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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18823438 No.18823438 [Reply] [Original]

Gas stoves.

>> No.18823442
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Not my problem

>> No.18823450

poisoning yourself to own the libs

>> No.18823460

>/ck/: a subsidiary of fox news's gaslighting and fear mongering division

>> No.18823462


>> No.18823467
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>> No.18823474
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t. "gas stoves will literally kill you"

>> No.18823498
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The more you shitpost about this issue the more likely it gains traction and they actually ban your stove. You want this issue to go back to being something nobody thinks about.
What's happening right now is you're blowing the issue up and people are thinking:
>Hey, now that you mention it, gas stoves probably are bad for us. Maybe we really should ban them. Electrics are good enough after all.

>> No.18823511

The sheer amount of fumes and bullshit that I’ve come to find out regularly entered the human system since the late 1700s seems huge, though the vast majority of those men lived full long lives.

I don’t give much of a fuck about politics I just don’t care about being afraid over inane bullshit anymore.

>> No.18823526

No, we're currently getting ready to lynch all trannycrats in order to protect our stoves.
Since you've already deteriorated this psyop to the point you're literally trying to blame Republicans for making it up, I think I will continue to do the exact opposite of what you want me to do.

>> No.18823550
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>I would rather commit terrorism than change my stove.
Note my lack of surprise.

>> No.18823554

Well it’s your fault for being pussies. Don’t want to get terrorized by terrorism? Just stop being afraid lmao.

>> No.18823556

>full long lives.
i see you've never interacted with a retired tradesman

>> No.18823559

If they won't leave our stoves alone, then peace was never an option.

>> No.18823561

If they’re retired that means they made it eyyy

>> No.18823563

I have one at my Ranch, but my house has an induction stove

>> No.18823566

with a hacking cough and double metal knees

>> No.18823589
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>> No.18823614

>giving your kids asthma to own the libs
>Hmmmm now that we have a gas line in the kitchen we might as well do the whole house...
I wonder how far you can take this shit? What can you get people to buy to "own the libs?"

>> No.18823618


He's saying the exact opposite you illiterate nigger.

>> No.18823641

Ledtists are retarded.
There's no "other side" here.

>> No.18823642 [DELETED] 

After they destroy the infrastructure, the official Safety Inspection Squads will help to normalize domestic fuel searches/confiscations for the far more important 2035/2050 legal deadlines. Perhaps your state will defy the feds a la 420 dudeweed, but start learning Spanish/Russian now just in case.

>> No.18823672

so is this what the left has resigned itself to?
just propose increasingly idiotic things, get correctly mocked for it, try to claim it was all a right wing conspiracy the whole time, get mocked even harder, and learn nothing?

>> No.18823686

who came up with the idea that thing subjectively/somewhat bad = BAN IT BAN IT BAN IT
so much for the land of the free..

>> No.18823693

>gas stoves suddenly are a problem according to us, we'll ban them
>no? maybe a compromise
>you can have the gas stove but we need to monitor your indoor emissions and eventually tax you for it or otherwise extract your shekels
Classic technique

>> No.18823701

Paranoid morons who think they can forcefully remove every bit of danger from life itself. And since it leads to more control the government is happy to try.

>> No.18823716

I'm doing the same things I've always done and would have always done, the difference is you now have a public outlet to voice your frustration about it

>> No.18823724
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>> No.18823732


>> No.18823763

1) nobody is getting poisoned by gas stoves.
2) the stove I choose to use in my kitchen is none of your business and none of the government's business

>> No.18823780


>so much for the land of the free

Regular reminder that the "Sons of Liberty" were all smugglers who were pissed off that King Georhe was LOWERING taxes on tea and sugar and other goods and so making their businesses obsolete.

>> No.18823792

>Hmmmm now that we have a gas line in the kitchen we might as well do the whole house.
I'm sure the person or bot making this argument is sincere in his opposition to my practices and beliefs and I should definitely treat him like my equal with respect and human rights

>> No.18823794

I hate leftists so much it's unreal

>> No.18823803

What really gets me is how quick they are to fall right in with the narrative. In the past week they've all become experts on natural gas, and it's always been known that gas stoves are bad for you.

>> No.18823814

Covid is over so they need to find more things to be neurotic about. Leftists are all spiritually grating old spinsters who cannot mind their own fucking business.

>> No.18823834

It’s incredible that every single one is an expert on natural gas, virology, and Eastern European history and conflict. I guess because they were told they were

>> No.18823850

Not much different than suddenly being an expert of vaccine research and immigration

>> No.18823939

The chinese linoleum kitchen floor is poisoning kids - poor kids. But gee I wonder why they don't care to draw attention to things like that and instead shit-stir with these maliciously stupid distractions.

>> No.18823954

Gas stoves being bad for you has been on my radar for years. It's just that nobody seemed to pay it any attention.

>> No.18823982

The only real problem I have with these is that when I'm done cooking, it's too much of a pain to put the leftover gas anywhere but down my kitchen sink. I know my landlord wouldn't like it, and I feel responsible for any excessive wear and tear it causes.

>> No.18823992

single mothers

>> No.18824191
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um.. did you know that you wouldn't have to own a stove if you just ate the bugs?

>> No.18824210

I'm convinced it's a climate change thing, trying to phase out dependence on gas in favour of electric that can be powered by renewable energy.
But why not just tell us that, instead of lying to us about it being poisonous, if there wasn't as much of a history of lying to achieve goals then we would be a tad more trusting

>> No.18824219
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>> No.18824249

coincidence innit?