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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18813810 No.18813810 [Reply] [Original]

I’m starting to suspect /ck/ doesn’t even cook…
post the last thing you whipped up

>> No.18813815

Did you make that bread?

>> No.18813822

i do cook but i cant remember the last thing it was that i cooked because i am currently addicted to korean ramen and i restrict myself to eating nothing else with salt ,so i cant cook anything, because the ramen has so much
i have 10+ family packs in my pantry, it's getting to be a problem

>> No.18813823
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>> No.18813828
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sorry anon im a fraud it was a store bought turkish pide

>> No.18813846 [DELETED] 

So you didn't cook anything. You smeared shit on bread. Reported.

>> No.18813876
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here you go, happy?

>> No.18813884

Yeah what is that

>> No.18813888

If I was capable of happiness I wouldn't be here.

>> No.18813889

It's just a pasta salad with leftover rotiserrie chicken. It doesnt look good, it doesnt have veggies, its sole purpose is to be nutritious. I ain't posting that shit, I only want the good (You)'s.

>> No.18813896

A cabbage, bacon and minced beef "stew" served over pasta.

>> No.18813919
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I made fried rice

>> No.18813925

I do not take pictures of my food, i am not a vapid millennial. though the last thing i cooked was some chipped beef gravy this morning

>> No.18813967
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Handmade Wagyu beef koftas and some handmade garlic sauce with salad wraps

>> No.18814331
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Short rib pasta and garlic bread

>> No.18814338
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>> No.18814349
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Made spaghetti just like I had in Italy.

>> No.18814359
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Venison sloppy Joe’s

>> No.18814388

You are a terrible person. If you dont mix the sauce with the pasta before plating you are worse than the worst that ever was.

>> No.18814395

I was, now I'm depressed.

>> No.18814616

You're a faggot person. One of the defining qualities of American sketti is the interplay between the plain, bland noodles and the mound of beef sauce on top.

>> No.18814638

that looks just amazing! what type of scissors did you use?

>> No.18814693


>> No.18814751

I’m gay not a lesbian

>> No.18814776

Pathetic, disgusting, perveted, obtuse, deranged, and maniacal.

You've coped your brain into a bowl of tapioca pudding.

>> No.18814809

Lol they dont, its either fast food or pictures they save from somewhere else.

>> No.18814914

Lesbians don't exist

>> No.18815013


>> No.18815037

American spaghetti isn't Italian food. Stop comparing it to Italian food. American spaghetti is American food.

>> No.18815043
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Last thing I whipped up was eggs, sausage patties and hash brown this morning. This is the last thing I took a picture.

>> No.18815046

You really are a filthy animal changing the goal posts like that. Read the first post you absolute, filth ridden, undomesticated, donkey loving, chimpanzee.

>> No.18815916

No one tells me what to read.

>> No.18815964
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I made avgolemono soup with wild rice but it fucking sucked. For one thing it didnt turn out creamy/saucey even with 2 eggs plus corn starch. And for another thing the bag of wild rice i bought turned out to be a mix of 80% brown rice with a little bit of wild rice, and following the instructions on said bag made absolutely horrible mushy clumpy rice.

>> No.18816061

Burnt shit. You can't cook.

>> No.18816136

Are those apples or potatoes? Can't tell what's underneath the burnt

>> No.18816148

>Can't actually read and uses irrational anger to hide it from everyone.

Extra based.

>> No.18816153

would eat
too much cream
can't plate

>> No.18817662
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Just finished making this.

>> No.18817685
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Mushroom soup.

>> No.18817687

>Made Pan Pizza but my yeast had died sometime in the past two weeks so it ended up being a really lame flatbread pizza instead
>Made lasagna from scratch with fresh pasta, homemade bolognese, and homemade pecorino bechamel
>Made focaccia after getting new yeast
>Made split pea soup with ham, turned out real nice even though I couldn't find marjoram anywhere.
>Not gonna cook at all, gonna have the last of the lasagna for breakfast, eat lunch at work, and my wife is going to be cooking off some of the perogies I made last Saturday for dinner

>> No.18817771
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Gator Karaage.

>> No.18817885
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spicy apple cake
even the pic from the recipe is burnt, coz you caramelise the top with a sugar

>> No.18817908

Chicken soup with carrots, potato, canned mushroom and black fungus. Infused with star anise and garnished with spring onions.

>> No.18817967
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>> No.18818014
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why is it only half cooked? why is it on textbook paper?

>> No.18818031

that's some good looking pasta

>> No.18818159

you forgot to fry it

>> No.18818178

>last large meal:
Saturday. Sauerbraten, roasted red potatoes with vinegar, braised onions and cabbage, brussels sprouts

>last thing whipped up
Sunday. Breakfast burrito

>> No.18818218

>text book
That's a notebook

>> No.18818225
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Made some pizza dough and then turned it into a pizza.

>> No.18818259

Pizza is supposed to have sauce. You made cheese bread.

>> No.18818260
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>> No.18818425

There's plenty of sauce under there.

>> No.18818431

No picture but it was fried dino nuggies

>> No.18819616
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I made this ground beef bulgogi. It was delicious

>> No.18819773

If there's no picture then it didn't happen.

>> No.18819783
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>> No.18819876
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Mushrooms sauteed in olive oil with harissa and ground lemongrass
Added camembert and sesame tahini
Added 4 eggs
Finished with artichoke paste

>> No.18819935
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I'm currently buried in sleeping /k/itties, but I made lentils last night. Cut four rashers of thick cut bacon into bite sized pieces, browned them in the pot to retain delicious fat, removed from heat, added seasonings (Bay leaves, celery seed, copious thyme, a little fresh black pepper, a little crushed red pepper, just a touch of sea salt) and aromatics, specifically some yellow onion and half a dozen whole cloves of garlic. Then went the lentils themselves, then the water, and then it was back onto the stove to simmer for about an hour or so. I'm pretty pleased with the results, and my brother seemed to like it well enough.

>> No.18820006

half cooked? you mean half breaded? it wasn't completely evenly breaded but it was fully cooked.

>> No.18820016
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Just made sloppy joes, as a strayan cunt this is gourmet food to me

>> No.18820027
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Rotate 90°.

>> No.18820041

You're allowed to take a photograph of things you create anon, there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.18820080
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>> No.18820083

I ate it already but I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I haven't had it in a while so it was a nice change of pace, even if it was really simple.

>> No.18820104
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>> No.18820111
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>> No.18820120
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Thinly sliced ribeye, sautéed onions, Worcestershire, little hot sauce, and American cheese

>> No.18820131
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Made some schnitzel adjacent with egg noodles with mushroom sauce

>> No.18820134
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>> No.18820611

Looks fucking amazing

>> No.18820618

men can't cook. everything here looks like less than shit.

>> No.18820628

You caught me, the last thing I cooked was a hamburger helper, BUT I didn't drain the beef fat, added onions and diced peppers during the cooking stage, frozen spinach while it was simmering.
And now the greatest hack, a day later I added some horseradish and hot sauce to it in-between microwaving, and yes that is how I will finish the rest.

>> No.18820633

Is that why you doordash every meal sweaty?

>> No.18820652
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stir fry. ground chicken and bell pepper cooked with chinese five spice ahead of time. summer squash in the wok with spicy seasoned salt and red curry powder, rice, spinach and then the ground chicken mixture. was odd but not bad.

>> No.18820728
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>> No.18820802
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Hoppin' johns. Got a good deal on a bone-in ham. Tossed the bone in with a couple pounds of ham. Should of added more mustard greens.

>> No.18820830

I do love me a proppa sloppa.
That by itself or over rice/bread?

>> No.18820880
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breakfast quesadilla.

>> No.18820943
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Cornish pasties. But since I'm not from Cornwall I guess they're just pasties. Made 18 total, 6 large and 12 smaller.
Basic hot water crust pastry. Filled with ground beef, rutabaga, potato, carrot, onion, salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, garlic powder.
I make these and freeze them for easy meals.

>> No.18820956

been meaning to try making these cheers

>> No.18820969

>tfw 8 months in treatment center and can’t cook anything
I get to help the kitchen staff prep sometimes, but the kitchen coordinator doesn’t appreciate constructive criticism.

>> No.18821057

im craving tiramisu so fucking bad
i saw some today at a bakery but decided against buying it and now regret it

>> No.18821260

Is this from several weeks ago

>> No.18821285
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Made chicken rapz but forgot a couple ingredients due to chronic insomnia, still p good tho

>> No.18821302
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And chorizo sloppa from last night (it cooked down a little more after pic so wasnt so liquidy)

>> No.18821376
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Grandma pizza with random ingredients I had on hand.

>> No.18821428
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Spaghetti con colatura di alici

>> No.18821437


>> No.18821542

Don't have an image but I just chopped up green bell peppers, onions, carrot and stir fried with ground beef, poured in some black pepper, garlic salt and a bit of beef stock and forgot the water. Found some mozzarella and threw that on after and ate it with rice.
I know some people on this board can't even do that and that's really sad.

>> No.18821575

Some people dust a foundational layer of cocoa powder at this point and then another when it's time to serve.

>> No.18821746


thats a nice mix i like it

>> No.18821846

Beef osso buco. 2kg beef osso buco (bone included), 2 onions, 3 sticks of celery, 2 carrots, a cup of white wine, thyme, 800g of diced tomatoes, 2 tbsp of tomato paste, beef stock, and a shitload of garlic. Seared the meat in flour, sauteed the onions, and threw everything in the slow cooker for 8 hours. Absolute perfection.

>> No.18822567
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Chili spaghetti

>> No.18822594


>> No.18822643

congee in the rice cooker
not impressive but i've been doing a lot of diy around the house

>> No.18822680
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>> No.18822702

Made 2 mediterranean chicken wraps... Boring and all but they were good and they were thrown together on intuition with no planning... I was like j kenk ok s late night cooking show but for real, it was like alright no lettuce so lets dice a little extra cucumber, throw it in a bowl with the onion yogurt and lemon juice and refrigerate that to let the flavors develop as we start to warm the tortillas and heat up the pan for the chicken and peppers... Etc. Multitasking on intuition.

>> No.18822877
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beef stew, 8 hours last sunday

>> No.18822886
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Dwaeji Bulgogi (Korean spicy pork) with added red bell peppers. Pretty quick to actually cook, just requires that you let the meat marinade for a good 6-12 hours

>> No.18822912
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>> No.18823058


just post about taco bell bro

>> No.18823068


wow a daeji bulgogi that actually looks good for once.

>> No.18823070
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Sourdough about to go in the oven

>> No.18823085
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Looks like it's gonna be a pancake :(

>> No.18823089

Yo crust ain't done nigger

>> No.18823204

most of them probably taste good, they're just dogwater at taking photos
why did your yeast not do the yeast

>> No.18824248
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My best loaf ever.

>> No.18824599
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Farmers pot from today. Nothing fancy. Cook it so I can eat for the next 3 days at work and save time.

>> No.18824619
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Here it is with better lighting and fagged up

>> No.18825065
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Made some solidly okay beef bourguignon

>> No.18825081

Fuck that looks good. Recipe?

>> No.18825219
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Made Sprouts' vegan bufallo pasta salad better.

>> No.18825241

Chashu pork, braised for 3 hours.
Braising liquid consisted of a 12 hour chicken stock I made the day before. Now it’s resting in my fridge to be eaten in a shoyu ramen, who’s components took me the passed two days to make.

>> No.18825250
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>> No.18825262
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>> No.18825393

Here's some tips on getting good oven spring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sJ0HhqN6UM
Instead of messing with steaming in the oven I just:

1. Put an empty dutch oven into an oven and set the temp to 500F. Wait until the pot is thoroughly preheated. (How long? I'm not exactly sure. 10+ min after the oven reaches 500F.)
2. Put your dough onto a lightly-dusted parchment sheet.
3. Score the bread.
4. Take the dutch oven out, place the bread inside, put the lid on, place in the oven, and turn the oven off. Wait 20 min.
5. Turn the oven on to 425F convection or 450F regular. Remove the lid. Cook for 10 min.
6. Remove dutch oven, remove bread from pot with parchment and place in oven. Cook 5 min.
7. Remove parchment from oven. Rotate loaf. Cook 5 min.
8. Keep rotating the loaf and waiting 5 min until the desired brownness is reached. Inside is done when it reaches 200F.

>> No.18825403

Don't the caraway seeds just get dried to shit, turn hard, and flake off? Any time I do a seeded loaf I soak the seeds in hot water and don't even bother putting them on the exterior.

>> No.18825676

My nigga