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File: 56 KB, 800x654, saladleuttice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18816923 No.18816923 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18816946

yeah salad is shit. I do like crunchy lettuce on a sandwich though.

>> No.18816948

too real

>> No.18816949

I enjoy them with wings

>> No.18816950

This is how people feel before they're 30. This ends quickly when your kidneys need moisture because you're a rampant functional drunk.

>> No.18816955

im not even 30 and thats the only reason i eat salads so i actually get some fucking green in me

>> No.18816967

A good salad is a thing of beauty. I grow greens in the spring and it makes amazing salads.

Tomato salad is also one of the greatest foods on earth. Homegrown toms of course.

>> No.18816980

Tomatoes and iceberg lettuce are your stealth foods as a boozer and of course.. nutrients.. -cough- Everything wet when you're an alcoholic. Or you'll end up on a transplant list lying about how you got there.

>> No.18816985
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Eat Romaine lettuce instead of iceberg lettuce. Romaine has actual nutrition in it.

>> No.18816994

True. I hate how restaurants force you to get a salad or soup with the meal and then put no effort into it. It almost always gets wasted.
Salads can actually be delicious with the bare minimum standard of fresh, quality ingredients.

>> No.18817004

Iceberg has plenty of nutrients; it just tastes like garbage

>> No.18817014

am i the only one that likes eating cabbage on its own? its the chips of nature

>> No.18817024
File: 210 KB, 656x469, lettuce (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to rephrase. Romaine lettuce has significantly more nutrients than iceberg lettuce.

>> No.18817032

>Salads can actually be delicious
They really can, I eat salad because I like it. With the right vegetables, dressing, and shredded chicken it can be a nice meal on its own.

>> No.18817042

we all have an obligation to eat healthy and treat our bodies well. making a salad is simply choosing to act in line with that obligation

cabbage is god-tier. i love to quarter and braise cabbage in cider, then serve it over polenta as a full meal

>> No.18817043

i dont eat green water if i want nutrients

>> No.18817049

Yeah thats true I drench mine in lime juice just to tolerate the vegetables.

>> No.18817053

>174% daily Vit A
This seems dangerous, I will stick with iceberg

>> No.18817055

>dressing, and shredded chicken
Doesn't count if you add those things anon.

>> No.18817059
File: 416 KB, 700x847, 1673735187360442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are just trolling, because no one is this stupid. Enjoy your (you).

>> No.18817061

made me reply

>> No.18817097

i enjoy salad, but i need to eat it with less dressing
really enjoy taking a massive bite and crunching through all the layers; crisp lettuce, tender spinach, and if its on sale i through in some butter lettuce too. but yeah, too much dressing which is my fault

>> No.18817307

Salad is one of those things I'll never understand, like meditation. A bowl of fucking grass? Uncooked even. What.

>> No.18817325

Bromaine or (iceBERG)


>> No.18817354


This is my biggest problem with salad.

There's millions of different ways to consume vegetables, cooked, uncooked, whatever. But when you pour a full litre of dressing into a bowl of raw veggies in order to make it palatable, why not just make another dish entirely from the very start? Make ratatouille, or pair in season tomatoes with cheese, or fucking anything that's not a dish the large majority of humans dislike and have to force themselves to eat

>> No.18817375

i'm a weirdo who uses very little dressing on salads. the trick is adding other sources of acid/liquid like apple/pear slices, lemon, or pickled red onions

>> No.18817408

Dressing balances and seasons the vegetables. A big bowl of salad for 4 people only needs at most half a cup of good dressing.

Here is my favorite recipe:
4tbs evoo
1tbs dijon mustard
1tbs of good white wine vinegar
.5-1 clove of minced garlic

Mix everything except oil. Slowly drizzle evoo into mix until emulsified. Add 2 tsp of water to thin.

Healthy, simple, light dressing that seasons everything and brightens up the greens while not over powering any of the other flavors.

>> No.18817412


>> No.18817424

I eat salad with raw vegetables. Lettuces, spinach, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, it's all good. I have a serious sweet tooth, I love cakes and chocolate but I like vegetables raw and I know it's important to eat them. To me there's no point to eat vegetables if you're going to drench them in crappy cheese or ranch

Sometimes I'll add a very light drizzle of olive oil and/or a small amount of feta cheese.

>> No.18817440

for the most part I agree
In the summer when you have fresh veggies, especially good tomatoes, I appreciate a good salad

>> No.18817445

I miss being in high school and getting a salad every day. I basically by two lunches a salad lunch and a pizza lunch

>> No.18817452

salad is fvcking gross eat real food like steak and chicken nuggest or whatever the fvck that shit called

>> No.18817463

Dallas? SALAD!

>> No.18817552

I wish I could only eat meat and cheese and bread without it being unhealthy.

>> No.18817659

Your taste sucks, a decent salad beats all half-assed condiments like ketchup or whatever and it's just no contest.
Don't force yourself to eat one you don't like obviously, find something that suits you.

>> No.18817799

3 times the fat. Sounds bad for me.

>> No.18818030

Where did this meme come from that salads need to have lettuce?

It's boring and basically just water, I don't put it in mine

>> No.18818129

I like salad

>> No.18818139


>> No.18818154

these people probably believe a salat dressing is a one gallon bottle of the cheapest, most higly processed french dressing possible.

>> No.18818231

This except weed

>> No.18818267

ranch and blue cheese >>> fruity vinaigrette meme dressing

>> No.18818280

Do amerilards really?
Vegies in salads are mostly fiber and water with zero to none vitamins.
Why would anyone feel obliged to eat them? People eat them purely for flavor.

>> No.18818287

>People eat them purely for flavor.
But they don't even taste good.

>> No.18818290

Solid b8 i r8 6/8

>> No.18818294

Salad veggies are bitter and nasty.

>> No.18818299

post salad kinos

>> No.18818301
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, Instant-Pot-Steamed-Vegetables-IG-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much what most people turn to when they think "healthy food", when it's bland and has no sugars at best. Why spend 10 minutes poking and proding at a supbar salad for 90 calories. Better off just not eating that rabbit food. Unless you cut into large chunks, which I know damn well most don't do. Better off just steaming actual vegetables that are worth the prep time.

>> No.18818382

america has the worst """obligatory""" salads that are literally just lettuce and one cherry tomato
in germany you get white cabbage salad even at takeaway places with dressing already mixed in

>> No.18818402

I eat salad because I like bacos, dressing, and croutons.

>> No.18818795

>in grocery store with wife
>wifes says "I'm getting some broccoli"
>I said "sure and as we walk out the door lets save a step and toss it in the trash"
>black guy standing nearby nearly chokes form laughing.

>> No.18818801
File: 160 KB, 960x540, fleischsalat-wie-vom-metzger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany has solved the salad problem.

>> No.18818804

ay this white boy ok

>> No.18818809

a simple olive oil and lemon juice + seasonings dressing is healthy and tasty as fuck
shredded chicken is light enough

>> No.18818813

you eat salad for the healthy shits and additional nutrients
iceberg lettuce is shit

>> No.18818884

The standard American concept of a salad is garbage since they think it’s just lettuce tomato and onion with a store brand dressing. Even making your own dressing is easy and amps up a salad tenfold. Start experimenting with other cultures salads like the med/Arabic cucumber tomato salads and eating a salad starts being less of a chore and more of a flavorful side to your entree or a topper to your sandwich/wrap.
Real chads start experimenting with shit like cottage cheese and salad greens and realize that cold salads can absolutely mog tons of apps or sides.
As an entree though salads don’t have enough substance to them

>> No.18818906

Why do people even make salads??? Just wolf that garbage down and savor food you actually like.

>> No.18818908

I like salad but it makes me shit too much

>> No.18818914

Is salad even healthy? lettuce is 99% water and in the remaining 1% of mass there are basically no nutrients. It's almost magic how starved it is of anything of value.

>> No.18819076

Based, haha

>> No.18819277

sometimes i just want to eat cobb salad

>> No.18819297

you're right. most people put no effort into a salad and then complain it's bad. you wouldn't present an unseasoned chicken breast by itself on a plate for people to eat so why present unseasoned lettuce and insist it's fine because its healthy

>> No.18819311

what, good salads are just good

>> No.18819317

I have never needed more than just olive oil and lemon juice for my salads and they are great

>> No.18819374

Christ, at least put garlic. What an absolute tastelet

>> No.18819378

Try this recipe just once, for me, sweet anon.


>> No.18820713

>putting anything
It's like you hate vegetables

>> No.18821583

Nope I love the texture its my go to snack I can eat all day and not gain one pound

>> No.18821598

>spring mix
>red onions
>cherry tomatos
>garlic mustard balsamic dressing
Fucking delish and not bad for you whatsoever
Grow the fuck up faggots

>> No.18821619

I like spinach and don’t like iron pills so I like to make spinach based salads

>> No.18821637

The most important nutrient to be gained from cold plant based foods is Vitamin C, so you're right.

>> No.18821776

just drink water

>> No.18821781

it still has 0 grams though

>> No.18821784

i like raspberry or poppyseed for the right salad

>> No.18821788

Not exactly 0, must be rounded. So maybe below 0.5g. It says calories from fat. 1 on the left, 3 on the right. That's three times the fat.

>> No.18821841

WTF is it with this "I'm a child with the tastes of a child" threads?

>> No.18823000

just tried this anon, very nice. good to make in an empty mustard bottle because you can shake everything up inside the container

>> No.18823004

You are a based fellow. Yeah it emulsifies suprisingly easily.

>> No.18823094
File: 123 KB, 714x427, 1673817996746779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until you get older and have hemorrhoids.

If I don't eat salad I literally bleed out my ass and gasp in agony and horror with each push while trying to take a shit.

Consider yourself warned.

>> No.18823131


What about just using a bit of olive oil and just a small pinch of salt on the salad?

>> No.18823136


You're most likely a southern yuro (but I agree with you).

>> No.18823137

The whole point of making an emulsified dressing is that it holds the seasoning and evenly coats everything.

If you do just lemon,evoo,S&P the oil coats everything and the lemon with the seasoning ends up at the bottom of the bowl.

>> No.18823905

>your kidneys need moisture
*drinks water*

Your move, renal system.

>> No.18824345
File: 298 KB, 700x1050, Dorito-Taco-Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Taco salad, stuff is delicious

>> No.18824353

i fucking love iceberg lettuce

>> No.18824402

Post a few salad ideas, anon. I want to try out some new recipes.

There's one I make that's really good. I use spinach, raspberry balsamic vinegar, red onions, dates, and walnuts.

>> No.18824419

OP I agree with you, and the cowardice of this world sickens me.

>> No.18824525
File: 5 KB, 190x179, 1673311295676567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put apples in your salad

>> No.18824539
File: 164 KB, 800x1200, Chef-Salad-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a salad

>> No.18824547

Salad is what they give you to let you know the meat is coming.
I forgot where I heard that from.

>> No.18824554

Hardly. In the summer it gets fucking hot. I'd rather chop some veggies and throw some shrimp and cheese together. And when weather isn't at play, while some people go overboard on salads, let's not forget that it's good to have a freshly vegetal break on or near their plate.

>> No.18824632

i like a caesar salad every now and then
for me, its brocolli and tomatoes for greens

>> No.18825015
File: 565 KB, 2200x1467, Tomato-Cucumber-Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the tomato cucumber salad. So much more tasty, refreshing, nutritious, and filling than lettuce.

>> No.18825040

I like watermelon salad and beet salads and cucumber radish salad and nicoise salad and coleslaw. Which, coleslaw is a slaw not a salad imo.

>> No.18825047

I use to do this all the time but pears tho... Now apples are pretty much just for oatmeal.

>> No.18825055

Dude I eat them if I see some decent cheese or dressing in the fridge and I don't want to be slowed down by a sandwich. I only fuck around with real, heavy bread for a sandwich. Wouldn't call it an obligation, just like not sitting on the couch after eating that sandwich isn't an obligation.

>> No.18825063
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1657313053960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an old cowboy or gaucho thing either way it always kills in that company.

>> No.18825660

Greek salad is god tier, probably because it has no lettuce

>> No.18825711

Salad is the bomb I ate a bag of broccoli and a bag of salad and a pot of coffee I feel like shit after a high suger meal Eating junk food is mostly a habit my food bill double when I started eating healthy all the good food is expensive but so tasty. People how dont like a salad cant cook its not lettuce and carrots in a bowl its tomato onion , slice's of carrots and celery chees and sunflower seeds bacon bits and chopped pepper with pickled mushrooms. Many people spend 5 dollars on a hamburger but when its time fore a salad its a hand full of lettuce and no peppers no spices wares the love you can't expect a once ina lifetime experience from a bag salad .Touch play feel the texture took at the colors salid should be an experience not just belly filler.

>> No.18825770
File: 24 KB, 428x428, 184650206-ECOM (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those big tubs of spring mix or power greens are where it's at. Anything with a good ratio of baby spinach. I just shred in one or two other veggies to mix it up over a week

>> No.18825778

but a sandwich is quicker and easier to make than a salad

>> No.18825800
File: 25 KB, 287x309, 1669060853476811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many underages without a palate here
> baby spinach
> cherry tomatos
> thinly sliced red onion
> feta
> pomegranate
> dijon mustard, olive oil and white wine vinegar whisked for the dressing
absolutely amazing

>> No.18825804

Then you woke up
Kill yourself

>> No.18825806

I'm sorry for your kidneys

>> No.18825808

People who aren't 1 ton hambeasts like you enjoy it

>> No.18825840

They enjoy the tomatoes, cheeses, peppers, oil that pair infinitely better with meat or bread than shredded water. Fuck you.