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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18808405 No.18808405 [Reply] [Original]

This is a utensil. I use them to eat burgers and popcorn. I wash my hands roughly every 2 hours during the day while I am awake. I can't stand having greasy hands.

>> No.18808622
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Mine's a unitasker. *wink*

>> No.18808639

Enjoy your microplastics and endocrine disruptions, goy.

>> No.18808678

i use them to finger my butthole

>> No.18808679

since when is latex a plastic I thought that's what rubbers were made from

>> No.18808771

you fucking retard, latex is a natural product
i specifically only buy latex gloves because it pisses off the faggots who are trying to ban latex gloves and replace them with (((nitrile))) or (((vinyl))) gloves.
Try searching latex gloves on amazon. There are literally none sold. Every single search result will be nitrile and latex gloves. I hate these people so much. This is why I buy only latex gloves. You can peel my latex gloves off of my cold dead hands you communist pieces of shit.

>> No.18808776

*will be nitrile and vinyl

>> No.18808780

based prophylactic enjoyer

>> No.18808880

you are right, latex is rubber
he should have said, "enjoy developing a latex allergy

>> No.18808954

only faggots with shit genetics develop allergies
have fun being the untermenche

>> No.18808972

Yep, thanks for proving my point. Those microplastics are slowly frying your noggin and you don’t even realize it. It would explain your fits of impotent rage on a Canadian reindeer bidding symposium. Many such cases..

>> No.18809238

Learn to use a chopstick, dumbass

>> No.18809280

Woah me too

>> No.18809747

/pol/tards dont understand facts, only their feefees of inferiority towards jews

>> No.18809751

do you use them while eating out ? i bet you look like a fucking retard

>> No.18809775

Only worth using for something like wings drenched in hot sauce.

>> No.18810059

I often worry I don't wash my hands often enough then realise that I likely wash them more often than most other people do since I don't like touching food or clean plates unless my hands are clean and a nigga's gotta eat, so I'm washing my hands about every 2 hours.

>> No.18810064

I actually do have a mild latex allergy but prefer latex anyway cuz it makes my penisweanus a biggusdickus.

>> No.18810924

i never eat out, I cook all of my meals
there are two reasons for this
first, I deeply despise the food service industry and everyone who works in it and through my action of cooking my own meals I hope to contribute to the death of their industry and making them all lose their jobs
second, I deeply distrust other people and when I cook my own food I know it hasn't been a victim of bioterrorism like everyone in the food service industry threatens if you don't tip them. I have not one single time in 6 years gotten sick as a result of one of my own meals, but I have gotten food poisoning multiple times when I used to eat food prepared by other people when I was younger.
This but I also don't like touching my computer mouse/keyboard unless my hands are clean.

>> No.18810952
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Yeah I bet you do Pajeet

>> No.18810960

They aren't wearing latex gloves.

>> No.18811125

Bro you are severely mentally ill, but also somehow dangerously based.

I've worked in the food industry before, out of pure desperation or I would've been homeless. It's a hard, thankless job, where you're underpaid and treated like shit by your managers and customers alike. Most food workers are good people, but a lot of them are genuinely low IQ braindead dummies who are also tired and overworked... So, mistakes happen. Food's likely to be higher quality and more consistent at places that have the same employees working there for a long period of time, as in, if you notice the same servers and cooks at a restaurant then it'll be a safer spot to eat because you know they're treated well at their job. Also, I worked for five years in various food jobs and never ONCE did I see an act of 'bioterroism." Not one person at any of my past jobs would have been cool with something so fucked up. In my opinion, that's extremely rare and would probably only happen at a place with a bunch of blacks or Mexicans as employees.

>> No.18811137

Too late, the damage has been done by entitled servers threatening to jizz shit and piss in my food. I work in engineering and I contribute to automating their jobs away to be replaced by robots that won't shit piss and jizz in my food for not tipping. FUCK YOU. When you made an enemy of me, I didn't idly sit by. I began enacting a long plan that will result in your destruction.

>> No.18811236

>this user is underage

>> No.18812354

no I'm not