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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18819332 No.18819332 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a big bag and then read up on how to prepare them
>soak overnight
>remove water, rinse, add new water
>check every bean for discoloration (implied it can kill you otherwise)
>boil for 4 HOURS!!!!!!
In other words, making a single meal with beans involves 30m+ of labor and $30 FUCKING DOLLARS in electricity costs

>just buy them in cans then :^)
Now you're paying almost as much and get blasted with high levels of sodium and god knows what else

only good for composting. Money down the drain. Fuck you for shilling beans. Meat still remains our only viable source of protein.

>> No.18819339

>This nigga eatin beans
They're supposed to be slow cooked with lots of bacon fat
Soul food of the gods

>> No.18819340

I buy frozen. Check&mate. Op btfo'd.

>> No.18819347

I cook beans and lentils a lot so this used to irritate me until I got a pressure cooker. Does the job in 30 mins or so depending on the bean type

>> No.18819349

Why is electricity so expensive for you?, that's what I pay in a while week with tv, computer and running constantly and cooking in an electric stove every day

>> No.18819354

And AC**

>> No.18819357

Where do you live that keeping one element on your stove on low for a few hours costs thirty dollars??? Also, why would you only cook a single can's worth of beans? Checking should take no time, I cook beans all the time and the odd off one is super noticeable. I mean, buy cans if you want but it's amazing you find them this hard.

>> No.18819360

>$30 FUCKING DOLLARS in electricity costs
damn man are you on a generator or what?

>> No.18819361

>boil for 4 HOURS!!!!!!
I accidentally simmered mine for two hours last week, they were practically mush. Try 90 minutes.

>> No.18819363

Socialism and ineptness. We produce far more oil and electricity than we need but the politicians sell it to poor countries for below market rate for le solidarity reasons, and then they sell it back to us and after all those steps and middle men we get insane taxes on top of it so we're paying multiples of what our neighbors pay.

>> No.18819365

Pressure cook. You don't need to soak or anything, although soaking will reduce the amount of burst beans.

>> No.18819367

why are you taking out your anger against marxism on the poor old fabaceae

>> No.18819385

OP, not sure why you ignore crock pots. The electricity is supposed to be similar to a light bulb.
I mean if you are only eating beans due to cost of a bag vs cost of a can, seems kind of a poor argument to not want them prepared in a way that doesn't blast off the coatings or doesn't reduce the fructans that causes uncomfortable gas and bloating in some people. Soaking and rinsing is a skippable step.

>I buy frozen. Check&mate. Op btfo'd.
I think they are superior to dried, yes.

>> No.18819402

To check which grains are bad, just see if any of them are floating while they soak. Discard those and you're good.
Also, the soaking is mostly to stop you from farting the whole day.
To actually make them taste good, stir fry some onion and/or garlic in your preferred fat, salt it and put the beans and cover with water. You can add a bay leaf if you have any.
As for the cooking time, just pressure cook them for 45 min and you're done.

>> No.18819405

Why do I get the feeling that buying a specialized kitchen appliance (pressure cooker) just for beans is like Tier 2 in scientology? There will just be another tier in this scam and infinite sunk cost fallacy. There is no Road to Freedom. It's a scam and beans can kill you I just read. Why would I want to spend 6x longer cooking to increase my risks of dying.

>> No.18819417

About 5% of the beans float in water. A LOT more are sort of half-floating.

I found 3 discolored beans.

You almost killed me with this bean shit.

>> No.18819422

It's time to organize against international big beaning

>> No.18819458

You can use it for more than just beans

>> No.18819460

Fuck you almost got beaned.

>> No.18819469

Spotted the norfag

>> No.18819486

>Why do I get the feeling that buying a specialized kitchen appliance (pressure cooker) just for beans is like Tier 2 in scientology?
They're not ideal, just fast. There is a risk that a single bean skin can clog the pressure valve and create an explosion.
I find a pressure cooker is best used for tougher cuts of stew meat. Worth owning for just that.

>> No.18819493

> risk that a single bean skin can clog the pressure valve and create an explosion.
So now we're up to half a dozen ways beans can kill you dead, even if you do the extensive safety protocols (which should suggest it's not food fit for humans).

So glad I caught this after only $10 invested.

>> No.18819498

What should I do with a bunch of dry soy beans? Will growing them and eating the plants also involve near death experiences?

>> No.18819507

>boil for 4 HOURS
Yeah no

>> No.18819521

Can we have a minute of silence for my safety? I almost got BEANED by big bean.

>> No.18819690
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>specialized kitchen appliance (pressure cooker) just for beans

>> No.18819693

pressure cooker

>> No.18819701

>not growing beans

>they easy as fuck to grow
>no added sodium
>no energy cost

Pleb-teir post...

>> No.18819733

I soak overnight and beans tend to cook in about 30-45 minutes

>> No.18819753
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This is 100% bait but the one I have came with lots of different accessories so I use it for other stuff like steaming dumplings and fish etc. Cheaper than an instant pot and won't become useless from faults like electronic appliances can

>> No.18819763

>check every bean for discoloration (implied it can kill you otherwise)
You check for rocks.
Take a handful of beans at a time and put them on a white plate and look for any rocks. do this until you sort all the beans.
>boil for 4 HOURS!!!!!!
Get a pressure cooker. I have a presto 01370
I soak them for 9 hours.
Once the PC reaches pressure, it only takes 2 MINUTES to cook them.

>> No.18819786

You seem mentally deficient.

>> No.18819788

they dont take 4 hours to cook if you soak them

>> No.18819812

Bruh what? Most beans i soaked overnight would be done in 30 to 45 mins tops. Yours might be old oe your temp is too low. Add a PINCH of soda if you need them mushy.

>> No.18820098

I only ever soak chickpeas and I've never cooked any sort of bean for anywhere near 4 hours, wtf.

>> No.18820212
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>> No.18820219

this desu, beans you grew yourself don't need soaking

>> No.18820291

Based BEAN farmers

>> No.18820344

>30m+ of labor
That's pretty normal for a meal if you don't microwave everything.
>single discolored bean will kill you
is hyperbole at best and retarded at worst. Congrats on falling for and propagating idiocy.

>> No.18820644

Pulses are easy as shit to grow. I tried borlotti beans two years ago and the yield was very mediocre (admittedly I used seeds bought in a store and grew them in a 1.5x0.5m planter. If you live in the northern hemisphere peas are even easier to grow, they're basically a weed. I planted the same container with a high yield, large sized non-GMO pea meant for the local climate and had enough for a couple months.

>> No.18820650

Next you have to buy a special bean toxicity filter for your pressure cooker otherwise it can poison you.

>> No.18820769

Don't care, still enjoying my burritos.

>> No.18820771

Just yeet them dry in a instapot for 30-40min.

>> No.18820806

Just get a cheap ass instapot you nigger. It does rice, beans, soups, meats, and other shit too. Even has an air fryer attachment now for fatass meals.

>> No.18820813

And we haven't even gotten to the gastrointestinal issues beans can cause if you don't degas your beans. You did degas your beans OP?

>> No.18820816

No. I will resist big bean.

>> No.18820822

Oh, just grow your own shit...
>requires land
>requires right climate
>spend $$$ to get soil
>spend $$$ to get fertilizers
>spend days fixing up garden to house that shit, plus money on hardware and tools for it
>oh fuck now you have to water that shit daily or more.
>water costs through the roof
>bugs eat your shit
>blight on your plants from nowhere

Yeah, if cooking your own shit was a mlm scam, gardening is tier 5 of that mlm scam where you are in too deep and have too much money sunk to get out.

>> No.18820827
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Beans, BEANS! The magical fruit, the more you eat the more you TOOT!

>> No.18820944

>if cooking your own shit was a mlm scam, gardening is tier 5 of that mlm scam where you are in too deep and have too much money sunk to get out.
Well put. Easy perennials that grow back year after year and you can harvest the greens at will is the only exception. Like Chives.

>> No.18821209

Funny I did the math you can cook 5 quarts of beens fore 8 dollars including the price of electricity 2 dollars fore 4 hours and still afford a pinch of salt and pepper I timed my labor 5 minet prep estamated cleaning time 5 minets 4.80 labor im thinking 5 meals 13 dollars 2.60 per meal you cant eat raw carrots fore under 2.60 cents a carrot meal would require 6.00 dollars fore 600 calories My conclusion is making beens is dirt cheap and I eat to many carrots.

>> No.18821322

Thank you for your service!

>> No.18821331

Your welcome.

>> No.18821367

>the bean scam
>not the bean scheme

>> No.18821489

You don't need to soak them at all. Boil for like 1-2 hours you'll be fine. Soaking means they won't split open when you boil it so if you need your beans to look perfect to eat them then soak it but also that's very lame

>> No.18821496

Beans are poisonous.

>> No.18821501
File: 55 KB, 416x416, ziyad-large-fava-beans-419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the infinitely superior fava


>> No.18821522

It's hard to find frozen beans. I got black eyed peas once frozen and they were def better than canned.

>> No.18821548

I soak overnight and cook for 1-2 hours
Also I have a pressure cooker and that would be done in 20 minutes or so

>> No.18822649

Boil for 5 minutes, replace water, heat it up until boiling then turn it off and let it soak in the hot water for 30 minutes, remove water, add to pressure cooker with enough water and seasonings, cook for 20 to 30 minutes depending on the type of bean

>> No.18824193

it depends on sea level. maybe the sea level near him was particularly high the day he was trying

>> No.18825073

I have a can of these in the cupboard, that exact brand and everything, but no idea what to make with them. Any suggestions?

>> No.18826388

You can quick soak beans on the stove it's not that hard. You boil them with the water then put the lid on and let them sit for like an hour. They are then the same as overnight soaked

>> No.18826512

>beans can kill you I just read
I doubt you are literate

>> No.18828121

>Pulses are easy as shit to grow.
Used to grow runner beans. They're very easy if you've got a frame for them to climb on (can be made out of garden sticks and string, nothing fancy). The only problem is they produce so many damn beans, and runner beans with every dinner for months gets real dull.

>> No.18828133

>buy canned beans
>put in strainer and rinse with water
no more sodium :)

>> No.18828139

>kill you otherwise
only if you ate a bunch of kidney beans not cooked, bean death is extremely rare though only a retard would succumb to it
>cook 4 hours
just wash them off, the amount of salt in them isn't even a lot, literal 3rd worlders can handle beans how come you can't

>> No.18828743

Pressure cooker

Easy answer

>> No.18828757

>clog the pressure valve