make the burn worse. Part of the effect but not the cause.

Stomach acid is used to break down carbs. (Similarly, bile is used for fat.) The more carbs (sugars, starches) you eat, the more stomach acid production.

If you eat lots of carbs and sleep shortly after, and are prone to laying level or with your head lower than your body, even a hair, you're going to get reflux. Simple gravity. Being overweight adds to the effect although I don't know why.

I used to live on pasta and this crap started happening to me, 2011-12. I cut out all the carbs and it went away. Hasn't been a problem since.

>> No.18832772
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I had it real bad in high school and got diagnosed with elevated h pylorai bacteria. took antibiotics and watched what i ate and whatnot. still had acid reflux from age 16-28 and always chewed Gaviscon tablets to relieve it. finally reduced it 95% for 5 years by watching the amount of dough I eat: pizza, bagels, pasta, biscuits. also chill on the tomato sauces so once again no pizza, spagheet, marinara, etc. drink kefir for good bacteria. I can't eat yogurt because it gives me acid reflux too. I still drink coffee

>> No.18832812

Probably just do an elimination diet

>> No.18832824
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same anon here and i can confirm that I think this worked. ate nothing but 2 bananas, oatmeal + sugar, and drinking ginger + lemongrass tea and my reflux has subsided instead flaring up into a full sore throat. Now I need to sleep with 2 pillows (head elevated) and i can report if this worked tomorrow morning if my throat fully heals during the night.

>> No.18832872

Very interesting, I will look into this further. Thanks for posting

>> No.18832881

Listen here, I am the only guy you should listen to in this thread. Why? Because I've had acid reflux since I was 16 and I'm 30 now. It comes and goes for me still, but here are some major factors:
1) Smoking cigarettes. If you smoke cigarettes, you're gonna have acid reflux no matter what you do with the other tips here.
2) Eating too close to sleep time. Try and finish your last bite at least 2.5 hours before you sleep.
3) Soda/coffee/beer. IDK what it is, but these three cause me insane amounts of acid reflux. Avoid/reduce your consumption of these.
4) Overeating. You can continue to eat the same amount of food per day, but just split it into more meals.
5) Fibre. This one helped me the most. Eating lots of leafy greens and veggies really helped me have less acid reflux.

>> No.18832892


>> No.18833106

acid reflux medicine is fine but you should only take in 2 week spurts, once or twice a year

>> No.18833132

Chewing gum solved the problem for me.

>> No.18833816

Cook your own food. Make sure it's non-processed foods.

>> No.18833829

My acid reflux was more of a symptom of a sedentary lifestyle than diet. Alleviating it didn't even take very much activity at all, and no dietary changes

>> No.18834495
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Woke up in the morning and my throat is still a little scratchy, but I didn't have a sore throat flare up like what usually happens if I don't adjust my diet. Drinking more lemongrass/ginger tea this morning and it's soothing.

>> No.18835347

When you discontinue a proton pump inhibitor such as omeprazole, there will follow a period of gastric acid hypersecretion during which the reflux will be worse than ever. This can be ameliorated by tapering the dose slowly over a period of several weeks.

>> No.18835519

top of my stomach will physically spasm some days. Usually if I lay down after eating

>> No.18835726

Same here, it's like night and day. Alcohol when going out but no weed or nic since 2021