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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18825497 No.18825497 [Reply] [Original]

>a guy I like is coming over
>no idea what to cook
How does seared salmon over mashed potatoes with green beens sound? Or is it too much over the top?

>> No.18825500 [DELETED] 

kill yourself, homosexual.

>> No.18825502
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>> No.18825504

You're a man, aren't you?

>> No.18825505

Cook your own jizzum.

>> No.18825506

sounds good. don't overthink it and have a good time.

>> No.18825507

Lol, who even says jizzum anymore haha.

>> No.18825522

kick his ass if he thinks anything is too much

>> No.18825524

Really? I don't want to come off as too obsessed or anything like that. I want show him that I can cook though.

>> No.18825540 [DELETED] 
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Very predictable replies.

>> No.18825542
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and you expected anything less?

>> No.18825545 [DELETED] 
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Menhera tranny, go rope

>> No.18825546 [DELETED] 

Parsleyd and saged

>> No.18825547
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Here's some advice from Paul Bocuse to you.

>> No.18825548

you should ditch him and cook for me op

>> No.18825550

rose maryied and thyemd

>> No.18825553 [DELETED] 

That's not even menhera

>> No.18825564

Putting together a homemade meal instead of getting takeout is enough to show you can cook. When serving guests it's better to make something you're comfortable with rather than experimenting, because it's ultimately about the guest's experience and not your ability to cook. Just serve something you'd enjoy that's presentable, like salmon and potatoes, and bring up that you like to cook in conversation.

>> No.18825565 [DELETED] 

Most if not all anime posters are now just trannies, even if weaboos used to be a part of it.

>> No.18825568 [DELETED] 
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who would have guessed....

>> No.18825570 [DELETED] 
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Having trannies on your mind 24/7 while browsing anime website isn't healthy, Anon.

>> No.18825573

Sounds good, although for me personally I’d prefer roasted potatoes over mashed with salmon.

>> No.18825576

Any guy who doesn't like salmon is worthless anyway.

>> No.18825578 [DELETED] 

Anime is more mainstream than comic books. What you're saying is something like "every person who eats avacados are gay"

>> No.18825579

My girl used to make this and it was disgusting, because she didn't know what she was doing. Lumpy cold mash, salmon dripping in grease, undercooked beans. Fart-a-thon!

The move is to just ask him what he wants then order it. And pay yourself. He will respect you and jump you.

>> No.18825580 [DELETED] 

NTA but youre completely right
now imagine living life in current age without trannies being fucking everywhere.
you fucking cant because its a cancer that infects everything. fucking hell even destiny 2 got sucked into that shit.

>> No.18825583 [DELETED] 

But that's true.

>> No.18825587

Sounds good but >>18825579 does have a point. If you're going to cook something, make sure it's something you're not going to fuck up.

>> No.18825595 [DELETED] 

How hard it is to just mentally filter them? Should be easy to do assuming you have at least 2 brain cells to rub together

>> No.18825600 [DELETED] 
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>assuming you have at least 2 brain cells to rub together
dont try and act smart, you know trannies are a fucking plague everywhere. its not suprising that people associate anime with trannies

>> No.18825603 [DELETED] 

>trannies are a fucking plague everywhere
>0.6% of the US population
I can see why you thought I was acting smart. Big fish small pond, huh?

>> No.18825606 [DELETED] 

its a fucking phrase you retard
>start throwing statistics
yeha i dont think i need to spend any time explaining to you how fucking retarded you are

>> No.18825613 [DELETED] 

Sure it is, buddy. Don't let the tranny get you on the way out.

>> No.18825616

You know the rules, if you put your sex forward and want help than you need to deliver the goods first. We aren't running a charity here.

>> No.18825622 [DELETED] 

That's a lot. I thought it's much lower.

>> No.18825629 [DELETED] 

Not when you put it into perspective. For example only 1.2% of the US population follows Buddhism. How often do you meet someone who's a Buddhist?

>> No.18825630
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>when you're a guy and your female date asks you over so she can cook
Not even picky why women why.

>> No.18825633

Abort. He's expecting sex before marriage. Abort immediately. Do not ever meet in a private place. He will rape you if you refuse and no jury will believe you did not consent. They think meeting in a home equates to consenting.

>> No.18825636

I'm sure she would love to be in an abusive lesbian relationship with you by all means tell her the meal she is preparing for another human being is unhealthy, meanwhile we don't even know if OP is a gay man

>> No.18825642

I really like cooking and I cook for myself a lot. I think I will be able to make it in a way that's presentable. Cooking is one of the few things I would say I'm good at.

Roasted potatoes don't really go well with green beans for me. If I had asparagus, yeah.

I didn't ask him over. He's coming over to pick up some stuff from work.

>> No.18825644 [DELETED] 

I just came super hard so I think you should kill yourself fag

>> No.18825651


>> No.18825678

Just make pasta

>> No.18825682

I thought that's what this thread was?

>> No.18825684

That's too casual.

>> No.18825695

Fish is a nice choice, no it's not over the top.

>> No.18827187

Fish is fucking awful.

>> No.18827199


>> No.18827211

Make roast beef sandwich.

Never mind. You already have one between your legs.

>> No.18827218

sounds decent if you pan fry the green beans, probably would not go with fish because it is easy to overcook when not paying attention when everything else you are thinking about is happening, so something slow cooked, would be what i would do, unless the reason you chose fish is the short cook time

>> No.18827605
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Plan was aborted. He didn't want to stay for dinner.

>> No.18827611

Idk make something tasty and easy like spaghetti with top quality sauce. Salmon is pretentious and you’re both gonna eat it and still be hungry

>> No.18827627

did you at least get some handholding? rooting for you OP

>> No.18827635

yeah the way you framed it originally it sounded like you were hosting him dinner. I could have told you he wouldn't bite, especially if you're making a three part meal. C'est la vie

>> No.18827639

Tell us how it went, anon!

>> No.18827640

fucking faggot should have just told him straight up you wanna fuck

>> No.18827645


>> No.18827649

Haha I Iove rejecting women.

>> No.18827654 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18827660

Why is /ck/ full of gay people?

>> No.18827666

>a forum full of young men who feel ostracised by the world come together to have fun and shit on eachother
gee anon did it ever occur that some men might be gay ?

>> No.18827676

He just picked up his stuff and left. Didn't even stay over for a drink.

>> No.18827678

bruh what did you say

>> No.18827679

Please just touch grass already

>> No.18827693

I asked him if he was going to stay over for dinner. He said no.

>> No.18827694

>Implying that by touching grass he’ll accept homosexuality

>> No.18827704

HA yeah he didnt want dinner mate
you know what he wanted, should have just asked if thats what he wanted

>> No.18827706

Did you try and make any small talk or? Did you tell him to come over some other time?

>> No.18827710

I was molested

>> No.18827729

>he knew even alcohol couldn't make OP fuckable

>> No.18827734

>be me
>talking to some chick online
>pretty cute ig, filters on every pic tho
>invites me over to dinner
>go over, waiting at the door
>she opens it
>instantly tell she’s a he, and not in the good way
>smile and ask where the shitter is
>go to bathroom to pull myself together before i turn this place into a murder suicide scene
>fish smell in the air, not sure whether it’s dinner or a dilated wound
>tell him something came up
>leave within 5 minutes of entering their house
Food for this feel?

>> No.18827740

i think mushrooms are good for making up fantasies in your head
have you tried psilocybin pizza?

>> No.18827745

Greasy diner burger and purchase of a 6-pack on the way home

>> No.18827753

sorry you had to run into a troon bro
they're menaces

>> No.18827761


>> No.18827772

But I work with him and don't want to make things awkward...

>Did you try and make any small talk or?
I tried to.
>Did you tell him to come over some other time?
No. He was in a hurry I guess.

Oh come on. I'm at least a 7 or a 6/10.

>> No.18827780

did he know why you invited him over, or did you jsut invite a work mate over because you fancie him because if he isnt gay you fucked up badly

>> No.18827806

I had some of his stuff from work. He came to pick it up.
>if he isnt gay you fucked up badly
Why would I want him to be gay?

>> No.18827818

If it was for work, maybe he was just really preoccupied with what it was for. At least you tried though! They'll be other opportunities for you to get closer with him, don't give up!

>> No.18827820

C'mon son

>> No.18827823

so you made this thread to say a guy came over to pick some stuff up and you randomly suggested if he wanted a meal with you?
are you stupid or what? and ofc youd want him to be gay otherwise why would he fuck you

>> No.18827832

Can you guys stop assuming I’m gay? I’m a biological woman.

>> No.18827840
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well you can pretend all you want but im not gonna give into your shitty ideologies

>> No.18827843

nice try but women aren't real

>> No.18827845
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>> No.18827846

Oh, you're a woman? Name every woman then.

>> No.18827847

hold the fucking phone, you invited a workfreind over of the opposite gender to pick some stuff up and then you bombarded him with "do you want to have a meal" and then go on to complain on 4chan
christ thats sad no wonder so many young men are gay these days. thats even more embarrassing and pathetic than a dude trying to bum his coworker

>> No.18827855

Cooking is for women and we are men partaking in a feminine hobby. Put two and two together pea brain.

>> No.18827856

well did he even come into your house?

>> No.18827859

Are you autistic? Of course he wouldn't want to stay for dinner everyone in this thread was assuming you had invited him over

>> No.18827870

its like an embarrassing story from a fucking spider man comic
its almost too cringey to actually believe

>> No.18827882
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>> No.18827950

And they say femcels aren't real kek.
Don't worry baby you're going to get a lot of hurtful comments on here but just know that I support you and your attempts to get some dick. Post face and we can tell you if you have a chance. But you'll probably have to least at least 50lbs.

>> No.18827971

Why would he say no, though? Wouldn't most people like it if someone else cooked something for them?

This is not me but yeah. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

>> No.18827977

because he came to get his shit not sit around with you having a fucking meal when he has something better to do
use your fucking brain youd have had a better chance if you dropped his pants at the door and started sucking

>> No.18827988

He has to have dinner at some point in his day. Doesn't make sense.

>> No.18827997

neither does you randomly throwing that idea at him when hes come to pick his shit up
you blew your chance you idiot. to him you are now just a weird person.

>> No.18828008

tfw no thirsty bitch trying to drug and entrap me to steal my essense

>> No.18828017

>He has to have dinner at some point in his day.
Yeah, and like most people doing a shitty job he probably saw this as a roadblock between him and those ideal dinner plans.

>> No.18828062

I was doing him a favor by picking his stuff up in the first place. I don't think he saw this encounter as a pain though.

>> No.18828102

I don't think he saw this as anything other than you doing a favor for him, and when you asked him if he wanted dinner he said no because he had shit to do and no interest in sticking around. Call in the favor and get some head at a later date, if you want his dick you gotta play the long con.

>> No.18828241

Only if they're a good cook. I've had to be polite and choke down some vile stuff too many times to count.

>> No.18828480

Well that sucks.
I think I'm a pretty good cook

>> No.18829065
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I thought it was already established that women lurked this board. Why are you niggers acting so surprised?

>> No.18829079

Incel moment

>> No.18829081

there are no women on the internet

>> No.18829091 [DELETED] 

If you are even really thinking about it you are probably overthinking it because if you cook at all you probably have a couple of dishes that are both low stress and high reward that you bust out for just these occasions

>> No.18829138

There are no tits in this thread, so why would anyone believe a woman was here?

>> No.18829156

do something comfy like spaghetti.

>> No.18829168

it must be tourism hours. Even on an anonymous board it's really obvious just from posting style that this board is majority lesbians.

>> No.18829169

I believe the word you meant to use was trannies. It would explain the absence of tits

>> No.18829172

EU hours are the worst on /ck/

>> No.18829184

Your obsession with trannies is unhealthy

>> No.18829195
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If you're an actual femanon and you're ranking yourself a 6, that's means you're at best a 3-4, likely a landwhale but with a cute face. What exactly of his did you steal/borrow in order to trick him into coming over to pick it up? and do you realize that cooking a meal for a coworker that's stopping by to pick up a DVD is really fucking insane?

>> No.18829205

Incel thinks the official real women forum is filled with women sending lewds to each other...have sex retard

>> No.18829216

4chan is not filled with women, as evidenced by this thread...

>> No.18829665

become an hero

>> No.18829871

I'm not fat. Does that mean I'm just cute? I keep reading that having self confidence adds to the overral attractiveness scale. That's why I didn't score myself low.

>> No.18830255

I was touched funny at age 6

>> No.18830303

You poor thing, you did your best. He was probably busy, that's all. Maybe ask if he would like to hang out sometime so he's ready and invite him to enjoy your cooking afterwards.

>> No.18830312

greetings from khazakstan

>> No.18830989
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That shit might apply to your mirror. In the real world it's quite the opposite. Most men like meek women. A confident woman is an arrogant, demanding one. But beyond that, what's the fucking context here? What did you trick him into coming over to pickup and why did you have to resort to tricking him? Clearly there was some kind of misleading that took place, otherwise even a total retard would pick up on the fact that you're after that dick. Only two possible reasons really: you're fucking ugly, or you're that God damn autistic that you couldn't drop a single hint and was lying through your teeth to him.

>> No.18830998

>seared salmon
Kys, if I was invited over ANYONES house and they opt to serve me shitty fucking fish it's over. I'd rather eat horse cum

>> No.18831011

holy autism thread

>> No.18831055

Go eat your "so called" fish then
(Goyslop cuck)

>> No.18831152
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Gays are the most powerful race.

>> No.18831199

Same strenght tier as flips

>> No.18831204
File: 51 KB, 416x540, 1674158487123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is just /v/eddit now.

>> No.18831208

Just post the titties already