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18825577 No.18825577 [Reply] [Original]

>no alcoholic containment thread
bakers slackin

what are you drinking, anon?
picrel is High West American Prairie Single Barrel that i forgot i had until i reorganized the liquor cabinet. it's pretty good, not sure i'd buy it again though. it benefits a lot from a single ice cube

>> No.18825801
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Just picked up picrel today. While I drink tons of whisky I’m always going to be an Armagnac-first person. Probably going to open it in a few months as next on my list I have a 2002 Chateau de Laubade and my current open bottle which should be done in a week or two is a 1982 Delord. Been drinking Armagnac for 20 years and I still maintain it’s the most underrated spirit. As for whisky my current trio of open bottles is a Glen Grant 18, Glenfiddich 15 VAT 03, and Speyburn 18. I typically limit myself to three open bottles of whisky and one open bottle of Armagnac at once. Haven’t quite figured out what I want to open for my next whisky trio though. I’m definitely opening my Laphroaig 10 Sherry next, but for my other two bottles I’m not so sure. I’m quite tempted to go against my senses and buy a fucking Glenfiddich 21 despite its often-poor reviews. It’s definitely a controversial bottle, but I do like a spark of drama in my life so I may just buy it to see what’s what. Thoughts?

>> No.18825960
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For me, it's Talisker 10

>> No.18826859

hey, trio-anon! i remember you from last thread. I had a glass of Gelnfiddich 21 when it was half-off at a local bar, its not worth it. i couldnt tell much of a difference between it and the 15 tbph.
talisker storm is going to be my next scotch purchase, i think.

>> No.18826885

For me, it's ardbeg 10 or laphroaig quarter cask, and my go-to non-smoky whisky is the classic laddie

>> No.18826957

how do you compare Delord amongst the others in general? I've got a Delord 1990 30 year old on hold. bout $120 USD after tax and my only other Armagnac is Chateau de Tariquet 15.

I here older Armagnac gets good rancio notes like cheese and mushroom. Is that true? Do you find they are slow to open up like old whisky?

>> No.18826964
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>under $40 for a handle
nothing comes close for the price

>> No.18826978
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love me J&B. thats my go to if im gonna have more than a glass or two

>> No.18827079

Armagnac is just cheap Cognac. And proper Cognac has a Fine Champagne label (which has nothing to do with the bubbly wine of the Champagne region).

There's a reason why Armagnac is an underrated spirit. It's because it's poor quality.

>> No.18827697

I know enough about the difference between the two to know that's bullshit.

>> No.18827757

>abluh bluh magic Champagne region dirt makes shit liquor good
Come to my house, I will force-feed you Hennessy until you die of alcohol poisoning

>> No.18827890
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picked up a bottle of pic related- as i've been wanting to get into honeyed whiskys and it was the cheapest brand I trust

anyone tried it? i'm holding off till after dinner to taste it. anyone have any recommendations for honey whiskey?

>> No.18828692

I need to know what a big glass barrel is called. Some italian cunt at work said anything aged in wood barrels leave the taste of wood and he reckons getting the purer taste of alcohol has to be done in glass.
I'm just after sanitation when it comes to aging shit. What is the glass barrel called?
I literally can't find it anywhere on google any other search engine.

>> No.18828814

demijohn. once a spirit has been aged to its peak in oak it can be transferred into glass for resting if they so decide to want to keep that vintage. it can also be considered a secondary aging as it is said to add and or change certain properties of spirits.

>> No.18829025
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Based cibi enjoyers

The 1981 (30yo) Delord I had was great. I don't know about rancio though. I think a lot of it depends on the barrels, not just extreme aging.

>The name Champagne on a Cognac bottle refers to its origin, namely the growth area the grapes were grown in. There are six growth areas–or “terroirs”–in total, and the two that are considered to produce the finest eau-de-vie are named Grande Champagne and Petite Champagne. These two premium terroirs have soil that compares to the soil of the Champagne region in Northern France. Hence the shared name.

>A Cognac is called a “Fine Champagne Cognac” when it contains a blend of eaux-de-vie from both Grande Champagne and Petite Champagne. At least 50% of the blend have to be from the Grande Champagne. When the word Champagne is used on a Cognac, it will either be preceded by the word, Grande, Petite, or Fine. This simply denotes the terroir in which the grapes were grown.

>> No.18829041
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ive tried wild turkey american honey and the honey jack daniels, theyre both way too sweet for me. american honey made for decent shots with friends. american honey is definitely superior to jack, though.
;et us now how it tastes, fren
meme glass chads rise up, reposting this from last week

>> No.18829121

Heyyy! Thanks for the heads-up on the 21. Yeah I’ve heard loads of people say it’s not far off from the 15, but I’ve also heard people say it ages well once the bottle has been opened and also after being poured. So just kinda curious there, as I thought that this might appeal to me since I’m a slow drinker (I usually spend the first 15-30 minutes sniffing, kek). I also heard that the 21 43.2% is a lot better than the 40%, and I might be able to acquire one.
I’m very happy with my Delord! You get a lot for your money, that’s for sure. It’s sweeter than what I’m typically used to, but it’s very fragrant and clinical. I wouldn’t say I’ve noticed any cheese or mushroom, but I’ll take note of that and see what I can spot when I have my next glass later on. With my example there’s a lot of green grape skin going on though. And I definitely wouldn’t call it slow to open up, I can pretty much drink it immediately after pouring my glass but I like to take my time as the nose really is something. I typically buy Armagnac that’s been bottled about 30 years after the date it has been distilled (kinda my sweet spot, though I do have both younger and older), and I also only buy single vintage (i.e. bottles with the year stamped on them instead of the age of the product). My current Delord is 39 years however (distilled 1982, bottled 2021) and I’d happily buy it again. The only thing that annoys me about Delord is the wax they use to seal the cap is a LOT harder than literally any other Armagnac I’ve ever had to open, that said it’s a small price to pay for what’s a very affordable product in my opinion, especially given the age.

>> No.18829142

Kek just because Armagnac isn’t to your liking doesn’t make it poor quality. I’ve had my fair share of Cognac over the years and I always go back to Armagnac. It’s simply a much more diverse (due to its wider grape variety) and dynamic spirit while simultaneously being extremely smooth. I like to say that Armagnac is kinda between Cognac and Whisky. Just because it’s distilled once doesn’t make it cheap; that’s a feature by design. This kind of open generalisation though shows that you’re full of shit; there’s a LOT more shit-tier mass-marketed Cognac in wasteful and fancy bottles compared to Armagnac; that doesn’t make all Cognac shit though, but I’ve definitely had a lot more Cognac which absolutely wasn’t worth the money simply because the money clearly went into the bottle, packaging, and marketing. But hey if that’s what you’re then who am I to judge.

>> No.18829472

so what's the method for cutting the wax without damaging the cork? hot butter knife or box cutter? is real cork or synthetic/agglomerated?

also how do you feel about the abv? I'm guessing the % would be lower by the time it's that age to begin with so its probably not diluted very much. I just dont want to be disappointed if it feels weak or neutered.

>> No.18829530

Cibi chads rule!

>> No.18829539
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had some hennesy on halloween

>> No.18829635
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I typically use a chefs knife; I score a line where I need the cap to separate from the bottle by gently running the blade around the circumference where the bottom of the bottle cap meets the glass, then I use the back of the knife to crack the wax. Don’t worry about damaging the cork, the cork itself is attached to a plastic cap and there’s no need to remove the wax from the cap. See picrel, that’s my 1982 Delord. I’m pretty OCD so I gun for a clean cut as pictured since I like my bottles looking nice. This takes experience though. The first time you do it you’re gonna be messy, so do it on a big empty table or kitchen top where you’ve got plenty of space so you can subsequently wipe all the chipped pieces of wax off with ease. Enjoy!

>> No.18829670

Oh and re: the ABV, it’s honestly fine. Most Armagnac is ABV’d @ 40% (you can get higher), and I’ve had some pretty solid whisky at 40% even though I generally lean a wee bit higher for my favourites. I just had my Delord with my partner and we both agree no cheese or mushroom in the nose, palate and finish, lol. Looking at my tasting notes though, this is what I wrote: nose: extremely grape-y, like sniffing a well packed bouquet of fruits and berries packed in a basket held together by UHU glue; palate: sweet, minty and clinical, hard to pinpoint individual flavours, there’s something synthetic about the flavour but in a way I very much enjoy, it just tastes super clean; finish: the synthetic part really comes out here, plasticky but damn it’s addictive (bits of the UHU glue nose come out here on your taste buds, and just like UHU glue, it’s god damn addictive). This definitely won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but god damn am I always in a heightened state of zen whenever I take my shot from this bottle.

>> No.18829703

I've heard that older Delord bottles will peak within 3 months to a year of air before you should consider gassing them or decanting into smaller bottles.

I had a feeling about the wax. It's kinda odd they dont have even a faint bit of twine wrapped around the seem and sealed under the wax to make quick work of opening it, but I guess that would hamper the fung shui.

thanks for the replys. I've been debating whether or not to put it off until my birthday and just buy more scotch now, but I feel I've hit a wall with whisky for about a year now. FOMO fucks my budget bigly and now taters are starting to migrate into brandy so I figure I have to get in while theres still room to explore.

>> No.18829731

lol yeah. Laubade does that, there’s a cloth string a few mm wide under the wax which you can just pull to get the fucker off. The problem with Delord isn’t the lack of string though, it’s that the wax is like fucking porcelain i.e. really hard. My older bottles of Laubade had no string but even despite that the wax was super easy to peel off. I typically don’t ever leave a bottle open for more than three months so I don’t have an issue with ageing becoming a problem. I typically drink one shot a day with my significant other (we do have one or two breaks a week though), sometimes we share one shot, sometimes we have a shot each; so with my rule of four open bottles at once that pretty much guarantees each bottle will finished within three months. I devised this rule mostly because for whisky it can be very unpredictable how well a bottle ages, and in my experience it’s not uncommon for shit to go downhill fast once the bottle is about 50% empty with all that air mucking about inside. Funnily enough I find Armagnac holds much better than whisky; I once had a bottle open for over a year and I still thoroughly enjoyed it. But like my current Glenfiddich 15 VAT 03 that’s open, I can tell I’m enjoying it a wee bit less now that the bottle is down to its remainder 35%. Still solid, but not quite as phenomenal as when the cap first came off.

>> No.18829829

If Armagnac is so good I'd like to try some. Any good recommendations under £50

>> No.18829831
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Also I'm quite enjoying this I got for £36

>> No.18829835
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Be honest, your $30++ Whisky tastes just like Johny Walker Red Label.

>> No.18830052
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Johnnie Walker seriously is horrible. I tried the different ones over christmas and they were fowl

Currently on this stuff, its really nice.

>> No.18830064

I've tried whisky on the 30-50€ mark, and the only difference between those and a red label was that you could swallow it as it was water, the rest offered no benefit whatsoever

>> No.18830140

id say the seagrams honey seagrams is actually pretty good after having a nip of it. it's got a really sweet but not too sweet floral, almost fruity flavor, very smooth- a little too syrupy for my tastes, usually but today it's hitting nice. very warm but not a stingy bite, nice and mellow. not too syrupy, but could stand an ice cube

tasting notes- in order of strongest to most subtle
corn, honey, floral, clover, orange peel, cinnamon, anise, clove

it'd be great for desserty cocktails or as dessert straight. 7.7/10.

I'll be having a chilled

>> No.18830388
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you mean this one?

>> No.18830822
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>a little too syrupy for my tastes
i wish i knew of a honeyed whiskey that isnt syrupy to recommend for you.
im glad you liked it though

>> No.18831078

Wild Turkey American Honey tastes like yellow fruit loops. I would say just go with low proof wheated bourbons or straight wheat whiskey if you want sweet.

I've have the majority of my collection open for over a year and the only ones that seem to have gone downhill are the ones that arent peated or have low proof.

it's not common but I feel the first pour of most of them was the best it ever tasted, and 40 or so bottles in it all starts to taste too similar compared to when I started and everything tasted new and unique.

they are in a cabinet in my basement so they get no light or airflow for the most part. only negative I can see is the basement is 90% humidity all year round, but the temperature is never below 55°F and never above 70°F.

sounds like it would benefit from being paired with a cigar

>> No.18831129

yeah. cheap as shit if you want scotch

>> No.18831404
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Right now I have some of this from Christmas.

I've always liked it

>> No.18831623

can't go wrong, all other whisky is a meme

>> No.18831681

i tried this for the first time a while back after seeing it posted here fairly often. i dont get it. its like getting dickslapped with a cucumber, and i was completely unprepared for that. only ever had the one glass, and will probably never have it again

>> No.18831955

I'm contemplating quitting drinking beer because the bubbles hurt my tummy. What's the Budweiser of whiskey?

>> No.18831963

Knob Creek. Cheap and eh, but drinkable.

>> No.18831972

Whiskey is good but I've been on a big Gin kick lately

>> No.18831982

The Bud of whiskey? Jack Daniel's. There are better affordable whiskeys though, look at Old Forester or Famous Grouse.

>knob creek is eh
Look at Mr. Big Bucks over here.

>> No.18831986
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/fa/ggot here, do you have a whiskey infographic similar to what we have in fragrance general for example?

>> No.18831990

I had some Wonderbird the other day, it was interesting, no sure if I like it yet. What have you tried so far?

>> No.18831997

80 proof bourbon

>> No.18832046

Yes this helps. I'm looking for something that comes in a giant bottle for cheap but isn't crap. These are my options

>> No.18832079

Very Old Barton or Evan Williams for bourbon
Old Gran Dad or Wild Turkey/Russell's Reserve for Rye(high rye bourbon)
Bushmills or Tullamore Dew for Irish
Red Label or Cutty Sark for Scotch

>> No.18832137

Should I grab the white label bottled in bond Evan Williams too?

>> No.18832183

it's only a couple dollars difference from the black label so why not

>> No.18832186
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>tfw grew to enjoy peated scotch
>become a poor bitch
>anything peated is $40+

>> No.18832460
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>Rustic wet dark European oak with hints of vanilla, caramel and tobacco
>Nuanced fromage cheese and marmalade with hints of articulate long lasting dried fruits
how the fuck are people getting all these tastes and flavors and aromas from liquor? the only thing that i can taste is ethanol and burning.

>> No.18832552

its an acquired taste. the burning eventually goes away and the ethanol wont be prevalent. you should try making some cocktails like Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour- itll dampen that burning fire taste a lot, while still letting you taste the spirit

>> No.18832564

it goes away in time, I used to love the burn and now I can't feel it much anymore but the taste is nice

>> No.18832569
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>> No.18832573
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shilling for Kilbrin. ~$20 per bottle and about as good as Jameson, though its still nowhere near something like Redbreast. solid 7/20

>> No.18832771

What's the best starter whiskey?

>> No.18832776

You sure you can taste? I have a terrible post nasal drip from allergies and have a hard time tasting anything if I don't overdose on cetirizine beforehand.

>> No.18832788

I'm likely to get shit for this but IMO you should start out with the garbage normie brands. Jack, jim, johnny, jameson. Apparently they all start with J for some reason. None of these are especially good and they're all overpriced for what they are but they serve as a functional baseline in their category and you won't come off autistic when you tell somebody you've had Aberlour A'bunadh and Glenmorangie 14 but never had jack daniels.

>> No.18832805

>Jack, jim, johnny, jameson
which one of these is the easiest?

>> No.18832819

My personal opinion, Jameson > JD > JW > JB

>> No.18832840

honestly there's nothing wrong with that list. the first whiskey i bought was wild turkey 101, and i liked it more than knob at the time for some reason. starting with cheaper stuff is a good idea, dont wanna be stuck with an $80 bottle of scotch that you cant taste anyway

i agree with the other anon on Jameson being the easiest. i would also say to not bother with Johnnie Walker (if its the red label). its pretty fucking bad. wild turkey > jim beam, but if youre interested in bourbon, Bulleit and Makers Mark arent bad places to start either

>> No.18832864

These are good recs and it's true that JW red is garbage but it's not as bad as jim beam. IDK what a good beginner tier, non-autistic, cheap scotch would be to suggest in its place. Unfortunately I feel like you mostly get what you pay for in that category.

Wild turkey 101 was my first whiskey too, in memoriam of some guy from my high school who died and it was his favorite, so that's an interesting coincidence.

>> No.18832866

>Classic Laddie
Would you recommend it over Bunnahabhain 12? I may pick one up.

>> No.18832885

I only ever make my own anymore.

BUCKET == 18.9 Litres

17 Litres Final

3.8KG Sugar
1 Can Tomate Paste 151ml
.64 tsp Citric Acid 3.2g
4.5 TBSP 48g Yeast
.11 tsp Epsom Salt

make 2 of those, it's 3.5 handles of vodka.

>> No.18832931

I don't like your bucket. MY BUCKET is...
>whatever open bottles of liquor you have

>> No.18832999

>a good beginner tier, non-autistic, cheap scotch would be
i really like J&B, but ive met a few people who tell me that horse piss is better. Dewar's white label isnt the worst ive ever had, but i dont really care for it. best option for starting out might be to get the 300ml bottle of something like glenlivet 12
raising my glass to "some guy in high school". rest in piece

>> No.18833006

We pay $65 a handle in Canada. I can make nearly 4 handles for 10 bucks. It's worth it if you learn how to distill booze.

>> No.18833008

What an actual hell hole.

>> No.18833017

This infographic sucks because Lagavulin 16 is way better than Ardberg 10.

>> No.18833018
File: 169 KB, 1124x1406, 324565466_623114402952125_8451745154948403551_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished a bottle of this stuff. I guess they're the ghost brand that makes whiskey for Costco and Trader Joes?

It was pretty decent. Big caramel and oak notes.

>> No.18833022

They fuck us here in Ontario. Regardless, I make my own and buy my weed from BC. This summer I'm going to grow the living shit out of my 5 allowed weed plants. They'll be monsters with all the sun I get.

>> No.18833071

>Oud craze
Wasn't that a Doctor Who episode arc?

>> No.18833085

Yeah, Costco has a 19 year and some other older Alexander Murray bottlings, they're pretty tasty

>> No.18833092

this just dropped at my total wine but I've been waiting for the Battlehill Bunnahabhain. I wonder if they would sample this Alex. Murray Benriach for me on my next visit.

>> No.18833237

fuck and no

>> No.18833545
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Which is worse, and why?

>> No.18833687

>what are you drinking
homemade cider, a lot of it

>> No.18833729

Kek. In my shithole (Singapore) alcohol is taxed at a fixed value per litre or alcohol, not percentage. The sheer irony is that this basically means our alcohol tax is a poor people’s tax more than anything because for cheaper shit you pay a higher percentage in tax (since the product is cheaper but the tax is fixed): thus the more expensive your liquor the more meaningless the tax becomes (you pay the same $ per litre regardless of whether you’re buying a 20$ piss wine or a 1000$ or fuck it 10000$ bottle of scotch). Beer is thus pretty damn costly here (we’re one of the most expensive countries to buy beer in), but once you go into the 3-figure range like I dunno a Dewar’s 32, it’s often cheaper here than in Europe.

>> No.18834545

Does anyone think Jack is better than Maker's?

>> No.18834601

I had 4 roses last night and I found it pretty good. Goes down easy and lots of flavor notes. I imagine the single barrel is even better but these prices are killing me

>> No.18834831
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hell yeah, borther!

Not whisky but have you tried Barenjager liqueur? I had it years ago and I recall it tasting legitimately like honey, versus say honey jack which just tastes like sweet bullshit.

I don't remember for sure but judging by the picture I took a paring knife and just carefully cut straight through. I do remember it being a pain in the ass, worse than Knob Creek wax.
As far as ABV, while I think higher is pretty much always better, the Delord was still very very good at 40%. I didn't feel it was lacking. Thankfully brandies and tequilas stand up better to diluting down to 80 proof compared to whiskies.

>> No.18834841

Meant to reply to this post.
Haven't even started drinking yet...

>> No.18835060

Is the autistic anon who just started getting into classic cocktail mixing here? The "which cocktail would you get from this terrible NY bar" thread he was in got deleted, would like to continue hearing about his research

>> No.18835073

>Bunnahabhain 12
Never tried it. I gave up "exploring"

>> No.18835101

something about scotch and only scotch makes my tummy upset. I don't think it's the peat either, I have the same reaction to heavily peated vs. light peat

>> No.18835180

makers, i never liked the wheated taste. its objectively higher quality whiskey, but i would rather sip jack neat than makers neat. especially for the price.
single barrel jack was also really good, as was makers 46. but between the two basic bottles, i think im going with jack
kinda, yeah
ive known people who have this issue too. sounds like a skill issue, anon

>> No.18835291

how the hell am i supposed to read this

>> No.18835304
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Any midwest anons had it? How is it?

>> No.18835478
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oh no

>> No.18835487

what are you taking pics with?

>> No.18835657

Sony a6000 with an old manual focus Canon lens. But just about anything will do when you have a tripod.

>> No.18835722

I'm left wondering why almost every Irish is at 80 proof or only modestly higher.

>> No.18835968
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good daily go to driver desu

>> No.18836473


>> No.18836722

I've got an 18yr Talisker for $165
Is it a grab?

>> No.18836757

Green Shpot is lovely. IMO it's better than the more expensive Yellow and Red Spots. When they released Blue Spot a lot of people I knew were super excited but it just tastes like a really shitty Scotch Whiskey.

>> No.18836769

I think the regressive nature of the tax is entirely intentional. Lee Kuan Yew was incredibly based and understood the poor needed more restrictions than the rich.

>> No.18836776

Xello, I got my fiancee pregnant. I also only drink light beers now.

>> No.18837196
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all I have is this old android haha

>> No.18837200

considering Diageo raised the price on that specific bottle like 2.5x that price this time last year, yeah.

>> No.18837251

Is blantons good?

>> No.18837277

yeah but you can do better for the price, its John Wick and the bottle shape + reddit being reddit that made it overhyped. Look for something like Russels Reserve single barrel or really any other single barrel bourbon

>> No.18837511
File: 79 KB, 361x1024, George-Remus-Mission-Select-Single-Barrel-114.2-Proof-Cask-Strength-Bourbon-750ml_600x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up for $40. Store select cask strength single barrel. Never had the regular, but this is good. Starts out sweet with baking spice and dark chocolate and then morphs into a deep rye and oak flavor. Very easy drinker for its proof. I'll probably be buying this for a while. Good bang for buck and others haven't seem to caught onto it yet.

>> No.18837536

How does it compare to other cheap scotch blends? Dewar's white label is gross to me

>> No.18837540

you can find it for like $8-$10 a glass at some bars around where i live, and its fine at that price point. its not worth going around huning for it and then getting raped on the price of the bottle
it tastes more peated, i guess? closer to johnnie walker black than dewars. it doesnt have that icky sweetness to it that dewars has

>> No.18837742
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>> No.18837860

one of the main components in J&B is Dailuaine and it's very noticeable.

it's not even as peated as most Ardmore but it's really grassy in a extremely dry hay kind of way, but it also has a light citronella and custard thing to make it less awkward and more pleasant.

I have a pure ex bourbon hogshead Dailuaine 11yr from Signatory and it's been open 8 months or so and it's still not convincing me it's not better accompanied with other malts like in Compass Box's Oak Cross.

if it doesnt change its tune in the near future its getting blended with some Glenallachie 15, cask strength Kilkerran and some White Horse(to add volume as I have 1.5 liters to spare).

>> No.18837867

Kinda got into alcohols recently but I only tried sweeter variants of umeshu so far. Any other sweet drinks for beginners?

>> No.18837870

port wine, also madeira wine if they have it its my favorite fortified wine. Try woodford double oaked or old forester 100 if you want a sweet bourbon.

>> No.18837908
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>grassy in a extremely dry hay kind of way, but it also has a light citronella and custard thing
i have no idea what these flavors are or what these words mean. all i know is, im drinking J&B right now and its good. cheers
jinro plum soju is a go-to for me

>> No.18838619

Barenjager was originally made for bear hunters as a scent lure for bears.

That's incredibly based

>> No.18838996
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>finally tried it
>it's great
Holy fuck I kneel bros, for $17 it's a steal

>> No.18839029

They're both excellent. Jack Daniels tastes like paint thinner but I acquired a taste for it and I love it more than anything and I've tried hundreds of whiskeys easily. Maker's Mark is my family's favored distillery but with them I prefer to get the 46 or other releases but with Jack Daniels the old no. 7 is the GOAT. It's the only bottle that I never have on hand because when I get it I immediately drink it

>> No.18839119

>menthol, aniseed
sounds gross desu

>> No.18839142

anyone know of a decent Florida-native whiskey? just moved down here and want to try out some more local stuff
Tampa area, ideally

>> No.18839144

17? I can get that shit for 9 where I live

>> No.18839157

I can probably get it for cheaper but I don't see it around too often

>> No.18839160

I've made some good cold brew coffee, and I wanted to have it with some jameson, but then I realized that I'm retarded and I'm out of jameson...

And I don't want to drink any of my expensive whisky with cold brew. Besides, jameson sweetnes just fits it just right. And I already drank beer so I can't drive to get some jameson. Fuck my life.

>> No.18839272

drink a glass of juice and do some activity until sweat and you'll be fine.

>> No.18840581


>> No.18840629

i want to try it, but utah being utah means cheap strong liquor is a no-no. I am having a manhattan made with some old grandad bonded i found on a trip to wyoming though

>> No.18840709

wsg plz help, my experience with whiskey is rather limited. my first born is being born in 3 months and I want to buy a special bottle to celebrate with people. Not a fan of rye, bourbon is ok, scotch seems kind of meh, but I really like Redbreast 12. I'm not sure what to get, and am looking around the $350 or so price range.

My experience has been limited to:

- Whistle Pig Piggyback rye
- Bulleit, Knob Creek 9yr, Four Roses single batch select bourbon
- Old Pulteney 12yr, Johnny Walker black/gold/18 year/blue, Dewars double double 21 yr, Aberfeldy 12/16/21 year scotch
- Redbreast 12 year Irish whiskey
- Crown royal Canadian whiskey

I've had some ideas which i'm guessing would turn out to be disappointing, by getting a bottle of single grain or blended scotch that is older than me (IBWC 50 year blended, IBWC Invergordon 43 year single grain, Impex Collection 40 year blended).

Right now i'm guessing probably my best bet would be Redbreast 21, but I was wondering what you guys would recommend for me. I'm in the US if that matters. Given my taste, what would you recommend?

>> No.18841012

My mom bought me some alcohol infusion bottles for christmas and I thought it was three 750ml bottles, but they were only like half that so now I have an entire handle and a half of white rum I don't know what to do with. What do I do with it?

>> No.18841514

add cold brew coffee to have homemade Kahlua and then make white/black russians

>> No.18841544

are you planning on buying it to drink now or to save for their 18/21 birthday/wedding?

>> No.18841550

your opinion sucks because you're gay
laga 16 has gotten unrecognizably bad over the past 20 years

>> No.18841554

everyone shits on MGP but everything they make is very good

>> No.18841562
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if you already know that you like Redbreast, id say get one of their nicer bottles. ive only had their 12 and the 12 cask strength, so i cant really give any specific advice, but it sounds like youd enjoy a nice Irish more than anything. theres nothing wrong with redbreast
>getting a bottle of single grain or blended scotch that is older than (You)
if youre not a big fan of scotch, this sounds like a bad idea desu
congratulations on the baby, anon!

>> No.18841991

Where'd you put it between Ardbeg 10 and Laphroaig 10? Looking for a good first Islay and those two are sold out here.

>> No.18842164

Kilchoman Machir Bay, Port Askaig, Port Charlotte, Scarabus, Islay Gold, Smokehead. these are all very straightforward Islay single malts and everything except Kilchoman is produced by Caol Ila.

as for ranking it's like a hybrid of Highland peat level but not heathered, but briney and peppery like Old Pultney. not on par with stuff from the shores of Kildalton. if you're just getting into Islay dont forego Laphroaig Select or Ardbeg An Oa or Lagavulin 8.

>> No.18842629
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>everyone shills buffalo trace
>literally impossible to find with 50 miles where I live
What's so special about this shit that I see soyboys taking days off from work to sit outside liquor stores to buy a single bottle?

>> No.18842641


It's good but I prefer wild turkey 101 if I'm honest

>> No.18842786


>> No.18842872
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Bought this on a whim, on the sweeter side of scotch but very nice

>> No.18842874

enjoy your oban

>> No.18842977

its like Weller- theres really nothing special about it, but its an allocated bottle. which just means that the supply is artificially reduced. its not any better than High West, Bulleit, or even Four Roses

>> No.18843148

That's kinda what I assumed. I've tried the old fashioned mix with it and it was fine but nothing great, and I love old fashioneds. I'd rather just keep Woodford as my go to bottle than try and find this despite all the hype.

>> No.18843181

local ABC sells out of Ardbeg 10 constantly now, my hidden gem has been discovered :/

>> No.18843195

past week I've been on a Mijenta blanco tequila binge with sprite zero.

>> No.18843536

what does whiskey taste like? does it have any malt flavor similar to beer or is it all distilled away

>> No.18843550

im currently enjoying a glass of pappy van winkle mixed with shasta cola

>> No.18843576
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rookie mistake. people scream from the rooftops that its "gud cuz smoove" but if you've had even only a handful of other distillery's then you know that isnt the case.

much prefer 4 Rose's desu. if you want nice BT for sipping then get a bottle of pic related.

if high abv is off putting then consider Bushmills 21 or Midelton Very Rare. if not and can have a bottled shipped to you look at Cadenhead's for as old an Irish as you can afford.

Personally I'd split it up and get 2 or 3 bottles instead of one you might not like. for $350 you could get Bushmills 16, Redbreast 15 and Tyrconnell 16 Olorosso and Moscatel finish and still have some change left for cigars.

Something from all 3 of the major Irish distilleries(Redbreast is from Midelton and Tyrconnell is from Cooley).

>> No.18843684

jack without question, I know some people like it but it just tastes like shit to me. in fact I was put off whiskey for years because I'd only ever had jack the few times I'd tried it. ironically enough trying maker's was what made me rethink my writing off of whiskey

>> No.18843746

I started working for an ABC recently. It's artificially limited and honestly not worth the hype. I hate the one where I work though, because there's a lot of "good old boy" shit going on with the bourbons. The cases of allocated stuff all sit in the managers' offices, and they just call their friends when it shows up. They will put the eagle rare, buffalo trace, and blantons out, but anything above that doesn't reach the public here.

>> No.18843866

it's wheated so it has almost no spice, and BT rickhouses are heated year-round so they extract way more oaky flavors

for me, BT stuff tastes way too medicinal cherry, but for 20 bucks it's a respectable bourbon

>> No.18843888

I just hope they don't do this for shit that's actually good and worth the price like wild turkey

>> No.18843892

BT is not wheated. Their mashbill is low rye. The wheated ones are in the Weller/Pappy line.

>> No.18843934

Makers. Jack doesn't pretend like its anything more than a low er mid shelf whiskey unlike Makers.

>> No.18843937

jack is putrid

>> No.18844020

Nah, the wild turkeys I know of are all staples for the shelves. The old fitzgeralds, the wellers, the staggs, the makers 2022, the pappy; they're all going to friends of management.

>> No.18844115

Finish them open bottles boys,
your liquor is gonna taste like ass once the bottle gets low enough and you're not drinking it
Found out the hard way.

>> No.18844443

I have about 6 bottles I will kill in next month or 2, but they've been open for years and still taste fine.

>> No.18844510

My booze cupboard is up to about 30-40 opened bottles of various things. I'm not getting through all of that for a couple of years.

>> No.18844565

looks like a sematary post

>> No.18844720

just make sure the bottle doesn't get too low unless you plan on finishing it within a few months

>> No.18844795

Jim and Jameson for sure. The latter if you hate corn I guess.

>> No.18844935

I think it depends on the spirit too. I have a bottle of knob creek cask strength rye that's at about 50% and been open for about a year and a half. It still tastes amazing. It's also 127 proof, so maybe that helps. I've read that smoky whisky tends to degrade faster.

>> No.18845098

Anyone here collect whiskey?

>> No.18845118
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Decent budget whiskey. I'm not experienced, but it has vanilla and other flavors and nothing painful or gross at the end.

>> No.18845176

Just go buy some whiskey anon. Goodness

>> No.18845185

>malt flavor
Well yes if you're drinking scotch, which is generally malted barley
Rye whiskey is spicy, can be a bit minty
Go to a bar and try 80 proof stuff like Jameson, Jim beam, and glenfiddich

>> No.18845471

well I hunt for rare stuff but eventually I will open it. Sitting on a shelf to flip it, nah not yet.

>> No.18845483

Makes sense because it's the alcohol that in theory makes you sick and cost society money, not the expensive taste. Not that I'm a defender of high alc taxes but I see no rhyme or reason why expensive whiskey should have higher tax than cheap. An expensive drink destroys your body at the exact same rate as a cheap one.

>> No.18846032

im gonna be buying it up every chance i get moving forward. im upset at myself for not trying it sooner
woodford is good, but i stick to rye whenever i make an old fashioned. either bulleit or high west double rye
thanks for the rec, fren
>much prefer 4 Rose's desu
the cheap one is usually somewhere in my liquor cabinet. i dont have any right now because EW white label was on sale for $16

>> No.18846143

Laphroaig 10 or Ardbeg 10? Same price

>> No.18846146

>made by the sea
what does this do

>> No.18846154

It's partly a lie. It may be distilled """by the sea""", but the barrels it matures in are shipped off to the mainland in a warehouse, as there's no space at the distillery. To answer your question: nothing

>> No.18846167

It does wonders for the whisky's chi

>> No.18846168

My day is ruined

>> No.18846202

Perhaps someone at the distillery looked out a window and saw a seagull and smiled to himself. You can taste that sort of positivity in the final product.

>> No.18846214

I want to taste negativity, I want one Made In Dingy Basement

>> No.18846275

under $60 I'd say Ardbeg as the stats are better, but I'd say I prefer Laphroaig in terms of flavor despite being lower proof, colored, etc.

>> No.18846850

What's the appeal of whiskies that aren't either Scotch or bourbon? Every Irish, Canadian etc. whisky I've tried was straight-up vomitous.

>> No.18846956

Whats your go to affordable whiskey for old fashioneds? Looking for something that doesn't go ultra sweet, so I think I want to try rye. Thinking of getting old forrester or rittenhouse next

>> No.18847044

really one dimensional. just smoke and not much else but if you just want scotch then it works
it's fine to sip but I like having it to cut the sweetness of vodka

>> No.18847055

found this out the hard way with some woodford
I loved it so I kept a little for when I wanted a good drink only to have it taste like shit

>> No.18847088

Ardbeg for me. Laphroaig is even peatier, like drinking a campfire
rye and irish are pretty comfy. i like irish for something light tasting and easy to drink
bulleit rye, High West Double Rye

>> No.18847584

I don't enjoy smoking bandaids, but Laphroaig 10 cask strength is the only bottle I've ever bought that was worth the $70 price tag.

>> No.18847654

Why is it when you drink alcohol you crave food?

>> No.18847668

I've tried a few peats from the isle but Laphroaig 10 tastes disgusting. Tried 2 bottles and I had to force myself to drink it. Love or hate bottle for sure.

Local scotch head told me if you love Ardbeg you will hate Laph and vice versa.

>> No.18848159
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for me it's Canadian Club

>> No.18848172

I like when scotch has that oceanside/sea taste

>> No.18848396

why do people drink at bars alone when they can buy a cheap handle/decent bottle for the price of 2-3 drinks (i.e. less of an inch of a glass) of whiskey?

>> No.18848804

paddy's is another super cheap option that is still pretty good

>> No.18848809

picked up a Filibuster single barrel. It says 115pr but I think it is MUACHA lower maybe 85ish pr.

>> No.18849430

anybody in the US use The Whisky World?

>> No.18849460

How do you all like MGP bourbon?
Been finding that I like the flavor profile quite a bit
Remus Repeal is amazing, and I got a $35 Stellum pick thats pretty nice

>> No.18849632
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I'm shitfaced, haven't been able to afford good scotch in ages. Thank you Tennessee. Very cool.

>> No.18850049

i dont actually hate laphroaig, been a year or so since ive had it though. unironically middle of the road from what i remember, wouldnt buy to see for sure though.
i saw that when i picked up that bottle of kilbrin, decided to play it safe though. gonna get it next time though, thank you!
absolutely haram, get out

>> No.18851735

no u, also bump. I miss scotch.

>> No.18851785
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Is nikka whiskey any good?

>> No.18852160
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baka gaijin senpai

>> No.18852188

Hibiki used to be really good, but the price practically doubled over the few years and is almost impossible to find now.

>> No.18852204

I've got white rum, hot chocolate, and cocoa bitters. How much of each should I mix together?

>> No.18852441
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The triple cask I would easily buy a case of it. The single barrel for $45 is very crushable. Downside is its a new distillery so its young whiskey.

>> No.18852455

Our local ABC has it and a few other ones and they are covered in dust.

>> No.18852459

Monkey shoulder is good, wish there was a premium version that was better

>> No.18852908

really wish vodka was less sweet

>> No.18853244

Had a handle of this last week for the first time. Good stuff and for 17 bucks it's the most decent bottom shelf liquor I can find. Evan Williams is better but 11 dollars more after tax. Maybe the canadians aren't so bad.

>> No.18853280

drunchies are a crime

>> No.18853350

Sippin some Peerless Rye right now. Not bad, scored below MSRP at Sam's Club. Smells heavy maple syrup

>> No.18853369
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Okay bros, total newfag to whisky on any sort of serious level.

I like to drink Jack Daniels neat. Where do I go from here?

>> No.18853390

Move to Wild Turkey 101 / higher proof bottom shelfs
Then hit
>Old Forester 1920
>Rare Breed (same mash bill as WT101, better barrels)
>Baker's 7year Single Barrel
>Heaven Hill 7year Bottled in Bond
When you're ready for it
>Elijah Craig Barrel Proof

>> No.18853534
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>> No.18853562

not necessarily better barrels. the selling point of Rare Breed is higher proof and some teaspoons older stock(as old as 12 years) where as the 101 is just 6-8 years old and proofed down to 101(its theorized that WT doesnt distill above 70% ABC, so potentially less water added than others)

>> No.18853571

fucking auto correct is being a nigger today

>> No.18853586

Thanks for correcting, I jumbled it in my own head when I typed it. For what it's worth, 12 years is the golden spot for WT (that distillers reserve japan export is ridiculous)

>> No.18853603
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Faggot, thst's not whisky and you're dispelled

>> No.18853808
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killing the handle of J&B tonight, my weekend starts tomorrow. looking forward to it. might go onnnahike
these>>18853390 arent bad suggestions, that anon missed High West bourbon, which is criminally underrated.
everything he suggested is bourbon, whereas you like jack which is a sour mash tennessee whiskey. im not too familiar with sour mash, but the jack daniels single barrel (kind of expensive) is really good. ive only heard good things about Gentleman Jack as well.

>> No.18853815

hibiki is what suntory toki ought to be
the fact that it's 80-90 dollars now is a total fucking farce

>> No.18854079
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you are the new Taco Bell Anon, Anon.

also Jack is just bourbon that's maple charcoal filtered and sour mash is basically reusing part of the previous distillation in a new batch. Gentleman Jack just goes through the Lincoln County process a second time.

>> No.18854195
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>> No.18854297

Convenient you post this anon. What’s the take on Bowmore? Been thinking about picking up the 18 as I can get it for a good price. How does it compare with the other offerings from Islay?

>> No.18854303

Nta but from what I've heard, it's overpriced.

If you want more moderately peated Islay, the suggestions are Bunnahabhain or Port Charlotte.

>> No.18854339

Gotcha! Price isn’t too big of an issue but I hate wasting time on shite that’s crap. That said Bunnahabhain looks interesting and reviews are quite consistently good so gonna start in this direction. Their 12 looks solid and will probably start with that even though I generally lean towards older stuff. I’m that clown with three Speyside’s open right now and while I’m having a blast with them I’m missing my fucking Islay (I do have a Laphroaig 10 Sherry Oak that’s next in line though). Also my Speyburn 18 isn’t ageing well; bottle is down to its remaining 1/3 and its balance is completely fucked now despite only being opened Dec 24. Retarded. It’s become too rich and rough on the tongue and even the nose is too piercingly sharp with alcohol. My Glen Grant 18 is still stellar and I’m definitely stocking up on this shit. I have no fucking idea what Glen Grant does with their shit though because despite being “only” 43% ABV it makes me feel tipsy a lot faster than any other >50% Cask Strength whisky. What a ride it is though; it’s super dynamic, lots of flavours going on throughout the length of the experience, super floral with hints of grapes and Pfeffer-Nüsse. Extremely pleased. And it’s aging brilliantly.

>> No.18854366

I so fucking wish I had bought a box of Yamazaki 18 back when they were $70~ per bottle when I worked at Bevmo.

>> No.18854400

I like it, but im partial as I went to the distillery some years ago!.
Similar ones Id say Bruichladdich or Ardbeg

>> No.18854406

Yamasaki has gone the way of MacAllan. Overpriced. Decent, but totally not worth it. Luckily there’s still many solid distilleries whom haven’t had their prices fucked by chinks buying their shit as “an investment.” Fuckwits.

>> No.18854781

>Price isn’t too big of an issue but I hate wasting time on shite that’s crap.
I wouldn't necessarily say that it's crap, just that it's probably overpriced.

>Their 12 looks solid and will probably start with that even though I generally lean towards older stuff.
Just be aware that it's far more lightly peated than Bowmore.

>> No.18854792

Have you seen the prices of the Port Ellen stuff, Id love to try some but holy shit

>> No.18854840

>you are the new Taco Bell Anon, Anon.
dont say that! miss that guy like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.18855040

It’s Burns’ night, are you having haggis with your whisky.

>> No.18855141
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no haggis round here unfortunately

>> No.18855672

Since High West was bought out and jacking the prices, I've lost the appeal for it. Their Bourye and Rendezvous is quite tasty tho .

>> No.18855718
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Why is this so good? Am I a pleb for liking Captain Morgan? It tastes like pure spice and vanilla. Can anyone rec something like this?

>> No.18856294

I ended up getting bulleit rye and so far the honeymoon phase is good, I really like it

>> No.18856579

Drinking a laphroaig wishing it was ardbeg

>> No.18856715

I know that feel...

Mijenta blanco tnite. waiting on reviews from 3 coworkers where I gave them samples of Filibuster single cask today. One said it tastes like Old Grandad 114.

>> No.18856797

>lists the $70 bottles
i usually stick to their $30-$40 bottles, which i think are still good for the price. ive only had bourye once- it was the last drink in the bottle at the bar, the bartender let me keep it.
i just killed that bottle of single barrel American Prairie, it was great, but im not gonna buy it again.
based! glad you like it, fren

>> No.18857621

Thoughts on aberlour? The store has 12 and 16. Either i get one of those or talisker 10.

>> No.18857629
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cinnamon cachaça

sugar cane distilled

sweet with a kick