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File: 1023 KB, 493x888, raw burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18803626 No.18803626 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people who make food media always under cook ground beef. Every single time.

>> No.18803630

they follow the way of the /jack/ like true engineers of flavour and cuisine

>> No.18803640

For rage clicks

>> No.18803658

They want the BIG BORG but are used to 90sec borgs from McDonald's.

>> No.18803793

Those are basically medium-rare, which is how most people eat burgers. The problem is that there's virtually no sear on them.

>> No.18803796

they are raw you retard.

>> No.18803797
File: 2.35 MB, 200x200, 8E770B40-0E47-4747-A44C-9FCC2C958C14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sick fuck

>> No.18803799

>medium rare

>> No.18803800

It’s so 3,000 people will comment that it’s undercooked. It farms engagement which is the whole point

>> No.18803803

>obviously cooked
You've never seen raw meat in your life, have you?

>> No.18803804

Do you think that Jack is gaming the system too?

>> No.18803805

hmmm i think hes just abit of a sped

>> No.18803811

I saw your moms raw beef

>> No.18803845

You could argue that it's on the fence because of how much pink there is, but the middle is cooked through more than a rare burger would be, so yes, that is medium rare.

>> No.18803873
File: 385 KB, 800x1203, Burger'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have seen how raw my meat was after I Bong Burger'd your sister last night m8.

>> No.18803898

It's kind of amazing how scared yuros are of eating meat that isn't overcooked. There's literally a thread up right now about how Americans don't eat raw meat, but every time burgers are mentioned yuros throw a hissy fit and act like you'd have to be crazy to eat a burger with any hint of color left in it. My only conclusion is that they must eat a lot more McDonald's than the average American, because that is not how we order our burgers.

>> No.18803950

All Americans know are burgers made by dirty wagies, if you get it pink here you literally die of AIDS

>> No.18803967

Medium rare burgers are fucking gross and I say this as a dude in Texas who eats some form of beef on a daily basis. Ground beef is meant to be eaten either raw (tartare) or fully cooked. Fat burger patties are gross, thin and stacked if you want more is the way to go

>> No.18803970

>All Americans know are burgers made by dirty wagies
I mean, you're not wrong. Even if you go to a high end steak house and order a burger it's most likely going to be made by a dirty wagie, because our political system is fucked and a 3rd of the country worships corporations and votes for people like Trump who detest them. But even if you go to a shitty diner most people are still going to be ordering their burgers medium or medium rare, and nobody is getting sick. I don't know where "here" is for you, but I'm guessing Botswana?

>> No.18804037

>This Jew Can Que

That's fine, but if I make an oven joke suddenly I'm the bad guy.

>> No.18804054
File: 62 KB, 500x385, 1628873980850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish person refers to themself as a jew
>which is totally normal for jews to do
>makes a joke about how they can cook something not typically associated with jews
>despite the fact that there was historically a large amount of jews who immigrated to the south and have lived in many bbq heavy regions as long as anyone else

>> No.18804055

I order my burgers medium well cause im too much of a pussy to say well done at a place that will ask you how you want it cooked.

>> No.18804065

Pro-tip: everyone in the kitchen knows that's why you ordered medium-well (it's about as uncommon an order as rare for a burger). It's cool that you're trying new things, but it feels like someone who grew up in a hardcore religious family and read their first Dawkins book. It's like, "yeah, that's cool you're kind of breaking out of this shit that's been forced upon you your entire life, but maybe just pull the band-aid off entirely and start living your life?" I'm not saying you need to go out and order a blue burger, but at least order medium for now on, and occasionally try medium-rare; you'll find out that anything past medium is kind of disgusting.

>> No.18804076


>> No.18804078

If you took a joke as well as you burn in an oven, there wouldn’t be a problem you whiny kike. This works the same way with the word nigger. The world will stop saying it when you stop raging about it like a fucking baby.

>> No.18804127

>i'm totally not the asshole, guise!
>if all these people i blame for my own shortcomings and sense of worthlessness didn't exist i totally wouldn't punch down!
I used to think that the incel thing was just a meme, but you managed to sum up the entire mentality in a single post. Congratulations.

>> No.18804139

Show a Euro an image of barbecue and the pink smoke ring, and watch them recoil in disgust.

>> No.18804145

That's a completely different thing, and almost akin to criticizing someone who shits on well done steak because they enjoy osso buco.

>> No.18804646

This person thinks they're smart for reinventing the patty melt?

>> No.18804732

stop kvetching, shlomo

>> No.18804745
File: 89 KB, 960x960, 1628872357177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just spent 4 hours researching yiddish slurs

>> No.18804819

I always get burgers medium well because I'm never too sure where restaurants source their ground beef from.

>> No.18804925

Who the fuck are "food media people" and why should anyone care?

>> No.18804929

Are "food media people" the types who generally see flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.18804945

Maybe the "food media people" are the types expected free meals from shit restaurants with people running around like chickens with their heads chopped off?

>> No.18805018

(((they))) can't cook

>> No.18805113

If you have quality meat from a reputable source, it's usually quite safe.

>> No.18805126
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everyone needs to be different because they think that equates to being original, which means ignoring to do things we already know work

>> No.18805137

Not that big of a problem if it’s high quality meat. It’s probably not though.

>> No.18805146


This. Remember, hate interactions are still interactions as far as the algorithm is concerned.

>> No.18805157

It would work better with thin smash burger patties

>> No.18805161
File: 147 KB, 220x124, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, you head me, medium rare for my GROUND BEEF

>> No.18805168

What are you a pussy?

>> No.18805434

>under cooked
charred flavorless hocky puck eater detected

the pic is the low end of medium rare, i usually do the high end so a little less pink. image being so euro cucked you care about how normal people eat their beef.

>> No.18805440

d i s g u s t a n g

>> No.18805449

>soft hamburgers

>> No.18805452

I temp my burgers to 180f
Depending on what kind of ground beef I use, some will be grey in the middle, some will still be red.
Color is not an indicator of being done.

>> No.18805474
File: 265 KB, 1920x1544, 016E3EA3-3335-462C-B5FB-67F14D425837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire picture is pretty irrefutable evidence that that jew can in fact NOT “que”

>> No.18805479

Wdym, the problem wouldn't change at all.

>> No.18805485

explains all the sharting photos

>> No.18805488

Actually it isn't.

>> No.18805504

The problem with food safety is most of the time people can get away with unsafe practices.
You can eat raw hamburger (I wouldn't) and you _probably_ won't get sick.
Somebody does that often enough, and they get the impression that it's safe (which it's not).

>> No.18805505
File: 42 KB, 460x500, again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing things incorrectly gets way more views than doing thing correctly.

>> No.18805515

Raw Hamburger is safe if the animal is clean, your grinder is sterilized, you butcher and grind the meat yourself and eat it right away.

Otherwise no, its not safe.
You create a giant surface area for bacteria to grab onto and fester for the ~month it takes to get from grinder to your kitchen.

>> No.18805520

So many questions...
How long did that guy have to pose his annoyed look for the painter?
What's the deal with the napkin on her head?
Is the other woman drinking or smelling her glass of whatever?
Is the guy wearing a sash as a belt?
Is that a knife in his pocket, or what?
Are they eating a pile of cabbage with rolls just laying on the tablecloth?
What's up with those bottles?

>> No.18805524

Also, what's a cat doing in a restaurant?

>> No.18805825

If a restaurant served a million burgers and only one person got sick that would most likely be enough to shut down that restaurant. And yet every restaurant serves medium rare burgers and most people order medium rare burgers. The risk is so minimal that it's practically non-existent. (And no, most restaurants aren't butchering and grinding their own meat.)

>> No.18805965

>every restaurant serves medium rare burgers
I've been told by lots of places I can't get a medium-rare burger. Applebee's, Texas Roadhouse, 5 Guys and all other fast-food chains. The only place I can think of where I can get it medium-rare is Chili's. Maybe Outback, but I've never gotten the burger there.

>> No.18805974
File: 305 KB, 451x562, 1612892869742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've never been to a real restaurant in my life
That's really sad, dude.

>> No.18806044

>I don't know what "every" means

>> No.18806148

Or maybe when I see the word "restaurant" my mind doesn't immediately go to fucking McDonald's because I'm not a gigantic pleb.

>> No.18806178

Breed plump elf

>> No.18806182

Bloch probably didn't use models. Someone will correct me on this, I'm sure.
She's a married woman, so she has her head covered.
It's wine and it looks like she's drinking it.
Yes, what of it? Nothing abnormal about that.
Yes, it's a knife.
They might be. What's wrong with the rolls being on the tablecloth?
Those are just normal wine carafes.
Why wouldn't there be a cat in a restaurant?

>> No.18806356
File: 2.30 MB, 3900x2925, burger5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks very good to me, but personally I prefer my burgers bleu.
You can have a good sear, you just need to get your cast iron really hot.
What are you talking about, we eat tartare and mett which is raw minced pork.

>> No.18806405

>not a gigantic pleb.
Are you sure?
I've been to Ruth's Chris, but it never occurred to me to get a hamburger. Went to a high-end Italian place for New Year's, but they don't have a hamburger on the menu. I eat out a lot, often fairly fancy places, but they're not the kind of place you'd get a burger.

>> No.18806426
File: 36 KB, 750x433, 1631633607994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been to Ruth's Chris
Jesus christ, dude. You're trying to brag about how you eat out at fancy restaurants and the one place you can think of is still a fucking chain. What kind of food desert do you live in?

>> No.18806743

Wow, what an asshole.
You haven't heard of the one-offs I usually eat at, but you've heard of Ruth's Chris, huh?
And "still a fucking chain"? It's still a "real restaurant", which was your issue here:
>never been to a real restaurant
Get your shit together.

>> No.18806756

>You haven't heard of the one-offs I usually eat at, but you've heard of Ruth's Chris, huh?
I probably haven't heard of the "one-offs" because it's very unlikely we live in the same area. But you also didn't mention anything other than chain restaurants. You don't need to mention specific places; you could just say, "I go to this place that offers this, and does this, and it costs this much, and it's better than such and such" or whatever. But no, you could only manage to name a bunch of chains. Of course I've heard of Ruth's Chris. They're everywhere. It's like you're saying that anyone who's heard of McDonald's must eat nothing but fast food. That's called projection.

>> No.18806837

Because they think minced meat is the same thing as a steak of course.

>> No.18806856

They are the same thing, just in a different form. Overcooked ground beef is just as unappealing as overcooked steak.

>> No.18806875

Personally, I like my burgers a little more cooked than my steak.

>> No.18806888

Yes, most people order steak rare or medium-rare, whereas most people order a burger medium-rare or medium. That's not the same thing as ordering a medium-rare steak and then acting like you're going to vomit at the very thought of a burger cooked anything less than well-done.

>> No.18806891

People fell foe the "doneness" meme. They act like a patty of mincemeat should be treated like a real steak and cook it "rare", which is plainly absurd. It's a slab of meat, often undesirable cuts, mulched and formed into a shape. You know what else fits that description? Meatloaf, meatballs, and sausages... yet you don't see anybody asking for medium rare meatballs.

>> No.18806906

you shouldn't have medium rare ground beef you absolute idiot. medium rare is for STEAK.

>> No.18806916

I should serve those same people rare pot roast.

>> No.18806939

What makes me laugh is how engrained the idea of doneness is in people's minds that you have boomers INSISTING on eating medium rare ground beef and will have a hissy fit if they get served something that isn't a little pink on the inside. Likewise if you ask for a well done burger at a restaurant people gasp and everyone goes silent enough to hear a fork drop. And frankly that extends to steaks too, where they assume we'll done means it's unpalatable and awful even though we'll done steaks (done correctly) are just as good as anything else
Honestly beef ritualism in general is bewildering.

>> No.18807003

>you can't have a thing this way because...you just can't!

>> No.18807019

>we'll done steaks (done correctly) are just as good
Just curious, not hating, but what did you have in mind with "done correctly"?

>> No.18807043

He lives in a fantasy world where "if only you cooked it properly" a well done steak/burger can be just as tender and juicy as one cooked medium-rare, even though that's literally not possible by definition. It's a common talking point that allows them to always just retort that, "you just don't know how to cook" if you say you don't like your meat well-done.

>> No.18807058

Enjoy food poisoning

>> No.18807070

It's kind of weird how when a dozen people get sick from eating some arugula you hear about it immediately and within days it's traced back to the source and recalled, and yet millions of people order medium-rare burgers every day and you never hear about anyone getting sick or restaurants going out of business. Why do you think that is?

>> No.18807611

>start with tender meat
>sear briefly and bake for a little bit while basting with butter and aromatics
Wa la. It's literally like cooking any other steak only it takes a little longer

>> No.18807637

>how do i cook a well done steak?
>sear briefly and bake for a little bit
These might be the worst instructions I've ever heard.

>> No.18807639
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1673601767346340.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother!

>> No.18807766

They're very conventional, anon. Do you not cook?

>> No.18807787

>very conventional
I was more referring to the fact that you were characterizing a well done steak as just needing "a brief sear" and "a little bit" of time in the oven, which sounds more like you're going for medium-rare. But no, nothing about your "method" is conventional. People do sear meat and then move it to the oven to finish cooking, but that's usually for bigger pieces of meat than a typical steak, and nobody is "basting with butter and aromatics" when the steak is in the oven. I've literally never seen anyone do that anywhere ever. It sounds like you were thinking of reverse sear, which is the opposite of what you suggested, but you also conflated another cooking method so I honestly don't know.

>> No.18807808

Honestly I think you know what I mean but you're being a miserable smarmy pedant

>> No.18807822
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>Honestly I think you know what I mean
Honestly, I don't. It sounds like you've watched a couple videos where people add some butter, garlic, and rosemary to the pan after searing to lower the temperature and continue cooking while spooning the butter over the top for flavor, but also heard about reverse searing but didn't quite remember how that worked, so you just combined the two things in your head.

>> No.18807835

they don't know how to cook and they're too anxious to share information

>> No.18807948


>> No.18808128

>>start with tender meat
Such as? More tender cuts of steak (filet mignon for instance), are lacking in flavor compared to less tender steaks like ribeye.
It's a trade-off between texture and flavor.
>>sear briefly and bake for a little bit
Sounds like medium to medium-rare to me.

I could see saving the texture by going low and slow, like BBQ brisket, but even that's going to have better taste and texture in the medium to medium-rare range. Also not really sure I'd call that steak.

>> No.18808561

It's because most of them are shitty cooks and don't really understand what they're doing

>> No.18808566

Imagine being afraid of raw beef.

>> No.18808573

theyre still all fucked up over mad cow disease

>> No.18808576

>most people are still going to be ordering their burgers medium or medium rare
Serious doubt. Steaks? Sure.

>> No.18808590

>serious doubt
I'm sorry that reality doesn't match up with your expectations, but I've been working in restaurants on and off since I was in middle school and the one universal truth is that 90% of all burgers are ordered either medium or medium rare. It's just a fact.

>> No.18808616

I order medium burgers at waffle house. It could be worse; you could be ordering their eggs.

>> No.18808658

>stringy and mushy
Use a better cut of meat if you're going to go rare my bro, and trim out all the crap before grinding. Also, make sure you go with a larger plate.

>> No.18808681

>Why do so many people who make food media always under cook ground beef?

Laziness. Undercooking beef may not be healthy, but it's still miles safer than undercooking something like chicken.

>> No.18808688

I'm another anon and it has been pathetic reading your replies. God have mercy on your soul. you don't need be angry over words on 4ch.

>> No.18808691

>millions of people order medium-rare burgers every day
no they dont

>> No.18808701

most people dont eat medium rare burgers you fucking sheltered retard

>> No.18809020

What people forget that it's more fat than protein. You can eat it medium rare only if you ground up a steak. Store bought ground meat has all kinds of shit grounded up,

>> No.18809042


>> No.18809099

You're not from Texas, Hans

>> No.18809222

A. They are trying to film for only around 30 to 45 minutes after they giggled all day about all the "crazy" stuff they're gonna get to make this "awesome" meal at the grocery store.

B. It's looks prettier cause colors

C. They genuinely don't take the time to actually do it cause they really don't know how to cook it right.

Take your pick there's no wrong answer

>> No.18809236

Those are not seared well enough but I like the evenness of the pink in the middle. I've been eating rare and midrare burgers for 20 years and never gotten sick. If you're worried about getting sick grind your own meat and sous vide to the point of pasteurization then sear after.

>> No.18809244

it's because parasites and bacteria get into the meat when you grind it stupid nigger

>> No.18809253

It's not a matter of food safety it's a matter of undercooked meat being fucking disgusting.

>> No.18809256

That hasn't been an issue in 30 years. Nobody gets sick from eating medium rare burgers, at least no more often than people get sick from eating eggs with runny yolks. You're basically regurgitating an outdated old wives' tale, like how people still think that you need to eat iodized salt even though it tastes terrible.

>> No.18809299

>That hasn't been an issue in 30 years.
>regurgitating an outdated old wives' tale
What exactly has changed between now and 30 years ago anon?

Bacteria still exists, its still everywhere and on everything.
You still take chunks of meat from 50 different cows (with bacteria on it), grind it into little pieces in a big vat mixing it all together.
It only takes one piece of meat can contaminate everything else (if we ignore the fact all the pieces of meat are pretty much contaminated anyways)
Bacteria has huge surface area to thrive and grow while it takes its month long journey from being killed to being on your plate.

Literally nothing has changed, conditions are arguably worse in these factories.

If you have a cut of steak, the bacteria lies on the surface. It doesnt permeate solid meat, it sits on top.
Thats why you can sear both sides and effectively kill most of the bacteria, and the rare innermost part of the steak is safe.

With ground beef, you literally took the bacteria from the top of 50 different cows and mixed it into the center of your ground, and when you cook a burger rare, it doesnt get the internal temp to kill it.

Whether you like it or not, objectively you are wrong.
You can argue whether eating harmful bacteria is a big deal or not, you can roll the dice on how the meat was butchered, but there is a reason based in reality why the recommendation was created. And not a single thing in the last 30 years has changed that would make it obsolete.

>> No.18809323

>what exactly has changed between now and 30 years ago anon?
Better food handling practices, which is why EVERY RESTAURANT SERVES MEDIUM RARE BURGERS AND LITERALLY NOBODY EVER GETS SICK. Also, stop explaining how the bacteria is on the surface of the meat in every post. Everybody understands that. You think it makes you sound smart but you sound like you're 10 and just discovered some factoid from your little TV show and need to run around telling all the adults.

>> No.18809325

You cant pasteurize meat. You really are retarded.

>> No.18809334

>you cant pasteurize meat
Of course you can. Why on earth would you think you can't?

>> No.18809362

>Better food handling practices
Oh, so you dont actually have an answer?
You claim that things have gotten better in the last 30 years but cant point to a single one of them?
"Food handling practices" as they apply to restaurants dont matter, the contamination happens before it hits the restaurants and the festering happens in transit.
Those nasty kitchens can make the issue even worse.

We could talk about the laws pertaining to butchering of meat, because those have actually gotten more lax over the last 30 years.
From removing the labels that tell you which country your beef comes from, to allowing companies to take unprocessed domestic meat, ship it to china for it to be butchered and processed, and then shipped back to the USA to be packaged and sold.

>stop explaining how the bacteria is on the surface of the meat in every post.
I too wouldnt want to hear about the objective facts that make my point wrong.
It needs to keep being reiterated, because people like you are too dumb to understand something so basic.

>> No.18809368

>provides answer
>oh, so you don't actually have an answer

>> No.18809373

Go on and explain to us in detail about all these new "food handling practices" over the last 30 years
You are being vague for a reason

>> No.18809378
File: 740 KB, 960x480, eating-raw-meat-get-high-header_m3vz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite new food handling practice is to put high meat on top of the refrigerator for 30 days.

>> No.18809388

>you need to write a dissertation to defend your thesis otherwise everything you say is automatically wrong
And yet you haven't provided a single explanation for the FACT that every restaurant is willing to serve medium rare burgers, most people order medium rare burgers, and yet none of these restaurants ever seem to go out of business because they're apparently constantly getting people sick.

>> No.18809395
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, 1560376710872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mean, I come in here and make a bunch of claims that go against long standing federal recommendations, and you want ME to actually back those claims up!

>> No.18809412

So you have no answer. Got it.

>> No.18809419

Well someone came in with big bold contrarian claims and immediately buckled the second he was asked to elaborate.
Youve got 30 years of legislation you can post, it shouldnt be too hard per your posts.

I mean the federal guidelines change, they lowered the temp for pork recently (because they newly allowed antibiotics to kill the trichinosis before its butchered)
But somehow ground beef recommendation stands strong.

Funny how that works right?
Anecdotes from people like this man >>18809378 trump all!

>> No.18809428

>someone came in with big bold contrarian claims and immediately buckled the second he was asked to elaborate
Yes, you came in saying that medium rare burgers are unsafe and will make you sick, even though that's how most people eat their burgers and nobody ever gets sick, but you just ignore that fact every time it's brought up because it conflicts with the narrative in your head. I answered your question, I'm just not going to start looking up specific legislation because you apparently need a fucking power point presentation before you'll accept you are wrong, and yet you still have zero answer to my question. Funny.

>> No.18809463 [DELETED] 

i've been slonking eggs since the meme started and it works on my machine

>> No.18809470 [DELETED] 

cats are filthy animals, kafir

>> No.18809499

>even though that's how most people eat their burgers
why do you keep saying this when the truth is that most people eat them well done. go ahead and google it so you can feel like a fucking retard

>> No.18809508

Google what? There's no data on how people order their burgers. The only thing you're going to find is a million blogs about how to cook a burger that are copy pasted FDA recommendations, and the fact that McDonald's sells 69 million people every day and cooks all their burgers well-done. Why wont you answer the question?

>> No.18809550

>still all fucked up over mad cow disease
Well, there's no point in that.
Not only would you need to go back in time to 1990's UK to be at even slight risk, but it's not caused by a bacteria or even a virus, so no amount of well-done will make it safe.
Mad Cow is caused by a malformed protein found in brain tissue. So unless there's some kind of cross-contamination, it's not found in beef anyway.

>> No.18809564

>which is how most people eat burgers
(you) really are a turbocunt

>> No.18809565

>i've been slonking eggs since the meme started and it works on my machine
Even after Googling "slonking", I'm still 100% lost on what you're trying to say here.

>> No.18809573

Imagine being a bong and for some reason arguing about burgers as though you know anything.

>> No.18809585
File: 6 KB, 235x130, warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google what? There's no data on how people order their burgers.
Not him but...
>Four in 10 Americans (40%) choose a well-done burger, and just one in five (20%) want it served medium-well.

So no, the medium-rare thing getting said over and over in here doesn't seem to be true.

And don't forget, this is only counting places you can have a burger cooked to order. The fast-food places, and even Applebee's don't give you the option.
Read the menu on the places you can get a medium-rare burger:
"Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness"
...in other words "eat your medium-rare burger at your own risk".

>> No.18809590

>19% pick medium rare, and just 4% opt for a rare burger.

>> No.18809597

>19% pick medium rare
Patrician tastes will always be in the minority
Also, 20% of americans eating medium rare burgers as often as americans eat burgers proves the safety in doing so.

>> No.18809598

Someone please post the webm of Ja/ck/ cutting a completely raw burger in half.

>> No.18809604

Jesus christ, did you seriously just cite a you gov poll?

>> No.18809660

>Patrician tastes will always be in the minority
So these posters were wrong?
>medium-rare, which is how most people eat burgers
>most people order medium rare burgers

>often as americans eat burgers proves the safety in doing so.
>I never got food poisoning, it must be safe!
>Every year, an estimated 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases.
So a lot safer than smoking, and if you do get sick it almost certainly won't kill you, but safe?

>> No.18809663

Why wouldn't I?
I also checked with businessinsider.com

>b-b-but shit half of /ck/ pulls out their ass is more real than an actual poll!

>> No.18809675
File: 1.67 MB, 3750x2455, beer-world-map-3000-full-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot. Even if those numbers were correct we're talking about how people order burgers, and a large chunk of the population doesn't go anywhere that you can even order a burger to temp, so all they know is McDonald's. It's like looking at a chart like pic related. Everyone is going to say "what the fuck, nobody likes that beer here", but if you look at the sheer numbers it's still what sells the most, but that's usually because a certain chunk of the population treats beer like cigarettes and buys nothing but whatever brand daddy smoked. Also, listing how many people get sick from foodborne illnesses is absolutely retarded when you have zero information on what amount of that comes from people eating burgers cooked less than well-done. You hear a lot about people getting sick from seafood or lettuce, but you don't really ever hear about anyone getting sick from burgers.

>> No.18809691

Raw ground beef is pretty safe. The very young, very old, or unhealthy can get killed by particular strains of bacteria (see Jack in the Box scandal) but sanitation is pretty good these days in the western world, even the US.

>> No.18809699

>Even if those numbers were correct
>The CDC doesn't know (roughly) how many people get sick.
...but I'm the idiot?

>a large chunk of the population doesn't go anywhere that you can even order a burger to temp,
I find this very unlikely. But it doesn't really matter. The polls cited don't ask "how does McD's make your QPC?". They ask how you'd _like_ your burger. And let's not forget almost every house in a flyover state has a backyard grill.
...but I'm the idiot?

>you have zero information on what amount of that comes from people eating burgers cooked less than well-done.
Nor do you. Also, "less than well done: is moving the goalposts.
...but I'm the idiot?

> You hear a lot about people getting sick from seafood or lettuce
Well, that came straight out of your ass.

>> No.18809707

>66 million americans get their burgers medium rare
>50 billion burgers eaten each year
>Only 128,000 hospitalized (including all food)
The numbers just don't add up, chief. Especially with how litigious americans are, there's no way so many restaurants serve food that will likely make someone sick

>> No.18809713

God I hate about half of /ck/.
>1 in 6 gets sick every year, but food safety isn't important.
But we're also overlooking a big issue: while steak is improved by cooking medium rare, hamburger isn't. Both taste and texture are improved by cooking it medium.

>> No.18809717

>The CDC doesn't know (roughly) how many people get sick.
I don't even know who you're quoting here, or what that could possibly have to do with the statement above it.
>The polls cited don't ask "how does McD's make your QPC?". They ask how you'd _like_ your burger
Those are effectively the same thing if you only ever eat burgers at McDonalds.
>and let's not forget almost every house in a flyover state has a backyard grill
Yes, and 99% of all backyard bbq dads cook 100% of their burgers until they're hockey pucks.
>Nor do you
Wow, neither one of us know the number so I guess it's completely reasonable to assume the possibility that 100% of all food born illnesses are derived from eating burgers cooked less than well-done.
>that came straight out of your ass
If you actually worked in the industry (or, you know, occasionally glanced at the news) you'd know that that was an entirely uncontroversial statement.

tl;dr you're the idiot

>> No.18809728

>"All food poisoning is from medium rare burgers!!!"
lmao go eat your charred hockey puck, you euro faggot

>> No.18809746
File: 111 KB, 600x800, 1670075650867814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews who immigrated to the south and have lived in many bbq heavy regions as long as anyone else
You definitely, definitely shouldn't read too much into this, Anons.

>> No.18809815
File: 302 KB, 1110x1442, Tumblr_l_154036514298842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this guy has faberwares in his fucking drawers that have either been "sharpened" on a honing steel or he has fucked to hell and back on a wet stone he got for like ten bucks. Shut the fuck up its a cooking thread.

>> No.18809822

They think it's manly but don't realise it's retarded. Your shitty ground beef isn't a steak.

>> No.18809866

A properly cooked medium rare steak isn't a concern, but medium rare ground beef is. When whole pieces of beef are ground together, any germs on the beef's surface get incorporated into the ground beef mixture — meaning there's potential for germs to be present throughout a burger patty, from the surface to the center.

>> No.18809877

>source: trust me bro

>> No.18810334

I like burgers cooked rare. Basically just cooked just long enough for a good sear and to be warmed through is the best burger. Same way I eat my steaks.

>> No.18810342

Sure it is, if you want to be sure that it is safe, grind it yourself immediately before cooking with a freshly sanitized grinder and prep surfaces.

If you're still unwilling to eat a rare hamburger at that point you're just a retard.

>> No.18810775

If you "know" it then why do you make stupid posts where you ignore the information and then assert you're correct without any evidence?

I assert you're 100% wrong.
>what's your evidence
Same as yours, nothing.

>> No.18810875

I think if you're grinding your own beef then yeah okay pink in the middle is probably fine, but store-bought ground beef is a nightmare of eyeballs, assholes, parasites and bacteria and you'd be absolutely retarded to risk ingesting all of that by going pink.

>> No.18811979

ITT: Flyover rednecks realizing that all the refined people on the coast dont like eating their dumb well done shoe leather beef

>> No.18813226

Jewish “person” posting a little girl in a bikini

>> No.18813260

Actually, the single most commonly ordered temp for a burger is medium, not medium rare, followed very closely by medium well. Hell, half or more of the people ordering any kind of protein have zero idea what the temp actually means anyways so it's a moot point. If you see an order for a rare, or medium rare anything, it's likely someone that actually knows how to grill at the very least, or has some semblance of a clue. Medium is the default temp when entering an order on many many POS systems so that temp will skew higher by virtue of customers not even specifying a temp, or the server not bothering to ask. The vast majority of people ordering food out there are complete normies, raised on boxed meals and microwaves so you're dead wrong on that.

>t. Line cook and grill cook of 20 years.

>> No.18813277

>If you have quality meat from a reputable source, it's usually quite safe.
Well you don't. So cook it

>> No.18813513

Because getting sick from eating plants makes a bigger headline than getting sick from eating raw meat.

>> No.18813519

And if you have it served as a tartare, it'd be freshly butchered and manually minced, not pre-ground. Bacteria takes all but a couple hours to completely swarm meat once exposed, and grinding it increases that exposure by several times.

>> No.18813580

Completely neurotic, like most jews. Checks put

>> No.18813597

Love how Jews love cheese on their burgers

>> No.18813695

jews can't cook without gas or an oven

>> No.18814047

Only Americans eat burgers like that, the rest of the world actually cooks them

>> No.18814049

It's not cooked

>> No.18814136

Bad stuff grows in surface. When you mince meat. You increased surface are massively. If you want to eat medium rare minced meat. You need to mince it just before using it. Otherwise cook it propelly.

>> No.18814217
File: 204 KB, 694x1026, shiny burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many Rare Burger Rejecters (RBRs) in this thread, shame.

>> No.18814640

It's not his fault that Angelica Pickles is LITERALLY built for sex.

>> No.18815071

This has to be a bot, right?

>> No.18815127

>the single most commonly ordered temp for a burger is medium, not medium rare, followed very closely by medium well
I guess I just work at slightly nicer places than you, because I've never seen a POS that defaults to medium if the server doesn't put in a temp. In that case we're going to flag her down and yell at her to go back to the table and get a temp. The only time we just cook it medium is if we get a to-go order in the middle of a rush and there's no temp, but that doesn't happen very often. In my experience medium-rare is definitely a bit more popular than medium, and then a good ways down it's well-done followed by medium-well. I think people who order medium-well are the most confused. They were told their entire lives that you have to eat burgers well-done, but then they went out into the world and realized everyone else was making fun of them, so they started ordering medium-well.

>> No.18815267

I wish he’d make those “mmmmmm” noises while eating my ass