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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18816729 No.18816729 [Reply] [Original]

>manually washing dishes takes minimum 10 minutes per day for 3 meals
>that's 61 hours per year
>pic related costs $300
>if your time is worth more than $5/hour, it pays for itself before your first year of owning it
>makes cleanup 100x easier and doesn't kill your passion for cooking
what's your excuse for not having a dishwasher?

>> No.18816749

it doesn't wash dishes

>> No.18816752
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My apartment doesn't have a dishwasher.
I only eat 1-2 meals per day.
I'm not sure it takes a whole 10 minutes, and even then a lot of that time overlaps with cooking time.

>> No.18816758

you have a picture of mine and i bought it for $220

it was 110% worth it. Washing dishes sucks. Countertop dishwashers are a godsend.

>> No.18816797

The concept of monetizing my free time is ridiculous.
It's my free time because it's the part of my day where I'm not concerned with how much money I am or aren't making.

>> No.18816813

How many of you fucking idiots counted the time to prepare dishes for the washer? And the dull cunts that don't know you can't put good cutlery through a shitbox machine. You put your w2 steel knives though this box? So you're already washing your gyuto by hand, your nakiri by hand so what the fuck are you doing? A banquet every night? Or cooking and cleaning like a normal person in 2023?

>> No.18816823

>the time to prepare dishes for the washer
It takes zero time because other than scraping off large bits, which you have to do for handwashing dishes, there is no extra prep.
The concept of not monetizing your free time is ridiculous. There is opportunity cost to everything, even leisure. Time is money and time spent dishwashing instead of doing other, more worthwhile things is retarded.

>> No.18816826

washing dishes is meditative, i do not want your machine

>> No.18816831

I meditate by reading while my dishwasher does mindless chores. Do you handwash your clothes too?

>> No.18816833

a $300 appliance in 2023 lasts exactly 6 months

>> No.18816836

It takes 10 minutes at most to hand wash the dishes if you aren't cooking a feast.

>> No.18816839

Everyone loves to justify over-complicating everything in the pursuit of convenience. It's just loving that you can have a device 'to do shit for you'. Jackoffs that live that lifestyle are homeopathic nightmarish morons that feed needless complexity for their own feeling of advancement. I have an entire breed of west coast people I'm disappointed in that I'd thought would be smarter than that. But they would rather waste kWh in pointlessness to feel .. I don't know, developed? Advanced? Fuck I dunno.

>> No.18816841

yes, i do

>> No.18816845

>mindless chores
youve missed the point. thats okay

>> No.18816858

These dull pricks can't and don't care to do the math. I spend 5 minutes loading and 5 minutes unloading a machine that pisses away how much hot water and time struggling to do what I can do in 2 seconds per plate? FUCK OFF. I use my fancy ass LG brand new 3K washer and dryer because they DO A JOB. These goddamn dishwashers and rice cookers are toys for adults.

>> No.18816863

you should get a job as a dishwasher, if you can wash 100 plates in 3 minutes you're a fucking magician.

>> No.18816864

I like washing my dishes. Plus, I wash better than any machine. You can keep your ugly piece of metal.

>> No.18816866

I have a wife so it just takes care of itself.

>> No.18816867

I just incinerate my kitchen daily and get a new one.

>> No.18816873

What the christ kind of pre-industrial revolution kind of family nightmare do you live in? 100 plates a night? Do you live in Burkina Faso in some kind of 'compound' of people where you're the head dishkampf?

>> No.18816875

what kind of Halloween candy is that?

>> No.18816877

2 year warranty. if you save 120 hours over 2 years and only value your time at $10/hour, you still get 4x the value

>> No.18816879

>*Turns into a worthless piece of shit that doesn't even clean dishes within a few years*

I'll keep my sink and hot water thanks.

>> No.18816880

Dischfuhrer? Standartenwafflepan?

>> No.18816881

not exactly but dishkampf would be a pretty comfy gig I bet

>> No.18816885

>My apartment doesn't have a dishwasher.
they sell countertop ones for $250-$350. or portable ones (basically a full-size regular one, but on wheels) for $600.

the full-size regular one probably isnt worth it for you, but even if it only takes you 5 minutes to wash dishes you still come out ahead

>> No.18816888

not sure if you're aware, but they don't remove your sink and hot water when you buy a dishwasher.

if it breaks down inside the warranty period, they fix or replace it. if it's outside the warranty period, you buy a new one. even if it lasts for only 1 year, you still come out ahead

>> No.18816893

you forgot to factor in the time it takes to claim the warranty and then the time it takes to get them to actually replace the fucking thing
in the end, its a net zero

>> No.18816898

your obsession with coming out ahead is deeply neurotic and i hope you find real meaning in life

>> No.18816902

>only im allowed to be ahead
not an argument

>> No.18816952

Any warranty situation I've had to deal with has taken less than an hour. You take some pictures, email a form, and they either send you a new one or reimburse you once you buy another one. It's not time consuming at all.
What is neurotic about wanting to reduce my time spend doing chores so that I can enjoy my life? It seems like you're neurotic for being obsessed with how I spend my time and money.

>> No.18816954

>have to basically clean the dish before you put it into the washer
>costs money for soap
>if you’re too retarded to use it properly it harbors more bacteria than a sponge
>have to load everything the right way or else shit stays dirty
>sometimes shit still stays dirty anyways
It does use less water, on average, but they’re not at all perfect. I do like that there’s a soft-lock to impoverished people tho.

>> No.18816959

>describes how it takes time and effort to claim the warranty
>proceeds to pretend this is nothing

>> No.18816960

you aren't supposed to clean dishes before you put it in the washer. just scrape the big parts off.

if you wash your dishes before putting them in the washer, the dishwasher isn't doing anything because it needs the food particles to create bubbles and clean

>> No.18816963

Takes me fucking 15 minutes start to finish to clean dishes for 2 people. If you live in a kabbutz, get a goddamn dishwasher. Other than that, grow the fuck up.

>> No.18816974

what do you think takes more time and effort: handwashing dishes every day for 2 years or taking a picture and sending a couple emails?
>>have to basically clean the dish before you put it into the washer
you're not supposed to
>>costs money for soap
so does handwashing dishes
>>if you’re too retarded to use it properly it harbors more bacteria than a sponge
don't be retarded
>>have to load everything the right way or else shit stays dirty
see previous
>>sometimes shit still stays dirty anyways
don't overload
>15 minutes every day
>91 hours a year
>if you live 80 years, you will spend almost an entire year washing dishes
yeah, doesn't sound like a waste of time at all. i'll spend the $300 and enjoy my life instead

>> No.18816978

>what do you think takes more time and effort: handwashing dishes every day for 2 years or taking a picture and sending a couple emails?
having to manually do dishes just once after spending $300 on a machine to do it tells me its less effort

>> No.18816982

i actually like washing dishes i get to look out my kitchen window into my garden and think about shit

>> No.18816995

i dont use a dishwasher because i basically clean dishes as i go. i do not want dishes sitting around whether its in the sink or in a dishwasher. i have a spray bottle of dish soap so i clean every dish with that and a sponge. if i have a pot or pan that has some caked on stuff, i boil water in it and then use a rubber spatula to scrape the stuff off rather than soaking+scrubbing which works so much better.

also im an autistic loner so it isnt like i have tons of stuff after every meal. just a plate utensils and occasionally a mug or glass.

>> No.18817005

Asshole, I have a $700 Kenmore in my basement I never bothered to hook up because it WASNT FUCKING WORTH IT. I'll take a picture if you want. I use it to hold up a pantry storage cubby.

>> No.18817020
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All that to explain why you don't have a dishwasher? Shit man it's your time and all but all he's saying is a dishwasher makes things easier.

>> No.18817028

two scenarios:
>one person has a dishwasher. it does 365 days of washing and then breaks. they have to wait 2 weeks while warranty situation is sorted and delivery of new dishwasher.
>>money spent: $300
>>time spent: 14 days * 10 minutes/day = 140 minutes = 2.33 hours
>second person hand washes dishes every day for 379 days (365 + 14 from above)
>>money spent: $0 (ignoring increased water costs)
>>time spent: 379 days * 10 minutes/day = 63.2 hours
If 61 hours of your life isn't worth $300, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.18817077

delivery of the new dishwasher got delayed 4 weeks then the contractor hired to installed needed another 6 weeks to fit in their schedule
now you are down at least 12 weeks without a dishwasher and out the $300 you spent while being forced to manually wash dishes

>> No.18817086

damn gardens look like THAT?

>> No.18817103

dishwashers are literally just plug and play, especially the countertop ones.

also even if all that happened, the person manually washing dishes is still having to wash their own dishes and the dishwasher owner is better off

>> No.18817106


>over-complicating everything in the pursuit of convenience.

My negro....over complicating something is LITERALLY the opposite of convenient. Like it is legitimately the diametric opposite. Are you retarded or is English a 2nd language to you? Dish wash is 100000% less complicated then hand washing. You're saying that dish washing is somehow in fact MORE complicated for you? Then I'm guess you're somehow mentally handicapped then? In that case yeah no shit everything is more complicated for you, because you're retarded.

>> No.18817111

>hiring a contractor to install a dishwasher
faggot. also my last dishwasher lasted like 11 years? they’re nice to have and most every kitchen comes with one or a designated space under the counter for one.

>> No.18817113

>its a good thing when you spend money on something, it breaks and you cant use it

>> No.18817115

>have to clean off the dishes anyway because if you leave it sitting in the dishwasher with food on it it will stink
>frequently have to dry off your dishes after taking them out because water will pool on them
get outta here with that shit. just clean your dishes as you finish using them

>> No.18817120

it lasted 11 years cause it wasnt a shitty cheap $300 counter model

>> No.18817124

i see now. you're just retarded and don't understand how math works.

>> No.18817126

not an argument

>> No.18817131

But thats where I store my spices.

>> No.18817148

>You put your w2 steel knives though this box? So you're already washing your gyuto by hand, your nakiri by hand
i don't own any of that fag shit you cocksucker
i have some SS and nonstick pots and pans and some victorinox knives because i cook food to eat it not to jerk my dick in the kitchen

>> No.18817149

Joke's on you, my time is worthless

>> No.18817154

>Or cooking and cleaning like a normal person in 2023?
normal people in first world countries use dishwashers Lmao

>> No.18817172

>that pisses away how much hot water
dishwashers are incredibly water efficient
it's a guarantee that you use at least twice as much water as a dishwasher does (at the absolute minimum) in order to wash the equivalent number of dishes you can fit in half a load for a dishwasher

>> No.18817189

that is because they expect you to use water to rinse the dishes first and ignore that usage

>> No.18817220

what? you don't need to rinse shit you lying nigger
you throw the dishes in there with whatever is on them as long as it's not large chunks of food that would fall right off if you just flip the plate upside down over a trash can

who the fuck invented this fantasy i swear to god

>> No.18817232

>you dont need to rinse the dishes except for the dishes that need to be rinsed which is all of them

>> No.18817245

turns out there are a lot of poorfags in /ck/ who can't afford $300 for a dishwasher.

>> No.18817246

oh you can't read English? let me write it more simply for your ESL sensibilities:

you do NOT need to rise anything. if you have a full sandwich on your plate, just scrape it into the trash with your shitskin hands and then throw the dish in the dishwasher.

>> No.18817252


>> No.18817255

>you dont need to rinse anything you just need to rinse it before putting it in the dishwasher
dont know why felt the need to repeat yourself but given your iq im not surprised

>> No.18817257

Am I being trolled or are there actually people out there without a dishwasher? How the fuck is that even possible? Seriously what the FUCK man.

>> No.18817262

>desperately accuss someone else of being else
>completely forget how to use english yourself

>> No.18817274

your troll isn't really funny but here's your reply retard

>> No.18817276
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>>desperately accuss someone else of being else
lmoa end your life

>> No.18817277

you don't have to be mad cause you lost kiddo

>> No.18817281

this retard cant even type out an acronym correctly

>> No.18817299

>put dirty dish in dishwasher
>comes out dirty
This is my experience with every dish washer. Not worth it, just one of those ‘convenience’ appliances that exist to extract money from lazy fools. I’d rather get a wife and ‘pay’ her to do it by feeding her.

>> No.18817300

But I don't wash dishes. I just rinse the ones I need a few minutes before needing them. I only make simple fry/saute foods in a skillet though, and no sauces or animal products.

>> No.18817309

I have a wife instead.

>> No.18817322

they work great if you manually wash the dishes before using the dishwasher

>> No.18817345

why are there so many poor people in /ck/? is this why there are more fast food threads on this board than cooking threads?

>> No.18817346

I have a dishwasher but do the dishes. It's faster, easier, and I really do think the dishwasher uses more water and energy than I do. I also have the same problem where dishes come out and still need to be cleaned, defeating the entire purpose. Dishwashers are for consumerist faggots. Mine is just for looks now.

>> No.18817393

I use mine as a large drying rack

>> No.18817397
File: 702 KB, 871x584, stupid asian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid asian parents
>dad believes dishwashers don't work, refuses to buy one
>stupid ass asian aunt buys new house, fails to get dishwasher to work
>refuses to acknowlege the fact that she's a stupid cunt who dosn't know english and can't understand basic instructions like red means STOP
>move out, first thing I buy is a dishwasher

Fucking stupid cunt of an aunt.

>> No.18817409

The future is already here is just not evenly distributed yet

>> No.18817418

asian detected


>> No.18817572

it seems like a whole lot of poorfags coping about how they dont NEED a dishwasher or NEED a washing machine because "it's actually better without one!!!" instead of just admitting they cant afford it

>> No.18817605

>takes half an hour to clean an entire fine dining experience full of dishes, if we're including my whole family
>never use more than 5-6 dishes a day
>don't need (((dishwashers)))
>don't need (((dish detergent)))
>don't need to waste electricity, just so I can pull out the dish again and clean it because the poor dishwasher couldn't handle some grease
>don't need to pull out the silverware and clean them manually, due to the dishwasher not being able to clean forks thoroughly

I dropped this giant scam years ago.

>> No.18817607

You can put this to a test actually! Get a timer or stopwatch, a measuring cup and turn on your faucet for 15 seconds. Multiply the amount of water you've collected and you have your faucets output by mintute. Your dishwasher has a user manual that will tell you how many gallons or liters it uses per cycle, but if you don't trust this you can monitor your water meter and see for yourself! If it was manufactured after 2010, it likely uses somewhere between 2 and 4 gallons per cycle.

Now that you've established how much water you use per minute from your faucet, time yourself washing your dishes. With some simple math, you'll see if your feeling about water and energy use is correct or not (it won't be, by the way).

>> No.18817618

I'll do you one better: my dad washes everything completely, then puts it in the dishwasher to "sterilize" it

white, just probably autistic and grew up before they diagnosed it

>> No.18817655

how much time do you spend washing dishes per day?

>> No.18817723

Since I don't regularly have my family over, eating huge meals, an average dishwashing session will last 5 minutes, if that.

>> No.18817806

5 minutes a day is 30 hours a year. is your time worth less than $10/hour?

>> No.18817826

I'd love it if it actually worked. It doesn't get them clean and it leaves a film on everything.

>> No.18817863

They don't do a very good job :/
Even if they did it wouldn't justify the space they occupy.

>> No.18817867

Assuming you wash a full dishwasher, you're also using up significantly less water compared to hand washing.

>> No.18817876

I'm not taking criticisms on the value of my time from someone who's been posting for over an hour in a dishwashing thread on the cooking board of a japanese cartoon website

>> No.18817877
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time is money chuddie incel

>> No.18817881
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When you're having fun, 10 dollars an hour seems fine.


Wew, get a load of Richie Rich here.

>> No.18817913

same mate
also I dislike having an appliance that takes 1 hour of buzzing to do what I can in 5 minutes
washing by hand is freedom, I can stop and start whenever I want, whereas a dishwasher enslaves, the guys arguing about "valuing their time" are coping by pretending to be in control and jerking off how much time they save

If you have children, make them do the dishes
If not, its impossible to gather enough dishes before even the dishwasher wont be able to clean them

>> No.18817914

>broke: hand washing
>woke: dishwasher machine
>bespoke: disposable paper plates

>> No.18817918

>cooking food is a waste of time and money
>let me sit on my ass and complain about other people wasting time by cooking

>> No.18817943

is this really such a prestige item for americans to warrant a ridiculous thread like this?

literally everyone here has one. yet i've never used mine because i don't want some nasty chemical residue on all my dishware

>> No.18817957
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loud chinkshit
show me a domestic and quality made one for similar money and ill consider it

>> No.18818027

Made by illegal mexicans with the work ethic of a union man on a friday afternoon

>> No.18818029
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only legitimate excuse
just say you're too poor to afford a $300 dishwasher that most americans can afford in a day or two of work. nobody will bully you if you're just honest

>> No.18818093
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The seething poorfags in this thread

>> No.18818103

I could buy 1000 $300 dishwashers tomorrow if I wanted to.

>> No.18818213

Are you too poor for paper plates LMAO

>> No.18818217

I wash my dishes every 3 days, which is about ~12 hours a year. I also enjoy doing so. I would definitely buy one if I had a house of 4 people.

>> No.18818358

are you having a stroke?

>> No.18818415

I had a friend in high school who grew up in a completely sanitary environment, e.g his mum would buy pasteurised juices and boil them again “just in case”. Poor fucker was allergic to almost everything except bread and bananas, was on prednisone due to allergies and always puffy looking.

>> No.18818428

>he seriously believes that owning a dishwasher makes him rich

>> No.18818429

Yeah, the electricity costs to run a DW, the electricity or natural gas costs to heat the water for a machine that runs for an hour per load...it's a bit more than a one-time purchase price $300.

>> No.18818455

And is the water in your sink heated for free? Dishwashers typically use less water than hand washing.
Personally I just load it up with stuff over a few days and once it's fairly full set it to run overnight when the economy electricity rate applies.

>> No.18818464

>dishes coming out clean after sitting in the washer for a few nights
running the machine twice defeats the savings

>> No.18818494

>not enjoying a simple task you do with your hands
lazy fuckers i swear to god

>> No.18818925

You might have a learning disorder

>> No.18818934

>3 minutes to wash a pan, plate and fork

>> No.18818939

> manually washing dishes takes minimum 10 minutes

Maybe if you let dishes pile up like a retard

>> No.18818950

dishwashers are often explicitly forbidden in the leases of older buildings. combination of insurance issues and plumbing being unable to handle it

t. used to live in a prewar rental

>> No.18818981

>he still drives to work
back in my day we walked uphill both ways

>> No.18819420

Time is only money if you planned on making money in that time you spent cleaning the dishes. I have always hated that saying. If I wasn't washing the dishes I'd just be watching TV or something else useless. I don't have some weird job where I can clock in and out for 10 arbitrary minutes at a time.

That said, I use a dishwasher and I love it.

>> No.18819488

I like wasting water?

>> No.18819602
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>300 dollars is "rich" to you

>> No.18819618

I have a dishwasher but I generally don't use it unless I am sick, hungover or very lazy/busy.
It does a shit job and I have to handwash some of my equipment anyway.

>> No.18819635

>what's your excuse for not having a dishwasher?
Everyone already has a dishwasher if they don't live on a boat or in a trailer home or some remote cabin.

The reason? The reason is superheated steam, completely dried dishes versus wiping off with a damp towel to put away immediately, and bleach powder/sodium hydroxide in the dishwashing liquid killing all bacteria, viruses, or germs such as Hep A or salmonella.

Welcome to 1975? Stop renting where there aren't basics like a kitchen. If you live alone, maybe it's okay, but without a dishwasher, you need an additional tub for a bleach wash sink you can dip into plus adequate racks for airdrying.

>> No.18819644

if i had to wash dishes by hand I would never use anything other than paper plates and plastic cups/silverware

>> No.18820025

loading and unloading a dishwasher takes at the most 5.

having the wife do it takes zero.

>> No.18820371
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>big white good shill thread

>> No.18820583

I own and don't have a dishwasher. I just have a sink and a dish drainer on the counter. The only things I ever towel dry are mixing bowls or cooking vessels and that's only because they take up so much room in the drainer (if I had a dishwasher I'd still hand wash pots, pans, etc). If you live alone it's not necessary to own one. If I ever remodel my kitchen I might install one though.

>bleach wash sink
What in the absolute fuck are you babbling about?

>> No.18820708

do you like my buddy Tim Heidecker?

>> No.18820714

poorfag reading comprehension and logic

owning a dishwasher doesnt make you rich
not owning a dishwasher does make you poor

>> No.18820718

>just spend and consoom! stop thinking for yourself

>> No.18820720

A wife ia supposed to wash the dishes. You get ahead by them doing slave labour for you.


>> No.18820744

Live alone, broke as fuck, and don't have the space for one

>> No.18820748

ITT: poorfags

>> No.18821436

>just waste your lives toiling instead of making your life easier
let me guess, you wash your clothes manually and walk everywhere too?

>> No.18821468
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>walking is... LE BAD!

I'm gonna wager a guess and assume you prefer fast food over cooking for yourself.

>> No.18821990
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>> No.18822956

this desu, it's worth it

>> No.18822972

That never happened. Nobody's that eager to walk to a cake shop on vacation.

>> No.18822999

>allows CHINA and TRAITORWAN to monitor my household activities

No Thanks SataNato

>> No.18823217

I usually have the news or other TV on in the background or I'm cooking and do dishes while I wait. I don't have many dishes and I can clean them faster.
Now if there are a lot of people eating, I'll use it. Don't forget modern dishwashers require care and its own soap.

>> No.18823375

I use the dishwasher whenever I can because I like how clean it gets. You get clean washing by hand but the dishwasher pods have other shit in them to make the dishes all shiny.

>> No.18823385

>not dish sanitizer
wrong headed - gross dishes confirmed

>> No.18823484
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I once knew a man who retired and within a month got another small job just to stay busy. People like >>18816797 simply use chores & jobs to eat away at their time because they realize there's nothing else to life. Sad but true for a lot of people without hobbies or family.

>> No.18823503

My wife insists on hand-washing and only uses the dishwasher to dry the dishes. Pissed me off because we have it for a reason and I like the way it cleans. Eventually I had to teach her a lesson if you get my meaning so we got past that

>> No.18823532
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How do british people use these vertical spinning dishwashers? Wouldn't it smash all your dishes?

>> No.18823546

it has secure racks
its abit like tetris but once everythings in nothing breaks

>> No.18823560

if you have a job which is not a bullshit job you are being useful, which is not a bad feeling

>> No.18823568

wtf, I always thought that's only for plates, hence the shape
it seems that the rack for utensils and cuttlery is above it, not spinning

>> No.18823590

If I have lots of dishes I fill the both sides of the sink, one for washing the other for rinsing. Or I'll use a tub if I have a single sink. When the wash water gets too dirty I use the old rinse water as new wash water. The dish washer doesn't get too reuse rinse water as wash water, and the dish washer doesn't get to wash the cleaner dishes first. Whenever "the machine does it" people drop their (rinsing) standards. That said, I prefer to use a dishwasher because getting it all in there is a more stimulating task than hand washing.

>> No.18823605

>10 minutes per day for 3 meals
You scrub your dish for more than 1 minute per plate? LMAO

My scrubbing takes ~4 secs per plate. Which is ~3-5 scrubs. So thats 12 secs per day x 365 = 73 minute per year.

Pic related cost $300 + dish washer takes anywhere from 2-3 hours per cycle in normal mode. Standard dishwashers are ~1 kwh x 2 hours = 2kwh x 15 cents per kwh = 30 cents per day = $110 (2 hours) per year in electricity to $164 per year (3 hours). Most dishwashers lasts ~10 years. So if thats the case, then add $30+ year to addition cost. So it costs ~$140 - $194 per year to run a dishwasher.

vs 1 hour of my time total per year washing dishes

>> No.18823610

I wonder how much money did OP make so far in his free time 3x10 minutes per day when he is not washing dishes manually.

>> No.18823611

>scrubs dish
>throws it back in the sink
>says dishes are done
>walks away

>> No.18823622

To be fair I have 2 scrubs. 1 metallic and 1 soft.

For the hard gunk I scrub with the metal first 2-3 times and then 1-2 times for soft before rinsing for 1-2 seconds.

But most dishes are actually just 2-3 scrubs and 1-2 seconds of water.

So overall its the same.

>> No.18823633

bought an old used portable dishwasher from like 2009 for $300 and it was a game changer. I don't rinse dishes at all just scrape and put them in the dish washer. it has no filter to clean or anything.
apparently the older ones were less efficient (in water and power) but washed better or at least as good.

>> No.18823713

I dont use it. Its too loud, runs for hours. Seems like such a waste of time/effort when you can just wash the dishes in few seconds with hand.

>> No.18823730

If you're manually washing dishes, then why put it in the dish washer?

Like if you're spending 3-5 seconds rinsing each dish, then why not spend an extra 2-3 seconds scrubing it for a clean dish? I don't get it.

It defeats the whole purpose of dish washing machine if you have to manually wash the dish first then put it in the "dish washer" to wash it again for 2-3 hours

>> No.18823751

You're just a gaping asshole to use a dishwasher if you're honest. It's poverty chic. It's like skinny fat. You're trying to pretend you can afford something that most people know is a fucking put on.

>> No.18823760

Sorry, I meant to add, you're fucking lazy in the mind. You think its saving you time because you're a goddamn loaf. It's not. You're just lazy as fuck in your life.

>> No.18823783

I wish I had one. My sister does and it's so nice to just drop dishes in there. Don't even have to rinse them. They come out with nothing stuck to them. Don't have to do dishes every day. Just run it every other day and it takes a couple of minutes to put the dishes away. I want one.

>> No.18823785
File: 112 KB, 600x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already know, trips man.

>> No.18823819

Mother of all copes. The wealthier you are, the more your worth. Upper middle class people load dishwashers. Wealthy people have someone load the dishwasher for them. Poors wash by hand while telling themselves they're actually winning in life.
Simple as

>> No.18823832

>It's my free time because it's the part of my day where I'm not concerned with how much money I am or aren't making.
And you spend this free time bent over a sink with soapy hands.

>> No.18823910

There is no dishwasher in the apartment and there's no room for a countertop dishwasher, and portable ones don't exist in my country.
I've been thinking a bit about getting a portable one and placing it on wheels, but I don't know if they work if they're placed lower than the sink, and it may be a lot of work to connect it every time I need to use it, and countertop dishwashers are so small too.
I would love to have one though cleaning by hand absolutely sucks.

>> No.18823916

Asshole, I have a 700 dollar Kenmore dishwasher in my basement I couldn't piss on. I'll take a pic of it if you want. Takes more time to load than to just wash the goddamn dish. So pretend to yourself all you want. Actually it's probably 1100 these days.

>> No.18823926

You don't know how to wash dishes fast. Ten minutes a day for 2 people. Faster than any goddamn water and power sucking shitbox. If you have a passel of fuck up kids then maybe its worth supplying your hoard of worthless humans with cutlery. I don't know how you live. I don't know why you live.

>> No.18823991

Tgis method definitely uses more water than a dishwasher than a dishwasher

>> No.18824038

Where the fuck do you live that water is more expensive than electricity or gas in this equation? You want to do dishes fast? Use a stainless steel scrubber, hot water and a drain. Scrub all the shit off of your dishes before you wash. Stack them, then draw a hot water with Dawn(only Dawn). Then plunge and soak, pull out, wash with a dish cloth while running a hot rinse water on all the time and get through it in 7-10 minutes for a massive load.

You fucking people are rookies.

>> No.18824054

Yup, there's the poor bragging about his dishwasher cost, of all things. Your low-class heritage and destiny permeate your posts.

>> No.18824058

>nonstick pans

>> No.18824063

And you're the asshole that's witnessed middle class people trying to look like they're not. So. Are you embarrassed about being poverty stricken and envious or am I embarrassed about being rich for 30 years and having to learn how to make more from less and realizing how much more you get from being smart?

>> No.18824069

than a dishwasher than a dishwasher

>> No.18824073

>If you're manually washing dishes, then why put it in the dish washer?
so that the dish washer gets them clean

>> No.18824084

you poor creature. this is what you do. this is your life now.

>> No.18824130

than a dishwasher than a dishwasher :*(

>> No.18824155

than a loner, than a loner.

>> No.18824260

The middle class buy tools and then use them.
The poor buy tools and leave them to rot

That's why you are poor.

>> No.18824267

who are you to judge him?

>> No.18824272

someone who isn't poor like (you)

>> No.18824273

rich people live their lives and dont care about others
poor people brag about how they are not poor

that's why you are poor

>> No.18824281


>> No.18825686

no, you just cant afford a $300 device that saves you hundreds of hours lol

>> No.18825919


>> No.18825980

Every time I have gone on a vacation, whether with friends or family, most of the time is spent aimlessly walking around wherever we happen to be. Canadian btw.