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File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, poison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18808235 No.18808235 [Reply] [Original]

About to quit drinking for good so I'm making a thread for the discussion of alcohol. I'll start. Isn't it interesting that alcohol is literal poison?

>> No.18808238


>> No.18808239

yeah but i love being drunk so meh

>> No.18808244

Yes. I personally am for one.

>> No.18808249

What are your favorite alcoholic beverages? I like beer and bourbon.

>> No.18808267

Alle dinge sind gift. but yeah we should all stop/significantly reduce our drinking, and eat better, and exercise more

>> No.18808271

>alcohol is literal poison
wtf did you resort to drinking rubbing alcohol or wood alcohol or something?

>> No.18808273

Wine. I drink that shit by the bottle.

>> No.18808279

It's just after 3pm here in straya and I've just poured a scotch while my 1 yo daughter sleeps beside me.

>> No.18808315


Anon here are a few hints:

Alcohol is really bad for you. Like really bad. It fucks up every major organ in the body, including your heart and skin. Not only that, but as you get older it is more difficult for your body to recover. Contrary to popular belief, it takes at least a full week for your body to fully flush alcohol from your system (not just bloodstream). It takes a few weeks after that for your brain to start recovering, and your liver/biome will not recover fully for at least a month.

You will notice on your sobriety journey a few things:
- after about three weeks off drinking, your skin and eyes will start to glow
- consistently more energy and drive
- your work will improve (you will be shocked how long you can work and how much your mind has improved)
- fitness will improve
- you will read more and be far more productive (I started my own business while off the sauce)
- you will naturally make better health choices
- your friends will decrease, but the ones that stay will improve your life
- you will get control of yourself
- you save money
- it is easier to engage in genuine conversation with another person

Sure you will miss some social events and what not, but these aren't really worth it imo

>> No.18808321

It's nearly 17:30 here in NZ and I've had 4 bottles of wine.

>> No.18808330

Based Anzac cuz.

>> No.18808333

How do you drink wine without getting fat? I love slamming a bottle of wine but I have to basically not eat the next day to make up for the calories.

>> No.18808350

Hate to break it to you, but you fat fucks are a minority.

>> No.18808353

It is. Prepare for a hunger unlike you have ever felt before that can't be satiated. The 28 days thing really isn't a meme. After a month or so the majority of the alcohol loving bacteria will have died off and it will be far easier. Till then, indulge in anything else and then deal with that later. It's a hard road but it has an end and everything will be better after. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.18808360

This guy's knows his shit.

>> No.18808367
File: 170 KB, 396x423, 1468978981542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to quit drinking, but I know I'd have to go to a hospital to detox, but I don't have anyone close to me I could tell or get support from. I also know I couldn't do AA because I don't like groups and detest anything resembling church or spirituality nonsense. I'm probably just going to die in my bed one day and be found weeks later surrounded by filth.

>> No.18808380
File: 89 KB, 480x256, patton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon. After 17 years, I went through that journey last year. Mine was similar. However, I spend the previous 4 years cutting back. I got rid of the social, and the psychological, and was only drinking once a week at home. I quit, but forgot about the physical and was miserable for 2 months

>> No.18808381

Hi ESL nigger. You are an idiot if you think simply ending one form of self medicating is enough to turn your life around. It’s entirely mental. Look at how these promised changes are the exact same as nofap, quitting weed, gambling, or any other vice.

>> No.18808384

try cutting back slowly
cold turkey can kill you

>> No.18808400

>how these promised changes are the exact same as nofap, quitting weed, gambling
What the fuck? None of those things are remotely similar to alcoholism. Nofap isn't even a real thing; it's just some alt-right influencer nonsense. Weed isn't even addictive, and rarely has an effect on a person (if you're a stoner burnout you're probably just a burnout who happens to smoke weed, whereas there are tons of successful people who smoke weed and it doesn't affect them at all). Gambling is stupid because it keeps poor people poor, but it's not a physical addiction like alcohol.

>> No.18808424

I am happy to see you have never dealt with alcohol addiction, but your bland trolling doesn't help.

>> No.18808437

>Gambling is stupid because it keeps poor people poor, but it's not a physical addiction like alcohol.
gamblers have the highest suicide rates of all addicts
I don't get it either, but gambling addiction is no joke

>> No.18808458

Gambling addiction when really bad gets you into positions where you realize you owe like 2 million to a mob boss who expects 20k a week payback or his goons will fuck you over hardcore. Most in thar position prefer to just go back to their hotel room and OD on something. They're dead either way, at least then it's comfy.

>> No.18808469

No it's not really interesting. I wish you the best, OP. Been just over 2 months for me. I still get shakes. My abdomen still aches on occasion. Every so often I can't keep anything (food, water, liquids in general) down. And over the past month I've developed insomnia. I was a very hard drinker. 5-6 double stiff cocktails per night. Hopefully you have it easier. I would suggest finding AA meetings. Yeah, there can be some preachy shit, but most people don't give af about that from what I've experienced.

And this fella knows. Shit might be rough, but everything becomes a lot more clear.

>> No.18808479

How the fuck are you niggers alcoholics? I drink beer every day but can go weeks without when I'm working and suffer no weird effects. Quitting coffee would probably be harder for me. I feel like obesity would kill someone drinking too much before liver failure and heart disease would. It must be a spirits thing. I don't usually mess with them maybe a whisky once in a while.

>> No.18808495

people that drink and eat too much are a minority? i don’t think you have any friends

>> No.18808533

>lady I knew
>compulsive gambler
>owed all her friends money
>owed her boss money
>this goes on for years
>always in debt, always behind
>owes daughter money
>asks daughter for more money
>daughter says no
>"then I'll just have to kill myself"
>hangs herself
>daughter finds her

>> No.18808554

well if you don’t understand it then I guess it’s not a real problem

>> No.18808653

or it is, and he hasn't realized it yet

>> No.18808665

ooooo look at mr fancy pants over here

>> No.18808857

Bad after taste I don't like it personally but yeah sure suddies say it's bad for the heart but technically a lot of stuff is.

>> No.18809314

I was one week sober over my two week winter
vacation. After a week I just get really depressed and feel overwhelmed by the fact I have no life and have wasted the last 8 years sitting in front of screens and drinking. So I think to myself I'm just gonna drink myself to death, seems easier than actually living.

>> No.18809343

>quit alcohol decide to sort life out
>feel physically better but still kind of lost in the world
>save up money to go travelling, grind out the days with a goal in mind
>go travelling
>don't really enjoy it
>as it goes on, really don't enjoy it
>realize I just worked for fucking ages and went through all this effort and alcohol withdrawal for nothing. I sacrificed my present energy and quality of conscious experience for an imagined future in which I'm happy or positive or it's worth it
>it isn't
>see not reason to even be travelling if I don't enjoy it.
>at this point I'm really, acutely suffering, thinking about suicide, etc
>decide fuck it, buy cheap box of wine, walk round drinking
>didn't even enjoy it, woke up feeling like shit
>feeling really bad now, as if even my last resort cope doesn't work
>somehow just continue drinking
>go through awful times. Yes some good but mostly awful
>rationally just make the decision that a bad time is a bad time and I can take anything but a life with no good is not worth living and the only good I get is when at a specific bac
>stops working, feel poisoned all the time, literally alcoholic now, wake up drink go back to sleep wake up again feeling like death need to drink to go shower and shave and find food and then drink all day and feel like death
>literally drank more than 1 cask of wine today
>also at one point in this ordeal i thought I could go back to opiate use and cure my malaise so I went to tasmania to steal opium poppies and I was high for like 1 week street but it wasn't even good I just felt poisoned and then I was pissed off because opiates do that but I was getting real mad that it was just cutting into my drinking

I don't know what to do. I have a car back home, I might just go home and live in my car. It has an interlock in it so I'll be forced to stop. Other than that my option is to commit suicide and be done with this shit.

>> No.18809352

we can have a little poison, as a treat